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LSA Weekly horoscope: 4-10 March 2024

Cancer signs will see love and romance this week, while Scorpios may see some chaos at the bank. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 4-10 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Virgo will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs from Mar 4 – Mar 10, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates good work but this card indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Be more enthusiastic and creative and plan new strategies. Business natives need to be more alert and agile towards their commitments. Finances will be good, but this is not a good time for any major investments.

Health: King of Pentacles indicates stable health. You need to nurture your good health with a healthy lifestyle. Indulging in physical activities will help you maintain your fitness.

Relationships: Ten of Swords is the relationship card. It is not a positive card for relationship. It denotes break-ups. You need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate if you have to move ahead with your partner. Some patchwork will be needed to improve the family ties.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles denotes moving up in your career. Good opportunities will come your way and you will be getting good remunerations. Business natives will increase their work and expect growth and profits. It is a good time for investments.

Health: Eight of Wands suggests that you are struggling with small health issues, but with your high energy levels and fighting spirit you will get over it fast.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles suggests positivity in relationships. You will be satisfied and content with your partner and enjoy a good family bonding. Children will be a source of pleasure and the general home atmosphere at home will be harmonious.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress indicates an ideal time at work. You will be satisfied and content and win appreciation from your superiors and admiration from your co-workers this week. Business naitves will implement some new ideas and lucrative projects will come your way with very positive results. Good finances are indicated. Your past investments are likely to do well.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in your health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion if under some treatment.

Relationships: King of Wands suggests a good bonding with your partner and family. You will enjoy stability in relationships.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles is indicative of success. You need to involve your colleagues and use their expertise also to achieve your goals and targets. If planning collaboration, it is likely to happen. Finances will be good. Businesspeople will grow and enjoy good profits. You can think of making some investments.

Health: Death Reversed is indicative of neglect towards your health. You need to pay attention to self-care. Cultivate good eating habits and work towards your physical well-being. At times, this card indicates addiction like alcoholism or smoking and you need to be mindful of it.

Relationships: Six of Wands is a good omen for love and romance. This card indicates you will be happy and enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner. It is a good card to get for parenthood. Familial bonds will be exceptionally satisfying, and your family solidarity is all set to grow and bloom. You might celebrate some occasion together with your folks.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups indicates a collaboration or liaison which will be very amicable and commercially viable. It is a good card for partnerships. The inflow of money is likely to increase manifolds. There will be a good boost in your job/business.

Health: Temperance Reversed indicates you need balance in your life with respect to eating and exercising regimes. You need to focus on good and healthy habits.

Relationships: Justice Reversed indicates justice. It encourages you to be respectful and loving towards your partner and family members. You will reap what you sow, therefore, the advice is to be patient and loving in all your relationships.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Tower Reversed indicates challenging circumstances at work. It is time to introspect and see what you want. This card often denotes big changes in the work field.  Instead of pushing the boulder uphill and overstraining, let it drop. Change of job or change in the line of business may be a good idea. Finances might be of concern but you will not be short of it, suggests weekly Virgo horoscope.

Health: Hanged Man Reversed indicates that you must take out time from your busy schedule to devote on yourself. This card suggests neglect and that is what you cannot afford. Start and follow a healthy exercise regime, states Virgo weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Nine of Cups is the relationship card for this week indicating good relationships all around. You will be content and experience fulfilment with your partner and enjoy good familial bonds. For people wanting to get married, this is the right time, suggests weekly Virgo horoscope.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Cups is a positive card. Your gentle, careful handling, and management of workers and issues at the workplace will be appreciated a lot. You seniors and colleagues will admire you for your nature and behaviour at work beside your dedication. Business natives will be favourites with their staff and will get good results at work. Your finances are all set to grow and increase.

Health: Eight of Swords indicates phobia and some stress-related issues. You need to work on your mental health. Try to relax and not take things too much to the heart. This card indicates recovery of some health problems you were undergoing. Meditation and yoga are the best options for upheavals of the mind.

Relationships: Ten of Cups indicates a celebration time with family and friends. You will bask in the warmth of love and affection of family and friends.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Wands Reversed indicates regret in some past choices which did not work out too well. Your career is not going as expected and is causing stress. Businessmen might be regretful of certain choices. Some chaos in monetary matters is likely, as some mismanagements of the finances are indicated.

Health: Queen of Pentacles is the health card indicating good health this week. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to maintain this health status.

Relationships: Knight of Swords Reversed is a warning to you to nurture your relationships. Love, respect, and understanding are key factors for any relationship to progress. Be understanding towards youngsters of the family and try to avoid unnecessary friction.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes progression in career. Remunerative job offers or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Business natives will add a new line to their existing business set up. Increase of income, profits, or a new money source are indicated. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is very important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Five of Pentacles foretells some neglect and disengagement. Financial issues are generally the cause. You need to spend enough time towards making your near and dear ones comfortable emotionally as well as financially.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed suggests you not to take impulsive decisions regarding your career. Be open to change. Try not to perform work and business-related chores alone. Involve your colleagues and give them their due credit. Be careful and wise with your money. Theft is also a possibility.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. Nurture your health and do not lose sleep over petty things. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Knight of Swords indicates some discord in relationships. Do not be fixated in ideas. Give space to near and dear ones. Two people from different background seldom think alike. Learn to respect your partner’s views and opinions.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things at a time. Your intuition is at the best so, follow it. Your superiors might not stand by their words and you might feel let down. Business natives need to stand by their commitments towards their clients and workers. Finances will be less than expected.

Health: Six of Wands is a very positive card to get in any reading. This card indicates good health and is a victory card. If you were facing any health issues in the past, they will just vanish.

Relationships: Hanged Man is the relationship card foretelling that people take advantage of your caring and sacrificing nature. You are always happy doing things for others and hence you generally enjoy good relationships. The advice is not to be taken for a ride always.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates that inspiration and excitement is lacking in your career. Things are going the right way but you are dissatisfied with the career growth and progress. You need to think positive and take a short break to rekindle your enthusiasm. Finances will be good.

Health: Chariot is your health card indicating good health. Your immunity and resilience seem to be good. You are advised to work towards maintaining it.

Relationships: Queen of Cups indicates emotional stability and harmony between couples. It also indicates solidarity among family members. Friendships will grow and be pleasurable.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

LSA Weekly horoscope: 4-10 March 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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