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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 8-14 April 2024

Geminis will find deep connections, while libras need to be careful at work. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 8-14 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Aries will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Aries and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Aries and other zodiac signs from Apr 8 – Apr 14, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Aries weekly horoscope, Empress Reversed is the career and finance card for Aries sun sign natives that shows insecurity and anxieties at work. Your hard work might not get appreciated and you might feel let down. The advice is to wait for some time. It might just be a passing phase. Business natives will experience some setbacks at work. Lie low and wait for some time. Finances will be average but you will be dissatisfied with the profits.

Health: Six of PentaclesReversed is your health card that indicates neglect towards your health. You have been ignoring certain symptoms and the advice is to address them immediately lest they escalate into bigger things, states Aries weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Ten of Pentacles Reversed card is a warning to pay heed and nurture your relationships. Financial burdens might cause stress in your relationship, suggests Aries weekly horoscope. You need to have a frank and amicable budget planning with your partner and family to ease out the stress.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Pentacles Reversed indicates that you are being undermined and that is affecting your work. Have confidence in your capabilities and utilise your potential to the fullest. ‘When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them’. Business natives might face some hiccups at work. Treat your team with respect.  This week, you will need financial planning as you might be strapped for cash.

Health: Chariot Reversed is your health card indicating that minor health problems should not be neglected. A routine health check is recommended this week.

Relationships: The Hermit card indicates that you need to connect better with your partner. You may be hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. Be frank and open and if required, take the help of a professional. You need to work on increasing intimacy with your partner. Let bygones be bygones when it comes to your family.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates that you are being assessed at work. You could be in for a promotion or a different role. You need to put in your best and mind your Ps and Qs. Business natives might be under trial for something big. Give your best. Financially, you will be comfortable, but you need to be mindful of the law.

Health: Queen of Cups is the health card indicating good health. You are well looked after and cared for, but you need to make a good exercising and healthy eating regime for yourself. It is a good card for fertility and childbirth.

Relationships: The Magician indicates deep connection with your partner. You are likely to enjoy a beautiful relationship. You will share a good bonhomie and great intimacy with your partner. Nurture it. Familial bonds will be good, and you will share a very good understanding with all the members.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles indicates that you will reap the dividends of your hard work. You will get lots of appreciation at work and your colleagues will look up to you. Do not let the praise go to your head keep doing the good work. Businesses will do well and you are likely to be satisfied with your work. Finances will be good.

Health: The Hanged Man indicates that you are not taking your health seriously. It is good to give your body the healing time, but it is not advisable to ignore the symptoms for long. A medical check-up is advised.

Relationships: Four of Pentacles Reversed indicates possessiveness in a relationship. Space is very important. Do not be over-controlling and try not to suffocate your partner. Mutual respect is an important ingredient for happiness and you need to value your partner’s opinion. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. Do not be controlling towards family members, especially children.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed card indicates promises that have not been kept by your seniors. You might feel let down and used, but the positive things that is you might get clarity in what and how you want to progress with work. Business natives might face a letdown upsetting the budget for the week. Be judicious with money and do not spend in anticipation.

Health: The Emperor Reversed indicates that you may be too rigid in following your health goals. Exercising is important but so is your mental and physical relaxation. This card also indicates some fertility issues.

Relationships: King of Pentacles indicates a secure and stable relationship. You need to work on your libido to perfect your relationship. You will enjoy a good familial bond and feel very content in the domestic environment. You will share a great bond with the elders.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Strength indicates tremendous potential for professional growth. You have the talent and skill, but you are over emotional and sensitive and at times overreact. This is not perceived well. You need to work towards a more professional demeanour. Financially, this week will be good, but your expenses will be very high. Businesspeople will make good profits.

Health: Page of Wands is indicative of good health, but also a warning to not be inactive. Be proactive towards your exercise regime but do not overdo it either.

