Astrology, Tarot, Zodiacs and Horoscopes | Lifestyle Asia Bangkok Asia's ultimate online guide to luxury living. From dining and drinking to style, fashion, travel and more, is the essential lifestyle destination for affluent Asia-based readers. Sun, 05 May 2024 19:16:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Astrology, Tarot, Zodiacs and Horoscopes | Lifestyle Asia Bangkok 32 32 LSA Weekly Horoscope: 6-12 May 2024 Sun, 05 May 2024 22:00:45 +0000

Geminis will get a good workout this week, while Scorpios can expect a raise at work. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 6-12 May 2024.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Aries natives will enjoy robust health, suggests our May weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the May weekly horoscope for Aries and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Aries and other zodiac signs from May 6 – May 12, 2024

Aries May weekly horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Career and Finance: Death is the career and finance card for Aries sun sign natives and this card in no way denotes physical death. It indicates big changes. The closing of a chapter and new beginnings are indicated. This card urges you to change lest the change is forced on you. Business natives need to work harder to achieve their goals and you need to be prepared for changes. Remember change is the only constant in life, suggests May Aries’ weekly horoscope. Finances will nosedive a bit. You need to scale down the expenses and move ahead positively.

Health: Four of Wands is the health card indicating robust health. It can also indicate wellness and recovery after some illness. According to May Aries’ weekly horoscope, work towards attaining better mental and physical health.

Relationships: Seven of Swords Reversed card indicates that you will get exposed. You can turn a new leaf in life and start afresh with a clean conscience. Your partner is likely to be forgiving and you can start on a clean slate. You need to have a more open and honest relationship with your family, suggests May Aries’ weekly horoscope. it will not only give you peace but also strengthen the ties.

Taurus May weekly horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Career and Finance: Two of Wands, your career and finance card indicates choices in your career. You might have a new job offer or an option in the same place of work. The advice is to weigh all the pros and cons before deciding. Business natives might be in the process of changing their field of work or diversifying. The tarot advice is to take into consideration all the pros and cons. Good finances are indicated.

Health: King of Wands indicates robust health. You will be full of energy, and you need to loosen up a bit. Add fun to your life besides work. Life is beyond just work. Use your energies towards physical exercise and having fun.

Relationships: Emperor, the relationship card shows a good equation with your partner. But you need to discard your ego and show more emotions and affection towards your partner. Physical touch like a hug can mean a lot to family members. Try to be a little more demonstrative towards the people you love and care about.

Gemini May weekly horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Career and Finance: Five of Wands is the career and finance card for Gemini sun sign natives indicating conflicts at the place of work. You need to be alert so as not to upset your colleagues and seniors in any way. Let not the work stress make you overreactive as this week is likely to be stressful. Business natives need to be alert against a strike. Finances will be as expected but your expenses might be high. It is not a good time to invest.

Health: Five of Swords Reversed, the health card indicates you will find positive solutions to your health issues like the right medication or the right fitness regime to overcome your health issues.

Relationships: Three of Cups is the relationship card indicating positivity and celebration. You might be celebrating a special occasion together. Strengthen your bonds and lots of merriment are indicated. You are likely to enjoy good health in relationships. Family celebrations together will bring you closer to all the members and your fondness will increase.

Cancer May weekly horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Career and Finance: Nine of Swords the career and finance card for Cancer sun sign natives’ shows overburden and work-related stress. Some delays might cause unnecessary anxiety and pressure. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things do not work out how you want them to. Business natives will face obstacles which will keep hindering the smooth functioning. Just do your best and stay positive. Financially, you might be okay but avoid unnecessary expenses.

Health: Ten of Pentacles Reversed indicates the onset of a health problem which could be hereditary. You need to take care and a health check-up can be a good idea.

Relationships: The Wheel of Fortune is the relationship card indicating you will enjoy good relationships. Misunderstandings if any, from the past will be cleared and you will enjoy peace and harmony. Family understanding will grow and any past misapprehensions from the past will disappear and you will enjoy domestic harmony.

Leo May weekly horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Career and Finance: Two of Cups the career and finance card for Leo sun sign natives indicates good bonhomie and stability at work. You will earn respect and win accolades. If you are getting into a commercial partnership, it will be very lucrative. Businesses will do well. Some collaboration is foretold. Finances will be good. Increments and good profits are foretold for you this week.

Health: Three of Swords Reversed card indicates a recovery after some ailment or surgery. This card can also indicate anxiety and fear from some health issues you have been facing. Address the issues positively and stop being a hypochondriac.

Relationships: The Sun is the relationship card that indicates positivity in relationships. All past misunderstandings and unresolved relationship issues will get amicably settled and you are likely to enjoy a good bonhomie. It is a good time for the stork to pay a visit. Enjoy the harmony with family and friends this week.

Virgo May weekly horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Career and Finance: Knight of Wands indicates a new job or change in responsibility in the present one. You will be enthusiastic about the new innings in your life and will be full of ideas and creativity. It might indicate some work-related travel which will be fruitful. Expect a positive and satisfactory week. Business natives will be on an expansion binge. Finances will be good but the advice is to control your unnecessary indulgences. This is not a good time to risk your money.

Health: Ten of Swords Reversed card can indicate that you are coming out of a sickness, accident, or surgery. It can indicate mental trauma also. In a way, this is a positive card because it signifies whatever you experienced is behind you now. You need to focus on maintaining your health now.

Relationships: The High Priestess is the relationship card indicating a smooth and passionate relationship with your partner. Your romantic dreams are likely to be fulfilled. It is a very good time for couples to have a child if they so desire. Family life will be joyous and satisfying. You will bond well with all the members and enjoy domestic bliss.

Libra May weekly horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Career and Finance: Knight of Swords Reversed indicates a struggle to live up to your commitments. Be more communicative with your colleagues and seniors and try to give each one the dues they deserve. Business natives need to be mindful of all the legalities and paperwork. You might get a lot of opportunities but be judicious with the choices. The inflow of money will be as expected. Be alert against theft and losses.

Health: Four of Cups is your health card indicating the health restrictions you are following are causing frustrations. If you have a weight-loss goal, you can relax your diet for a couple of days. But if the restrictions are due to medical reasons, you do not have a choice except acceptance and positivity.

Relationships: Judgement is the relationship card for you indicating that you have been harsh to your partner. You need to clean the slate and let the past be. Start on a positive note. With family, you might have taken some relationships for granted. It is time to nurture all your bonds and ties and strengthen your relationships.

Scorpio May weekly horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Career and Finance: Queen of Wands indicates excellence and achievements in your professional pursuits. Business natives will do well and are likely to get good gains. It is a good time for businesspeople to expand and grow. A rise in income is indicated.

