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Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 5 – February 11, 2024

Domestic bliss is on the card for you, Sagittarians. Singles will socialise a lot and meet many like-minded people. Attention, Pisceans! You will share a positive and progressive relationship with your partner. Natives in love will want to propose and this is the right time to start planning for engagements and nuptials. Read on to know the love predictions 2024 and the weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Thinking of you keeps me awake, dreaming of you keeps me asleep and being with you keeps me alive.’

February 2024 weekly love horoscope

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives might not get the support and love they expect from their partner. The energies at times will make you behave in a particular way. Some miserly tendencies might be the cause of rift. It is better to plan your finances together and sort out the issues. Work towards a better understanding and a good carnal life. Some disagreements with family members relating to monetary matters might crop up.

Singles: Singles will be in no mood for permanency and will socialise a lot. At times, the cupid strikes when you least expect it. Enjoy your singlehood till it lasts. Natives in love might have some difference of opinion amongst them. This is the most natural thing to happen, and you need to learn the art of making up in situations like this.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus natives will have to work hard to maintain domestic harmony. Your relationship with your partner might not be smooth currently. Retrospect and try to eliminate the factors causing rift and stress. A good holiday will work well to strengthen your relationship. Some arguments and disagreements with the family might upset you. The best way is to be frank and clear all the misunderstandings.

Singles: Singles might not be able to find the right person now. Things happen when they are supposed to. Patience is the biggest virtue. Natives in love might have a tough time with their partners. Give some time and then decide whether it is worth lingering on to a relationship that gives you more stress than pleasure.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives might be overburdened with work and other responsibilities and might not have enough time or inclination towards their relationship. Sharing is the best form of caring. It not only lightens the load but increases the understanding. Family might be able to advise and understand you better.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships. Reduce your expectations and increase your adaptability factor if you are looking for permanency. Natives in love might face some difficult times and tantrums from their love interest. Show some patience and give time.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: Cancer natives might go through a stormy relationship. Difference of opinions and conflicts are going to spoil the domestic harmony. Give it time, space, and understanding. Things are likely to settle down. Harmony will be dependent on the efforts you put. You might have some difference of opinion with the family members. Differences are natural but nothing is more important than family.

Singles: Break-ups and patch-ups will be the sequence of events when it comes to your relationship this week. Compromise and efforts are required to maintain stability. Natives in love might not be sure in their relationship and might feel claustrophobic. Do not linger for the sake of it. Sort out or move on.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives need to connect better with their partner, according to weekly love horoscope. You need to introspect. Maybe you are hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. Be frank and open and if required, take help of a professional. With family, let bygones be bygones. Holding past grudges are the biggest deterrent in relationships.

Singles: Singles should socialise and meet more like-minded people and only get in to a new relationship if they are free of the bondage of the old one. Do not rush things and let them take their course. Natives already attached should give time to their relationship and not be in a hurry for commitment.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo natives will see things improving in their relationship and are likely to enjoy a good mental compatibility and a good time in between the sheet pleasures. It is a good time for the stork to pay a visit. Family will be supportive and you will grow closer and strengthen the bonds of affection.

Singles: Singles will be in luck and might be struck with the golden arrow and will have a great time thereafter. Natives in love will be satisfied with their love interest and this week will be a good time to propose and prepare for marriage.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra natives will be reserved in displaying their emotions and the partners will feel neglected. The need to be alone arises sometimes. Communicate and explain lest it hurts your partner and causes misunderstandings. You need to increase your bonhomie and intimacy with your partner. With family, bonding will be good but conveying your feelings through gestures and words will make them happier.

Singles: Singles might be very choosy and might have difficulty in developing a special friendship. It is advised to just enjoy a platonic healthy time with friends and let cupid do its job. Natives in love need to work on increasing their bonhomie and understanding before making commitments.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives will enjoy marital bliss. You are going to enjoy each other’s attention and intimacy and your love will grow for each other. If planning a child, this is the best time for fertility and conception. Family ties will be strong, and you will get a lot of attention and pampering from all the members especially, the woman of the family.

Singles: Singles will be struck by the golden arrow and will be in seventh heaven with their newfound love. Enjoy being in love and do not try to rush into commitments. Natives in love will be blissful in their relationship and will be ready to say I do.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy domestic harmony and good intimacy with their partners. Some celebrations in the family will increase your bonding and you will come closer to the family members. The elders will enjoy your company and attention, according to the weekly love horoscope.

Singles: Singles will socialise a lot and meet many like-minded people. They will have a whale of a time and will be spoilt for choice. You are going to get a lot of attention from the opposite sex and you are likely to find your soulmate. Natives in love will be happy with their significant other and will spend some enjoyable moments together.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives will have to learn to let go of their possessiveness if they want domestic peace and harmony. All human beings require space and do not want to be controlled. You will have to give space to your partner for a healthy relationship and value their opinions. Increase your bonding and work towards a better sex life. Do not nit-pick with family especially the youngsters.

Singles: Singles will have to learn to give space to their dates. Too much of involvement often creates distances. If you have been going through break-ups, the reason might be too much hair-splitting with your partner. Natives in love should give a healthy space to their partners. Quibbling spoils relationships.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will be dissatisfied in their relationship with their partner. You need to be more adaptable to human flaws. No one is perfect and no relationship is ideal. A lot of effort is required to make a relationships work. Going on a holiday to revive your bonds is a good idea. Family is the backbone and small issues should be ignored. Work on affability with all the members of the family.

Singles: Singles will be working hard and will not get much time to socialise. Let this not become a practice all work makes jack a dull boy. Do not let work become your entire life but if it occasionally, then it is okay. Natives in love might not spend enough time with their partner and this might create a distance. You need to explain the work pressures to your partner but let this not become a practice.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives are the lucky ones, according weekly love horoscope. You will share a positive and progressive relationship with your partner. Misunderstandings of the past will get sorted out amicably. You will enjoy intimacy and passion. It is a good time to plan a family if you so desire. You will share harmony with family and have a good time with friends this week.

Singles: Singles will form a good bond with a special someone and their relationship is all set to grow and prosper. Natives in love will want to propose and this is the right time to start planning for engagements and nuptials.

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Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 5 – February 11, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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