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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 5-11 February 2024

It’s a week of excellence for Taurus. Leos need to meditate this week. Scorpios will enjoy love and abundance. Here are all the details on this and more in your weekly horoscope for 5-11 February 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the weekly tarot horoscope says for each zodiac sign in 2024 and try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Horoscope for zodiac signs 2024: Weekly predictions for February 5 – February 11

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Swords indicates you need to ease out work pressure. It is good to give your best and put your heart and soul in work when the need arises but when this becomes a practice, you need to step back. Work is not everything. There is much more to life than just work. Business natives should bite what they can comfortably chew. Choose quality over quantity. Your monetary situation will be good and satisfactory. It is not a good time to take any risk with your investments.

Health: Queen of Pentacles Reversed indicates some stress related problems. Eating healthy, having a peaceful mind, and adequate rest and exercise are the solutions. At times, this card can indicate fertility issues.

Relationships: King of Pentacles Reversed indicates your partner will be unsupportive this week. If this is not a usual trait exhibited by your partners just ignore it, but if this is the character and nature of your partner, you need to sort this out. It can indicate miserly tendencies which might cause some conflict. Work towards mutual understanding. You might have some disagreement with the elders of the family. A little caution can help maintain harmony.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Wands indicates a quest for excellence which you are likely to achieve in your professional pursuits. You will be rewarded proportionately. This card indicates a good time for businesspeople to expand and grow. Good profits and rise in income are indicated, according to weekly tarot horoscope.

Health: Hierophant is the health card indicating good health. Look after your health by following a good lifestyle with lots of physical exercise. If recuperating, you should try the conventional methods they will work the best for you.

Relationships: Seven of Wands Reversed indicates some problems in your relationship. You need to nurture your relationship and try to sort out the issues. Retrospect and try to eliminate the factors causing rift and stress. A good holiday together will work well to strengthen your relationship. Be frank and open with your family.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Pentacles Reversed indicates that you are being undermined and that is affecting your work. Have confidence in your capabilities and utilise your potential to the fullest. ‘When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them’. Do your best at all times. Business natives might face some opposition with their work force. According to weekly tarot horoscope, you need financial planning as you might be strapped for cash.

Health: Knight of Swords in a health reading is a warning to slow down. Focus on your health. You need to get adequate sleep, eat healthy, and exercise. Try yoga and meditation to keep you calm and relaxed.

Relationships: Ace of Cups Reversed is the relationship card indicating that your maudlin behaviour is choking your partner. You need to take control even if you have been through a trauma. You cannot be sentimental and be over-reactive all the time. Family will be supportive but remember you are responsible for your own life.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed indicates you need to exert caution at work. Small lapses and errors might spoil things for you. You will have to work hard, and smart to reach your goals. Businesspeople need to be vigilant against thefts and cheatings. You might lose some money this month. It is advised to keep your money safe. Avoid reckless spending and investing.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates that minor health problems should not be neglected. A routine health check-up is a good idea this week. The card advises to indulge in self-care and inculcate a healthy eating and exercising regimen.

Relationships: Six of Swords Reversed indicates a stormy relationship. Couples will have difference of opinions and conflict between them. You need to be patient and understanding. The best way is to give space and time and things will settle down. Some difference of opinion is also indicated with family members, according to weekly tarot horoscope.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands indicates new motivation and challenges which you will enjoy immensely. A new and more lucrative job is also a possibility. Businesses will do well with new projects being added to the ongoing ones. Income and profits will increase and you will be in a comfortable financial position. It is a good time to invest and increase your assets.

Health: Four of Pentacles is the health card indicating you are holding on to some bad habit or addiction which you need to discard if you want to enjoy good health. You need to identify the problem yourself and take constructive measures. Meditation and yoga are excellent remedies.

Relationships: The Hermit card indicates you need to connect better with your partner. You need to introspect. Maybe you are hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. Be frank and open and if required take help of a professional. Let bygones be bygones. Holding past grudges are the biggest deterrent in relationships.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups Reversed indicates some lost opportunities in your career. You need to be more vigilant towards your career growth. It is a good time to upscale your skills and be better equipped to handle further challenges. Businesspeople need to be more alert and should not let the opportunities slip. Finances will be okay. You need to handle money in a more organised way.

Health: The Hanged Man is your health card indicates you are not taking your health seriously. It is good to give body the healing time for small medical issues but it is not advisable to ignore the symptoms for long. A medical check-up is advised.