Health: Three of Pentacles is the health card indicating good health. You will be full of energy and vitality. Any health goals you set for yourself will be realised. The advice is to keep up the good work.

Relationships: Ten of SwordsReversed is the relationship card indicating the revival of a relationship. Generally, swords are not good cards to get in relationship reading but this card signifies end of woes and new beginnings. The advice is to put the past behind us and work towards improving the relationship.

Sagittarius May weekly horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Career and Finance: Six of Cups card indicates that one should not forget the lessons learned in the past. Use the experiences of the past as a stepping stone for the future. For natives in the job, you might get an offer from your previous firm and business people might rehire their previous talent or work with a previous organisation. Investments from the past will yield good returns and you will continue to invest well.

Health: Eight of Cups is not an indicator of good health. You must shift your attention to self-care. Focus on improving your health. Positive thinking, meditation, Yoga and healthy eating habits are the best medicines.

Relationships: Three of Wands Reversed card indicates overwork and exhaustion. It is time for a break if you have been driving yourself very hard. Find time to socialise. Invest in romance and good familial bonds.

Capricorn May weekly horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Career and Finance: Knight of Swords is the career and finance card for Capricorn sun sign natives indicating a change in job or business. You need to be ready to seize the opportunities with both hands. The advice is to move ahead with deliberation and proper know-how. Financially, a good month is indicated. You are in for increments and gains, suggests the weekly Capricorn horoscope.

Health: Seven of Swords indicate some health-related problems. Address them without delay. Take a second opinion if you feel things are not moving in the right direction. According to the weekly Capricorn horoscope, you must focus on health and self-care.

Relationships: Ace of Cups is the relationship card and this indicates good relationships. You will have a deep understanding with your partner and establish emotional and physical well-being. According to the weekly Capricorn horoscope, your family will look up to you and will be extremely caring.

Aquarius May weekly horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Career and Finance: Four of Cups card indicates unfulfilled desires. If you set unrealistic targets, you will always be dissatisfied. Businesspeople will also want more. The corporate world is plagued by avarice and the advice is to enjoy what you have and be grateful.

Health: Four of Pentacles indicate robust health. You will enjoy good physical and mental well-being. Try to stay relaxed and energetic, and keep working towards maintaining it.

Relationships: Two of Cups indicate a good balance in your relationship. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and it indicates harmony at the domestic front. You will enjoy good friendships and a good connection with your family members.

Pisces May weekly horoscope (20 Feb – 20 Mar)

Career and Finance: The WorldReversed card indicates dissatisfaction at work despite professional achievements and success. You might feel your potential is not being utilised to the fullest and you have not met your career objectives. Think carefully before changing your job or business prospects. Finances will not be a cause of concern at all.

Health: Eight of Wands card suggests that you are struggling with small health issues, but with your high energy levels and fighting spirit, you will get over it quickly. Pay heed to the small issues and do not let them escalate.

Relationships: Nine of Wands is the relationship card for this week indicating your effort towards amicable relationships. You might have had issues in the past and your endeavour now is to move ahead with improved ties. You value the relationships and are willing to put in your best. Your family will be supportive and appreciative of your efforts.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Billion Photos/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 6-12 May 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly love horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs from May 6 – May 12, 2024 Sun, 05 May 2024 19:12:23 +0000

We cannot change our destiny, but we can get an insight into love and relationships. Read about the weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Virgo and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use this weekly love horoscope 2024 for Virgo and other zodiac signs as guidance.

Use the readings to refocus, redirect, and bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to your romantic endeavours. Love quote for the week – ‘All you are is all I’ll ever need.’

Virgo and other zodiac signs’ Love Horoscope 2024: Weekly Relationship Predictions

Aries May weekly love horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Aries sun sign natives will be carrying some weight on their conscience not necessarily infidelity but some deceit which will come into open. The advice is to share it so that you can start on a clean slate after sorting it out. Try to be more open and honest with your family to enjoy peace and harmony. Singles need to give up playing games and be serious towards relationships. Natives in love need to be open and frank. If you have kept some facts of your life hidden, the advice is to talk about them with your partner.

Taurus May weekly love horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Taurus natives will share a good relationship with their partners, but you need to discard your ego be more loving and show more emotions. A good time in between the sheets is foretold for you. Be more expressive with your family members. Singles might be attracted towards an older person and might be fighting off the attraction. Remember age is just a number, it is your life and you need to decide what works for you, but definitely, you need to involve your brain along with the heart. Natives in love need to be more expressive of their feelings. Find your voice through the language of expression to build a stable relationship.

Gemini May weekly love horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy a positive relationship with their partner and will be celebrating some special occasion together. Your bonds of love will strengthen and you will make a lot of pleasant memories together. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and will be happy. Celebrating with the family will create good memories and joyous moments together. Singles will be in luck with a lot of potential partners in the horizon. Enjoy the favours of the universe this week and do not be in a hurry to lose your single status. Natives in love will have a great bonding with their partners.

Cancer May weekly love horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Cancer sun sign natives will experience a positive change in their relationships. Any misunderstandings or strife from the past will get sorted out and you are all slated to enjoy a great bonhomie with your partner. You will enjoy a good time in between the sheets. This is a good time to start planning a family. Your bonds with the family will strengthen and any misapprehensions from the past will just vanish and you are likely to enjoy domestic bliss. Singles will be able to find permanency in their relationship with a special someone. It is a good time to slip the ring on the finger. Natives in love will get more committed and fall deeper in love with their partner. This is a good time for nuptials and matrimony.

Leo May weekly love horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Leo sun sign natives will share a buoyant and cheerful relationship with their partner. All unresolved issues will be efficaciously settled, and you are likely to strengthen your bonhomie. You will enjoy good intimacy with your partner, and this is a good time to have a baby. You will have a fun-filled time with your family and friends. You will bond very well with the elders in the family. Singles will enjoy the company of a lot of prospective significant others and will have a tough time singling out one. Enjoy the cosmic favours and let the cupid do its job. Natives in love will be happy and satisfied with their choice of partner. Your attachment will grow, and bonds are likely to deepen. You will be ready to propose and your proposal will be affirmatively accepted.

Virgo May weekly love horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy a good bond and intimacy with their partners. A good holiday together will fulfil your romantic dreams and give you immense joy. You are all set to strengthen the bonds of love and camaraderie. It is a good time for couples to have a child and increase the family. Familial bonds will be satisfying and pleasurable. Singles will be in luck. You will be popular and sought after by the opposite sex. Enjoy your singlehood and be in no rush for commitments. An arranged match-fixing is a big possibility, suggests Virgo love horoscope for this week. Natives in love will be in a conventional relationship waiting for a go-ahead from the elders to tie the knot.

