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What is the burnt toast theory, and how is it helping TikTokers navigate life?

What is the burnt toast theory? Currently very popular amongst the TikTok crowd, this new lifestyle trend is proving a useful mental health tool for many.

Originated on TikTok, the burnt toast theory involves accepting that everyday inconveniences occur for the right reasons, thus avoiding more serious disasters. According to its proponents, this theory helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.

What is the burnt toast theory on TikTok all about?

toast theory tiktok
Image Credit: Amy Shamblen/Unsplash

The burnt toast theory takes its name from an everyday situation that’s already been experienced by millions of people — when a slice of bread comes out of the toaster burnt to a crisp. This minor breakfast time blip is nevertheless likely to delay your departure for work or school, and therefore cause stress. But, according to burnt toast theory, this time wasted toasting another piece of bread is actually the universe’s way of preventing another incident, which could be much more serious. Basically, even bad things happen for good reasons.


This way of seeing the glass half full appears to have gained ground thanks to a video posted this summer on TikTok by a user named offthe__grid. The user explains that she adopted this theory to calm her anxiety. In her video, viewed almost 100,000 times, the young woman states that: “It’s really been helping me accept things that are out of my control.” “Adopting [this theory] and really thinking about it when I might be upset about something that’s out of my control has really grounded me and I have a little bit more peace in my life. Of course, you won’t know exactly what the ‘burnt toast’ has saved you from, but that’s not the point. The point is to allow you to accept things in life that are completely out of your control, to give you more peace and ground you.”

burnt toast theory tiktok
Image Credit: Mishaalzahed/Unsplash

Finding meaning in life (and in toast)

Burnt toast theory is actually a psychological mechanism we already adopt instinctively: finding meaning in life, even in the worst of times. “Our human instinct is to seek meaning by crafting chaos into cohesion,” psychologist Cameron Williams told Refinery29. “Our own resilience and strengths as humans allow us to take our unique circumstances and make them work for our benefit.” In short, even if we designate the universe as the master of our destiny, we are, in reality, the only ones responsible for the events that happen to us. However, the expert believes that concepts like burnt toast theory can help provide “anchors in life’s storms” and could be an effective solution for staying strong when life throws up something unexpected or when things seem to escape our control.

This story is published via AFP Relaxnews.

What is the burnt toast theory, and how is it helping TikTokers navigate life?

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