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Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of February 26 – March 3, 2024

Aries, be ready to embark on a nostalgic trip. Couples and singles will reminisce the good time spent with their partners. Virgos will enjoy a stable relationship and strengthen the bonds with their partners. Read on to know this week’s relationship and love horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love is being stupid together.’

February 2024: Relationship and love horoscope for this week

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will relive good memories with their partner. This will be a nostalgic week diving in the past cherishing the happy moments and learning life lessons from the not so happy moments of the past. You are likely to have a good time with family and friends.

Singles: Single might be on crossroads as a former lover might resurface and rekindle some desires. You need to be alert. Let your brain guide and reopen the doors of your heart. Natives in love will fall deeper in love and reminisce about the pleasant memories.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus natives are likely to be overbearing and dominating this week. Your partner will be unhappy with this selfish and self-obsessed attitude. At times, the transit makes you behave in a particular way. Nevertheless, be more caring and loving. Communicate well with your partner. Your family might be more understanding and patient towards your highhandedness.

Singles: If you are not able to find a suitable partner for yourself, you need to introspect. Maybe your arrogance is putting off the opposite sex. Be open and acceptable to human flaws. Do not look for perfection. Natives in love might have a difficult time with their partners. Be more open and adaptable if you want peace and harmony, says relationship and love horoscope.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives might be a bit controlling and this might not go down well with their partner. Give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. Equality and mutual respect are the foundation of lasting love in a healthy relationship. Family might not be happy with your nitpicking. Give space to your family members.

Singles: Singles will be happy being single with no desire to lose their single status. If you desire permanency in a relationship, a lot of compromise will have to be made. Natives in love will be facing some issues. Respect and understanding of each other is the answer to your problem.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will encounter some difference of opinions and misunderstandings. Sex is the best solvent for all strife. You need to work towards intimacy and bonhomie with your partner. Some misunderstanding will blemish the family solidarity. Be open and frank and work towards sorting out. Remember ‘a happy family is but an earlier heaven’.

Singles: According to relationship and love horoscope, singles need to be watchful towards the intentions of their dates some background check might be a good idea. Natives in love need to be alert some deception and cheating cannot b ruled out, take your time and do not be in a hurry to tie the knot.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo natives will experience some positive changes in their equations with their partners leading to more peace and harmony. Couples will enjoy good carnal pleasures, and this is a good time to increase the family if they so desire. You will get closer to your family and enjoy good familial bonds.

Singles: Singles are likely to be struck by the golden arrow. You will be lucky in love this week. Natives in love will enjoy a good camaraderie with their significant other and proposals and nuptials are the likely outcome.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives are likely to strengthen their bonds of love and will be content with each other. They are likely to enjoy good intimacy and bonding. This is a good time for the stork to pay a visit. Family will bask in your love and attention, says relationship and love horoscope for this week.

Singles: Singles will be lucky in love and you might meet your soulmate. In fact, the relationship might blossom to a next level. Do not be in a hurry to lose your single status. Go slow and steady if you want to win this race of love. Couples will be content with each other and this is a good time to propose and tie the knot.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra natives might struggle with some financial issues and might be stressed out.  You need the right balance in your relationship. Be frank and open. Take decisions together as a team. The advice is to maintain a healthy balance in all your relationships.

Singles: Singles will be happy in their social life but indecisive regarding their choice of partner they want to move ahead with. Give it time. Things will be clear when it is the right time. Couples might be yo-yoing in their decisions and in the process of sorting out certain issues.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio natives might face some abuse or aggression from their partners. Bonhomie and intimacy are important in a relationship. Work towards achieving them. If you must move ahead in a relationship, sort out all the issues first. Some disharmonies with elders are indicated according to relationship and love horoscope.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships and might not be happy with this kind of a relationship. It is time you introspect. You need to work on yourself as it takes a lot of effort to make a relationship work. Natives in love need to be more adjusting and compromising and stabilise their equations before they say I do.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives should be ready for some betrayal. It does not necessarily mean infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Do not get swayed by sweet talks. Guard yourself against being cheated and hurt.

Singles: Singles might be jilted and betrayed, says relationship and love horoscope for this week. You need to guard yourself. Be wise with your choice of partner and do not try to be someone you are not. Natives in love should be honest with their partners. Remember, any dishonest claims and promises are exposed sooner or later.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives will be lacking domestic harmony this week. Do not be fixated in your ideas. Be open to change. When two people from different backgrounds stay together, there is a clash of values and opinions. You need to give respect and space in relationships if you want peace and harmony. Despite discordance, you will share good intimacy with your partner. Value the advice of your elders as they always mean well for you.

Singles: If you want permanency, you need to nurture your relationship and not flit from one date to another, suggests your relationship and love horoscope for this week. Natives in love will struggle to set amicable equations. Remember love needs a lot of adjustments and compromise.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives might go through an anxious and depressive phase in life. It can be indicative of some grief and sadness. You need to work hard on achieving positivity and a happy state of mind. Ups and downs are part of life. Some unpleasant and unforeseen events might upset you, but you need to come to terms with your situation and move ahead positively.

Singles: According to relationship and love horoscope, singles might be lonely and upset due to a failed relationship. The advice is to learn from your mistakes. We are human and flawed but are capable of growth and improvement. Natives in love will struggle to find their peace and harmony. Give it time and patience and see how.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: According to relationship and love horoscope, Pisces sun sign natives will enjoy stability and understanding. Your bonhomie will increase and strengthen your relationship. It is a good time for pregnancy and conception. Families will come closer and bond well.

Singles: Singles will be in luck and bond well with like-minded people. You might get close to someone in particular. Nurture the relationship and let it grow. Try not to rush into any commitments. Natives in love will get closer and will be ready to say I do. Let love be your guiding light. Go ahead with your proposal as it will be accepted.

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Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of February 26 – March 3, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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