Libra May weekly love horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Libra sun sign natives need to be more understanding toward their partners. You need to introspect as you might have been harsh on your partner playing the blame game. Let the past be. Start afresh with more effort and understanding. The family might be upset about certain issues. It’s time to nurture the bond of love with family and not take things for granted. Singles should be more considerate and giving towards their dates. Lower your expectations and work towards being adaptable and pleasant. Do not look for perfection. Natives in love will be having some issues with each other. It is better to address all the doubts and problems before you move ahead.

Scorpio May weekly love horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Scorpio natives will be able to improve their relationship with adjustments and new beginnings. The advice is to let the past be. Do not keep bringing up the past and focus on the present. This will define your future. Family tensions if any, are likely to come to an end and you can move ahead positively with all the members of the family. Singles might be recovering from a breakup. You will be able to mend your heart and move ahead with positivity from now. Natives in love might be struggling in their relationship. It’s a good time to reset the equations and find harmony.

Sagittarius May weekly love horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Sagittarius sun sign natives are likely to have something amiss in their relationship. You need to introspect. Be honest. It may be a good idea to take professional advice if you feel the requirement. Intimacy with your partner can bridge a lot of gaps. The family will be supportive. Do not harbour any grudges against them. Singles need to take their time and seek prospective partners only when they are mentally ready. Natives in love might be too naive to deal with the burden of being a couple. Give some adjustment time, and you will do well to take some advice from well-meaning and experienced people.

Capricorn May weekly love horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Capricorn sun sign natives will have to put in a lot of effort to add some lustre to their dimming relationship. Your romance is likely to be wearing off and you need to rekindle your passion. Work towards a better bonding and also towards increasing your libido. Family life will be routine, and efforts will be required to make it special. Singles might not be in the right frame of mind to form a positive liaison. Being ready in a relationship is the most important thing. Do not get pressured. Natives in love will be happy with their partner but will be in no rush to tie the knot.

Aquarius May weekly love horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Aquarius sun sign natives will have to deal with the childish and immature behaviour of their partner. If it is not the usual affair, let it pass but do not let this become a habit. If this is the way of life with your partner, you need to take a stand and change the equations. Give in only as much as you can cope with. Family relationships will be average, but the children might cause you extra stress and anxiety. Singles might go through a heartbreak. You might be attached to someone younger and are likely to face rejection. Relationships are road signs and rejections coax you to take another road. Do not take it as a reflection of your worth. Natives in love might fall out and face broken engagements.

Pisces May weekly love horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Pisces natives need to spice up their life. Following a fixed routine gets dull.  It’s time to take a break and focus on your partner. A holiday together will be a good idea. Focus on fun things together to strengthen your bonds and work towards intimacy and better understanding. Family relationships will be satisfactory. Work towards nurturing and improving your bonhomie. Singles might not be able to find a partner and might feel lost and lonely. It is a good time to invest in yourself. Natives in love might feel something amiss in their relationship. The advice is to discuss openly and frankly.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

The post Weekly love horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs from May 6 – May 12, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

These Chinese zodiac signs will be lucky in May 2024 Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:15 +0000

The year 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, according to Chinese astrology, and May is known as the snake month. The significance of the month of snake in the Year of the Wood Dragon is that it motivates the zodiac signs to work hard and remain focused towards their goals. They also aim to overcome challenges steadfastly to do well professionally. While almost all zodiac animals are motivated to live a rich and harmonious life, these lucky Chinese zodiac signs will be more prosperous than the rest in May 2024.

All about the lucky Chinese zodiac signs in May 2024


lucky Chinese zodiac signs
Image credit: Post of Tajikistan/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The month of May will be super lucky for the Ox zodiac because they will maintain a good balance between work and personal life. Those in a relationship will get to spend quality time with their partners and there will be harmony in life. People born in the year of the ox are advised to invest in real estate. Overall, according to Chinese astrology, this animal sign will make a good amount of money and spend it skilfully.

Know your May 2024 horoscope according to Chinese astrology


 chinese zodiac signs may 2024
Image credit: Post of Indonesia/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

This zodiac sign is the luckiest in May. It is recommended that the people born in the Year of the Snake trust their instincts and go with the flow this month as new opportunities will come their way. They will get promoted at work. People pursuing business will reap profits from their dealings. Things will improve on the family front, and lovers will find peace and happiness in each other’s company. Overall, people born in the Year of the Snake will be blessed.

Find out what 2024 has in store for Chinese zodiac signs


 chinese zodiac signs may 2024
Image credit: Post of Indonesia/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

People born in the Year of the Rabbit will enjoy good fortune and stability this month. Their expenses will be less than their income, giving them a scope to save more. They will be hungry for success and will not stop at anything to get it.

Students will be guided to enhance their career prospects. There will be moments of togetherness which all family members will enjoy. Overall, May 2024 calls for transformation as one prepares for a new beginning.


Image: Courtesy of Post of Indonesia/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

The people born in the Year of the Rooster will have a blissful month when it comes to their personal life and family. Married couples will share some wonderful moments with their partner without major quarrels hindering their peace of mind. It is urged that they take a leap of faith in their career.

Know where to travel in 2024 based on your Chinese zodiac


Image credit: Post of Indonesia/ Public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2030

People born in the Year of Dog will feel content and happy in May 2024. They will taste success and financial gains in the second half of the month. Additionally, unexpected support from colleagues would be welcomed with open arms. They will show a balanced outlook that will help them make key decisions this month.

Dos and don’ts for the lucky Chinese zodiac signs for May 2024

-Trust your abilities and don’t let your insecurities affect you.

-Maintain peace in personal relationships and avoid confrontations in May 2024.

-Identify and seek opportunities to prosper in your career.

-Most zodiac animals are advised not to overspend this month.

-Manifest your dreams and meditate for positive energy.

(Hero and Featured image credit: Post of Indonesia/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons)

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-Which Chinese zodiac sign is successful?
Chinese zodiac sign of the snake will be successful in May 2024.

-What is the luckiest Chinese zodiac year?
The Year of Dragon, which is 2024, is considered lucky.

-Which Chinese zodiac sign is lucky in money?
Ox, snake and dragon are considered lucky zodiac signs in Chinese astrology when it comes to money matters.

-Which zodiac is lucky in 2024?
The dragon animal sign is lucky in 2024.

