Home > Astrology > The Zodiacs > Black, brown or red? Find out the unlucky colours for zodiac signs in 2025
Black, brown or red? Find out the unlucky colours for zodiac signs in 2025

The year 2025 has a lot in store for all the zodiac signs with the planet of progress, Jupiter, making some key movements. This year will be all about finding stability, balance and peace in all facets of life including work, finance, relationship and health. Choosing the right colours is important to attract wealth and happiness in natives’ lives. Just like there are lucky colours for zodiac signs to keep in mind, they should also actively stay away from their unlucky colours in 2025.

Unlucky colours for zodiac signs to avoid in 2025

Aries — Black

Aries individuals are ambitious and driven folks who love to actively chase their dreams. They are ruled by the red-hot planet Mars and are spontaneous and fun by nature. Black is one of the colours considered unlucky for this zodiac as it dampens their mood and attracts negativity to their lives.

Taurus — Orange

unlucky colours for zodiac signs
Image Credit: Danil 3akhvatkin/@danilkinkin via Unsplash

This Venusian earth sign is one of the lucky signs of 2025. It is predicted that the year will be positively transformative for them and the colour they should stay away from is orange. This zodiac sign is nurturing and indulgent and a bright hue like orange can disturb their sensibilities and hamper their overall growth.

Gemini — Grey

Cheerful and curious, Gemini is an air sign known for its fun and flirty nature. They are ruled by the planet Mercury and are adept at expressing themselves well. While bright colours like yellow work great for them, dull shades like grey are detrimental to their growth.

Cancer — Dark blue

Emotional and very empathetic, this elemental sign of water is ruled by the moon. While pristine colours like white and silver work very well for them, sombre shades like navy and dark blue are an absolute no-no for their soft temperament.

Leo — Brown

unlucky colours for zodiac signs
Image Credit: Nick Hawkes/@hypn0fiddl3r via Unsplash

Flamboyant, buoyant and loyal, Leos are ruled by the sun and are larger-than-life in their temperament. Brown is not suitable for them in 2025 as it does not encourage their personal or financial growth and lowers their gregarious spirit.

Virgo — Purple

Meticulous in nature and highly organised, Virgos are distinguished as reliable earth signs of the zodiac. While earthy and rooted tones suit them very well, a slightly rich shade of purple will distract them from their goals in 2025 and have a destabilising effect on their psyche.

Libra — Maroon

Stylish and elegant, the non-confrontational sign of Libra, one of the cardinal signs, gets riled up easily in the presence of bold and dark colours. The bright shade of maroon does not bode well with their temperament and makes them angsty. They should avoid this colour in 2025.

Scorpio — Light pink

Dark and intuitive, the Scorpion’s tendencies could be easily mistaken as vengeful or manipulative. They are ruled by the planet of rebirth and destruction, Pluto and hence, only solid and dark colours match well with their core characteristics. They should stay away from bubblegum pink and light blue colours.

Sagittarius — Charcoal

Sagittarius is an adventurous sign ruled by the planet of expansion, Jupiter. They should embrace yellow and orange shades and categorically shun grey, black and charcoal colours.

Capricorn — Red

Stable, resilient and very hardworking, Capricorns are ruled by the planet of responsibilities, Saturn. Their serious persona is well coordinated with hues like brown. Bright colours like red create disturbances and deviate their minds from their goals.

Aquarius — Green

Image Credit: Nanda Green/@nandagreen via Unsplash

Aquarius is a free-spirited and intelligent fixed sign that thrives very well when left with its own devices. The air sign has a humanitarian approach and works for the greater good. Green is an earthy colour that grounds a native. Choosing this colour will cause an internal conflict which is why it should be avoided.

Pisces — Black

Like Arians, Piceans should also stay away from black and deep red colours because this intense shade does not go well with their peaceful and meditative disposition. They should opt for soothing colours like sea green, turquoise and electric blue instead.

(Hero Image Credit: Saurav Mahto/@sauravmahto via Unsplash; Featured Image Credit: Lucas K/@aznbokchoy via Unsplash)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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Black, brown or red? Find out the unlucky colours for zodiac signs in 2025

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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