Relationships: Wheel of Fortune card indicates good things in your love life. Things will keep getting better and your relationship will evolve. All past grievances will vanish, and you will share good bonhomie and intimacy with your partner. Family will be supportive and your closeness will grow.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles card indicates that this the time to reap the dividends of your hard work. You will be getting lots of appreciation at work and your colleagues will look up to you. Do not let the praise go to your head and keep doing the good work. Businesses will reap rich dividends and finances will be good. Investments from the past will get very lucrative returns.

Health: King of Wands Reversed is the health card for the week suggesting you need to build your immunity and get your physical and mental health in shape by investing some time towards meditation and physical activities.

Relationships: Queen of Swords is the tarot card for the week indicating you respect your personal space and are reserved displaying affection. This hurts your partner and causes misunderstandings. You need to add more passion in your relationship and display your emotions more. With family, bonding will be good but conveying your feelings through gestures and words will make the members happy.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hierophant indicates success at work, but the advice is to share your knowledge and knowhow with your teammates and move up together. You can also be scaling your skills for better growth. The warning this card brings is to be honest and righteous in your profession. Finances will be good. This card indicates that you are too conventional in your investments. You need to diversify.

Health: Ace of Sword Reversed is your health card showing some health-related issues. This card also indicates surgery. Do not neglect your health and address any health symptoms immediately.

Relationships: Empress card is an indicator of love and abundance. You will be enjoying marital bliss. Couples will enjoy each other’s attention and will be enjoying carnal pleasures. If planning a child, this is the best time for fertility and conception. Family ties will be strong and your bonding will be good with the entire members specially the woman of the family.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to weekly tarot horoscope, Six of Wands is one of the best cards to get in a career reading. The week will be magical, full of achievements, and accolades for both service and business natives. This is known as victory card, and victorious you will be in career and finance. It is a good time to invest in property.

Health: Knight of Pentacles is your health card indicating good health. If you have been unwell lately, you are definitely on your way to recovery. This in no way means you can neglect your health in any way.

Relationships: Ten of Pentacles is the relationship card that indicates good relationships among partners. You are going to enjoy a good time in between the sheets. Some celebrations with your family and friends are indicated. It will be a happy event and will get the families closer. Harmony and peace are indicated.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Swords Reversed indicates a release of work pressure. Work overload is manageable for a short span, but you cannot work under pressure for long. Learn the art of delegation. Business natives need to scale down and not take too much workload. Financially, things are likely to improve. Just manage your expenses well.

Health: Six of Pentacles Reversed indicates neglect towards your health. Do not ignore symptoms and take medical advice immediately. This card can also indicate lack of time for self-care as you are busy caring for others.

Relationships: Four of Pentacles indicates possessiveness in a relationship. Space is very important. Do not suffocate your partner, do not be over-controlling, and respect your partners’ opinion. Do not be controlling towards family members especially children. Give freedom to children and do not be pedantic towards the family members.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Devil card indicates that your eagerness to achieve your goals often lands you in a situation where you must struggle with work overload. It is good to be hardworking, but you need to start saying no. You need to handle money with care. Do not trust even your closest associates blindly. Business natives need to be careful with their balance sheets and bank statements, suggests weekly tarot horoscope.

Health: Tower is the health card for you and it is not a god omen. It indicates a sudden onset of illness. Get some health check-ups done. It can also indicate accident and the tarot advice is to be careful while driving and otherwise. It can also be indicative of a health calamity relating to your near and dear ones.

Relationships: Two of Wands indicates dissatisfaction among partners. No one is perfect and no relationship is ideal. A lot of effort is required to make a relationship workable. Focus on the positives of your partner. Going on a holiday to revive your bonds is a good idea. Spend more time with your family members. A holiday together might strengthen the familial bonds.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Strength card indicates tremendous potential for professional growth. You have the talent and skill, but you are over-emotional and sensitive and at times overreact as well. This is not perceived well. You need to work on inculcating a professional demeanour. Financially, this week will be good, but your expenses will be very high. Businesspeople will make good profits.

Health: Justice card indicates good health. Include some exercising and meditation in your daily routine. If you neglect your health goals, you might be in trouble.

Relationships: The Sun is the relationship card indicating positivity in relationships. Any past misunderstanding will disappear and relationship issues if any will come to light and get sorted out amicably. You will enjoy intimacy and passion. Enjoy the harmony with family and friends this week.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy PeachShutterStock

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 5-11 February 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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