The post These Chinese zodiac signs will be lucky in May 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Monthly horoscope: May 2024 spells good fortune for all the Chinese zodiac signs Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:14 +0000

May 2024 in the year of the Wood Dragon is all about hard work and resilience paying off for the Chinese zodiac signs. Thus, the monthly horoscope according to the Chinese calendar brings the sign of the Earth Snake into focus, and all the zodiacs will see its traits manifesting in their lives. Here’s what the May 2024 horoscope says for the Chinese zodiac signs.

May 2024 monthly horoscope: Professional dreams to come true for all Chinese zodiac signs

May 2024 will be the month of transformation, as the Chinese zodiac signs invite good chi and chase work-related dreams with passion. While they gear up for a promotion or a job change, they will be awarded for their sincerity, patience and skills, according to Chinese astrology.

The zodiac signs will honour their core values and integrity and seek work-life balance. Personal relationships will be the focus as well. Overall, this is a good month for manifesting professional and personal growth. Check out your birth year animal to know what is in store for you specifically.

Know about the worst personality traits of Chinese zodiac signs

What’s in store for your Chinese zodiac sign in May 2024


Birth years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Rats will have a slow start to the month as nothing spectacular will happen in the first half. After 8 May, things will pick up for them at work. They are advised to trust their gut which will save them from making wrong decisions. Additionally, they must also pay attention to their health and reach out to an expert immediately without delaying the matter.

They might face a few problems in their personal life with a long-term partner, but they will resolve them, eventually. They are recommended to spend time with close friends and family.


May 2024 horoscope for chinese zodiac
Image credit: Post of Indonesia/Public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

This is an important month for those born in the month of the ox, as it will bring about some key changes in their work life. They will strive hard to attain perfection and will devote the first fortnight of the month to concentrate on their job. The second half of May 2024 will be reserved for some much-needed respite from work and spending quality time with their partner or spouse. A romantic vacation is also on the cards at the end of this month.

The natives might get overwhelmed and feel exhausted because of all the happenings of the month. Hence, they should eat healthy food and take good rest.

Discover who you are most compatible with, according to Chinese astrology


monthly horoscope for chinese zodiac
Image credit: Daniel Lombraña González/CC BY-SA 2.0/via Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The monthly horoscope for the Chinese zodiac of the tiger predicts unease and restlessness. These natives will be stuck in conflicts of personal or professional sorts and will concentrate their energies on the same. They are likely to feel low and unsettled, but the good news is that their struggles will ease out by the end of the month, and they can return to their original positive self by then.


Birth years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

The month of May brings a lot of positivity to the people born in the year of the rabbit. They will feel inspired and yearn to taste financial success, by fetching a new job, winning an award or increasing their profits.

However, there might be some negativity from the close quarters of their family and friends who might be jealous of their success. They should cleanse their aura, avoid such people and concentrate on their own lives.


Birth years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

The people born in the Year of the Dragon must be careful this month as even though they will be presented with opportunities to grow, there also will be a few challenges. One thing to keep in mind for these natives is that they should avoid making hasty and rash decisions.

They also need to keep an eye on their spending. Towards the end of May, they will feel closer to their family and create some beautiful memories with them to cherish for a lifetime.


Birth years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Those born in the year of the snake, get ready to have all your wishes fulfilled. May 2024 is the most auspicious month of the Year of the Wood Dragon and the natives of the snake sign will be blessed. They will tick a few items off their bucket list and welcome financial prosperity. They will progress rapidly in all areas of life.


Birth years: 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

The horse needs to tread carefully this month. Filled with a lot of ambition, they will be propelled to venture into new projects. Though this attitude is encouraged, they must take it slow and not rush into things. They are advised to listen to their intuition, warning them of bad omens. Their professional projects will likely come to fruition this month.

Taking a break with loved ones will help patch things up with family in case of persistent differences.


Birth years: 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

This zodiac animal sign will be filled with limitless energy and optimism to achieve new goals. However, impatience will cause anxiety for them. Mental health should be a focus for the sheep in May 2024. They should also avoid reckless spending of any kind to improve their financial situation. They will not be able to shake off their feelings of negativity this month. Hence, they should take up any opportunity of travelling they get. A work trip is most likely to happen to them.


Birth years: 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

The May 2024 horoscope for Chinese zodiac signs predicts financial gains for the Year of Monkey individuals. This will provide them with some security. They will spend comfortably because they have earned the right to do so! This month also brings some challenges on the work, family and health fronts, but they will be successfully managed if the natives maintain a solution-oriented attitude.


Birth years: 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Roosters need to be watchful of their temper as it might lead to unnecessary confrontations with peers and the former will regret it later. According to the May 2024 horoscope for Chinese zodiac signs, they are also advised to keep up their good work for steady progress in the professional space and scout for other sources of income. The second half of the month will invite happy times for them with their family. They will also spend quality time and arrange fun summer picnics with them.


Birth years: 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2030

This month, people belonging to the Year of the Dog will experience financial success, stability and pleasure after a long time. They will fight nagging feelings of negativity, but they must avoid dwelling on these thoughts. The second half of May will bring financial gains to this sign.


Image credit: Post of Armenia/ Public domain/ Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

The natives will be supported by their higher-ups at work who will instil confidence in them to aim higher in their professional lives. According to the monthly horoscope for the Chinese zodiac of the pig, singles will most likely find love. Those in relationships will find marital bliss.

(Hero and featured image credit: Natala Krechetova/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Which Chinese zodiac is the luckiest?
Year of the Dragon individuals are considered the luckiest, as suggested by the monthly horoscope for the Chinese zodiac.

-What is my birth animal according to the Chinese zodiac?
The birth year of a person is considered when finding their Chinese zodiac animal.

-What are the 12 Chinese zodiac signs?
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep (Goat), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig are the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

The post Monthly horoscope: May 2024 spells good fortune for all the Chinese zodiac signs appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 29 April – 5 May 2024 Sun, 28 Apr 2024 21:00:06 +0000

There’s good relationship news for Capricorns, while Libras may feel overworked on the job. All that and more in your weekly horoscope for 29 April – 5 May 2024 here.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Capricorn natives will enjoy good relationships and career prospects, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Capricorn and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Capricorn and other zodiac signs from Apr 29 – May 5, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Career and Finance: The Eight of Pentacles card indicates success in your career. However, it will come at the cost of hard work. Your skills and dedication towards your job will win you accolades and get you good remunerations. Businesspeople will receive new projects. Their hard work will be generously rewarded. Your hard work will reap good monetary gains.

Health: Two of Swords is the health card indicating some discomfort – emotional as well as physical. This card suggests that balance is required, and the best way is to be positively occupied and focus on meditating and exercising.

Relationships: The Ace of Wands Reversed card indicates doubts and uncertainties in a relationship. This card shows a lack of libido and an unexciting sex life. You must work towards improving it. You will have an average bond with family members.

