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The best ‘very mindful, very demure memes’ on X (formerly Twitter)

After brat summer, it’s very demure fall. Are you also partaking on the behaviour of being very mindful, very demure this season? Let’s see what the people on Twitter (X) have to say.

Everybody say “thank you” to Jools LeBron, because we have a new trend on our hands. Everybody is on their toes to be very mindful, very demure, all while reporting behaviours of those not being very mindful, very demure. Whether it’s to stop people from day drinking (not very demure), or to encourage concert-goers to take care of their personal hygiene (how very demure), the internet has finally accepted a trend that has made people become more appropriate in social situations.

Also props to Jools, because now she’s able to fund her transition from the trend going so viral. If that’s not very demure nor very mindful, we don’t know what is. So let’s celebrate the content creator and the act of being very mindful and very demure with these very mindful, very demure memes on Twitter (still not calling it X).

[Hero and Featured Image Credit: Viktor Theo/Unsplash]

The best ‘very mindful, very demure memes’ on X (formerly Twitter)

Say what now

Also bring back Santa Clarita Diet because that was not very demure of you, Netflix

Uplifting each other up is very demure — congrats, Dr Martinez!


Wait are we just gonna ignore the hat because that’s hilarious

Well yes!

She can’t help that she’s so popular

As a writer, reminder that correct English is demure

Just biological women supporting biological women, we love to see it


Now this is mindful. Thank you Roberta.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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The best ‘very mindful, very demure memes’ on X (formerly Twitter)

Vichayuth Chantan

Digital Writer, Drinks and Dining

Writer by day, skinny legend by night, "Kook" Vichayuth works closely with Bangkok's F&B industry. His hobbies include bar-hopping, catching up with friends, and silently judging you from across the room.

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