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Which are the meanest Chinese zodiac signs (and why?)

Let’s familiarise you with the meanest Chinese zodiac sign, revealing the personality traits that make them so unwelcoming, rotten, and not to be invited to anything anywhere.

Sure, we’re all mean and stingy to some degree, but have you ever looked at someone and been like, “Why have you got to be SO mean?” Yes, that’s exactly the level of meanness we’re talking about. While there’s nothing wrong with protecting your interests by acting sly at times, some people intentionally put others down and derive sadistic pleasure from it. Hate them all you want, but some people can’t help being mean because of some fault in their stars. In Chinese astrology, some zodiac animals are notorious for their unyielding nature. Whether it’s their sharp tongue or uncompromising behaviour – these signs leave no room for mercy. Let’s familiarise you with the meanest Chinese zodiac sign.

Whether it’s frustration, envy, insecurity or inferiority – meanness can stem from one of these many negative feelings. Don’t get us wrong, belonging to a particular Chinese zodiac sign doesn’t make you a bad person! But the intrinsic traits of some of these signs might make you more likely to display your meanness in full glory as compared to other zodiac signs. We’ve ranked the meanest Chinese zodiac signs, revealing the personality traits that make them so unwelcoming!

Find out which Chinese zodiac sign is the meanest of them all


Birth years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029..

rooster chinese zodiac
Image credit: yanalya/ Freepik

Rooster sits atop the list of meanest Chinese zodiac signs – thanks to its absolutely ungenerous nature. Did you know that Chinese people would even use ‘an iron cock’ to express a stingy person? Roosters are very aggressive and intelligent when it comes to minting money and possessing great wealth, however, they won’t part with their riches at any cost – even if it’s for helping a close friend or family member in need. Don’t be surprised if you find them secretly counting money in their room every night – it’s probably their hobby!

Despite having the resources to enjoy all the luxuries of life, they’d still opt for the cheapest means to lead their lives. And while this expert ability to save is great, what’s NOT great is not aiding or spending that money on your loved ones. Even if Roosters do loan you some money, they’ll be very narrow-minded and calculative – giving you (condescending) reminders about what’s due.


Birth years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

rat zodiac sign
Image credit: wayhomestudio/ Freepik

Never trust Rats to spare even a penny to pull you out of your financial troubles! Ask them for financial help and see their colour turn pale.

People born in the Year of the Rat enjoy great luck with money and will keep hoarding their fortune rather than spend it or turn to those in need. They’re so tight on their wallets and will rarely offer any monetary support despite knowing that their pals are struggling for help. This reluctance to spend and make the most out of their limited budget makes them great bargainers for sure! But where’s the generosity, Rats?


Birth years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034..

tiger zodiac
Image credit: cookie_studio/ Freepik

While they might appear passionate, warm-hearted and generous on the surface, Tigers are penny-pinching folks who can trick even their close ones in matters of money. Tiger is great at deceiving people with its facade. The sign will gain your trust and impress you by displaying a powerful and confident personality but won’t take a second to bail out on you when you’re in dire need of (financial) help.

The manipulative Tiger will trick you with well-crafted excuses and evade any responsibility or request that needs immediate attention. Tigers will keep themselves in your good books with their ‘too-good-to-be-true’ words, but NEVER actually be of any help when you’re at your lowest. The sign’s strong self-egoism and the need to exude control in every relationship makes it really hard for them to build good interpersonal relationships. They’d rather be a lonely miser than be a happy giver!


Birth years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, and 2025..

snake zodiac
Image credit: KamranAydinov/ Freepik

Insidious and cunning to the core, Snake has a list of thousands of excuses to ditch you in testing times! Snake values money above everything else and is really cunning about where to invest it. They’ll quarrel and ruin relationships over the tiniest slip-ups related to money – making it loud and clear that they desire nothing and nobody more than material wealth. Even during social outings, they’ll never offer a penny and instead make excuses to pay their own share.

Secondly, these pompous beings mostly look down upon others’ opinions and will always criticise them /dim their spirits without caring about their feelings. While you might think that being brutally honest is the best policy, Snakes dissuade people from pursuing things NOT because the sign thinks it’s bad for them, but because they can’t see others doing better than them. So, the next time you think about seeking help from your Snake friend, remember that they can sting you without any guilt!

(Hero image credit: master1305/ Freepik)

(Feature image credit: Polina Zimmerman/ Pexels)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Which Chinese zodiac sign is the meanest?

Rooster is considered to be the meanest sign of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Which Chinese zodiac is kind-hearted?

The Rabbit Chinese zodiac sign is admired for its kind-hearted and friendly nature.

  • Which Chinese zodiac sign is stubborn?

Ox is the most stubborn Chinese zodiac sign. It is (almost) impossible to change their mind when they have already decided on something.

Which are the meanest Chinese zodiac signs (and why?)

Kriti Nayyar

Digital writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech

Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.

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