Taurus weekly horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Career and Finance: The Star card indicates new opportunities for growth in your career. You will be at your creative best and will be noticed by your superiors, which in turn will open up new prospects for you. Businesses are all set to grow. Your hard work will get you financial comfort. It is a good time to invest and grow your assets.

Health: The Hanged Man is the health card, and it shows neglect towards health. You might have been neglecting small issues and symptoms and the advice is to address them before they snowball into health hazards. A thorough health check-up is advised.

Relationships: Sun Reversed is the relationship card that suggests you must rekindle your relationship. Spend quality time with your partner and work towards passion and intimacy. If desirous of having a baby, this card is a positive indicator. Sun even when reversed indicates peace and harmony in all relationships.

Gemini weekly horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed card warns you not to take any impulsive decisions regarding your career. Weigh all the pros and cons properly. Business natives need to involve their co-workers in decisions and give them their due credit. Some losses are indicated. This is not a good time to invest.

Health: The Emperor is your health card indicating vitality and robust health, but it can also indicate you are pushing yourself too hard to achieve the targets you have set for yourself. The advice is not to push yourself hard.

Relationships: Nine of Pentacles indicate positivity in relationships. Your partner will be supportive and encouraging in all your endeavours. You will share good carnal pleasures. Family will be supportive and loving and you will share a good bond with all the members.

Cancer weekly horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Career and Finance: Page of Cups card indicates that you will be full of ideas and achieve your goals You need to set realistic expectations for yourself and work with enthusiasm. Business natives will have a lot of expansion plans, but you need to pull up your socks. Finances will be good but you will be dissatisfied and want more.

Health: Nine of Cups is the health card indicating wellness. However, to enjoy it you need to work towards maintaining your health regime consciously. This is a very good card to get if you are recuperating. Your recovery is certain.

Relationships: King of Pentacles Reversed is the relationship card indicating that your partner will be reckless and unsupportive this week. If this is not a usual trait exhibited by your partners, just ignore it. But do not let it become a habit. Your carnal pleasures might be compromised this week. Some elders in the family might be dominating or possessive with money.

Leo weekly horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Career and Finance: Strength is the career and finance card for Leo sun sign natives indicating potential for professional growth. You have the talent and skill, but you are over-emotional and sensitive, and this hinders your growth. Business natives need to make some harsh decisions for growth and expansion. Financially, this week will be good, but your expenses will be quite high. Businesspeople will make good profits and the salaried will enjoy good remunerations.

Health: Six of Wands is the health card indicating good health. If you are recuperating, this card is a good omen for recovery. You must work towards maintaining good health. Inculcate good eating habits and include lots of exercises in your daily routine.

Relationships: Queen of Swords is the relationship card indicating a loving relationship with no preference for mushy endearments and gestures. You value space and cannot handle too much of emotions. Partners need to understand this and give respect and space in relationships. Do not nit-pick with the family.

Virgo weekly horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Career and Finance: Temperance is the card for Virgo sun sign natives this week. It suggests you need to balance between planning and action. Set realistic goals and with planning and the right balance try to achieve them. Business natives need to bite what they can comfortably chew. Do not compromise on the quality of work.  Your investments from the past will reap good returns.

Health: Ten of Pentacles Reversed is the health card for this week. This card often indicates some health-related hereditary problems which might surface soon. The tarot advice is to get a thorough check-up and not ignore or neglect any symptoms.

Relationships: King of Wands indicates security and stability in relationships. It can indicate dominance at times. You need to work towards harmony. Try to give space and respect to your partner. It is a good time to make happy memories together. Family relationships will be good. Try not to nitpick with the family members.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ten of Cups Reversed is the card for career and finance for Libra sun sign natives for this week. It denotes arguments and disagreements at work. Some conflicts of ideas and differences of opinions are indicated. The Tarot advice is to express your opinions and leave the decision to the decision maker. Business natives will need to be extra cautious. Take care of your finances. Some extra expenses and losses are indicated.

Health: Seven of Cups indicates overwork and pressure. At times, the workload cannot be reduced. Extra stress might give you sleepless nights. You need to relax yourself and focus on self-care. A good exercising regime and proper diet can make things better.

Relationships: The Hierophant is the relationship card indicating security and peace in relationships. Your bonds are all set to grow. If you respect your elders and care for the youngsters in the family, the familial bonds will become stronger and harmonious.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Moon Reversed card indicates a lack of creativity and satisfaction. Do not rely too much on your colleagues. ‘Do it yourself’ should be your policy. Relax and think carefully before making any major career decisions. Business natives need to pay heed to their work even if you delegate the work. Finances will be average and not a cause for concern.

Health: Four of Swords indicate anxiety-related illnesses. You need to take it easy. Take a break and work on your mental health. At times, this card indicates surgery and hospitalisation.

Relationships: Three of Pentacles indicate commitment. This is a good time to strengthen your bonds of love. If your relationship was uneven in the past, it is likely to be sorted out. Familial bonds will be good. Some advice from a well-meaning person will increase affability in relationships.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Cups card indicates that one should not forget the lessons learned in the past. Use the experiences of the past as a stepping stone for the future. For natives in the job, you might get an offer from your previous firm and business people might rehire their previous talent or work with a previous organisation. Investments from the past will yield good returns and you will continue to invest well.

Health: Eight of Cups is not an indicator of good health. You must shift your attention to self-care. Focus on improving your health. Positive thinking, meditation, Yoga and healthy eating habits are the best medicines.

Relationships: Three of Wands Reversed card indicates overwork and exhaustion. It is time for a break if you have been driving yourself very hard. Find time to socialise. Invest in romance and good familial bonds.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Swords is the career and finance card for Capricorn sun sign natives indicating a change in job or business. You need to be ready to seize the opportunities with both hands. The advice is to move ahead with deliberation and proper know-how. Financially, a good month is indicated. You are in for increments and gains, suggests the weekly Capricorn horoscope.

Health: Seven of Swords indicate some health-related problems. Address them without delay. Take a second opinion if you feel things are not moving in the right direction. According to the weekly Capricorn horoscope, you must focus on health and self-care.

Relationships: Ace of Cups is the relationship card and this indicates good relationships. You will have a deep understanding with your partner and establish emotional and physical well-being. According to the weekly Capricorn horoscope, your family will look up to you and will be extremely caring.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Cups card indicates unfulfilled desires. If you set unrealistic targets, you will always be dissatisfied. Businesspeople will also want more. The corporate world is plagued by avarice and the advice is to enjoy what you have and be grateful.

