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Meaning and effects of exalted and debilitated planets on zodiac signs

Our zodiac signs are merely the starting points to comprehending the nuanced and complex world of astrology. A detailed birth chart contains many more elements, such as exalted and debilitated planets, that are also factored in to produce a better picture of your horoscope.

When laid out on an astrological chart, our signs are connected to a map of celestial bodies, each placed in a unique position. Astrological practitioners consider these as the lighthouses to predict one’s future and add meaning to the past. For example, if you look up your birth chart right now, you will find some planetary positions marked as exalted, and others as debilitated. This can make all the difference in your destiny.

While all of this may sound very complicated, it is not. Here is a cheat sheet to navigate the exalted and debilitated planets chart and its influence.

What does exalted and debilitated mean?

exalted and debilitated planets chart
Image: Courtesy of Piro/Pixabay

Vedic and Western astrology categorise the planets as four different dignities. Their powers become malefic (negative or weak) or benefic (positive or strong) for the signs. The four dignities in which the planets move on a birth chart are domicile (in their home sign), exaltation (most comfortable or happy position), exile (in the opposite sign of its ruling sign) and debilitation (weakest position, which is in the sign directly opposite to the sign it exalts in).

While exalted planets give strength and the most benefit of their qualities to the natives, helping them to flourish, their debilitated position has an obstructive, bleak and sometimes harmful effect. A native’s moon sign is looked at in Vedic astrology to see exaltation and debilitation.

Exalted and debilitated planets charts

Planet Exaltation signDegree of exaltationEffects on personality
SunAries10Cheerful and ambitious
MoonTaurus3Wise and influential
MercuryVirgo15Charitable and virtous
JupiterCancer5Rich and prestigious
VenusPisces27Famous and elegant
MarsCapricorn28Courageous and open-minded
SaturnLibra20Good looking and charming
PlanetDebilitated signDegree of debilitationEffects on personality
SunLibra10Harsh and egoistic
MoonScorpio3Rude and insensitive
MercuryPisces15Immature and dependent
JupiterCapricorn5Jealous and addicted to bad habits
VenusVirgo27Prone towards a life of crime
MarsCancer28Unempathetic towards the weak
SaturnAries20Shallow and flaky

Do the lunar nodes of Rahu and Ketu have exalted and debilitation degrees?

exalted and debilitated planets chart
Image: Couresy of Quique/Pixabay

South and north lunar nodes, called Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology, do not have much relevance in Western practises. It is highly debated if these planets have exalted and debilitated degrees because they are shadow planets and are there merely to fulfil the Karmic destinies of the natives. They cannot be located astronomically.

Some practitioners of astrology believe that Rahu is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio by 20 degrees each. It is just the opposite in the case of Ketu. This means it is exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus.


While the exaltation of planets brings in a lot of good luck, its debilitation is considered inauspicious. But one needs to carefully analyse the birth chart to see the other combinations of the planetary placements to check if the debilitated planet is indeed going to create bad luck for you.

There could be a positive silver lining to even a planet considered debilitated depending on the house it is placed in and its aspects. Similarly, even an exalted sign could produce bad effects depending on its placement. This is true for all the planets.

Also read: All zodiac signs and their ruling planets, explained

(Hero and featured image credit: Bojan Boyss/Pixabay)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I know if a planet is exalted or debilitated?

You can analyse the positions of the planets by looking at your birth chart and the houses they are placed in and their degrees to figure out whether they are exalted or debilitated planets.

Do exalted and debilitated planets affect all zodiac signs equally?

No. Every zodiac sign is affected in a uniquely different way by the planets in any position.

How does an exalted planet affect a person’s astrological chart?

An exalted planet influences an individual with all its strengths, benefits and positive features.

What impact does a debilitated planet have on an individual’s life?

While exaltation means that zodiacs will enjoy the effects of benefic planets, debilitated planets are weak planets that bring bad luck to the natives.

What are the simple remedies a person can do?

Remedies can be applied according to Vedic astrology only after looking at individual charts.

Written by

Meaning and effects of exalted and debilitated planets on zodiac signs

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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