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Most powerful zodiac signs and their traits, from Aries to Capricorn

Now we know that girls run the world, but what does the stars say about us? Let us show you which zodiac signs are the most powerful.

Great leaders of the world may have a common thread relating to astrology which explains their characteristic traits and charisma. This ancient practice of astrology is used by almost all the world’s civilisations to ascertain the qualities of people in general and give an insight into their persona. According to this belief, some dominating factors set them apart as the most powerful zodiac signs on the chart.

What determines power in astrology?

powerful zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of Lukas/Pexels

Power can mean different things to different people. Still, we can commonly agree that it is characterised by a strong will, perseverance, clarity of goals and tenacity required to achieve them.

If we look at the 12 zodiac signs of Western astrology, they are broadly divided into four elements (earth, fire, water and air) and three modalities (cardinal, fixed and mutable). These are the key factors responsible for the core nature of any individual.

Earth and fire elements are the action-takers of the zodiac. While water signs are generally perceived to be emotional, air signs are distinguished as the thinkers of the zodiac. Not surprisingly, we find leadership and assertive qualities among the sun signs such as Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn that belong to the fire and earth elements.

Similarly, mutable modality signs are known to be adapting and easy-going. Hence, their main motivation in life is not necessarily power. On the contrary, while cardinal modality signs love to take the initiative and lead new projects, fixed modality signs are more oriented towards implementing the said projects. Therefore, cardinal and fixed signs, such as Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio and Leo, display signs of dominance and power.

Leo, Taurus or Scorpio — which are the most powerful zodiac signs?


Nina Kothari
Image: Courtesy of World Economic Forum from Cologny, Switzerland/CC BY-SA 2.0/Wikimedia Commons

The firstborn of the zodiac system, Aries is symbolised by a ram and ruled by the planet of ambition, Mars. Right from the word go, they are proactive, enthusiastic, assertive, optimistic and extremely confident about everything they do in life. Known for their impulse and high energy, they like to dream big and are not afraid to give a tough fight to people and situations opposing them. Denoted by the ram, they are known for their powerful horns and ability to take a challenging event head-on. They love to lead.

Needless to say, they do not make good followers, as they do not like to obey orders. Their never-say-die attitude makes them worthy of the power they command.

Famous personalities: Mukesh Ambani, Elton John, Sarah Jessica Parker and Mariah Carey


shah rukh khan
Image: Courtesy of Shah Rukh Khan/Instagram

Despite being a water sign, Scorpio, characterised by a scorpion, is the most powerful zodiac sign.

This intuitive fixed sun sign is ruled by the planet of darkness, destruction and rebirth: Pluto. Known for their intense disposition, they do not let others walk over them and can dangerously strike their opponent when they least expect it. Moreover, a Scorpio can look right through you, and they miss nothing.

They have the necessary stability and conviction of a leader to make a mark. Their mysterious nature adds to their hauntingly beautiful aura, adding chutzpah to their personality.

Famous personalities: Shah Rukh Khan, Julia Roberts, Anna Wintour and Drake


most powerful zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of IMDb/Dave Hogan – © 2011 Getty Images

This fire sign belongs to the fixed modality, too, and one word to describe this sign will be: royal! They are the kings and queens of the zodiac, and it is reflected in all the aspects of their looks and personalities.

Ruled by the Sun, Leos are beacons of hope, empathy, loyalty, beauty and strength. They are quite large-hearted and like to take everyone along with them, towards a path of growth and progress.

They might play favourites and turn a blind eye towards the people they love. They are also known to trust blindly and sometimes let their ego come in the way of their relationships. They make no apologies for their vanity and love being praised. Their diva-like disposition makes them natural leaders.

Famous personalities: Madonna, Barack Obama, Jennifer Lopez and Saif Ali Khan


powerful zodiac signs
Image: Courtesy of Royal UK

Again, a fixed sign, Taureans are slotted in the earth element and are known for their sincerity, single-mindedness, motivation to create wealth and indulgent nature. Ruled by the bull, they are physically and emotionally the strongest of all the zodiacs. Their power lies in their ability to be patient and not give up on people or situations till they get the desired result.

While they gravitate towards creating material richness, they also like to spend lavishly and lead a good life. Being an earth sign, they have a nurturing core which gets them their fans and followers.

Famous personalities: Queen Elizabeth II, Gal Gadot, Cher and Sachin Tendulkar


Image: Courtesy of Hrithik Roshan/Instagram

The most serious sign in the zodiac, Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign which is branded as the ‘boss-babes’. Ruled by the planet of discipline and karma, Saturn, Capricorns could be described as relentless workers who are never tired of climbing to the top. Nothing stops them as they do not like to move their focus away even for a second.

Their dependability and no-nonsense attitude get them to the top of the pyramid. Money and power come naturally to them. They are also excellent keepers of wealth and are unlikely to be fazed by either good or bad experiences in life.

They are also taskmasters and display tough love for others, making them somewhat intimidating but well-deserving leaders.

Famous personalities: Hrithik Roshan, Timothée Chalamet, Elvis Presley, Richard Nixon and Kate Middleton.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Which zodiac sign is powerful?
Aries, Leo and Scorpio are the most powerful.

-What are the four dominant zodiac signs?
Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn are dominant signs.

-What are the two powerful zodiac signs?
Leo and Scorpio are two powerful signs.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Miguel Á. Padriñán/Pexels)

Most powerful zodiac signs and their traits, from Aries to Capricorn

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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