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Here’s your April 2024 horoscope

Career, relationships, and money—here’s your Ap[ril 2-24 horoscope.

April 2024 is a special month as on April 9, the Hindu New Year will start. The Pratipada Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Chaitra is celebrated all over India as according to Brahma Puran creation took place on this day. Each state celebrates the New Year in the month of Chaitra. In South India, Ugadi or Puthandu is celebrated, while Maharashtra celebrates Gudi Padwa. In North India, Baishakhi or the Punjabi New Year is celebrated on 13 April. It is also the time when the Sun enters Aries. Meanwhile, the people of Orissa celebrate Maha Vishubha Sankranti on this day. Read to know April horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs.

Astrologically Saturn, the ruling planet of this year, will be coming out from its combustion on 26 March. Saturn is like the judge who deals with strictness and teaches everyone the right as well. For the hard working and diligent people, rewards are in store and this planet of Karma and Justice is likely to reprimand and teach life lessons to some. Focus on working hard, doing good deeds, and showing compassion to appease this planet. A complete solar eclipse is slated to occur on 8 April. Surprising events are in store for some zodiacs.

April 2024 Horoscope: Monthly predictions for all zodiac signs

Aries April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aries sun sign natives are likely to experience positive changes in their professional life. You will enjoy felicitous moments at your workplace and your superiors will vaunt you. You are likely to get some opportunities to acquire new skills or improve them. Business natives will get lots of opportunities for growth and expansion. You will be financially stable and you will get some extra money from unexpected sources.

Health: Focus on staying calm and not get excited and upset over small issues. Skin allergies and sleeplessness might bother you this month. Try meditation to calm yourself and some physical activities to keep fit.

Relationships: The month will start with good relationships but as the month progresses you might face some difference of opinion with your partner. However, you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. Family bonds will strengthen and friendships will blossom. Children or youngsters will be a source of joy and happiness.

Remedy: Inhale eucalyptus oil or camphor for peace of mind.

Taurus April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Taurus sun sign natives are slated to be successful at work. In beginning of the month, you will get appreciation and accolades. You will be creative and earn both name and fame. Business natives will put new ideas into being and achieve success in their endeavours. Finances and profits will be good, and you are likely to make some wise investments.

Health: You will be full of enthusiasm early in the month but as the month progresses, lethargy might set in. Focus on a good exercising regime and stay protected and safe against viral infections.

Relationships: The month will start on a good note as far as relationships are concerned. You will enjoy good bonding and intimacy. In the latter half of the month you need to be careful about being egoistic, this can spoil the best of relationships. Focus on increasing your carnal pleasures. You might face some disagreements with elders in the family as the month dawns but as it progresses, domestic harmony will be achieved.

Remedy: Use white or light colour bedsheets to sleep at night.

Gemini April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Gemini sun sign natives are slated to achieve bigger things after a slow start. Positive changes are indicted. Businesses are all set to grow and some changes relating to the work field are foretold. Finances will be on the rise and you will enjoy good financial health all through the month. Good time to buy a new house.

Health: Health will be average to start with but as the month progresses you will feel robust and energetic. Focus on good eating habits and exercise.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good relationship with your partner and good carnal pleasures are foretold. Some acrimony with the elders in the family might stress you, but you will be able to dissolve the differences and achieve harmony in the latter part of the month.

Remedy: Try to walk bare foot for some time in the house.

Cancer April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: According to April horoscope 2024, Cancer sun sign natives will have an average start to the month in terms of career, but tables will turn mid-month and you are likely to win accolades and be the shining star at your workplace. Business natives will eliminate all competition and will have projects falling in their lap. Any expansion plans should be executed and you will get positive results. Financially, a good second fortnight is foretold. This is a good time to invest in property.

Health: Health will be fine but a health check-up is advised as some long-term ailments like hypertension might crop up. You should incorporate physical activities in your daily routine and modify your lifestyle a bit to stay healthy.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner. Your understanding will be perfect, but you need to make some extra efforts towards intimacy. You will make new friends and have an enjoyable time with them. This transit will require extra efforts towards the family.

Remedy: Manifest harmony by lighting a white candle every Monday.

Leo April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Leo sun sign natives will have to work their fingers to the bones if they want to achieve their goals this month. Your hard work will yield good results in the second half of the month. Business natives need to be careful of partnerships. Be co-operative and amicable with your partners. Financial advantages will come your way and you will gain from your past investments. Some inheritance is also likely to come your way, suggests April 2024 horoscope.

Health: The beginning of the month might get you some infections and fever, but you will recover and feel energetic for the rest of the month. Work towards strengthening your immune system.

Relationships: The month might start with petty squabbles with your partner spoiling the domestic harmony but with efforts you will be able to reach stability in your relationship. The transit in the second half of the month will get you domestic harmony with your partner. The elders of the family might hold some grudges and might be distant but the second half of the month will be harmonious but not without efforts.

