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How to survive the final Mercury retrograde of 2022 this December

The year’s fourth and final Mercury retrograde is fast approaching. This powerful planet of communication is going to retrograde between 22 December to 18 January 2023. Be warned, the effects of this phenomenon will continue until 7 February 2023. Here’s our survival guide.

For the uninitiated, Mercury is known as the ‘messenger to Gods’ in ancient Western astrology, and therefore, the most obvious effect of its retrograding will be the chaos caused by miscommunication. This planet also has its effect on travel, use of technology and leadership abilities.

So why does Earth experience Mercury retrograding three or four times every year? The answer lies in its physical proximity to our planet and the fact that it is moving so quickly, as compared to other planets in the solar system.

However, there is no need to worry or panic because this astronomical event can give us karmic retribution if we have the correct attitude and are well-prepared during this period to tackle any kind of snags in our professional and personal lives.

Delay in travel, breaking down of electronic gadgets and most importantly, coming across an undesirable blast from the past — that is, communication or confrontation with ex-lovers is likely to happen while mercury is in apparent retrograde motion.

But before we dive into how the fourth Mercury retrograde 2022 affects each zodiac sign, it is important to first break down this astrophysical occurrence, which will help us get our guards up to protect ourselves from any harm in this period.

Mercury retrograde: Meaning and scope

Mercury retrogrades in three phases. First is when the planet appears to be in a movement because of optical illusion. This is the initial stage and is called a pre-retrograde shadow.

The second phase is when the two planets, Earth and Mercury, are very close to each other. This is the main and intense period when the retrograde is at its peak.

The third phase is the post-retrograde shadow when Mercury makes a final crossing. According to Western astrology, this powerful planet of communication gives us three chances to revise, reflect and move forward, leaving all past fallacies behind.

Mercury retrograde 2022 in Capricorn: What does it mean?

mercury retrograde 2022
Image credit: Courtesy of Miriam Espacio/Pexels

Although the last Mercury retrograde begins on 22 December, its pre-retrograde shadow will be experienced from 12 December onwards. The effects of this event can be felt till 23 February. This is also the period of Capricorn which can make circumstances for the zodiac trickier.

Did you know? Almost one percent of people in power belong to this zodiac sign. This sign denotes ambition and leadership. It is ruled by Saturn, which demands discipline. Principles of reward and punishment are followed by Capricorns in general.

Therefore, Mercury retrograding in this sign could mean that a Capricorn’s travel or party plans might not come to fruition, which could be annoying for most of the zodiac signs. It is also likely that your decision-making powers could get impaired. So, if your travel plans are getting cancelled repeatedly or you are a victim of miscommunication on the family and work front, you know whom to blame.

Mercury rules communication; thus, its retrograding in Capricorn can be intense. However, this will help you clear your karmic debt and move forward in life without emotional baggage.

Final Mercury retrograde 2022: How will the zodiac signs get affected?

mercury retrograde 2022
Image credit: Courtesy of Jakub Pabis/ Pexels

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

The ram needs to be aware of communication problems caused at work, as it is always the little slips that blow up into something big. Additionally, it is forecast that Aries will cut a lot of unwanted ties to protect their sanity, which will help them in the long run.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May )

This earth sign will face major problems in the field of tech. Those working in this field will suffer due to an unstable internet connection, email issues, loss of unsaved data and other issues related to tech. They are advised to be extra careful and revise every official mail before hitting send to bosses and co-workers.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

This air sign is known for its communication skills, and Mercury rules communication. No prizes for guessing that this retrograde will hit The Twins on an emotional level. However, the good news is that it will allow old wounds to heal.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

This emotional water sign needs to attract only good energy and practise self-love. There might be problems related to tech because of which their work might get held up. There might also come a point where they would need to fiercely set boundaries to maintain sanity, even among loved ones. It is best not to invest in anything monetary during this period.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Constant disruption of plans can cause stress for the Lion. Confusion and delays will become common. Travel plans will get disturbed and expenses will add up for no particular reason. This fire sign needs to take care of their health during this time.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

This Earth sign is a perfectionist. Hence, unnecessary delays and loss of control over personal and professional life are its biggest pet peeves. The key to surviving this retrograde is to sit tight, be open to suggestions and ultimately stay calm until the storm passes.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

This air sign, denoted by a balance, needs to take an extra effort to control their expenses. Additionally, it is important for them to not take their frustration out on loved ones.

Scorpio (22 October – 21 November)

This emotional sign ruled by Pluto will get plenty of opportunities to move away from people or overcome past experiences that no longer serve a purpose. There will be confrontations, yes, some ugly and pleasant ones from long-lost foes and lovers alike.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

This sign symbolised by The Archer is usually the most balanced among all the other 11 signs. However, during this Mercury retrograde, they will be a part of some unnecessary drama involving friends and family because of lack of proper communication.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January )

It is not at all surprising that Capricorn will get most affected because Mercury is retrograding in its house. Career-oriented and motivated at all times, this zodiac sign will not know what hit them during this period. Instead of panicking, it is advised for this sign to just sit tight and wait this period out.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

This water sign needs to disconnect a bit to protect their mental health and sanity. Solitude will help them sail through the storm of chaos and confusion that the retrograde will bring.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Denoted by a pair of fishes, the Pisces is one of the most non-confrontational signs in the zodiac. They will be faced with some unpleasant situations concerning their ex-lovers which will put them in a difficult situation emotionally.

The final word: Good karma is all you need to survive the last Mercury retrograde of 2022

mercury retrograde 2022
Image credit: Courtesy of Daniel Torobekov/Unsplash

In our fast-paced life, it is necessary for us to take a pause and reflect on our life choices. And thinking about good karma can get us through unpleasant situations caused by planetary shifts like this one.

Keeping our conscience clear and being accepting towards everything that the universe bestows upon us is all you need to survive the final Mercury retrograde 2022.

(Main and featured image credit: Courtesy of ZCH/Pexels)

How to survive the final Mercury retrograde of 2022 this December

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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