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Wolf Moon 2023: What it is, how it will impact you, and why you should care

The Wolf Moon is approaching soon. What does this mean and how will it impact you?

The first full moon of the year occurs in January and is known as the Wolf Moon. Now, there are several ways in which the moon has an effect on earthlings, and a full moon just magnifies that. It is said that the moon is in charge of our subconscious and inner emotions.

Interestingly, Wiccan and pagan practices celebrate the moon and believe that it influences us with its feminine energies. They also perform rituals of invoking the celestial body on the night of the full moon and unlocking the lunar magic in the community. It is an intense, immersive and highly spiritual exercise as the moon’s energy is called upon on the earth.

Whether you believe in astrology or not, watching a full moon in all its glory sure is an unforgettable experience in itself. There is a lot of astrological importance denoted to this occurrence, as it is said that the full moon or wolf moon and the house that it takes place in bring out various energies in the 12 zodiacs.

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Why is January’s full moon called Wolf Moon?

wolf moon
Image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels

A full moon occurs when this celestial body is exactly opposite to our planet, and the light reflected from the sun bounces off its surface. That’s when the entire surface of the moon is visible from Earth’s vantage point. It is said that Native American tribes named the January full moon after the wolves because they would hear them howling on the wintery nights of January.

The Wolf Moon has a lot of significance in Anglo-Saxon culture, too. In Saxon, January is called Wulf Monath or Wolf Month. The Gaelic word for January is Faoilleach, which originates from the term used for wolves, faol-chù. They also call this Severe Moon or Hard Moon, again referencing the cold weather. This is also known as the moon after Yule, an important winter solstice festival celebrated towards the end of December when the Cold Moon occurs.

January also happens to be the month when the wolves usually howl more. It is believed that they sing to the full moon. Although there is no evidence of this, wolves generally look up in any direction and the sound frequencies of their howls are carried at a higher altitude.

The January full moon is also called the Micromoon, as the moon is farthest from the earth at this point. It is also known as the ‘Frost Exploding Moon’ because this full moon appears right in the middle of the winter months and depicts the extreme cold.

Wolf Moon: Constellation and house

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Image: Courtesy of David Besh/Pexels

The Wolf Moon rises on 7 January at around 4:38 am IST. Usually, the wolf moon lies in the house of Cancer. However, since in 2023, it will be seen just towards the end of the first week, it will appear in the house of Gemini. At the same time, it will have a few characteristics of the zodiac sign of Cancer denoted by the crab.

The stars of Gemini — Castor and Pollux — are in the constellation of this moon in the night sky.

Wolf Moon 2023: Features and tips to reduce its effects

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Image: Courtesy of Francesco Ungaro/Pexels

While the zodiac sign of Cancer and the moon help you connect with your inner emotions, Gemini will also enhance this as it is an air sign of communication and free-spiritedness. Moreover, since the Wolf Moon is in a period of transformation, zodiacs will be charged with positive energy this new year. Additionally, goal-oriented motives will get a much-needed boost as you will see the bigger picture and act accordingly.

Do not be afraid to dream big and have high hopes during this Wolf Moon. This applies to all 12 zodiacs.

Here is how the Wolf Moon affects the zodiac signs

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Image: Courtesy of Felipe Gaioski/Pexels

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The vibe of this fire sign symbolised by the ram will be relaxed and warm. Do not let anything rush you. Take a breather and relax for a bit before you get busy with the frenzy of tasks and responsibilities to fulfil in the year 2023.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The earth sign of Taurus represented by the bull will confront their inner emotions. It may seem uncomfortable to have difficult conversations about one’s feelings with loved ones, but this full moon will propel you to do just that and get a much-needed closure, finally!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This sign will obviously feel a great deal of the impact of the Wolf Moon because it occurs in their house. The air sign denoted by the Twins will need to set some boundaries and choose personal growth and mental health over everything else. This usually sociable zodiac sign will look inwards and maintain a polite distance from everyone and everything that disrupts their peace.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Since the Wolf Moon partly falls in the house of Cancer, too, this overtly sentimental sign will feel even more emotional during this period and would find a way to vent out their choked-up feelings.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The attention-seeking sign influenced by the sun will be unusually restrained during the Wolf Moon. Introspection and some alone time are advised for the Lion — the zodiac symbol for Leo.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This practical zodiac seeking perfection will look at their personal relationships for a change. The focus will be on loved ones and family, not work. This will give them a scope to nurture the relationships closest to them and bare their hearts for once.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Quite the opposite of the Virgo, the air sign of Libra will focus more on their professional growth in the full moon of January. Self-belief is critical during this time to realise their work goals. The lunar cycle supports this growth, too.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The usually contemplative zodiac sign of Scorpio will need to brave a storm, as they might have to face a few not-so-pleasant situations during this time frame. This profoundly initiative sign might get a bit vengeful at times. However, this is not the moment to behave according to their core instincts, for they need to remain calm and let things go for a change.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This sign is usually known for its balanced outlook towards life, but the full moon can push them over an edge and bring out a dramatic side to their personality.

A survival tip: Do not let the emotional upheaval bother you much and try to remain composed, for this is just a temporary phase.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The hardworking and overzealous zodiac sign denoted by a fictional animal similar to a sea horse will turn their energies towards their home. They will have a deep conversation with a loved one and strengthen personal bonds.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The Aquarius will be in the mood to take some load off and unwind. It is a well-deserved rest period for this sign known for being progressive and futuristic.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Love will take centre stage for the dreamy Pisces. The January full moon will usher in romance for this water sign who loves to remain in their world of fairytales.

Wolf Moon 2023: What it is, how it will impact you, and why you should care

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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