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Chinese horoscope for February 2025: How will your sign fare in the month of love?

With the start of the Year of the Wood Snake on 29 January, February brings with it themes of love, destiny, patience, wisdom and perseverance. Moving on from past wounds and accepting change could be both difficult and fulfilling for all the zodiac signs in the first half of the year. On that note, here is the Chinese zodiac horoscope for February 2025 for all signs.

Chinese zodiac horoscope predictions for February 2025


Chinese horoscope February 2025
Image credit: @pikisuperstar via Freepik

Birth years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

This is a busy month for the Year of the Rat people. They will juggle new responsibilities at work and display a focused drive towards their professional goals. This could result in steady progress guided by seniors. However, all this hustle has one drawback: they might ignore their relationships. Healthwise, they must take care of stomach-related ailments.


Birth years: 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

As far as their personal life and emotional health are concerned, the Year of the Ox people will have a satisfying month. They could face some money-related issues but nothing major to worry about. Health will be fine. They are advised to be cautious of sharp objects.


Birth years: 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

This zodiac sign will be tested beyond its limits to prove their mettle at their jobs. They will be presented with opportunities to grow if they are willing to put in the hard work. It is recommended that they take care of their daily diet and focus on fitness.


Birth years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

In February, people of the Year of the Rabbit will have stability in their workplace. While their regular income will remain unaffected, this is not the best time to make investments in the markets. Those who are single will meet someone special to celebrate Valentine’s Day with!


Birth years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

This is a pretty uneventful month for the Year of the Dragon folks. These natives will have average luck when it comes to love and career in this month. There will be no major complaints regarding their health but they must be wary of skin issues and allergies.


Image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay

Birth years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Not surprisingly, this is the lucky month for the Year of the Snake people. They will have an abundant cash flow in February 2025 and their luck in love will be promising! But, their health might give them some trouble. It is important to invest time in self-care and not ignore any early warnings of poor health.


Birth years: 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

Relationships will take centre stage for the Horse natives in February. There is a chance that those already in stable relationships might end their association or fall in love with someone new. This sign will face many emotional upheavals during the month. They are advised to stay away from addictions that provide short-term escape routes.


Birth years: 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

The Sheep’s bad luck spell is set to end this month. They will have the cooperation and support of their colleagues which will make their work life pleasant. Their luck will be a little low on fortune but overall, it won’t negatively affect their life. They should focus on their mental health this month.


Birth years: 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

This is a slow month for Monkeys, but the natives should take this positively. Monkeys prefer to stay in their comfort zones and do not dare take major risks. A slow and quiet life will be a blessing to the natives. They will love to relax and rejuvenate while balancing their professional commitments.


Image credit: @macrovector via Freepik

Birth years: 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Chinese astrology predictions suggest that Roosters will not be blessed with career advancement this month. They will experience a slump or stagnation when it comes to their jobs. They need to be extra careful with their finances and avoid overspending. They will have a pleasant time when it comes to love and relationships.


Birth years: 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2030

Money and career will take centre stage in the Dog natives’ life. They will be blessed with a lottery or unexpected source of income. While luck favours their financial growth, they will face bad times in their relationships. Frequent fights with their partner might cause them mental distress. They are advised to be careful about their emotional well-being.


Birth years: 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

The Chinese zodiac horoscope for The Year of the Pig is pleasant for this month. Their romantic life will bloom as they feel the passion and fire to ignite new bonds. The wealth and fortune horoscope for February 2025 also looks promising. They should protect their long-term interest both love and life.

(Hero and featured image credit: Freepik)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Chinese zodiac signs are most compatible in February 2025?

Roosters and Pigs are the most compatible signs in February 2025.

How do I find out my Chinese zodiac sign?

Knowing your birth year is enough to find out your Chinese zodiac sign.

What should I expect in February 2025, based on my Chinese zodiac sign?

February 2025 ushers in the Year of the Snake. The major theme for all Chinese zodiac signs will be the shedding of their old patterns to heal and grow.

Written by

Chinese horoscope for February 2025: How will your sign fare in the month of love?

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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