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February horoscope 2024: Predictions for all 12 zodiac signs

Do the stars adore you or wish you were dead in a ditch? Read the February horoscope 2024 for all zodiacs.

Saturn will combust on 11 February, and this might lead certain zodiac signs to lose focus, become undisciplined, and lax towards commitments. Meanwhile, Jupiter’s progression in Aries will increase optimism amongst natives and will create new opportunities. Rahu, the planet of uncertainty and suddenness will remain comfortable in Pisces. On the other hand, Ketu in Virgo will encourage meticulousness in natives. The Sun will move to Aquarius on 13 February and will give birth to new energies. This is likely to leave people short-tempered. Mars will move to Capricorn and boost the energy levels of individuals. Mercury will move to Capricorn on 1 February, will combust on 7 February, and will move to Aquarius on 20 February. Venus will enter Capricorn on 12 February. Read all about February horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs.

  1. The tango of the celestial lovers in Capricorn will make Valentine’s Day special. Natives will be brimming with passion but will still be practical. They are likely to re-examine their romantic decisions. While February’s transit will reinvigorate the lives of some zodiac signs, it may create mayhem for the other sun signs.

February horoscope 2024 for all zodiac signs

Aries February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Aries sun sign natives will have a great time in their career this February. You are likely to move up the ladder of success. The workload will increase considerably in the second fortnight. Businesspeople will score over their competitors, and you will be overloaded with work. Finances will be very good, and you are likely to reap the fruits of your hard work.

Health: Your health will be fine except that you might suffer from insomnia and sleeplessness. You will have to manage your time to create a balance between work and self-care.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good relationship with your partner, especially in the first fortnight. The next one will be packed with commitments and your partner might feel neglected. You need to share the work problems with your partner and family and make them understand.

Remedy: Feed wholegrains to birds for good health.

Taurus February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Taurus sun sign natives will be struggling to cope up with the work pressure but as the month advances things will settle down. New assignments will take off well and you will be appreciated for your hard work and creativity. Business people will advance their businesses. Finances will be good especially in the latter part of the month. You will enjoy your money and will be indulging in luxuries.

Health: You need to be careful this month regarding your food intake. You might suffer some stomach-related issues.

Relationships: You will experience some bumps in your relationships as the month dawns. This will be mainly due to lack of time and work overload. Towards the latter part, you are likely to enjoy a great bond with your partner. There will be peace and harmony coupled with carnal pleasures.

Remedy: Light a white candle on Friday to manifest good health.

Gemini February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Gemini sun sign natives should prepare for a slow start in their respective field of work. Some unforeseen problems might catch you unaware leading to some changes at the workplace. Natives in job might not attain their targets and business natives might lose out to their competitors. After mid-month, things are likely to stabilise. You are warned against overspending.

Health: The month will start with some health-related issues. Things are likely to improve mid-month onwards and you will feel energetic. Try to stay calm and do not get unduly stressed.

Relationships: Your relationships will face some hardships mostly because of financial mismanagement. Your partner will be aloof and edgy towards you. Later in the month things will settle down and bonhomie with your partner will improve. Your friends and family will be very cooperative in your difficult time.

Remedy: Walk bare foot on grass at any time of the day to improve your work schedule.

Cancer February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Cancer sun sign natives must be careful of what they say and how they communicate with their colleagues and seniors. The latter part of the month will ease out the stress and you will achieve your goals. Business natives will have a slow start. Finances will be average, but the graph will keep moving up as the month progresses.

Health: Health will be average to begin with. You need to follow a regime with a proper diet and exercise schedule. You need to guard yourself against accidents in the second half of the month.

Relationships: You will have a lovey-dovey start to February. A good camaraderie with your partner is indicated. A pleasure trip is also indicated. This will get you closer to your partner. Familial bonds will be good, and you are likely to spend precious time with your family and grow closer.

Remedy: Drink water on empty stomach in the morning to keep calm.

Leo February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Leo sun sign natives are likely to enjoy the favours of the cosmos this month. You are going to get into some new and exciting options and the results are going to be fantabulous. You will be a rockstar at work and achieve a lot. Work will plateau in the second half of the month, and you will have to be careful with your dealing. Maintain transparency in all the documentation at work. Businesses will bloom. Finances will be good. You are likely to enjoy money from more than one source.

Health: Health will be fine in the first half of the month. Some skin allergies are likely bother you in the second half of the month.

Relationships: You will get full support from your partner, and you will enjoy good intimacy and bond very well with them. The second half of the month might not be amicable in terms of relations. Family might be a little distant initially but towards the later part of the month, you will share an affable bond with all the members.

Remedy: Put alum in the bathroom drain every Sunday.

Virgo February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Virgo sun sign natives will be flooded with opportunities this month. Weigh all the possibilities and decide with due deliberation. If you are planning to scale up your skills, this is the right time to enrol yourself in some course. Businesses will flourish. Financially, a good time is indicated.

