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November 2022 lunar eclipse: What to expect and how it will affect your zodiac

You may have heard that there will be a lunar eclipse tonight, on Loy Krathong night. But have you wondered how this Blood Moon will affect your zodiac sign? Read on for our findings.

As we enter the joyous holiday season, leaving behind the horrors of Halloween, certain astrological events seem to hold on to the spooky elements in early November 2022. We are quite literally in the middle of the autumn eclipse season, and the total lunar eclipse, also known as Blood Moon or Beaver Moon, on 8 November can impact the various zodiac signs differently.

While the autumn leg of the astrological events in 2022 started with a partial solar eclipse on 25 October, a full lunar eclipse will take place on 8 November. This has its own effects on zodiac signs but serves as a good opportunity to take stock of certain things and be mindful, and some precautions can easily help you sail through this Blood Moon period.

All about the Blood Moon 2022 and its impact on different zodiac signs

What to expect from this lunar eclipse?

Lunar eclipse November 2022 blood moon
Image: Courtesy of Vino Li/ @vinomamba24/ Unsplash

This is the last eclipse until 2023 and will begin at 05:17 am EST (5.17 pm Thailand time) and end at 6:42 am EST (6.42pm Thailand time). A partial eclipse will then be visible until 8:05 am EST (8.05 pm Thailand time). The moon will be under the Earth’s shadow for a full 85 minutes and take on a reddish tinge, which imparts the moniker Blood Moon.

This time, the brightest lunar eclipse is expected to be a period of chaos and upheavals. It is also a time to assess material goods and connect with values to see what resonates best with your mindset. In terms of astrology, the four governing planets in focus are Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus, making it a period of chaos and twisted ends which can compel you to make hasty decisions and feel insecure, especially when it comes to relationships.

The sun and Mercury come together on the 8 November morning, while Uranus, which opposes the first planet, connects in the evening. Such an event manifests its energy and helps the zodiacs get a clearer perspective. While on one hand, Uranus makes you break out from the norms and strive for independence as against a controlling Saturn, on the other hand, Mercury and Venus might make you do things that will make you happy and positive.

How will the Blood Moon 2022 affect the zodiac signs?

Lunar eclipse November 2022
Image: Courtesy of Micky White/ @creso/ Unsplash

This time, four zodiac signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius — are in focus. Full moons are generally events of big revelations and confronting hidden feelings and resolving issues that we usually brush under the carpet. Having said that, all the other zodiac signs shall be affected by the November Blood Moon.

Aries (21 March — 19 April)

Money matters take centre stage for Aries. While you might see great financial fluctuations, you can also find options for savings and plan your expenses accordingly, as well as come across new money-making ways to ring in prosperity. It can be quite a hurricane period, but once the dust settles down, you will be in a stable position.

Taurus (20 April — 20 May)

This lunar eclipse is a period of massive changes and emotional rides for this earth sign, especially as the moon joins the forces of the energy of Uranus. While you might find yourself in the spotlight, it is important for you to feel safe and secure. During this lunar eclipse, things might be shaky and can plummet your self-confidence, but it is completely alright to evolve into a new version of yourself and regain your footing.

Gemini (21 May — 20 June)

Gemini is a more stable and well-equipped sign to deal with topsy-turvy lunar eclipses. But this time, it can be a period of addressing buried feelings and letting go of all negative energy. Pamper yourself and take time out for self-love, eliminate all toxic drama and frustrations and allow yourself to rejuvenate.

Cancer (21 June — 22 July)

Cancer is a loving sign that finds comfort and happiness in helping others. However, this eclipse season, the sign might feel frazzled with even a slight change in their social dynamics and begin analysing friendships and relationships. While it might seem comforting to live in close quarters with people, you should keep in mind to be open to new acquaintances.

Leo (23 July — 22 August)

People under the Leo zodiac sign — this Blood Moon 2022 can have an overwhelming impact on your work front and impact your career. You might be required to make crucial decisions and lead certain arenas, which might seem daunting initially, but will help you boost your professional life. Though things may seem like spiralling out of hand, it is important to feel secure and satisfied and put your abilities to good use.

Virgo (23 August — 22 September)

Virgo, an Earth sign, is quite grounded and always tends to feel secure around close ones. But, during this Blood Moon, you might feel an urge of insecurity and would want to be cautious. You might have to reluctantly step out of your comfort zone and made to try out different things.

Libra (23 September — 22 October)

This time can put you, Libra, off balance. During such moments, it is best to take a step back and stay away from all kinds of drama. You might be able to look through people and even reflect on your own thoughts and desires. Avoid getting entangled in tricky situations; instead, face your truths and introspect.

Scorpio (23 October — 21 November)

A Scorpio might go through an emotional upheaval during this lunar eclipse, as the sun, Mercury and Venus are in your sight, with the added energy of the full moon. Dynamics in your relationships can change as you discover new information and sides about your partner. You can find yourself breaking old norms, taking new steps in your relationship and having some unexpected conversations with each other. Whether you go for commitments or end things, a positive change might be on the way.

Sagittarius (22 November — December 21)

This Lunar eclipse can compel you to make drastic changes to your daily routine and potentially impact your lifestyle. Since you are spontaneous and vivacious, these positive changes can bring about happy vibes and make you a better and more lively person. It might feel a bit too much initially as old habits do die hard, but productive changes will always be beneficial.

Capricorn (22 December — 19 January)

The Capricorn sign will feel the urge to complete a task at hand and later ponder on what to do once the work is completed. This is also the time to seek flirty relationships or give a chance to your creative side. In a way, this is the time to express yourself more openly and be your truest self.

Aquarius (20 January — 18 February)

You might feel a racy heart as challenging dynamics between Saturn and Uranus, the traditional and modern planets of the sign, come together. The glowing moon also manifests itself through the responsibilities of the family. You will feel happy to connect and be with your loved ones and discover unknown facts about them as well as yourself. During such an emotional period, the home front shall become quite pronounced as you feel more at ease with family members.

Pisces (19 February — 20 March)

You are quite busy and might feel overworked under the Blood Moon 2022 influence. A soaring pile of pending tasks, messages and calls can leave you flustered. But there is nothing to worry about. Simply take a deep breath and push yourself to do things at your own pace. Keep your instincts alive as new opportunities, ideas and even secrets might come by that can have a deep impact on your life.

(Main image credit: Lars Kuczynski/ @codefriend_de/ Unsplash; Feature image credit: Jochem Raat/ @jchmrt/ Unsplash)

November 2022 lunar eclipse: What to expect and how it will affect your zodiac

Trinetra is an ardent foodie and bibliophile who writes about films, travel, food and lifestyle. As a writer and literature student, slam poetry and storytelling are her go to jam. When not working, Trinetra is busy looking for her next place to visit or binge-watching Instagram videos for travel inspiration.

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