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Japanese exercises to add to your workout routine for reducing belly fat

Starting with belly fat, let’s discuss some of the best Japanese exercise routines that will help you burn the extra calories easily. Put your training shoes on and keep reading.

Going to the gym can be a daunting task on some days, and nothing works better than spicing up the workout routine on days when you feel lazy. There are several ways to make an exercise routine more engaging but wait until you try out these Japanese exercises.

Belly fat is the most stubborn area to work on, but certain Japanese exercises help in shaping this area without any rigorous efforts. These exercises can be performed at home as well as you do not need any equipment for these. Along with an exemplary workout routine, you also need to take care of your diet and sleeping routine. It is only when you live a balanced life and follow a routine, is when you will see a difference. Check out the Japanese exercise routines for belly fat that can help in getting you in shape.

Try these easy Japanese exercises for belly fat

exercises to lose belly fat
Image Courtesy:
Ivan Krivoshein/Unsplash

Japanese exercise routines for belly fat often prioritise efficiency, with exercises designed to maximize results in a shorter amount of time. Japanese exercises often incorporate functional movements that mimic real-life activities which prove to be great for belly fat burning.

Radio Taso

This is one of the easiest exercises to lose belly fat. Radio Taso consists of two parts, with each part consisting of 13 different sequences. These elements, when combined together affect about 400 different muscles of the human body and is great for reducing belly fat. The routine requires a person to stand tall and stretch their entire body and then bend the knees up and down for a couple of minutes.

Long Breath Diet by Ruosuke

The Long-breath diet exercise helps in reducing belly fat very easily. All a person has to do is stand in a particular position and breathe in for three seconds. After a short pause, they need to breathe out vigorously for seven seconds. This helps the body use more oxygen which in return helps in buring belly fat.

Japanese towel exercise

This is one of the most famous Japanese exercises for belly fat. The exercise requires the person to lie on their back with their hands and legs stretched away from the body. A rolled towel then needs to be placed under the back, near the naval area. Once settled in this position, the person needs to stay in the same position for five minutes, and then slowly relax the body. This helps in fixing the alignment of the spine and pelvis, which is considered to be a vital reason for fat accumulating around the abdominal area.

Tai chi

Colloquially regarded as ‘meditation in motion,’ tai chi is said to be a great exercise to reduce belly fat. This workout requires a dozen or fewer intentional movements combined with a few minutes of gentle breathing that benefit overall physical and mental well-being. A relaxed body and mind ensure smooth weight loss.

Tenugui Taido

Tenugui Taido is a very effective and easy-to-perform Japanese exercise for belly fat. It targets the midsection of the belly and helps in strengthening the core muscles. To perform this exercise, one needs to stand with their feet and shoulder-width apart. Then swing a small towel from side to side while keeping both hands in front of themselves and engaging the core muscles.

Lunges Toe Touch

Lunges are a very common exercise to lose belly fat. But in the Japanese version of it, experts recommend adding a toe touch to the routine. A person needs to get into the lunges position for this exercise. As the person lowers their body into a lunge position, they are required to simultaneously bend at the waist and stretch the right hand down to touch the alternate left toe and repeat it on the other side.


This exercise is very effective for getting rid of stubborn belly fat. This exercise requires a person to start with light jogging in place. This helps in warming up the body. Once done, the person should perform stretches including toe touches, arm circles, and leg swings. The exercise can be finished with ten minutes of jogging or brisk walking.

Seated torso twist

The seated torso twist is a dynamic routine that helps in activating the core. One needs to sit on a flat surface and rotate their torso from side to side. This martial arts exercise targets the lower back, obliques, hips, and glutes — which in turn helps in reducing belly fat.

What do experts have to say?

Prateek Kumar, fitness expert, nutritionist and founder of FitCru tells us, “It’s possible that low-impact activities like Tai Chi, Radio Taiso, and the towel exercise can help you lose belly fat if you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. Although this may occur as a result of calorie burn from practising these exercises. The key to reducing belly fat and maintaining a healthy weight is a holistic strategy comprising of a good diet and regular exercise.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What exercises burn the most belly fat?
Aerobic exercise including activities like walking, dancing, running or swimming helps in burning the most belly fat.

– How to lose belly fat in 7 days?
With the right kind of diet and exercise routine, one can shed a few calories in seven days.

– What are 5 exercises for belly fat?
Kettlebell Swing, Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Plank and Crunches are the best five exercises to burn belly fat.

– What is the no. 1 way to lose belly fat?
20–40 minutes of cardio each day is the no. 1 way to lose belly fat.

Hero Image: Courtesy Anastase Maragos/Unsplash; Feature Image: Courtesy Mark Hang Fung So/Unsplash

Japanese exercises to add to your workout routine for reducing belly fat

Ananya Swaroop

Digital Writer - Entertainment

Cinema has always fascinated Ananya, so much that she got a degree in media to know more about it. She has worked for magazines like Man's World India and CineBlitz as an entertainment writer. When not writing about films and celebrities, she likes to travel to new places or try new cuisines. Travel and Food are her latest interests and she is looking forward to explore these further.

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