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How to manifest and make your dreams come true with Valentina Ploy

“Just when you almost give up, that’s when the magic happens.” – Valentina Ploy

When it comes to making your dreams come true, not only does one need to work hard, but they also have to believe in themself. And that’s precisely what the Thai-Italian artist Valentina Ploy did. Even at her darkest time, Valentina revealed how she was on the brink of giving up. She had been producing a lot of music, but no one was listening. However, after many hardships, the 30-year-old singer heard some good news that she could be opening for Coldplay. To express her feelings, she wrote the song “When You Almost Give Up.” 

“I felt it was a sign from the universe because I got the message when I was going through a hard time.”

Now, although there was no confirmation yet, Valentina was determined to believe she already had it. As someone who believes in the law of attraction, that was precisely what this young lady did. The law of attraction says whatever you think about, focus on, fantasize, worry about, or talk about, you’ll be able to create more of it in your life. For instance, if one were to talk about how miserable their life is, they would attract more negativity. However, if an individual is more optimistic, they will attract more positive energy. And that’s exactly what Valentina did. Keep reading to discover how she made her dreams come true through manifestation below. 

How to manifest and make your dreams come true with Valentina Ploy

Understand what you want 

When it comes to manifesting, you must first know what you want and find out who you are, according to Valentina. “When I was on The Voice Thailand, I had no idea who I was. I didn’t even feel like an artist yet. I just knew that I was a shy kid who liked to write songs. That was a big challenge for me as I wouldn’t like to be on stage. However, understanding that my dream and goal are to pursue music, I already knew I had to overcome my fear. I had to learn, gain more experience, and get out of my comfort zone. Now, I’ve finally found myself. I know who I am as an artist and what I need to do.” 

Positive thinking 

“It’s important to have a positive outlook on life. I usually have it, but as humans, we all have our ups and downs. The reason why I try to be optimistic is because I solely believe in the law of attraction. Even when things were rough, I chose to trust the universe, and when I did, everything was better.”

Being delusional 

Another tip from Valentina is to be delusional. Even though she hadn’t been confirmed as Coldplay’s opening act yet, the star believed she had already got the gig. “When I heard it could be me, I was scared because what if I didn’t get it? However, I told myself that if I wanted to, I had to believe I had already got the gig. I had to be delusional, so I simply told myself it was already mine. When I did that, it’s like because I already believed in it, I attracted it.”

How to manifest and make your dreams come true with Valentina Ploy

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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