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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 15-21 April 2024

How’s your Songkran holiday horoscope looking? Read on for your weekly horoscope between 15-21 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Taurus will enjoy robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs from Apr 15 – Apr 21, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Wands indicates a struggle at work. You will have to work very hard to prove your mettle and maintain your position. Businesspeople will need to sharpen their acumen and work hard to achieve their goals. You will be extra careful with your finances this week. The advice is to plan your finances well and not invest this week.

Health: Queen of Wands indicates good health. You will be full of energy and vitality. Keep up the good work and efforts. This card is a positive indicator of parenthood. This is the right time if you are wanting to conceive.

Relationships: Queen of Pentacles indicates a secure relationship which you have worked hard for. Therefore, you will enjoy and cherish it. You and your partner will enjoy the finer things and luxuries of life. You will enjoy a good familial bond.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Pentacles indicates prosperity. You are likely to grow as a team and your colleagues will look up to you. Your seniors will be generous when it comes to appreciation and rewards. Business natives will gain position, power, and finances. You will be generous enough to share the accolades with your team. Financially, a good week is indicated, according to Taurus’ weekly horoscope. You are likely to be generous with your money.

Health: Two of Pentacles is indicative of robust health. It is a balance card suggesting you maintain a good balance in life. You must take out time for yourself. Eating well and exercising are important, states Taurus’s weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Nine of Pentacles Reversed indicates a dull and monotonous relationship. The advice is to be enthusiastic and reignite your passion. No matter how busy you are, always make time for small gestures and loving words as these things keep a relationship alive. The family will miss your warmth, suggests Taurus weekly horoscope. Looking after your family is not only your duty but it also attracts positivity in life.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Swords indicates a new job or new role which will be more challenging than the previous one and you will need to put in your best to cope with the added responsibilities. Business natives will need a lot of vision and focus in their endeavours. This card warns you to not be emotional in your decisions. Do not let the heart rule over the head. Finances will be good but you might have to take certain harsh decisions.

Health: Knight of Wands Reversed is the health card indicating you are overdoing your health regime and being harsh on yourself. Following a regimented eating and exercising routine is good but do not overexert yourself.

Relationships: Ten of Swords Reversed indicates that you need to mend a bad relationship. Your relationship is improving, and you need to maintain it. There is no gain without pain. Efforts and persistence can turn failure into success. You need to work towards a better understanding and intimacy. Familial bonds will be average. You will have to put in effort to make it pleasurable.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups Reversed indicates some lost opportunities in your career. You need to be more vigilant towards your career growth. It is a good time to upscale your skills and be better equipped to handle further challenges. Businesspeople need to be more alert and should not let opportunities slip. Finances will be fine. You need to start investing wisely.

Health: Lovers Reversed indicates that your body might not cope well with the exertion you are going through. Do not overdo things and listen to your body. Relax and work towards improving your health.

Relationships: Magician Reversed indicates that you need to be more honest and communicative with your partner. Do not let your partner manipulate you in any way. Avoid arguments and conflicts. Do not let the elders dominate and bully you. Take a stand and reset equations with the family members.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man indicates stagnation in your career. It does not mean that there are problems with work. It suggests that you might feel uncertain regarding your choice of work. Business natives might be in two minds regarding their choice of work as well. The Tarot advice is to wait for some time and see how things shape up. Finances will be as expected.

Health: Ten of Wands Reversed indicates neglect towards your health. You need to prioritise yourself. Do not neglect health-related symptoms. Address them lest they snowball into bigger issues.

Relationships: Four of Pentacles indicate possessiveness and nitpicking in a relationship. You need to give space and not get involved in everything your partner does. Giving space when needed is the key to a good relationship. You need to work on closeness in the right direction. You need to work on improving your intimacy.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Swords Reversed shows some confusion at work. There are chances of some disagreement between colleagues. You need to be careful to not rub them on the wrong side. Good planning and strategising will take you places. People in business should move ahead with proper planning. Be very careful with finances. Check your balance sheets and other documents thoroughly.

Health: Four of Pentacles Reversed shows you will work towards well-being and be successful. You will enjoy good health. Try not to overindulge in any way. It is a good time to achieve your health goals – like losing weight or building your body this week.

