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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 25-31 March 2024

Leos need to be more honest, Geminis need to learn how to say no, and Pisces may have trouble sleeping. As March comes to a close, here’s a look at your weekly horoscope for 25-31 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Pisces will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Pisces and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Pisces and other zodiac signs from Mar 25 – Mar 31, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Strength card indicates a good time for professional growth. You have the talent and skill, but you are sensitive and at times overreact and this is not perceived well. You need to work on inculcating a professional approach and think before you react. Businesspeople will make good profits. Financially, this week will be good, but your expenses will also be very high.

Health: Six of Pentacles Reversed card indicates neglect towards your health. This card can also indicate lack of time for self-care. Your busy schedule might not leave enough time to follow your health regimes. You need to find a balance and focus on your health.

Relationships: Two of Wands card indicates restlessness among partners. A lot of effort is required to make a relationship work. Learn to accept the shortcomings of your partner as no one is perfect. Focus on the positives of your partner. Going on a holiday to revive your bonds will be a good idea. Spend more time with your family members and put in efforts to strengthen the familial bonds.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Wands Reversed indicates regret in some past choices which did not work out too well. Your career is not going as expected and is causing much stress. You cannot reverse the clock but do what you can by moving ahead with resolution and positivity. Some losses are expected. You need to handle your finances well and need to be patient.

Health: Page of Wands shows good health, but you need to keep working towards maintaining it. Be proactive towards your exercise regime and focus on health care and good eating habits.

Relationships: The Sun indicates positivity in relationships. Any past misunderstanding will disappear. This is a good time to plan a baby if you so desire. You will enjoy intimacy and passion. You will share a good bond with elders and friends this week.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Devil card indicates that your eagerness to achieve your goals often lands you in a situation where you have to struggle with work overload. Know your limits and start saying no. Financially, you need to be alert on all the paperwork. Do not trust even your closest associates blindly. Business natives need to be careful against thefts and losses.

Health: Queen of Pentacles is a good omen indicating robust health. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to maintain this health status. This is a good card to get if recuperating thus indicating speedy recovery.

Relationships: Knight of Swords Reversed indicates some discord in relationships. Give space to near and dear ones and also value their opinions and suggestions. You might have some difference of opinion with the youngsters.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes a progression in career. A gainful remunerative job offer or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Increase of income, profits, or a new source of extra income is indicated. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Temperance is the health card that indicates balance is the key to good health. Work towards your physical fitness and mental wellness. Control your temper and be positive. Indulge your senses with yoga and meditation.

Relationships: Ten of Swords indicates problems in relationships. It is an indication to start afresh on a positive note and bury the unpleasantness of the past. Family might be distant. Efforts are required to make the relationships affable.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates you are due for a promotion or raise, and you need to put your best efforts as you are being observed and evaluated. Businesses will do well. Financially, you need to be wise. Think carefully before investing.

Health: Ten of Pentacles Reversed show some marital discord and disagreement. You need to set your equations straight. Openness and frankness in a relationship is a must, especially, in monetary matters.

Relationships: Justice is the health card indicating good health. This card is a warning to keep working towards maintaining it. Include some exercise and meditation in your daily routine. If you neglect your well-being, your health might deteriorate.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things at the same time. Your intuition is at the best, so follow it. Some let down is indicated. Do not get carried away with sweet talks. Paper work needs to be in order. Financially, there are no major changes, but you will have to control your expenditure.

Health: The Fool is your health card indicating a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Be warned against accidents. Be careful while driving and of other activities which might cause you injury. Self-care is recommended.

Relationships: Queen of Cups is your relationship card indicating emotional stability and harmony between couples. It also indicates solidarity among family members. Friendships will grow and be pleasurable. It is a good card for fertility and conception.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates an uncomfortable atmosphere at work. You might have some issues with your colleagues. Teamwork is very important for the success of any endeavour. It is suggested that you clarify and sort out the things causing stress at the workplace. Business natives need to maintain a healthy and happy environment at the workplace. You might face some ups and downs in monetary matters.

Health: Tower is the health card for you and it is not a good omen. It indicates the sudden onset of an illness. Get some health check-ups done. It can also indicate accidents. The advice is to be careful while driving and otherwise. It can also be indicative of a health crisis relating to your near and dear ones.

Relationships: King of Swords Reversed denotes abuse and aggression in a relationship. Partners need to respect each other and work towards peace and harmony. If you have to move ahead in the relationship, sort out all the issues first and start on a clean slate. Respect the elders and try not to be rude and hurtful.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates lack of inspiration and excitement at work. Things might go the right way, but you will find something lacking. You need to think positive. Finances are good, but you will be dissatisfied. Set achievable targets for yourself.

Health: Six of Wands card is a good omen to get in any reading. This card indicates good health. This is a victory card. If you were facing any health issues in the past, you will overcome them.

Relationships: Empress is the relationship card indicating security and satisfaction in relationships. Show your feelings openly. It is always nice to show your partner how much he or she means to you. This is a good card to get if wanting to have a baby.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Cups Reversed foretells you need inspiration at work. Discard lethargy and move ahead with gusto. There is a lot of potential and you need learn to utilise it properly. Business natives need to explore more options to grow. Finances are good. However, it is wise to save but this card indicates you are being too tight-fisted.

Health: Ten of Cups indicates good health. Your health is generally good, but do not take it for granted. The advice is to maintain it with little effort by healthy eating and exercising.

Relationships: Hanged Man is the relationship card foretelling that you should not let anyone take advantage of your sacrificing nature. You might be happy doing for others but keep your self- respect intact. Family might take you for granted.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles card foretells great success in teamwork and partnerships. If any collaboration is in the pipeline, it will yield great results. Businesses in partnership will do very well. Pentacles are good cards for finance, hence monetary comfort is indicated.

Health: Lovers Reversed is the health card and is a warning to focus on your health. Good health is a blessing. Do not neglect yourself. Listen to your body and take steps accordingly. However busy you might be, take out time to follow your health regime.

Relationships: The High Priestess is the relationship card indicating high passion between partners. You will enjoy a good relationship not only with your partner but also with family and friends. This is a card of fertility also.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Death card indicates changes in your career. A change of job is a big possibility involuntarily or voluntarily. The advice is to be very cautious. Do not rub people the wrong way especially your superiors. Businesspeople should defer all plans for any expansion. Finances might be a cause of concern. Losses are indicated.

Health: The Hermit is the health card indicating it is time for some rest and relaxation. Do not push yourself beyond your limit. Yoga and meditation will be good for you.

Relationships: Page of Cups is your relationship card indicating a stable and loving relationship with your partner. This card is regarded as harbinger of good news and it can indicate pregnancy, engagements, and marriages. A good bonding with youngster of the family is indicated.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Pisces weekly horoscope, Nine of Wands Reversed indicates overload and mental exhaustion. Work is a part of your life and not the whole life. ‘All work and no play makes jack a dull boy’. Take a break and do not let the professional fatigue set in. Businesspeople should decrease their pace. Do not jump the gun. Finances will not be proportional to the effort you put in and that might frustrate you.

Health: Two of Swords Reversed indicates mental anxieties causing insomnia and other medical issues. You need to stay calm and learn to deal with stress, and what better than to meditate and exercise, suggests Pisces weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Five of Swords does not indicate harmony in relationships. Difference of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating cannot be ruled out. Communicate well with family members, suggests Pisces weekly horoscope.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 25-31 March 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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