Health: Four of Pentacles indicate robust health. You will enjoy good physical and mental well-being. Try to stay relaxed and energetic, and keep working towards maintaining it.

Relationships: Two of Cups indicate a good balance in your relationship. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and it indicates harmony at the domestic front. You will enjoy good friendships and a good connection with your family members.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The WorldReversed card indicates dissatisfaction at work despite professional achievements and success. You might feel your potential is not being utilised to the fullest and you have not met your career objectives. Think carefully before changing your job or business prospects. Finances will not be a cause of concern at all.

Health: Eight of Wands card suggests that you are struggling with small health issues, but with your high energy levels and fighting spirit, you will get over it quickly. Pay heed to the small issues and do not let them escalate.

Relationships: Nine of Wands is the relationship card for this week indicating your effort towards amicable relationships. You might have had issues in the past and your endeavour now is to move ahead with improved ties. You value the relationships and are willing to put in your best. Your family will be supportive and appreciative of your efforts.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Billion Photos/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 29 April – 5 May 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly love horoscope for Leo and other zodiac signs from April 29 – May 5, 2024 Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:45:25 +0000

We cannot change our destiny, but we can get an insight into love and relationships. Read about the weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Leo and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use this weekly love horoscope 2024 for Leo and other zodiac signs as guidance.

Use the readings to refocus, redirect, and bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to your romantic endeavours. Love quote for the week – ‘Love is a choice you make from moment to moment.’

Leo and other zodiac signs’ Love Horoscope 2024: Weekly Relationship Predictions

Aries weekly love horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Aries sun sign natives will have some insecurity regarding their relationship. The advice for you is to treasure your relationship and not your possessions. Work towards a pleasurable in-between-the-sheets time and build a good bonhomie with your partner. Family bonding will be average. Single natives will not be interested in any permanency just yet and will be busy with other chores in their lives. Natives in love will not be ready for marriage. You need to give enough time to your relationship and be sure before you say I do.

Taurus weekly love horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Taurus couples will be in an unexciting relationship, but it will be a harmonious one. Variety is the spice of life, and you need to add it to your routine chores with your partner. It is a good card for fertility and pregnancy if you want to increase your family. Singes will be comfortable with their social life. They will meet new people and enjoy their single status waiting for Cupid to strike. Natives in love will be happy with their love interests.

Gemini weekly love horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy positive relationships this week. Your partner will be supportive and caring. Love will be in the air, and you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. Your bonds are all set to strengthen. You will enjoy domestic harmony with all the members of the family. They will be extremely supportive. Singles will meet and socialise with a lot of like-minded people and their search for a soulmate is likely to end this week. You will truly and wholeheartedly fall in love and are likely to propose shortly. Natives in love will be blissfully in love and will be all set to propose and tie the knot.

Cancer April weekly love horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Cancer sun sign natives will not get much support from their partner this week. Your partner might be unconcerned and brash. Let this phase pass off and try to ignore this fiendish behaviour but let it not become a habit. Your carnal pleasures might be compromised. Family life will be average. Singles might be attracted to an older person. It is your life therefore it has to be your decision. Natives in love might be in an unconventional relationship. You need to decide for yourself, but the advice is to involve your head along with your heart.

Leo April weekly love horoscope (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Leo sun sign natives value space and will not be able to handle too much of emotions this week. Partners need to understand and give space with no mushiness and endearment. You will enjoy bonhomie with your partner. You need to work towards increasing intimacy and strengthening your emotional bonds. Familial bonds will be average. According to Leo Love Horoscope 2024, singles will date a career-minded person full of enthusiasm and will enjoy socialising and being together. Your relationship will grow but be mindful not to display your affection publically lest you put off your date. Natives in love will enjoy the company and wittiness of their significant other and will be happy and content in their relationship. Propose when you are ready.

Virgo April weekly love horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy a secure and stable relationship. It can indicate dominance at times which you need to control and work on. Respect your partner’s opinions and wishes. Give space in relationships as it is an important factor for good relationships. You are likely to enjoy happy moments together. You will enjoy good camaraderie with the members of the family. Singles will enjoy their singlehood. However, make space for someone to enter the realms of your heart if you desire to have someone in your life. Natives in love will be happy with their partners. You need more romantic gestures in your life.

Libra April weekly love horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Libra sun sign natives will enjoy peace and harmony and your bonds of love are all set to grow. You will enjoy marital security and bonhomie with your partner. Family life will be good. Singles will be ready for permanency, and you need to groom yourself for it. You need to be more realistic and adaptable in your outlook and value your relationships. Arranged marriage is also a possibility. Natives in love will fall more deeply in love and will be ready to tie the knot.

Scorpio April weekly love horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Scorpio natives will make more efforts towards peace and harmony which will be reciprocated by your partner. Your bonds will strengthen, and you will enjoy good bonhomie and good in-between-the-sheet pleasures. Familial bonds will be good. Singles are likely to meet someone special at the workplace and your romance will bloom. Natives in love might have some doubts about their relationship. Time and patience are your best warriors. Remember no relationship is perfect. You have to make it perfect with effort and perseverance.

Sagittarius April weekly love horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Sagittarius sun sign natives might not have it good romantically this week. Invest in romance and relationships and work towards a better understanding. Spend time with your loved ones. Singles might go through a strenuous relationship. You need to come out of it. Being single is better than being unhappy together. Start on a clean slate with no baggage. Natives in love should be sure of their and their partner’s commitment.

Capricorn April weekly love horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Capricorn sun sign natives are likely to enjoy a good camaraderie with their partner. Your understanding is all slated to grow and you are likely to enjoy emotional and physical pleasures. Family members will be very understanding, and your bonds will be very strong with all the members. Singles will enjoy a new relationship. Natives in love will open their hearts further and there will be contentment in your relationship. A new phase is about to start in your life, and you will be all enthusiastic.

Aquarius April weekly love horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Aquarius natives will enjoy a harmonious and well-balanced relationship. You will enjoy matrimonial bliss. Your partner will be devoted, and you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be harmonious and satisfactory. Singles will see their relationship blossoming. You will feel a deep connection and a stable relationship with your significant other. Natives in love will enjoy harmony and support.

Pisces April weekly love horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Pisces sun sign natives will put in great efforts towards their relationship. You might have faced some rough times in the past, but you endeavour to move ahead with improved ties. You value your relationships and are putting in your best to ameliorate them. Familial bonds will be strong, and your family members will be extra supportive. Singles might try to get over some unpleasant memories in their relationships. Nurture your relationships and lower your expectations. Natives in love will go through ups and downs in their relationship.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

The post Weekly love horoscope for Leo and other zodiac signs from April 29 – May 5, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 April 2024 Sun, 21 Apr 2024 22:00:18 +0000

Geminis can expect high rewards at work, whilst Capricorns should schedule a health check. All that and more in your weekly horoscope for 22-28 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Taurus will enjoy robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs from Apr 22 – Apr 28, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man indicates you are in an unhappy spot regarding your career which is stagnant, and you are confused. The advice is to relax and take it easy. For business natives, there might be some hiccups. Finances will be average.