Relationships: King of Swords indicates dominance and control. You need to work towards a harmonious relationship. Give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. You need to give space in relationships. Do not be controlling, and do not nitpick with family. Your intentions might be good but giving space is equally important.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Temperance indicates that it is a good time career-wise. Your hard work and dedication will be noticed, and you will be suitably rewarded. However, you need to exercise patience. Do not be overambitious. Business natives need to balance between quality and quantity. The former should not be compromised. Do not take any risks with your money and try to control your expenses.

Health: Eight of Swords indicate some anxiety disorders. You need to work towards relaxing your mind. This card can indicate some eye-related disorders, and you need to be vigilant. This is a positive card if you are planning on losing weight.

Relationships: Three of Swords Reversed indicates some loss or sadness in your relationship. In some cases, a breakup is also foretold. Healing comes with time but you need to let go. Family might undergo some heartbreak and you need to be their support and strength in this time.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Cups indicates you might contemplate a change in your career path. Some work-related travel is likely to pep you up. The Tarot advice is to give it a deliberate thought. Business natives are likely to discontinue the not-so-profitable part of their business and add new options. Finances will not be a problem.

Health: Three of Pentacles indicate that your health goals will be met. You will be regular with your healthy eating and exercise targets.

Relationships: Wheel of Fortune indicates a positive step in your relationship. You and your partner will put in your best to improve the relationship and if you have been having any issues lately, they will get sorted out. Family equations are likely to change for the better, and you will enjoy domestic harmony.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hierophant indicates success at work, but the advice is to share your knowledge and know-how with your teammates and move up together. You can also scale your skills for better growth. The warning this card brings is, to be honest and righteous in your profession. Business natives need to move with the times and have a broader outlook. Finances will be good. This card indicates you are too conventional in your investments you need to diversify.

Health: Page of Wands Reversed indicates lack of energy and lethargy. You might be burnt out with work commitments and a break is what is needed to revive your energy levels.

Relationships: Knight of Cups suggests a good relationship between partners. Familial bonds will be pleasurable and youngsters in the family will be a source of joy.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Swords Reversed indicates delays and cancellations of projects and tasks. It is a temporary setback. Give it time and things are likely to settle down. Business natives are likely to face some upsets. Finances will be average.

Health: Hermit is the health card indicating paranoia of some kind. You need to relax and address the issues immediately lest they turn ugly. If you are under treatment of any kind, this card suggests you should take an expert opinion.

Relationships: Page of Cups is the harbinger of good news. You will have a good bonhomie and enjoy good in-between-the-sheet pleasures. Youngsters will look up to you and share a great equation with you. Fertility and conception are indicated.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Swords indicates that you need to respect your seniors and colleagues. Your brash attitude might upset your co-workers spoiling the camaraderie at work. You need to work on yourself. The’ I am the best’ attitude needs to change. Businesspeople will face some obstacles at work. Money will be less than expected.

Health: The Page of Pentacles Reversed indicates an unhealthy lifestyle. If health is lost, everything is lost. The sooner you realise this, the better you will be. You need to focus more on your health and follow a good exercise regime.

Relationships: The Empress is an indicator of love and abundance. You will enjoy marital bliss. Couples will enjoy each other’s attention and will enjoy their sex life. This is the best time for fertility and conception. Family members will be comfortable and secure.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Cups card says that you are going to spell success in all your endeavours. Your dreams will be fulfilled and whatever you envisage for yourself is likely to get launched. This week will get you accolades, acclaim, and achievements. Businesses will do extremely well. You will be content and proud of your financial achievements.

Health: Two of PentaclesReversed indicates that you need to relax and take it easy. Handling too many things at one time can cause stress and related problems. You must take time for self-care. Do not overindulge your taste buds.

Relationships: King of Wands suggests strengthening relationships. You need to increase your intimacy with your partner and put in more effort all around. You will have a good time with your partner and familial bonds will be good.

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LSA Weekly Horoscope: 15-21 April 2024

Deepa is a practising tarot card reader and an astrologer. A science graduate, and Jyotish post Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), she taught tarot and astrology at her alma mater for six years, and now teaches students online in India and globally. She enjoys playing golf and travelling.

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