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Most immature zodiac signs who just cannot handle money

The Amazon River has an average flow speed of 224,000 m3/s, but it’s still not as fast as these zodiac signs draining their money out of their wallets. Here are the most immature zodiac signs.

Ask a millionaire the secret to their wealth besides their obvious attributes like hard work, discipline and consistency, they will often credit their luck. And while some individuals earn money easily, they are unable to accumulate wealth. Have you ever wondered why? Well, even though some critics do not quite support money manifestation techniques, practitioners of astrology believe that your birth chart plays a major role in deciding whether you will be rich or poor in the material world. So, let’s find out why some of the most immature zodiac signs find it difficult to handle money.

How astrology affects money management for zodiacs

immature zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels

The second, fifth, eighth, ninth and 11th houses in the birth chart are the significators of wealth in astrology. The second house indicates one’s attitude towards money along with their earning capacity. While the eighth house is indicative of whether one is born into wealth, and the ninth house is all about general good fortune. One of the most important houses is 11th, as it attracts huge amounts of money in the individual’s lifetime.

Planets associated with progress are Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. Their alignment in the birth chart gives a more accurate prediction about a person’s financial condition. If one wants to look specifically at whether they will be able to retain their good fortune, then check if they have an exalted Mercury confirming longstanding financial stability.

Most immature zodiac signs who cannot handle money


immature zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of Drew Rae/Pexels

Sagittarius is the last of the fire signs on the zodiac chart. Even though they are ruled by Jupiter, they have some trouble with saving money. They are not judicious planners and seek thrill in life. Sags are often tempted to throw caution to the wind and make spontaneous decisions concerning travel and business. The sign ruled by the archer is adventurous to their core and finds it challenging to carry on with a routine and consistently follow up with their financial commitments. Being of mutable modality also does not make it easy for them to stick to one financial plan, as they are forever on the move and are not very stable signs.


party animal
Image: Courtesy of Cottonbro Studio/Pexels

This curious air sign represented by The Twins signifies duality in astrology. Also called social butterflies of the zodiac wheel, they like to meet people and take up several projects at once. Since their attention is divided into various activities, they like to earn and spend money without much thought of the future. Inherently fun-loving, they are ruled by Mercury. Intelligent and likeable, they often do well in their professional lives but are also tempted to splurge on things they love. The zodiac is, thus, included in the list of most immature zodiac signs who cannot handle money.


Leo is a fixed fire sign known for their large-heartedness and regal attitude towards life. This sign is symbolised by the lion and is known to gravitate towards everything grand. They like to make it large and are big spenders. They are also known to be indulgent towards their loved ones and don’t mind pampering them. The zodiac is ruled by the Sun and is a beacon of positivity. By nature, they seldom worry about things, and that is seen in their spending habits, too. Hence, they could be called a bit immature when it comes to managing their finances.


Image: Courtesy of Oleksandr P/Pexels

This is the last of the water signs and is known for its peace-loving and calm demeanour. They are ruled by the planet of dreams and fantasies Neptune and are forever spinning story tales in their la la land. They have a zen-like mind and usually think beyond material happiness. They immerse themselves in art and seek happiness in little things. Not necessarily immature, but they are unbothered about finances and the status that comes with it in society.


Hardworking man
Image: Courtesy of RDNE Stock Project/Pexels

Aquarius is an air sign denoted by the water carrier with a fixed modality. Far from being immature when it comes to money management, the zodiac sign is, sort of, detached from the world and does not think about personal gains. Always ready to help a friend or family member in need, they have difficulty in hoarding wealth. Ruled by Uranus, which is the god of revolution, they are more into community service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Which zodiac signs are mature?
Earth signs of Virgo and Capricorn and water signs of Pisces and Cancer are considered the most mature among all the zodiac signs.

-Which zodiac signs don’t care about money?
The air sign of Aquarius always thinks about the greater good and is not concerned with wealth accumulation. Cancer, a water sign, is very emotional and empathetic but not money-minded at all.

– Which zodiacs are money minded?
All earth signs — Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn — do very well in the practical world because of their need to create and accumulate wealth.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels)

Most immature zodiac signs who just cannot handle money

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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