Relationships: The Sun is the relationship card indicating positivity in relationships. Any past misunderstanding will disappear and relationship issues if any will come to light and get sorted out amicably. You will enjoy intimacy and passion. Enjoy the harmony with family and friends also this week. It is a good indicator for fertility and childbirth.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Sun Reversed indicates lack of satisfaction at work. Business natives need to put their creativity to use and be more innovative. Financially, an average week is indicated. The income/profit might be less than anticipated. Keep your cortisol levels under control.

Health: King of Cups Reversed indicates that some problems in your life are taking its toll and your coping mechanism is failing you. You need to take the reins firmly in your hands and work towards your well-being.

Relationships: Temperance Reversed is the relationship card indicating an imbalance in relationships. You are trying to score over your partner rather than sort issues amiably. You need to work on your equations and find amicable solutions. You need to balance your relationship with your family by being adaptable.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates an unpleasant atmosphere at work. You are having issues with your colleagues and probably the work is suffering. Teamwork is important for the success of any endeavour. It is suggested that you openly sort out things at the workplace – be it service or business. You might face some ups and downs in money matters too.

Health: Ace of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional setbacks. You need to focus on your well-being. Getting a health check-up done is a good idea and working towards your mental and physical health is the Tarot advice for the week.

Relationships: Five of Swords is not a very positive indicator for relationships. Difference of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating are indicated. Have a good communication with your family if you want support and understanding from them.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Pentacles Reversed indicates delays and hurdles in your work. If you want to change your job, it is not likely to happen soon. Business natives will have to face delays and disappointments with projects. Financially, this is not a good week. Investments will not yield good returns and money inflow will be lesser than expected.

Health: Eight of Cups indicates some emotional issues. You need to focus on your mental well-being. Try practising meditation and yoga and keep yourself positively occupied. Do not dwell on the past. A holiday or a hobby class might be a good idea for your mental health.

Relationships: Emperor is the relationship card indicating stability and honesty in a relationship. You will have to put efforts towards increasing carnal pleasures. Let your guard down to enjoy life. Family will be satisfied with the attention and the anchorage you provide.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups indicates a profitable commercial collaboration which will benefit your company. This partnership will be a result of your efforts. Therefore, you will be suitably rewarded and awarded. Business partnerships will do very well. Expect good profits and smooth sailing at work. Finances will be satisfactory.

Health: Ace of Sword Reversed is your health card showing that some health-related issues might crop up. It can also indicate surgery. Do not neglect your health and address any health symptoms immediately.

Relationships: Five of Wands Reversed indicates a conflict with your partner. You need to be more open and communicative about your problems and feelings with your partner. Bottling up your emotions will affect your mental health and spoil the marital harmony. Sex is the best solvent for all strife, and you should work towards good carnal pleasures. Try to avoid arguments with family members.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Wands Reversed indicates a lack of focus and a wavering mind. You need to set your priorities right and then work towards a definite goal. Business natives need to be sure before putting their money in the business. Do not be reckless with your money and make sensible decisions.

Health: Three of Cups Reversed indicates overindulgence and disregard towards health. You need to streamline your health goals and follow them. Health is the biggest wealth, and you need to look after yourself. This card indicates miscarriage at times. So if you are pregnant, you need to be extra careful.

Relationships: Six of Swords indicates your relationship is improving after a shaky and difficult period. Treat this as a healing period and start afresh on a clean slate. Relationships require a lot of efforts and compromise. Never carry grudges. Sort out and bury the hatchet. Family is the best support you can ever get.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Pentacles means there is good news relating to you career is on the way. A promotion, an appreciation, a growth opportunity, an award expect it all! Businesspeople are likely to expand and make good profits. Financial gains are expected. Your past investment will also yield good returns and it is a good time to make new ones.

Health: Wheel of Fortune is the health card showing good health. If you are recovering for an illness or surgery, the recovery will be very fast. Keep taking care of your health. Self-care is the key to good health.

Relationships: Page of Swords is your relationship card indicating trivial squabbles between partners. Do not let small issues escalate into bigger ones. You should find a mid-path and let go of small things. Give space to each other and do not nitpick. Hit the reset button and start fresh with new equations.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 8-14 April 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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