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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 12-18 February 2024

Geminis will see emotional set backs this week, whilst Virgos will have a grand time in their relationships. Here are all the details on your weekly horoscope between 12-18 February 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Leos will be exceptionally motivated to perform and achieve and the weekly horoscope foretells success. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Leo and other zodiac signs this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for zodiac signs from 12-18 February 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles indicates new projects coming your way. New lucrative deals are likely to be signed. For businesspeople, this is a good card for partnerships and expansions. Your finances will be good. Expect good increments and profits.

Health: King of Wands card indicates good health. Try to be disciplined towards your exercise regime and maintain a balanced diet. Do not make work your life. Learn to relax and enjoy also.

Relationships: Page of Cups card indicates a stable and loving relationship with your partner. This card is regarded as bringer of good news. It can indicate pregnancy, engagements, and marriages. A good bonding with youngsters of the family is indicated.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Swords is the tarot card for Taurus sun sign natives for this week. This card indicates stress and anxiety relating to career. There are problems but you need to think of solutions. Finances might be a cause of concern. Try to go slow on expenses and work diligently towards your goal.

Health: Ten of Swords indicates the end of health problems. If you have undergone surgery, expect a quick recovery. If dealing with frail health, expect robustness this week.

Relationships: Justice Reversed indicates disagreement between partners. Communicate what you feel openly and frankly. Discuss all the issues with your partner. Try to understand your partners’ view point as well. Try to be more open in expressing your feeling with family.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Cups card is indicative of dissatisfaction and preoccupation. You need to be alert. There are ample opportunities around. Set realistic goals for yourself and do not be over ambitious. Financially you might be dissatisfied, but it does not indicate a financial crunch.

Health: Ace of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional setbacks. You need to focus on your well-being. Getting a health check-up done will a good idea.

Relationships: Eight of Swords Reversed indicates you need to let go of worries and stresses relating to your relationships. Focus on a care free relationship with your loved ones. Be your true self and do not try to be someone you are not.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Fool card indicates new beginnings, mostly a change of job and sometime a change of field. This card suggests unutilised potential. You will be motivated to give your best and be full of enthusiasm to perform. This positivity will reflect in your work. Businesspeople need to control the expenses and not be over excited. Financially, you will be comfortable.

Health: Death Reversed is indicative of neglect towards your health. It can also indicate some unhealthy addictions like smoking etc. You need to pay attention to self-care. Cultivate good eating habits and work towards your physical well-being.

Relationships: The King of Sword is a head over heart card indicating lack of emotions or expression. This card shows discipline and maturity in a relationship which is good to an extent. Letting your guard down occasionally is good. You will enjoy good relationship with family members. Be more communicative and less reserved with the family.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles indicates good progress at work. You will be exceptionally motivated to perform and achieve and the cards foretell success, suggests weekly Leo horoscope. Use this favour from the universe to the best of your ability to shape and advance your career. Businesses are all set to increase. You might add new ventures to the existing ones. This is a time to expand and grow. Finances will be excellent. Some charity is advisable. You need to share your good fortune with the less fortunate.

Health: According to weekly Leo horoscope, Two of Wands Reversed card indicates some health issues. Do not neglect any symptoms. If already undergoing treatment, a second opinion is advised.

Relationships: The Chariot card indicates good bonhomie amongst partners, according to weekly Leo horoscope. You need to spend quality time together. Pamper your partner and work towards improving your sex life. You might not meet your family often, but the bonds will be strong.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Pentacles card indicates that your hands are full managing too many tasks. Do not to take more responsibilities. Treat work as a part of your life and let it not become your entire life. You might be contemplating a change of job and are confused. The advice is to take the plunge only if, you are sure. Businesspeople will be handling too many things together and the advice is to start delegating. Financially, you will be snug and looking for investment options. The advice is to explore well and read the fine print before parking your money.

Health: Eight of Cups card indicates anxiety and worry. Certain things and events in life are beyond control. You must leave it to the almighty. Be positive and engage in activities to keep your mind and body healthy.