Health: The Hierophant Reversed indicates you are getting too bothered by small things. Give your body the healing time and do not rush to the doctors at the slightest of problems. Try a holistic approach and work towards building your immunity.

Relationships: The Moon Reversed indicates certain things which you have been ignoring about your relationship will come to light. You will have to make efforts and set different equations to move ahead. With family, some suppressed issues will resurface, and you will have to tackle and sort out things.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Fool Reversed indicates good opportunities coming your way. You have the potential and capability to utilise them well, but some lethargy and ineptitude is indicated. You need to concentrate on your performance. Business natives are forewarned to be alert in the execution of their work. Money will be average use your money carefully and judiciously.

Health: Six of Wands is a good card to get in any reading. This card indicates good health and is considered a victory card. You will achieve your health targets with ease. Your health issues will vanish if there are any, to begin with.

Relationships: Lovers is the relationship card that shows affection and trust between partners. This card is indicative of good understanding and good intimacy among couples. This card represents pure love and great camaraderie with family members.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles indicates a lot of commitment and dedication at work. You are likely to get some awards and appreciation. Business natives will have a successful collaboration. You might invest a lot to acquire new skills and procure new equipment.

Health: Ace of Pentacles indicates that this is a good time to implement some lifestyle changes to improve your health. Focus on healthy eating and exercising.

Relationships: The Knight of Pentacles indicates a stable and committed relationship. You are likely to work hard towards providing a better life to your partner and deepening the bonds. You will enjoy good intimacy with your partner. You will have a good familial bond as well.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice Reversed indicates that you are not getting your dues at work. Despite putting in better than the best of your time and effort, your rewards and remunerations are less than expected. Business natives need to shelve their plans to expand at the moment. Do not get disheartened, remember hard work always pays. Be careful with your money and investments, suggests the Cancer weekly horoscope.

Health: Empress, the health card indicates good health. According to Cancer’s weekly horoscope, you will be enthusiastic and full of energy. This is a fertility card and hence natives desirous of having children will have the stock visiting soon.

Relationships: Six of Cups is a good card for relationships. It indicates memories and nostalgia from the past. You might go down memory lane and appreciate each other more. You will remember family times with fondness and get closer to them, suggests Cancer’s weekly horoscope.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Wands indicates that you will be full of energy and will be ready to accept any challenge – be it a more responsible job in the same organisation or a change. This card shows impulsiveness. Therefore, the advice is to think carefully before making a switch. Business natives will have a lot of plans to implement but again the advice is to go slow. Travel-related work is indicated. Finances will be good, and you might be in a rush to make investments but go slow.

Health: Ace of PentaclesReversed is the health card indicating no forethought has been put towards maintaining and improving your health goals. You need to pull up your socks and focus on a healthy regime. It is not a good card for recoveries.

Relationships: Four of Cups Reversed indicates that you have not been in a good relationship but now you will be working hard towards improving it. Your partner will be receptive and reciprocate wholeheartedly and your domestic harmony graph is all set to move up. You are likely to work towards a better sex life as well. You will enjoy good familial bonds.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Knight of Swords card shows high ambitions and drive. This card is indicative of big plans without commitments. Business natives will have to work hard to put their expansion plans into being. Finances will be good but do not be in a hurry to amass wealth. Slow and steady wins the race.

Health: Queen of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional upheavals. Work on self-care as ups and downs are part of life. However, nothing is worth spoiling your health for. Pregnant women need to be careful as this card indicates miscarriages at times.

Relationships: Eight of Swords does not indicate a great relationship. You might feel trapped and ignored. Remember your happiness is in your hands. Take corrective measures and maintain positivity in your relationship.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles Reversed indicates a lack of dedication and commitment. It can also indicate a lack of cooperation from team members. Business natives need to be vigilant as some strife indicates between partners and co-workers. Financial indications are not very positive, control your expenses and do not lend money.

Health: King of Wands is the health card for this week indicating good health. Try to be disciplined towards your physical exercise regime and maintain a balanced diet. Learn to relax and enjoy.

Relationships: The Chariot is the relationship card indicating good bonhomie among partners but a forewarning that balance in your relationship is quite important. You need to spend time and make an effort towards a healthy relationship. Pamper your partner. You might not meet your family very often, but the bonds will be strong.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Swords Reversed indicates some missed opportunities. You need to clear your head and decide what you want. Balance your dreams and reality. Business natives need to be careful of the choices they make regarding work. Finances will be good, and you will think of some major investments.

Health: Nine of Pentacles indicates robust health and vitality. You will exercise and eat healthy food. The advice is to keep up the good work. It is a good card for fertility and pregnancy.

Relationships: Seven of Wands indicates challenges in your relationship. You need to work towards achieving peace and harmony on the domestic front. Matters of the heart are complicated and you will go through ups and downs to smoothen the creased lines with love, care, and intimacy.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups indicates distractions relating to your work. You might have a lot of things which need your attention. You need to streamline and prioritise your schedule. Business natives need to focus on the quality of their produce. Finances will be good, and you might get a new opportunity to increase your financial standing.

Health: Tower is the health card for you. It indicates a sudden onset of illness. Get some health check-ups done. It can also indicate accidents and the tarot advice is to be careful while driving and otherwise. Some bereavement in the family cannot be ruled out.

Relationships: Ace of Cups, the relationship card indicates happiness and satisfaction in a relationship. Couples will bond well and share good intimacy. This can indicate the growth of the family, the marriage of a near or dear one or childbirth. This card is a good indicator of love and romance. Familial bonds will be good you are likely to celebrate some event together.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates good work but this card Indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work as well. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Business natives need to be more enthusiastic and creative and plan new strategies. Finances will be status quo and you will be keen to make investments.

Health: Hermit is your health card. It indicates you need to go in for a health check-up. If already under treatment, it is suggested to take a second opinion.

Relationships: Queen of Swords Reversed is indicative of some past grudges. Life is too short to hold on to the past. Just focus on the present, have a frank and open discussion and solve all the issues amicably. Drop all the grudges.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Temperance card suggests you need to balance between planning and action. Business natives should set realistic and achievable goals. You need a balance between your professional and personal life. Good finances are indicated. Some investments from the past will reap good returns.

