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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 January 2024

Leos will have good relationships this week. Libras need to make big career decisions. Pisces should be mindful of accidents. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 22-28 January 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope predictions says for each zodiac sign in 2024 and try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Horoscope for zodiac signs 2024: Weekly predictions for January 22 – January 28

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice card denotes your dedication and integrity at work. This card often gives excellent results if you have been committed and honest towards your work, therefore expect results accordingly. Businesspeople will be richly rewarded for their hard work. Finances will be good and investments of the past are likely to yield rich dividends.

Health: Two of Swords Reversed indicates some emotional issues. You need to work towards improving your mental health. Do not close your eyes to problems. Acknowledge them and work towards sorting them out.

Relationships: The Hierophant indicates commitment and security. This card indicates the right kind of balance in a relationship for peace and harmony. You will have a balanced and conventional relationship with your family members. Respect your elders and love the youngsters in your family, says the weekly horoscope 2024.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Swords indicates stress and overload of work. You might be finding it hard to cope with work pressure, but things are not as bad as they seem. You need to just change your approach and work positively. Business natives need to delegate work to their co- workers and not take the entire burden. Finances might be less than expected but you will not face a crunch.

Health: The Empress card indicates good health. Invest in a healthy regime to stay healthy and maintain your good health. This card represents conception and fertility.

Relationships: Eight of Cups Reversed suggests dissatisfaction in relationships. You need to work towards rekindling and rejuvenating your relationships, says 2024 weekly predictions. Intimacy is the best way to rekindle the spark in your relationship. Family might be emotionally dependent on you and may demand extra support.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Pentacles Reversed indicates boredom and neglect of important issues at work. You need to get involved and committed at work. Business natives need to be careful. A lax attitude can result in losses. Financially, it indicates overspending and can also mean some added burden and responsibility.

Health: Six of Cups Reversed indicates some neglect towards health. You need to be careful and take the right steps towards a healthy regime.

Relationships: Five of Wands Reversed is indicative of some stress and conflict in relationships. Communication can solve all problems. With family, maintain honest communication and give due respect to the elders and try to be a friend to the youngsters of the family.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Cups indicates that your gentle and compassionate behaviour at the workplace will win you appreciation. Your colleagues will admire you for your tact and skills. Business natives will win new projects with your rectitude. Good finances are indicated for natives in service.

Health: Ace of Sword Reversed suggests that some health-related issues might crop up. You need to relax and stay calm.

Relationships: The Fool is the relationship card indicating an exciting and romantic week ahead. The advice is to take your partner’s likes and dislikes also into consideration. Childlike behaviour is good sometimes but not always. You need to get some maturity in your approach towards love and romance. Family will enjoy your carefree attitude and there will be lot of happiness among the family members, says 2024 weekly predictions.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Strength card suggests you are not utilising your capabilities to the fullest. This is the time to believe in yourself and utilise the potential you have to cruise ahead in your career. Business natives need to take calculated risks and advance their work. Financially, a good time is indicated.

Health: Page of Swords Reversed is your health card for this week. Your health will be average, but you need to take precautions and look after yourself.

Relationships: King of Wands indicates security and stability in your relationship. This card can indicate a dominating nature. Try to give space and respect your partner. It is a good time to make happy memories with your family and friends.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Wands is the victory card. All good things are set to come your way – a promotion, winning of a project or an increment. Businesspeople will score over their competitors and win some prestigious projects. This is a time for achievements. Finances will be good and you are likely to enjoy your money.

Health: Six of Cups Reversed indicates some neglect towards your health. You need to be careful.

Relationships: Magician is the card and it is likely to work magic in your relationships. Your relationships will grow and become strong. You will enjoy a good time in between the sheets. A romantic holiday is on the cards. Family will be supportive and you will bond well with all the members of the family.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Pentacles indicates you have a decision regarding your job. Everything worth doing in life has a risk factor and the advice is to think of all the aspects carefully. Business natives might be yo-yo regarding financial decisions. Finances will be good but you will have to balance your income with your expenditure.

Health: The Hanged Man indicates neglect in health-related issues. It often indicates physical discomfort. Any aches and pains you have been neglecting should be addressed immediately.

Relationships: Seven of Swords generally denotes betrayal. It does not necessarily mean infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Be wary in friendships, do not get carried away with sweet talks, and do not divulge too much of your problems and concerns. Value your family.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Cups Reversed indicates a lack of satisfaction at work. It can also indicate overload. Sometimes, this card shows supersession but generally disappointment and underachievement. Business natives will be dissatisfied with their achievements in spite of working very hard. Finances will be less than expected and there are chances of investments going wrong.

Health: Five of Wands suggests a fight against ill health. It might not be a big health issue, but some small ones will be irritating.

Relationships: Ten of Swords indicates breakups. You need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate if you have to move ahead with your partner. Let bygones be bygones. Develop conviviality in all the relationships.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles denotes moving up in your career. Good opportunities will come your way and you will be getting good remunerations. Businesses will grow and you are likely to get good profits. It is a good week financially.

Health: Ace of Pentacles Reversed is the health card indicates you have been neglecting your health and the advice is to focus on a healthy lifestyle. Neglecting your health is a bad idea. If recuperating, this card comes as a warning. A lax attitude might delay recovery.

Relationships: Nine of Wands indicates your effort towards amicable relationships. You might have had issues in the past and your endeavour now is to move ahead with improved ties. You value the relationships and are willing to put in your best. Family will be supportive and appreciative of your efforts.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates success at work but this card indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Be more enthusiastic and creative. Plan new strategies. Business natives need to be more creative and come up with innovative ideas. Finances will be good and money is likely to come in from more than one source.

Health: Hermit, your health card indicates you need to go in for a health check-up. If already under treatment, it suggests you take a second opinion.

Relationships: King of Cups indicates maturity and stability in a relationship. That is a good card to get in a relationship but shows lack of libido. Loosening up at times and discarding your prim and proper role could be a good and refreshing change for your near and dear ones. Generally, a harmonious and peaceful time is indicated on the domestic front, according to weekly horoscope 2024.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Cup Reversed indicates some dissatisfaction at work. Some obstacles and hindrances in growth are indicated. Business natives will falter in their goals and finances will not be as expected.

Health: King of Pentacles card indicates stable health. You are conscious of your health in general and enjoy robustness, but you need to nurture your good health, states weekly horoscope 2024.

Relationships: The Devil is the relationship card for the week indicating some bullying by the partner. This might be a temporary phase but do not let it become a habit. This card can denote negative feelings and emotions towards near and dear ones. It might be a good idea to go in for some counselling, suggests the 2024 weekly predictions for Aquarius sun sign natives.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ten of Wands suggests overburden of work and responsibilities. You might be struggling to keep pace. The advice is to share your workload rather than compromise on the quality. Businesspeople need to refuse extra workload lest they must compromise on timelines and quality. Expenses will be high but so will be the income. Do not lend any money this week.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion for sure. Be warned against accidents and try to be over cautious.

Relationships: The Sun is the relationship card indicating a positive and cheerful relationship. You will be in a harmonious and peaceful state of mind with your partner, states the 2024 weekly horoscope predictions for Pisces natives. You will be sharing a special bond with the elders in the family. Children will be a source of joy. If you want to expand your family, this is a good time for pregnancy and childbirth.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 January 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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