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Weekly love and relationship Horoscope: A tarot reading of January 29 – February 04, 2024

Get ready for a magical time, Virgos. A romantic holiday is on the cards for you perfectionists. Attention, Piscean singles! You will be in luck this week and meet a lot of like-minded and interesting people. Chances are that you might even single out someone special and fall in love. Read on to know the love predictions 2024 and the weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.’

February 2024 weekly love horoscope

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will enjoy good intimacy with their partners. You will be at peace with your partner this week. You are likely to enjoy precious moments with family and friends.

Singles: Singles are likely to meet interesting people and have an exciting social time. They will make a lot of new friends this week. Natives in love will be satisfied and content in their relationship and are likely to propose soon.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives might not share a harmonious bond with their partner this week. Lack of time can be a reason but not the only reason. Improve your communication and work on intimacy. Remember relationships are fragile and you need to handle them with care.

Singles: Singles will enjoy good friendship without commitments and will be in no hurry to lose their single status. Natives in love might be yo-yoing between yes and no and not certain of their relationship. The advice is to be sure before you commit.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will be sentimental this week, according to love predictions 2024. This maudlin behaviour might choke your partner. Even if you have been through a trauma, you have to take control of your feelings and move ahead positively. Family will be supportive but try not to put them through this emotional stress.

Singles: Singles might be going through some emotional upset or breakup and might be mawkish and sentimental. Unfortunately, life has no rewind button. You need to learn from your experience and move ahead positively. Natives in love might want some extra emotional support from their partners and are likely to get it but the advice is not to lean too much.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: Cancer natives might have an imbalanced relationship oscillating from best to worst, according to love predictions 2024. Inconsistency in a relationship creates instability and you need to work on it. Set some rules and work toward amicability. Familial bonds will be good.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships and if this is happening too often, you need to revise your relationship rules. Be more adaptable and do not set high standards. Couples in love should realise that no one is perfect and too much of nit- picking might drive your partner away.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives might be neglecting their partners due to their over busy schedules. You need to spend more time with your partner and work towards improving your sex life. Good communication and intimacy are the best ways to bridge all gaps and get conviviality. Family will feel neglected but will be supportive. Try to give more time and be affectionate.

Singles: Singles will be pressurised for time and will be unable to socialise much as they are likely to be overburdened with work and other obligations. Take it easy as things are likely to ease out soon. Natives in love will not be able to take out enough time for their partners and this might be a cause for some unpleasantness between them.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo natives are likely to enjoy togetherness and positivity in their relationships. You are likely to make some pleasant memories together and strengthen the bonds of camaraderie. You will be enthusiastic and full of life and your partner will love the extra attention. Family will be happy with the attention and the time spent together.

Singles: Singles will be full of energy and enthusiasm and will gave a good time with friends and family. You will get lots of opportunities to socialise and make new friends. This week will be full of excitement, fun and frolic. Natives in love will have a good time together and come closer. They might think of permanency soon.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives are likely to be insecure in their relationship because of some doubts and miscommunication. Infidelity and cheating cannot be ruled out but be sure before you react. Effort is the key to success in all endeavours of life and relationships are no different. Work towards improving your relationship with a positive attitude. Family might want some extra-emotional support from you and children will require more attention.

Singles: Singles might be perturbed as their affection might not be reciprocated. A one-sided love can cause a lot of pain and misery. If things are not working out, you need to move ahead than be miserable. It needs two to tango. Natives in love will be insecure in their relationship. Work towards strengthening your love and trust.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio natives need to work towards a balanced relationship. An inconsistent relationship oscillating between best and worst indicates ego clashes. Work on improving your bonhomie and focus on intimacy. Drop your ego with family and you will enjoy a good bonding and camaraderie with all the members.

Singles: Singles need to work towards improving their relationships. You need to work on self-improvement and adaptability. Natives in love need to scale down their ego if they want some permanency in their relationship.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives are likely to enjoy some celebration together. You will enjoy perfect harmony with your partner. Family will be caring and loving and you are likely to bond very well with all the members of the family.

Singles: Singles will be lucky this week. You might meet someone special with whom you will bond very well and form a deep connection. You are likely to be struck by the golden arrow and the relationship is all set to prosper. Natives in love will be very much in love and all set to propose. Engagement and marriage are foretold in the near future.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives will experience some difficulties in their relationship and might find it stressful coping with them, according to love prediction 2024. Most of the problems get sorted out if you communicate better. A positive attitude and a desire for harmony are the two important ingredients for a happy relationship. Family will be supportive and give you good advice.

Singles: Singles might not be inclined towards love and romance this week but the advice is to socialise and enjoy the platonic relationships. Natives in love will be status quo and in no rush to tie the knot.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will be struggling to keep their emotions at bay. This week is slated to be packed with emotional outbursts. Address your problems frankly and share your insecurities openly. This card can also indicate harbouring past grudges. Be kind and compassionate and do not harbour any ill feeling from the past with family.

Singles: Singles might be confused as to what they are looking for in a partner, according to love predictions 2024. Natives in love might be yo-yoing in their relationship. Nothing is perfect and no relationship is flawless. Accept your partner as is and do not try to change people.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will enjoy a secure and stable relationship with their partner. You are likely to handle all matters of the heart with maturity and wisdom. Your partner will respect you for that. Love, space, intimacy, and respect are the ingredients for a happy union. It is a good time to make happy memories. Family relationships will be average. Try not to nitpick with family members specially the children.

Singles: Singles will be happy in their social circle and might have an affinity towards an older person. Age is not the only factor. Let it not be a deterrent if you bond and gel well together otherwise. Natives in love will want to move towards permanency and will want to settle down with their partner.

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Weekly love and relationship Horoscope: A tarot reading of January 29 – February 04, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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