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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 1-7 April 2024

It’s a new month and a fresh week. How are the stars looking for you? Find out in your weekly horoscope for 1-7 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Aquarius will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Aquarius and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Aquarius and other zodiac signs from Apr 1 – Apr 7, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Wands Reversed indicates a slowdown in your career. Some important assignments will be postponed or cancelled. Travel will be fruitless and your promotion might not come through as expected. Business natives will experience setbacks as this card indicates struggle. Finances will be less than expected and you need to control your expenses.

Health: Four of Swords indicates that you need to take a break and make some time for self-care. This card strongly suggests that you need to rest and recuperate. Slow down and focus on healthy food and some physical exercises. Keep your mind calm and stay relaxed.

Relationships: Seven of Wands indicates some challenges in your relationship. You will require a lot of effort to maintain harmony. You need to work on improving your communication skills and increase your intimacy. Your ties with family will be average.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress indicates a great time workwise. Some new ideas and projects will come your way with very positive results. Get ready for new positive developments at work. Businesses are all set to increase and get good dividends. An increase in earnings and good returns from past investments are expected this week.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion for sure if under treatment. This card suggests lack of activity. Try to pay heed towards exercising and physical activity.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles suggests positivity in relationships. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and there will be an increase in your understanding with your partner. You will enjoy good familial bonds. Good relationships are indicated.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Wands Reversed is a harbinger of good news. This means, whatever you are waiting for in the professional sphere will precipitate this week – like a job offer or promotion.  Business natives might land a big project or some expansion they have been hoping for. Financially, this card indicates comfort. Be wise with respect to your investments.

Health: The World indicates good health if you are aiming for something like weight loss or body building you will be successful. This is an excellent card for recovery and this card is a good omen for overall health.

Relationships: Seven of Swords Reversed indicates you need to work hard towards your relationship. Learn from your past mistakes and work on strengthening the ties. Work towards improving your sex life. Familial bonds will be average.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Do not let your enthusiasm to fade in any way.  Business natives need to be more creative and plan new strategies. Average finances are indicated.

Health: King of Swords indicates that some health issues from the past might resurface. It is advisable to go for a thorough check-up. Do not neglect your health, address even the small issues.

Relationships: Six of Cups Reversed indicates a monotonous relationship. Add peppiness with some romantic overtures and some intimacy that will rekindle and rejuvenate the ties. Do something extra for the family, perhaps plan an outing together to add some fun in your relationships.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Swords Reversed indicates pressure of performance and worry regarding the result. Ups and downs are part of life, and you need to accept positively. Do your best. When the energies change, the results will come in accordance. Business natives might see some delays and cancellations in their field of work. Financially, it is not the best time for you. Be judicious with your money as some losses might upset your budget.

Health: Two of Pentacles indicates a need to balance your work life and personal life. Exercising is a must, and this card also suggests not to overdo it either.

Relationships: Ten of Wands indicates that you will be overburdened with other responsibilities and might not have the time or inclination towards relationships. Sharing often lightens the load. Familial bonds will be average due to the same reasons.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Cups indicates a quest for something different. Travel or even a change of place is likely. If wanting a job change, this week might get you some opportunities. Business people might think of trying something different this week. Finances will be good but unsatisfactory and you might like to diversify your investments.

Health: The High Priestess Reversed indicates some common health issues like aches and pains. You just need to be conscious about your daily medicine dose, eating, and exercising routine. Do not ignore your health.

Relationships: Three of Wands suggest a good camaraderie among partners. If wanting to increase your family, this is a good week for conception and fertility. You will be comfortable with all the family members and they will be supportive.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Swords Reversed foretells intimidation by a senior at work. The best way is to ignore. Your only focus should be work. Do not lose your cool and let your work speak for itself. Do not get involved in office politics. Businesspeople may encounter obstacles by someone in an authoritative post. Financially some losses and investments are going wrong because of this concern.

Health: Seven of Swords suggests you need to be truthful to yourself. Do not brush your addictions and bad habits under the carpet. Focus on self-improvement and a healthy lifestyle. If you think you need help, do not shy away from asking it.

Relationships: The Hermit Reversed indicates you need to connect better with your partner. You need to introspect. Maybe, you are hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. Be frank and open and if required, take help of a professional. You need to put an effort towards all your relationships discard negativity and work towards affability.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ten of Wands Reversed suggests overburden and extra responsibilities. The advice is not to carry the burden alone. Delegate your work and learn to say no.  Business natives will face overload of work. Bite only what they can comfortably chew. Financially, you will be pressurised with expenses.

Health: Three of Pentacles indicates good health. You will be full of energy and vigour. Any health goals you set for yourself will be realised. The advice is to keep up the good work and do not lax. Investing in your health is the best investment you can make.

Relationships: Ten of Cups Reversed is not a good omen in relationships. Some disagreements are indicated. If there are fertility issues, you need to address them, or maybe seek professional help. You need to put in efforts to increase understanding and honesty in relationships. Problems need to be addressed and not brushed under the carpet. You need to increase intimacy with your partner and have a better communication with family members.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Wands indicates two career options available at this point of time. Think carefully and decide. This is a positive card and hence the outcome is likely to be favourable. Business natives might be in two minds about expansion. Follow your intuition and it is likely to be the right thing for you. Finance will be good, and you might debate between investment options.

Health: Page of Swords indicates lack of focus towards your health goals. It can also indicate overdoing to achieve your health targets which might lead to lot of mental anxiety. The advice is to focus on your health goals and progress in a proper way.

Relationships: Emperor Reversed indicates dominance by one partner. You need to set your equations right. Respect and equality in a relationship are very important for a relationship to grow and blossom. Some member of the family might be over controlling you need to be frank and communicate your resentment.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes a progression in career. A gainful remunerative job offer or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Businesses will be good, and it is a good time to put expansion plans into being. An increase in income, good profits and a new money source is foretold. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Queen of Pentacles is the health card indicating good health. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to if you want to keep enjoying good health.

Relationships: Page of Pentacles suggests loyalty and security in relationships which indicates a strong foundation. Add more fun and excitement in your relationships and work on increasing intimacy with your partner.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates that you are due for a promotion or raise, and you need to put your best efforts as your performance will be evaluated and assessed. Business natives might gain based on their performance. Financially, you are likely to gain from your efforts, but you need to be wise and careful with your money, suggests Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed can indicate neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to regulate your eating and other unhealthy habits and spend time on self-care. Physical activities and regular exercising are a must for good health, suggests Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Relationships: According to Aquarius weekly horoscope, Nine of Wands is indicative of exhaustion. Recent events have sapped you of energy and you really need to work hard to move ahead positively. Reach out to your partner. They understand you the best and will be more supportive. You might have had some unpleasantness with the family members. Do not hold it against them. Remember in times of test, family is the best.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Magician Reversed is a warning not to neglect small issues regarding your career. Confidence is good but not overconfidence makes you unmindful of smaller details which are so important. This card also suggests you are not using your skills in the right manner. Business natives are advised to mind their Ps and Qs at work.  If you put enough effort, you are likely to gain much more financially.

Health: Ten of Swords indicates recovery and end of health-related problems. If you have been suffering from any major or minor health issues, it is time for recovery. Take care of yourself moving forward.

Relationships: World Reversed card is indicative of monotony in a relationship. You will have to make some changes in your routine and get the excitement back in your relationship. You can start by doing fun things together with your partner and with family and friends.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 1-7 April 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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