Health: Health will be good, although, you might suffer from headaches and sleeplessness in the beginning of the month.

Relationships: You might have some differences with your partner which is likely to escalate in the second half of the month. Despite the differences, you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. It is a good time to increase your family. Children will be a source of joy and you will bond well with them.

Remedy: Eat green vegetables more often for maintaining a robust health.

Libra February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Libra sun sign natives will have to pull up their socks and get prepared to work their fingers to the bones. The good part is that your hard work will yield you rich dividends. A work trip abroad will win you accolades. The advice is to be decisive and not dilly-dally lest the opportunities slip by. Businesses will flourish finances will be incredible but so will the expenses.

Health: Exertion and sleeplessness might bother you the entire month. You need to take it easy, keep a cool mind and practice some meditation and yoga.

Relationships: You are likely to share a good relationship with your partner. A trip together will strengthen the bonds of love and camaraderie. Your understanding with your partner will increase and you will develop extreme attachments. Family might feel neglected and might want more of your time. Your mother might need some extra care and attention.

Remedy: Take some white rice (say a pinch) and throw it in any water body like a lake or river on Fridays for good health and harmony.

Scorpio February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Scorpio natives will be in the limelight as February dawns. Academicians will excel and achieve a lot. Your dedication and commitment towards work will be recognised and rewarded. Businesses will grow by leaps and bounds and you need to be prepared to cater to a lot of new orders and projects. You will be the favourite of the universe when it comes to money matters.

Health: You will feel energetic and robust in the beginning of the month but in the latter part of the month some ENT-related issues might crop up.

Relationships: You will have good understanding and enjoy stability when it comes to your relationship with your partner. Some unnecessary ego issues might spoil the bonhomie and cause stress as the month advances. Keep your ego in check. Family might feel neglected but will be enthusiastic to celebrate your success with you.

Remedy: Eat red- and orange-coloured fruits and vegetables especially on Tuesdays for better health.

Sagittarius February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Sagittarius sun sign natives might be overwhelmed with too much happening around them at work. You will have to focus and not get involved in too many things. Multitasking generally hampers your productivity. Be careful not to rub your seniors and co-workers the wrong way and maintain cordially at all costs. Finances will be as expected.

Health: Health will be good all throughout the month. Some minor aches and pains might bother you in the second half of the month.

Relationships: If you want your relationship to grow and prosper, learn the art of niceties. Be more vocal and express your love with endearments and gifts. Work on improving your carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be satisfactory, and you are likely to be the family favourite this month. Children and youngsters will hold you in high esteem and bond well with you.

Remedy: Manifest peace and prosperity by lighting a yellow candle on Thursdays.

Capricorn February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Capricorn sun sign natives will have a good start work wise but as the month progresses some obstacles might hinder your career growth. You need to move ahead as a team and give credit where it is due. Business natives need to keep their workforce content and united. Finances will be as expected but this is not a good time to take any chances.

Health: Health will be good in the first fortnight, however, you might suffer from headaches and viral infections in the latter part of the month.

Relationships: You will have to make extra efforts to maintain domestic peace and harmony. Do not let ego spoil your relationship. Things will smoothen out with your partner towards the latter part of the month. Family will be supportive and your bonds with them will strengthen later this month.

Remedy: Eat black-coloured food like black rice, lentil, and pepper on Saturdays for betterment of your career.

Aquarius February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Aquarius sun sign natives will have a roller coaster ride in terms of career this month. You need to set realistic goals for yourself. You will face some challenges and hiccups. You need to be patient and do your best. Business natives might face some early setbacks, but you will see some respite in the latter part of the month. Finances will be less than expected especially in the second half of the month.

Health: You will have to be careful regarding your health this month. Exert extra caution and be vigilant against accidents.

Relationships: You might start off on a friendly note with your partner but as the month progresses some ego issues might mar the domestic harmony. Keep your ego in check. February promises exciting carnal pleasures despite the challenges in your relationship.

Remedy: Wear black clothes on Saturdays to remove obstacles at work.

Pisces February horoscope 2024

Career and Finance: Pisces sun sign natives might face stagnation and boredom at their jobs especially towards the end of the month. You need to take a break and start afresh Businesses will be blasé and run of the mill. You need to be more creative and work towards improvising. Finances will be good as expected but your expenses will skyrocket. Try not to be extravagant.

Health: You will have to watch out for your health in the first half of the month. You might have to visit the hospital for treating an eye infection. Sleeplessness might bother you and some near and dear ones might suffer bad health. Things will ease out as the month advances.

Relationships: This is not a good month for romance. Some misunderstanding with your partner is indicated. You need to work on your equations and find harmonious solutions. The latter part of the month will be better, and you might be at peace with each other. Family will be supportive. Stay away from arguments and try not to say hurtful things.

Remedy: Drink water with a strand or two of saffron first thing in the morning for good relationships

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February horoscope 2024: Predictions for all 12 zodiac signs

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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