If you’re a lazy girl like me and prefer doing the bare minimum, check out this ultimate guide for your morning wellness routine.
Let’s be honest. Most of us don’t have that beautifully aesthetic morning routine we see all over social media. Some of us don’t even shower in the morning, let alone have time for breakfast. It’s not because we’re lazy. We just prefer to do the bare minimum. And that’s why this morning wellness routine is perfect. It’s all about making things easy for us, especially if you’re not a morning person. It’s giving looking elite without effort, and we love it.
[Hero & Feature Image Credit: Unsplash/Bruce Mars]
The ultimate lazy girl morning wellness routine
Lay out clothes the night before and place a glass of water beside your bed
For those who take forever to choose an outfit, a tip is to pick out your clothes the night before. Not only will this save time, but it’s much easier and less stressful than doing it in the morning. Also, since hydration is crucial for our morning wellness routine, place a glass of water beside your bed. Once you wake up, you can chug that down and flush out the toxins.
Splash your face with cold water
Once you’ve hit your alarm, head to the bathroom to splash your face with cold water. Trust me. This will instantly wake you up due to the shock of cold temperatures stimulating your nervous system. This method also shrinks pores and helps with morning puffiness. Who doesn’t want that? Also, since you’re in the bathroom now, you might as well brush your teeth.
Make yourself a coffee or your drink of choice
After getting instant energy from the cold splash of water, head to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee or drink of choice. Why shouldn’t you shower just yet? Well, if you love hot coffee or tea in the morning, it’s better to let it cool down whilst you’re in the shower. So, after you’re ready to seize the day, there’s a lovely drink waiting for you. How efficient.
Go shower & get ready
The best time to shower is when your drink is in the making and cooling down. Take this time to relax, and don’t forget skincare (or at least moisturiser and sunscreen). Please don’t skip out on putting that SPF all over your face and neck.
Daily journaling and affirmations
Although some may like to keep their journal beside their bed, why not leave it on the kitchen table next to your coffee? That way, you’ll see it when you reach for your drink once ready. Write down a to-do list for the day. To make the tasks more fun, give yourself a reward at the end if everything is accomplished. Also, write down some affirmations to make your day more positive. You can use this time to eat breakfast too before heading out the door.