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The LSA Club Presents 30 Dates Before New Years

For its final event series of 2024, The LSA Club, presented by Lifestyle Asia Thailand returned to where it all began – at Aesops Greek Restaurant & Rooftop on the evening of November 26th for a night of sparks and connections, in partnership with Penfolds and Coffee Meets Bagel.

23 of Bangkok’s most eligible bachelors along with 23 of the city’s most eligible bachelorettes walked into Aesops Restaurant and Rooftop, received a glass of delicious wine, courtesy of our partners at Penfolds, along with a copy of the LSA Club Bible.

The LSA Club Bible is the ultimate dating guide for those living in Bangkok – crafted to assist lovebirds with finding the perfect dating spot, offering a different activity for every day of the month so you’re never out of ideas. These curated experiences span Michelin-starred fine dining restaurants to rock climbing activities, and other adrenaline boosters like the Conjuring Universe Tour. Each chapter is uniquely tailored to an individual’s vibe and preferences, so there is something for everybody!

Once attendees settled in, The LSA Club’s representatives, Mookfee Nantanapramoth and Chris Gooding kicked off the first activity of the night – asking everyone to open up their LSA Club bibles and take the personality test in Chapter 1. This test was created to help the attendees understand their own personality type so they can better find someone truly compatible. The personality test was a dating-themed MBTI-styled series of multiple choice questions where a participant’s total score in the end will deduce their personality type. The personality types include the adventurous explorer, the trendy socialite, the chill romantic, and the culture curator.

Following personality types being established, the emcees randomly selected three couples to participate in a fun game curated with support the of Penfolds: Wine4U. Each individual was asked to reveal their personality type according to The LSA Club Bible, and from this they received the ideal wine that is meant for them, whether it be something fresh and sharp like a Shiraz, or a more full-bodied deep minded Merlot.

The fun did not end here as the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes were split into 8 different tables to play a fun game of Jenga, designed for them to get to know one another on a more intimate level. Each Jenga column is numbered and aligns with a number on a board of question – whichever number the individual pulls notes the question that they must answer. They may have started the night as strangers, but they left with a much closer bond.

To wrap up the night, attendees were encouraged to follow The LSA Club Bible, especially the chapter that was curated with our partners at Coffee Meets Bagel, providing dating tips and tricks for serious daters, including dating needs that aren’t “too much” and some pointers on how to lead the conversation on a first date. All the tips and tricks within this chapter has been designed to boost dating confidence.

The night ended with everyone receiving a free one month premium membership to Coffee Meets Bagel, courtesy of our partners.

We truly can’t wait to see how many strangers who met up for the first time this evening end up together for New Years Eve.

The 30 Dates Before New Years event by The LSA Club was curated with the support of 79 Art Studio Company Limited

The LSA Club will return in 2025. For more information, please click here.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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The LSA Club Presents 30 Dates Before New Years

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