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LSA Weekly: 19-25 February 2024

Taurus needs to try meditation and yoga this week, and Libras should add spice and passion to their relationships. Here’s a closer look at your weekly horoscope for 19-25 February 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Geminis will have to put in a lot of hard work but they will find success ultimately, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs from Feb 19 – Feb 25, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The World card indicates success in all your endeavours. You will win favours and accolades. Businesses will flourish and gains and increments are indicated. It is a good week for investing and going into partnerships. You are likely to enjoy good gains from past investments also.

Health: King of Swords is the health card indicating some health issues. Nothing consequential but the advice is not to ignore your health as swords do not indicate a good one. A check-up will be a good idea. Do not neglect your health, and address even the smallest of issues.

Relationships: Six of Wands the victory card is a good omen for love and romance. This card indicates a good bonhomie with your partner. It is a good card to get for parenthood. Familial bonds will be exceptionally satisfying. You might be celebrating some occasion together with your folks. Merriment and happiness are indicated.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Pentacles indicates your hands are full managing too many tasks. Do not to take more responsibilities. Focus on the present responsibilities. Treat work as a part of your life, but let it not become your entire life. You might be contemplating a change of job and are confused. The advice is to take the plunge only if, you are sure. Businesspeople will be handling too many things together and the advice is to start delegating. Do not over burden and underperform. Financially, you will be comfortable and wanting to invest. The advice is to explore well and read the fine print carefully.

Health: Hermit Reversed indicates some mental health issues relating to anxiety. Work towards keeping yourself calm. Do not let the insecurities turn in to paranoia. Try meditation and yoga.

Relationships: Justice Reversed is a card indicating justice and truly translates into ‘do unto others as you will have them do unto you’. If you love your partner, you will be loved back. Respect your family if you want the same kind of reciprocation.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands Reversed shows lots of hard work and energies have been put in to achieve your goals. Some delays and bumps might leave you demotivated. However, you need to keep going as success is round the corner. According to Gemini weekly horoscope, finances will be average.

Health: Death Reversed is indicative of some neglect towards your health. You need to pay attention to self-care. Cultivate good eating habits and work towards your physical and mental well-being, suggests Gemini’s weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Ten of Swords is not a positive card for relationship. According to Gemini weekly relationship horoscope, you need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate if you want to move ahead with your partner. This will take a lot of effort. Family might be harbouring some grudges. Sorting out, forgetting, and forgiving are the mantras for good familial bonds.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Temperance card suggests that you need to balance between planning and action. Set realistic goals and try to achieve them. Good finances are indicated but business natives need to be careful so as not to go overboard with investments.

Health: Six of Cups Reversed indicates some neglect towards your own health. You need to be careful. Focus on self-care.

Relationships: Eight of Cups Reversed suggests dissatisfaction in relationships. You need to work towards rekindling and rejuvenating your relationships. Work on improving intimacy with your partner.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles is the tarot card for Leo sun sign natives indicating success. You need to involve your colleagues and use their expertise also to achieve your goals and targets. If planning a collaboration, know that it is likely to happen. Finances will be good. Businesspeople will enjoy good profits.

Health: Ace of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional setbacks. You need to focus on your well-being. Getting a health check-up done is a good idea.

Relationships: Queen of Hearts Reversed shows some strife or disagreement with your partner. You need to be frank and try not to brush the problems under the carpet. Address them and look for amicable solutions. You might not have the best of relationship with the elders of the family.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed card indicates good work, but this card indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Business natives need to be prepared for some obstructions and delays. Be more enthusiastic and creative and plan new strategies. You will need to be careful with your finances. Make commitments only when you have the cash in hand.

Health: Five of Wands suggests a fight against ill health. The results are generally positive. It might not be a big health issue, but you will be dealing with some ups and downs.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles suggests positivity in relationships. It is a good time to strengthen your bonds. You will share good vibes with your partner along with carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be satisfactory.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles denotes moving up in your career. Good opportunities will come your way and you will get good remunerations, but you are going to be working your fingers to the bones. Business natives will have to toil to achieve their goals and their hard work will get good dividends. You need to mind the expenses this week though the inflow of money will be good.

Health: Eight of Wands suggests that you are struggling with small health issues, but with your high energy levels and fighting spirit, you will get over it quickly. Try not to neglect your health.

Relationships: Six of Cups indicate the rekindling of a relationship. Some extra efforts might be required towards making your relationship with your partner more positive and exciting. Add spice and passion. Do not take the family members for granted.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Swords indicates boredom at work. You need to break the monotony – take a break. A holiday will be a good idea. Business natives might encounter some hiccups and might be stressed. Scorpios like to give their best but do not let this build unnecessary pressure. Financially, you will be in a comfortable position. Do not be adventurous with your money. Play it safe.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in one’s health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion if health issues are not settling down.

Relationships: Temperance card suggests that you should keep a balance in relationships. Everyone should be given their share of love, respect, and time.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress card indicates a great time workwise. Some new ideas and projects will come your way with positive results. You seniors will show you off and your colleagues will look up to you. Business natives should get ready for some positive and new developments at work. It is a good time to invest and grow your money.

Health: Ten of Cups Reversed indicates a sudden onset of a health problem. This card is indicative of fertility issues and miscarriages. You need to be careful. Self-care is the theme for the week.

Relationships: Knight of Cups indicates emotional stability and a harmonious relationship with your partner. This card indicates emotional satisfaction, understanding, and intimacy. You will bond well with family members and enjoy domestic harmony in the true sense.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man Reversed card indicates stagnation and discontent at work. Do not take any rash decisions. This is the time to introspect. Do not be a passenger in your own life. Business natives need to take some firm decisions even if they are unpleasant ones. Financially, you will be stressed out even though average finances are indicated.

Health: The High Priestess Reversed indicates a hormonal imbalance and the advice is not to neglect any symptoms. Take it seriously and address them. This card can indicate fertility issues. It can also indicate gynaecological issues and miscarriages at times.

Relationships: Six of Swords Reversed is indicative of a stormy relationship. This card can also indicate the problems are caused by a third person. You need to sort out some issues with your partner and focus on amity and congruity. Try to ease out things with your family.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Swords foretells a busy but unsatisfactory week. You will be struggling to cope with work pressures. Businesspeople will face obstacles and delays and might suffer some losses. Financially, it is not a very good week. You need to handle money judiciously.

Health: Queen of Swords Reversed does not signify good health and it often indicates neglect and laziness in self-care. You need to be regular with your health regime. A good exercising and eating schedule need to be observed. Extreme caution is advised if you are pregnant.

Relationships: Seven of Wands Reversed indicate some problems in your relationship. You need to nurture your relationship and try to sort out the issues. Retrospect and try to eliminate the factors causing rift and stress. A good holiday together will work well to strengthen your relationship. You will need to work towards dissolving discord with the family.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed indicates you need to exert caution at work. Small lapses and errors might spoil things for you. You will have to work hard and be diligent to reach your goals. Businesspeople need to be vigilant against thefts and cheating. You might lose some money this month. Avoid reckless spending and investing.

Health: Page of Swords card indicative of mental health issues rather than physical ones. You will be able to achieve clarity with your efforts and abilities. However, do not neglect your physical health.

Relationships: Ten of Wands, the relationship card indicates that a lot of effort to maintain amicability in relationship. You might be carrying the full weight of the relationship. You need to have a frank and open dialogue with your partner as relationships on equal footing are stronger and lasting. Familial bonds will be shaky this week. Sorting out issues is a better idea than being silent.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

LSA Weekly: 19-25 February 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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