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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 26 February – 3 March 2024

Geminis need to eat better this week, Capricorns will see fluctuating finances, and Scorpios need to turn down the aggression. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 12 February to 3 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Sagittarians will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs from 26 February – 3 March 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles Reversed indicates that you might lose your focus and drive. It does not indicate a lack of skill but rather boredom and monotony. Take a break or enhance your skills and move ahead with renewed energy. Businesspeople should be careful. They might lose out to their competitors. Do not make any investments this week and try not to overspend.

Health: Four of Pentacles Reversed is a good card to get in a health reading. It shows you will work towards your well-being and be successful. You might have to make some lifestyle changes to continue to enjoy robustness.

Relationships: Six of Cups is the relationship tarot card. This is a nostalgia card. You will go down the memory lane and relive the pleasant memories with your partner, strengthening the bonds of love. It can also indicate a former lover returning in your life. A good time with family and friends is indicated.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice card indicates you will be rightly rewarded for your hard work and punished if you have not been true to your profession. All court cases will have a positive outcome. Financially, this card warns you to be honest and dedicated towards money and investments. Any fraudulent use of money is likely to cost you dear.

Health: Lovers Reversed card is a warning to focus on your health. Listen to your body and take steps accordingly. However busy you might be, take out time to follow your health regime.

Relationships: Queen of Wands Reversed indicates an overbearing and dominating attitude. Your partner might feel neglected and find you selfish and self-obsessed. This week calls for effective communication and a willingness to reconcile. Be patient and kind to your family members.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups card indicates a lucrative commercial collaboration which will benefit your company. This partnership could be a result of your efforts. Therefore, you will be suitably rewarded and awarded. Business partnerships will do well. Expect good profits and smooth sailing at work. Finances will be satisfactory. Invest wisely.

Health: Ten of Cups indicates good health, but the advice is to maintain it with by eating and exercising properly. You might face some digestive issues.

Relationships: King of Swords is the relationship card indicating dominance and self-control. You need to work towards a harmonious relationship. Give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. There might be some tension between family members because of your domineering attitude.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Cups Reversed foretells lack of satisfaction at work. Your creativity is being compromised and you are not getting enough credit for your hard work. Business natives need to be more creative and dedicated towards work. Financially things are well, but be mindful of expenses.

Health: The Fool Reversed card shows neglect towards health. The advice is to get a thorough check-up done. Start with a healthy diet plan and some exercise. You might be accident prone this week and thus need to be cautious.

Relationships: Five of Swords, the relationship card is not a positive indicator for relationship issues. Difference of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating cannot be ruled out. For singles, this is a warning card. Be watchful and do not rush into commitment. Communicate well with family members.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles card indicates an excellent time professionally. A period of growth and satisfaction is indicated for you Leos. You will get rich dividends from your efforts, and this is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Businesses will flourish and expect good gains and profits.

Health: Ten of Wands Reversed indicates ill health. Generally, it is a result of over work and stress. The advice is to look after your health.

Relationships: The World is the relationship card. It is a positive card, and it indicates change in equations leading to a better understanding and harmony. Your relationships will grow and strengthen. This is a good time, if you are wanting to conceive. If you are wanting to get married, be prepared to lose your single status.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Cups Reversed is the Tarot card for this week foretelling lack of satisfaction at work. This will be a confusing phase for you. your creativity is being compromised and you are not getting enough credit for your hard work. Financially things are well, but be mindful of expenses.

Health: Nine of Cups indicates an overall satisfaction. You will enjoy good health. If you were experiencing health problems, it will be cured. You will feel positive regarding your health.

Relationships: Lovers is the relationship card and it shows affection and trust between partners. This card represents pure love and great camaraderie with friends and family members.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates a stressful work environment. Colleagues will not be cooperative and there will be backbiting and bickering among them. Work is going to suffer as the entire focus will be to dissolve the tensions and this can result in some losses. Concentrate on work and try to do the best from your side. For businesspeople, income will be less, and losses are indicated.

Health: Knight of Pentacles is a good card to get in a health reading. Physical fitness means a lot to you and you work hard towards it. It is a good card for recovery from any injury or medical conditions.

Relationships: Two of Pentacles, the relationship card, indicates you need to take some big financial decisions with your partner. You need balance in your relationships. Some neglect towards your loved ones is indicated. Family might expect more from you.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Wands Reversed is the tarot card for this week for Scorpio sun sign natives indicating regret in some past choices. Your career is not going as expected and this is causing stress. You cannot reverse the clock. You need to move ahead positively. At times, it is your attitude and not aptitude which can determine your altitude. Take stock of your finances.

Health: Eight of Pentacles Reversed indicates neglect towards health. You need to focus and work toward maintaining and achieving your health goals.

Relationships: King of Swords Reversed denotes abuse and aggression in a relationship. Partners need to respect each other and work towards peace and harmony. If you must move ahead in the relationship, sort out all the issues first.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Sagittarius weekly horoscope, Queen of Pentacles card indicates growth in career, security in your profession, monetary gains, and all things good. Business natives will get a lot of good opportunities and will progress well. Stay humble and enjoys your success.

Health: Ace of Cups is the health card for you. This is a good card to get as it indicates good health and vitality. According to Sagittarius weekly horoscope, any health issues of the past will get sorted and you will enjoy good health this week.

Relationships: Seven of Swords generally denote betrayal. It does not necessarily mean infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Be wary in friendships, and do not get carried away with sweet talks. Value your family as they will always stand by you, suggests the weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things at the same time. Your intuition is at its best, follow it. Business natives might be a little confused. The best way is to depend on your gut. You are likely to have fluctuating finances this week.

Health: Temperance is the health card indicating balance. You need to work towards your physical and mental wellness. Control your temper and learn not to overreact. Indulge in yoga and meditation.

Relationships: Knight of Swords indicate some discord in relationships. Do not be fixated with your ideas. Give space to your near and dear ones. What might be 6 for you will appear 9 to others. Try to be more patient with family and respect the difference of opinions.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Magician Reversed card warns you not to neglect small issues regarding your career. Address them before they escalate to irreparable heights. This card also suggests you are not using your skills in the right manner. Business natives will struggle to have a smooth sailing in their work.

Health: Page of Wands card shows good health, but it is also a warning to not be inactive. Be regular towards in your exercise regime.

Relationships: Five of Cups indicate anxiety and depressive attitude. It can also indicate grief and sadness. You need to work hard on achieving positivity and a happy state of mind. A holistic approach will be helpful. Some unpleasant and unforeseen events might upset the smooth domestic sailing.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ten of Wands suggests overburden. You might struggle to keep pace. The advice is to share your workload rather than compromise on the quality. Business natives need to be heedful towards this quality. Expenses will be higher than expected so try not to lend money this week.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is very important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Ace of Wands suggests a good relationship for married couples. It might indicate pregnancy as well. You will enjoy marital bliss. You might make new friends and will enjoy great bonhomie with family members.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 26 February – 3 March 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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