Home > Astrology > Your Horoscope > Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 1 – April 7, 2024
Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 1 – April 7, 2024

The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting and worthwhile if you have harmony in relationships. Read on to know the April weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Taurus and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the Taurus April love horoscope 2024 readings as a guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love is a great master, it teaches us to be what we never were.’

Interestingly, all the earth signs are the cosmic favourites for love and romance this week – namely, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn sun sign.

Taurus and other zodiac signs’ April love horoscope 2024: Weekly relationship predictions

Aries April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will face some challenges in their relationship and efforts will be required to maintain peace at home. Keep your communication clear and address the issues frankly. Pushing them under the carpet only escalates issues. Work towards harmony and intimacy. Your family equations will just be average, and efforts are required to strengthen them.

Singles: Singles will be lonely and want someone special beside them to share and care. You need to spend your time positively and not harp on singularity. Spend your time constructively. Socialise more. Taking up a hobby class will be a good idea. Natives in love might face resistance from family on the choice of their partner. However, be assertive if, you are sure.

Taurus April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives are all set to enjoy a satisfying week with their partner. Your bonds of love are all set to strengthen. You are likely to have a wonderful time with your family, especially with the youngsters. They will look up to you and you will have some exciting time with friends, suggests Taurus April love horoscope.

Singles: According to Taurus April love horoscope, singles will have an enjoyable time with their friends and will fall hook, line, and sinker for someone special and this bond is likely to bloom. Fairytales are only exciting in books. You need to weigh all the pros and cons before you move towards permanency. Natives in love will be very much in love and will all set to propose and tie the knot.

Gemini April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives need to work towards improving their ties. Learn from the past and work on strengthening the ties. Work towards improving your sex life along with a better understanding. Do not take family members for granted. Extra attention and few loving gestures can turn an average relationship into a good one.

Singles: Singles need to be careful of their choice of the partner especially if they are affluent. A background check will be good. Try to give time to the relationship to be sure of the intentions of the person you are in love with. Natives in love will not be sure and might be confused. Remember, haste is waste. It is better to be happy alone than being unhappy together.

Cancer April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will be in a monotonous relationship. Add peppiness with some romantic overtures to increase the intimacy and rejuvenate your ties. It is a good time for a enjoying a holiday together. Family needs more than just the duty calls. Go an extra mile for them to make them happy and satisfied.

Singles: Singles need to try a different approach if things are fizzling out often. You might meet someone from the past like an old flame and your love story might be rekindled. Be sure not to make the same mistakes again. Natives in love need to add spice in their relationship and do exciting things together.

Leo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will have an average week in terms of relationships. Nothing is amiss. It is just lack of time because of some additional responsibilities and commitments. Sharing lightens the load and makes the partner more understanding but let this phase not continue for long as relationships wilt without nurturing. Family will feel neglected. Share your burden and you might get solutions besides extra support.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships. They might not be able to find the special someone. At times, the energies are not favourable for love and romance but if the spell stretches for long, you need to introspect and lower your expectations. Natives in love might face some tantrums from their partner. If this is something occasional, cajole and pamper your partner, but do not let it become a habit.

Virgo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will share a good camaraderie with their partner and will enjoy stability in their relationship. It is a good time for conceiving and for the stork to pay a visit. Family will be supportive, and you are likely to share comfort and security with your family members.

Singles: Singles will be happy in their relationship with someone special and it will grow in leaps and bounds. Special attachments are likely to be formed and you might think of proposing as well. The advice is to not be in a hurry to lose your single status. Natives in love will be waiting for the right moment to propose and tie the knot.

Libra April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives will be bottled up and aloof with their partner. You need to connect better with your partner. You need to introspect. Maybe you are hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. A good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity. Focus on affability in relationships. Try not to hold grudges against the family. Make your perceptive more positive and let go of small things.

Singles: Singles will want a special someone as they might feel lonely. The advice is to get into a new relationship only if you are free of the bondage of the past one. Natives in love should give more time to their relationship and propose only if, they are sure. Do not get pressurised into any commitment.

Scorpio April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives might have a lot of disagreements with their partner. There might be some fertility issues. Address them and seek professional help if necessary. Address the issues and problems frankly and do not brush the issues under the carpet. Remember all problems have a solution. You need to work towards more understanding and intimacy. Family relationships will be average this week, but they will be supportive and caring.

Singles: Singles might have a non-traditional relationship and be indecisive about how to move ahead. You need to give it time because when the time is right, cupid will strike, and things will automatically become clear. Natives in love will be yo-yoing between a yes and no. Involve your brain as when the heart and brain are in sync, the decisions are generally right.

Sagittarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius natives need to reset their equations. This card is indicative of dominance by one partner. Let this not become a habit. Work towards equality and mutual respect. Nurture your relationship and make it amiable. Some family members might be over controlling. You need to set the equations right and straight.

Singles: Singles will be happy flirting with many and enjoying their singlehood. The advice is to be honest, so no hearts are broken including yours. Natives in love should give their relationship time and not rush into marriage till they are not sure. Do not get pressurised by others. It should be your decision.

Capricorn April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives will enjoy loyalty and security with their partner. Their ties will be strong, and they will feel attached to their partner. Increase the intimacy and add some fun and frolic in your relationship. Familial bonds will be good.

Singles: Singles will be extremely fond of someone special but will not be sure of the love being reciprocated. The advice is to let them know about your feelings. Natives in love will be comfortable with their partner and will be ready to tie the knot.

Aquarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will be exhausted dealing with the nitty gritty of everyday life. Do not let the love wilt away. Be open and frank with your partner and share your concerns with them. Ask for support and you might get more options to deal with your pressures.

Singles: Singles might feel rejected as the response of their special someone might be lukewarm. Relationship is a two-way street and if things are not working out, it is time to move away and start afresh. Natives in love might have some doubts in their relationship. In order to move ahead, you need to clear the doubts.

Pisces April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives need to break the monotony in their relationship. A regimented life can often lead to breakdown in relationships. Do fun things together and plan a holiday together to revive the bonds of love. Spend quality time with family and create memorable moments with them. Friends can bring a lot of excitement and joy. Nurture good friendships.

Singles: Singles need to socialise more and meet different people. This will give you more options to choose from. Natives in love need to introspect and relook at your relationship with your partner. If it does not excite you enough, you need to find ways to make your equation exhilarating and fulfilling before moving towards commitment.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Pavil Danilyuk/Pexels

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 1 – April 7, 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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