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Luckiest dates to get married in 2024, according to the Chinese zodiac

As we enter the Chinese zodiac Year of the Dragon 2024, let’s guide you through the luckiest dates for marriage this year.

Are you contemplating the perfect time to say ‘I do’? Tying the knot is one of the most auspicious dates in one’s life, so making sure to add that extra dose of goodwill by choosing the right day, month and year is very important to be blessed with a good marital life. Choosing a wedding date is the first and most important chore on your to-do list as you inch near your D-day and the best way to ensure you’re picking the best one is by relying on your stars. Chinese astrology plays a pivotal role in shaping important life choices, guiding you towards the most auspicious date to start a lifelong journey of love and commitment. As we enter the Chinese zodiac ‘Year of the Dragon’ 2024, let’s guide you through the luckiest dates for marriage, so that you can send out those ‘save the date’ invitations ASAP!

Selecting an auspicious wedding date imbues positive energy and harmony, promising prosperity and ensuring that you better mitigate the challenges and obstacles in your union. There are a number of fortune-filled dates in the upcoming Year of the Dragon you can consider booking. Keep reading to find out.

Luckiest marriage dates in 2024, according to Chinese calendar

luckiest marriage dates
Image credit: Leonardo Miranda/ Unsplash

2024 will be celebrated as the ‘Year of the Wood Dragon’. The positive qualities of wood (like growth and flexibility), combined with the inspiring traits of the mythical animal ensure that 2024 will be filled with opportunities for personal growth, happiness and fortune. Year of the Wood Dragon is particularly great for forging strong bonds and lasting love.

There are a couple of reasons why 2024 is the luckiest year to get married, as per Chinese zodiac. Firstly 2024 (2+0+2+4) adds up to 8 – a number which symbolises infinite love between husband and wife. Secondly, 2024 is a leap year, which is considered prosperous for couples tying the knot. Lastly, it’s a bliss to tie the knot in 2024 as it falls on a Saturday. Saturdays are considered to be the most popular day of the week to get married as they’re blessed by Saturn – the planet of commitment and marriage.

Luckiest days and months for marriage in 2024

According to the Chinese zodiac, August 8 is the luckiest day to get married, not just in 2024, but every year. Asian folklore states that the number 8 represents infinity and when applied to marriages, it stands for never-ending love between partners. Since August is the eighth month of the year, 8 takes a double meaning and its effect heightens. However, if August 8 doesn’t fructify because of some issue, don’t worry. You can still go ahead with the eighth day of any month.

Apart from August 8, there are a host of prosperous marriage dates in the Year of the Dragon 2024. When it comes to months, May, July, August, October, and November will be your best bet. Meanwhile, 2,8, 13, 14, 17, 20, 25, and 29 are the luckiest days.

So, you can plan your wedding date as a combination of these days and months, for example –May 2, August 13, November 20 and so on.

Please note: Number 4 should be avoided at all costs when it comes to marriage. Whether it’s the fourth day of any month or the fourth month (April) – 4 brings bad luck to marriages and is closely associated with death.

Chinese zodiac signs likely to marry in 2024

luckiest marriage dates 2024
Image credit: Dimitri Kuliuk/ Pexels



Being the Year of the Wood Dragon, 2024 is naturally the best time for this sign to take the big leap. Dragons, your current relationship is likely to move to the next level and you’ll no longer have to navigate your life alone. It’s time for you to decide whether you want a long-term commitment for life or give in to temptations and enjoy temporary joys. Whichever side you pick, romance and love will be in abundance.


Horses, be ready for the mushiest wedding proposal this summer! If you’ve been in a romantic relationship for a while, chances are your partner is ready to pop the question. However, you’ll take your own sweet time in making your relationship official – planning everything meticulously to the T, inviting all your family and friends, deciding the venue, and decor. Your D-day surely warrants all that commitment!


2024 will unfurl your deep desire to settle down Tigers. The beginning of the year is the best time to finalise your wedding date, giving you ample time to plan the festivities throughout the courtship period. The birth of a child could further strengthen your relationship, bringing all your family and friends under one roof.


Roosters eat, sleep and breathe romance, always excited about the idea of settling down with their lover. While single roosters are likely to experience new romantic opportunities,  it’ll be better for them to tread with caution and discern. 2024 might not be filled with such intense relationships culminating in marriage, but don’t lose hope Roostsers!


The Wood element in 2024 will bring out the Monkey’s energetic and expressive streak, nudging them towards marriage. Their union will be based on mutual admiration loyalty and equality. Monkeys will benefit immensely from their harmonious alignment with the Dragon’s energy.


Dogs, get ready to shed those happy tears between July and August 2024, as your Monkey partner is ready for the declaration of love. Romance and serious commitments rule your love horoscope, and marriage is not that far either!


July or August will most likely be life-turning months for you, Oxes. During this time, it’s highly likely that your lover will ask your hand in marriage or at least have an open discussion with you about taking the relationship forward. Wedding bells are ringing loud and clear!

Hope this guide eases your wedding planning!

(Hero image: Courtesy Ulyana Tim/ Unsplash)

(Feature image: Courtesy Jakob Owens/ Unsplash)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  •  What is the lucky date for marriage in 2024?

August 8 is the luckiest date for marriage in 2024, as per the Chinese zodiac.

  • Is 2024 a good year to marry, according to the Chinese zodiac?

The Chinese zodiac Year of the Wood Dragon is extremely lucky for marriage and long-term commitment.

  • What is the best month for Chinese weddings?

The lunar month of August is the best time for weddings according to the Chinese calendar.

Luckiest dates to get married in 2024, according to the Chinese zodiac

Kriti Nayyar

Digital writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech

Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.

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