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Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 19 – February 25, 2024

Lady luck is on your side, Aries. Couples and singles will share a good bonhomie with their partners. Sagittarians natives will enjoy a stable relationship with their partners. Read on to know this week’s love horoscope and astrology predictions for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘The heart is not like a box that gets filled up; it expands in size the more you love.’

February 2024 weekly love astrology predictions

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives are likely to be lucky in love, according to this week’s horoscope. You will share a good bonhomie and intimacy with your partner. Couples desirous of parenthood are likely to have the stork pay the visit. Familial bonds will be satisfactory, and the bonds of solidarity are likely to grow manifolds. Celebrations in the family will be pleasurable.

Singles: Singles will be having a whale of a time socialising and meeting new people. They will be in luck and will enjoy extra attention from the opposite sex but will be in no hurry for any commitments. Natives in love will be content with their partner and will be ready to lose their single status. It is a good time to propose.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus natives need to know – what you sow, so shall you reap. You need to love and respect your partner. Your romantic gestures will be reciprocated and you will have a good time in between the sheets. Love and respect your family and you will enjoy domestic harmony.

Singles: Singles will have to lower their expectations if they want a permanency in their relationship. Effort is required for any relationship to bloom. Natives in love will be happy with their significant other halves and mutual love and trust will grow your relationship and thus take it to the next level.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini couples might lack the stability and ecstasy in their relationship, according to this week’s love horoscope. Let the past not spoil the present. Live for what today has to offer, and not what yesterday has taken away. You need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate. If you must move ahead with your partner, it will take a lot of effort. Forgetting and forgiving is the mantra for good familial bonds.

Singles: Singles need to be free of all past bondages before they move ahead. Learn from your past mistakes. Dwelling too much in the past can ruin your present. Natives in love will be uncertain about their relationships. You need to be certain if you must move ahead but be free of the past and do not let it spoil things for you, suggests our this week’s love horoscope.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: According to this week’s love horoscope, Cancer sun sign natives will be dissatisfied in their relationship. You need to work towards rekindling and rejuvenating your bonds of love. Do not let life be repetitive and predictable. Add spice to your life and live to the fullest. Family commitments restricted to duty can be dull. Try to add a fun factor in your relationship with the family.

Singles: Singles might be lonely and edgy as they are not finding a significant other of their choice. You need to introspect and see what you want, and if you keep looking for perfection in your partner, you will never find it. Natives in love need to be more adjusting and adaptive. Instead of dwelling on the weakness of your mate focus on the positives.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will be at loggerheads with their partners. Address the issues frankly and do not brush the problems under the carpet. Instead, look for amicable solutions. The most certain way to succeed is to keep trying. Work towards harmony and intimacy. You might have some disagreements with the elders of the family but remember the only thing which lasts forever is family support.

Singles: According to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction, singles will be content and enjoy their singlehood and will be in no rush to lose their single status. At the end of the day, each one of us are looking for happiness, but try not to make others unhappy in the bargain. Natives in love might have a tough time emotionally and not sure of their partner choice, best is to have patience and give your relationship time.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will have a loving and positive relationship with their partner. Good vibes and good carnal pleasures amongst partners are indicated. Your familial bonds will be satisfying. You are likely to bond well with the children and youngsters of the family.

Singles: Singles will have a great time socially. Be ready to get swept off your feet. You are in for a wonderful experience of being in love. Natives in love will be ready to tie the knot. Your proposal will be eagerly accepted.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra natives are likely to rekindle their romance by making extra efforts towards their relationship, according to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction. Your bonhomie will be positive and exciting. Do not take family members for granted. Constant efforts towards harmony will yield good bonding.

Singles: Singles are likely to meet someone from the past and feelings might get rekindled. The advice is to keep the reason of the past breakup in mind and move ahead only if you can overcome that. Natives in love might suddenly be attracted to someone from the past. Honesty in relationships is important.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio natives should keep a balance in their relationships, be it with your partner, work or with family. Everyone needs their due and valuing all relationships is quite important. Give the share of love, respect and time to all.

Singles: Singles might be overburdened with work and not be able to give enough time to socialising and meeting people. All work and no play make jack a dull boy. However, work and career are quite important. The advice it to let it be an occasional affair. Natives in love will have to put their marriage plans on hold because of work load and commitments.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: According to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction, Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy stability and harmony with their partner. This week indicates a good understanding amongst couples and a good intimacy. You will bond well with family members. Children will be a source of joy. You are slated to enjoy domestic harmony in the true sense.

Singles: Singles are in luck and will have a whirlwind romance with someone of their choice. You will be ecstatic and blissful, struck by the golden arrow. You will enjoy your good fortune to the hilt, but the advice is not to hurry things up. Natives in love will be ready to tie the knot, suggests this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives will be in a stormy relationship. Some discord will escalate the problems and create challenges. A third person could be the cause of a strife. Have a positive outlook. Nothing is permanent and there is nothing you cannot achieve if you try hard enough. You need to sort out the issues with your partner and focus on amity and congruity. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. It is the best solvent to dissolve discord. With the family members, try to ease out the friction, and focus on amiability and solidarity.

Singles: Singles should take things easy and heal completely before forming any new attachment. Natives in love will be very much in love but might not get a nod to go ahead from the family. Sometimes this card indicates eloping with your partner. At times, difficult decisions have to be taken but the advice is not to rush into anything you might regret later.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius natives will be facing some relationship problems. You need to nurture your relationship and try to sort out the issues. Retrospect and try to eliminate the factors causing rift and stress. A good holiday together will work well to strengthen your relationship. You will need work towards dissolving discord with the family, misunderstands not sorted out in time escalate to bigger issues.

Singles: Singles will be in and out of relationships, but if you are looking for permanency, you need to lower your expectations. Cater for human imperfections and be adjusting and adaptive. Natives in love will be yo-yoing between a yes and a no and you need to introspect and make up your mind.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: Pisces make the best lovers and give in a lot to make their relationship work. You are putting in a lot of effort to maintain amiability in relationship. You might be carrying the full weight of the relationship.  You need to have a frank and open dialogue with your partner as relationships on equal footing are stronger and lasting. Familial will be shaky this week sorting out issues is a better idea than being silent, it is not always golden.

Singles: According to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction, singles will be unhappy and lonely being single things happen when they are supposed to just have patience and keep your options open by socialising and meeting like minded people. Natives in love need to be more mature in their attitude towards their partner, no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect.

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Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 19 – February 25, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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