Remedy: Put red fresh flowers at home for harmony and amicability in relationships.

Virgo April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Virgo natives will have a mixed bag in terms of career. A lot of opportunities will come your way and you need to stay alert to grab them. Some lapse on your part might be detrimental and infuriate your seniors. Business natives might lose out to their opponents. Finances will be average and you are advised to be judicious with your money.

Health: Health will be fine by and large but small issues will bother you all throughout the month. You might complain of joint and muscle pain. Focus on exercising and following a diet regime.

Relationships: You need to focus on staying calm and relaxed and nurture your relationships. You might have some difference of opinion with your partner in the first half of the month. Those are likely to dissolve as the month progresses and your intimacy with your partner will increase. You might have some differences with your friends this month. The elders will be distant but a little effort and favourable transit towards mid-month will improve the relationships.

Remedy: Try to eat green leafy vegetables especially on Wednesdays for overall well-being.

Libra April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Libra sun sign natives will be totally resolute towards their goals and the universe is all set to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. Businesses will scale new heights and your competitors will be in awe of you. The latter part of the month might see some disappointments. You need to be alert and not be impulsive in your career moves. Travel will be fruitful and monetary gains are indicated.

Health: Health might not be on your priority list this month but your emotional health might require some attention. Try to keep your emotions in check and practice yoga and meditation.

Relationships: You might see some discord with your partner. Try to be diplomatic in your relationships and keep your emotional balance. Try not to be over-reactive when it comes to family members. You will enjoy good friendship and children and youngsters of the family might require special attention.

Remedy: Some donations towards women welfare will improve your relationships..

Scorpio April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Scorpio natives are advised to be focussed on their career. Work satisfaction might be lacking in the first fortnight of the month. The latter part of the month will get some satisfaction at work and business natives will gain. Finances will be good throughout but you need to be judicious with your money. Some investment from the past might result in losses., says your April career horoscope 2024.

Health: Health will be fine in the first half of the month. You will feel robust and full of energy. Keep your thoughts positive and stay motivated.


You might face some challenges in your relationship with your partner and the major reason will be your ego. Keep your ego under check and do not let this spoil the camaraderie. When you strive to become better, everything around you becomes better, suggests 2024 April horoscope.

Remedy: Feed the fish for a good relationship.

Sagittarius April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Sagittarius sun sign natives will start April with some hindrances and obstacles in their career. You need to maintain your calm, work hard, and keep your focus till things improve. After mid-month as success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. Business natives will face some challenges and will have to work very hard to reach your goals. Finances will be as expected, but you will gain from past investments.

Health: You might be bothered by some chest congestion and cough but as the month advances, the small ailments are likely to disappear.

Relationships: The month might not start too well for you romantically. You might have some contretemps with your partner but as the month progresses, the issues will settle down. A good bonding with the family, especially with the children and the youngsters of the family is foretold.

Remedy: Light a candle or a lamp at the entrance of your house every Thursday.

Capricorn April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Capricorn sun sign natives need to be mindful of their communication. Some misunderstandings at the workplace might cause some upsets. Be frank and clear and reconfirm important directives. Business natives need to be specific and to the point in their communication and leave no scope of error. As the month progresses, the work stress will ease out and you will head in the right direction.

Health: Try to be positive and do not let small issues dampen your spirits. Headaches might bother you this month. Meditation and yoga are recommended for you.

Relationships: You will have harmony with your partner. Friends will be a source of great pleasure and you will experience and enjoy good familial bonds. The outcomes are generally directly proportional to the efforts.

Remedy: Be kind to the elderly and seek their blessings.

Aquarius April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aquarius sun sign natives are all slated to move up the ladder of success, but it will come at the price of hard work. The difference between try and triumph is just ‘umph’. Your hard work of the past is also going to yield rich dividends. Monetary inflow will be good, and the advice is to control the outflow.

Health: The month will start with some ENT issues and some trips to the doctor. As the month progresses, you will feel strong and energetic. Try to build good immunity with proper self-care.

Relationships: You will have a good understanding and bonhomie with your partner. Your bonds of love will become stronger, and you are likely to enjoy good carnal pleasures. Family will be supportive and you will bond well with all the members.

Remedy: Donate to an old age home.

Pisces April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Pisces will be the most favoured sign in the first fortnight of April. A promotion or a change of job is indicated with increase in emoluments. This is a fortnight of upliftment and elevation for people in business also. The second half of the month is the time to be alert and cautious. Your finances will show a sharp increase. This is a good time to invest but avoid lending money.

Health: You will be able-bodied and full of energy. You might experience sleeplessness more from excitement and fervour rather than ill health. Meditation and yoga are the best for you.

Relationships: This is the only aspect of your life which will require effort this month. The transit does not indicate a bad relationship but just a routine one. Put in efforts to make your connection with your family members more vibrant and exciting.

Remedy: Feed the birds every Thursday.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

Here’s your April 2024 horoscope

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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