Relationships: The Sun card indicates a trustworthy, understanding, and vivacious relationship. You will have a superb time in between the sheets. Familial bonds will be good, and you will have a special bonding with the elders of the family. It is a good card for pregnancy. If you are trying to conceive, the stork is likely to pay a visit.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups card indicates a foreign collaboration or liaison which will be amicable and commercially viable. This can also forewarn you to maintain good relationships with your colleagues and seniors and move ahead as a team. There will be a good boost in your business. A global presence is indicated. Finances will be good.

Health: The Empress is the health card indicating good health. This card indicates fertility and natives desirous of parenthood will be blessed with a child soon. If you were facing some gynecological issues, they will be sorted out positively.

Relationships: Ace of Cups Reversed indicates that your overemotional behaviour is choking your partner. You need to take control even if you have been through a trauma. You cannot live in the past. You need to take the reins of your life in your hands. Family will be supportive but you alone are responsible for your life.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress card indicates abundance and prosperity. You will be at your creative best, and you will be an inspiration for many and will win accolades. Financially, you will excel this week. A big raise is coming your way. It is a good time to increase your business and job prospects.

Health: Six of Cups Reversed indicates some neglect towards your health. You need to be careful. If some near and dear ones are going through a health problem, then you need to pay attention and be kind to the patient.

Relationships: Five of Wands indicates some difference of opinion among partners. You will be struggling to maintain peace at home. Family might be demanding. The advice is to maintain your cool. Use the best weapons time and patience to ward off the disharmony.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Five of Wands indicates stiff competition at work. Some strife among colleagues may also arise. You need to be careful dealing with your seniors lest you rub them the wrong way. To maintain your financial comfort, you will have to struggle and put in a lot of effort. Try to avoid any kind of investments.

Health: Eight of Wands suggests you are struggling with small health issues. However, your high energy levels and fighting spirit will help you get over it quickly. Pay heed to the small issues and do not let them escalate.

Relationships: Ace of Swords indicates challenges in relationships. Good communication can work like magic. Work towards maintaining harmony with family members.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Five of Swords Reversed indicates some disharmony at work. You need to be careful about what you say to your seniors and colleagues. Work will be stressful and unsatisfactory. Plan your finances well as the inflow of money will be less than expected.

Health: King of Pentacles card shows stable health. You need to nurture your good health with healthy eating and lots of exercise.

Relationships: The Moon card suggests things are not as they seem. There is some insecurity in relationships, and some deceit as well. It is not necessarily infidelity, but the advice is to not jump to conclusions. Wait till things become clearer. Try to have a proper communication. Family might be edgy, and some issues might crop up.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man suggests dissatisfaction and uncertainty at work. On the face of it, all seems well but there is some nagging doubt which will make you restless and stressed out. Business natives will be in two minds regarding their growth plans. The advice is to take a break and get clarity of thoughts. Finances would be average.

Health: Hermit is the health card indicating some caution is requires towards your health. You need to go in for a health check up, if already under treatment it suggests to take a second opinion.

Relationships: The High Priestess Reversed indicates stress in relationships. Your busy schedule might not permit you to spend enough time with your partner. A lack of time and decrease in libido might make your partner feel neglected. A frank and open communication is required. Family might feel neglected and want more from you.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ten of Pentacles indicates an elevation for Pisces sun sign natives. You will be extremely comfortable in your position at work. Your bosses will be appreciative of your work and you will be handsomely rewarded. For businesspeople, this card indicates expansions. Financial gains and considerable increase in income are indicated.

Health: Page of Swords, the health card indicates some emotion and mental upheavals. You need to tackle situations with maturity and positivity. Focus on a good health regime with proper physical and mental exercices.

Relationships: Wheel of Fortune Reversed indicates that your relationships are going through a down phase, and you require all the effort and patience to get it on track. Some deeds done in the past are catching up. The advice is to not dwell in the past but focus on the present.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy PeachShutterStock

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 12-18 February 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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