Health: Page of Swords is your health card for this week. Your health will be average. Small issues might bother you, but you will be full of energy.

Relationships: The Devil is your relationship card. It indicates that you need to discard your ego and not hurt your near and dear ones. Nurture your relationships and pay attention to the carnal pleasures. Take special care of the elders.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice card indicates that your hard work will be rewarded. This card urges you to be dedicated and honest at work. Business natives need to be careful of their paperwork and tax-related issues. Finances will be good.

Health: King of Pentacles shows stable health. This card shows stability in your health, and you nurture it by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Relationships: Two of Swords Reversed indicates some emotional struggle between couples. It is advised to address and be frank with your partner about your insecurities. This card can also indicate harbouring past grudges which is the biggest deterrent in any relationship. Let bygones be bygones Be kind towards the family.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 April 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly love horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs from April 22 – April 28, 2024 Sun, 21 Apr 2024 21:58:48 +0000

We cannot change our destiny, but we can get an insight into love and relationships. Read about the April weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Cancer and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use this April love horoscope 2024 readings for Cancer and other zodiac signs as guidance.

Use the readings to refocus, redirect, and bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to your romantic endeavours. Love quote for the week – ‘I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.’

Taurus, Gemini and Sagittarius zodiac signs will enjoy the blessings of Aphrodite this week.

Cancer and other zodiac signs’ April Love Horoscope 2024: Weekly Relationship Predictions

Aries April weekly love horoscope

Aries natives will have to address some issues which they have been trying to push back. You must tackle them and sort them out amicably. Change a few equations to suit yourself and your partner. Focus on improving your understanding and work towards erotic pleasures with your partner. Some underlying issues might resurface polluting the camaraderie amongst members of the family. Singles should realise that the foundation of any relationship is honesty. Natives in love might be exposed to some startling facts about their partner.

Taurus April weekly love horoscope

Taurus natives will be the lucky ones in love and romance this week. Your affection and love towards your partner will grow and you will enjoy matrimonial bliss. You will improve your bonding with your partner and enjoy good carnal pleasures. This card represents pure love and good understanding with the family members. Singles are likely to lose their singlehood as soon as they are likely to find their soulmate. A whirlwind romance is likely to sweep you off your feet and give you immense pleasure. Natives in love will be over the moon with their love interest and will be all set to tie the knot.

Gemini April weekly love horoscope

Gemini sun sign natives will be committed and enjoy stability and great bonding. You will enjoy intimacy and a good camaraderie. You will be in a generous mood. You will pamper your partner with not only joyous moments but also lavish gifts. You will be over-generous towards the family, and they are going to cherish it. Singles will want to end their vagabond days soon and look for security and commitment. Natives in love will be happy and satisfied in their relationship and will be all set to tie the knot.

Cancer April weekly love horoscope

Cancer sun sign natives will relive their memories of the past. The nostalgia often gets one closer and increases bonding. You might appreciate each other more by thinking of the past pleasantness together. Family will relive certain moments of togetherness and the fondness will grow. Singles should be ready to reunite with an old flame, suggests Cancer April weekly love horoscope 2024. Natives in love will enjoy reliving the memory of their initial moments of togetherness and will look for the right moment to tie the knot.

Leo April weekly love horoscope

Leo sun sign natives will be working towards improving their ties. Lately, you might have had some arguments with your partner, and you are doing the right thing now to set it right. Your partner will be receptive and reciprocate wholeheartedly and your domestic harmony will increase. You are likely to work towards improving your intimacy as well. Singles need to take some positive steps if they want permanency in relationships. A lot of efforts are required if two people with different backgrounds are to move ahead together. Natives in love to sort out some issues amongst themselves and this might take some time and effort.

Virgo April weekly love horoscope

Virgo natives might feel ignored and neglected. Take corrective measures. Remember you and only you are responsible for your happiness. Get some positivity and fun in your relationships. Indulging in good carnal pleasures is the best way to dissolve any melancholy. Singles need to have patience and time to find the right person. Being alone is a much better option than being with the wrong person. Natives in love might be yo-yoing in their feelings towards their partners. Separation is not a tragedy but staying in a toxic relationship is.

Libra April weekly love horoscope

Libra sun sign natives need balance in their lives. You might share a good bonhomie with your partner, but something will be lacking. Make an effort towards a healthy relationship. Pamper your partner and make more efforts to improve your sex life. You will be close to your family even though you might not be meeting them often and you are likely to share good bonding. Singles might meet someone special and form a unique bond. Give time and let the bonds grow and develop, and do not be in a hurry. Natives in love need to settle other things first before they take the plunge.

Scorpio April weekly love horoscope

Scorpio natives are likely to face some relationship challenges. Some hard work is required towards making peace and harmony at home. Matters of heart are complicated and you need to understand your partner. You need to work on certain aspects of your relationship. Work towards increasing the understanding and intimacy with your partner. Some family feuds might be upsetting but treat it as part of life do not take it to heart, and do not overreact but deal with it patiently. Singles might vie for attention from someone special without any success. Do not give up without your best shot. Natives in love will struggle with too many things and might want to settle tasks before thinking about proposals and nuptials.

Sagittarius April weekly love horoscope

Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy happiness and harmony with their partner. You have manoeuvred your thoughts and actions in the right direction and your relationship has reached a comfortable platform. You will share good bonhomie and good carnal pleasures with your partner. This card can indicate growth in the family in the form of childbirth or marriage. You will enjoy a good familial bond and celebrate a joyous event together. Singles will form new bonds and your attachment will grow and prosper. You are likely to be elated in the newfound liaison and might think of permanency. Natives in love will be deeply in love and will be ecstatic and all set to start their new life together. It is a good time for proposals and nuptials.

Capricorn April weekly love horoscope

Capricorn sun sign natives will hold on to past grudges. Have a frank and open discussion and solve all the issues amicably. Every problem has a solution. At times, letting go is the best thing you can do especially in relationships. Drop all the grudges when it comes to family. Singles might have a soft corner for someone and are resisting taking the relationship forward because of some family reservations. Your family always wants the best for you, so it is advised that you pay heed to their advice. Natives in love might be getting pressurised to tie the knot but you need to make your decision, and propose only if you want to and when you want to.

Aquarius April weekly love horoscope

Aquarius natives will be facing some ego-related issues. It is a fruitless journey to nowhere, change your attitude it is a little thing which will make a big difference in your relationship. Ego and love cannot exist together. Sex is the solvent for all strife. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. Your family might be hurting with your brash and hurtful behaviour. Keeping family happy attracts positivity in all aspects of life. Singles will be in and out of relationships and will struggle to get some permanency in their lives.

Pisces April weekly love horoscope

Pisces natives might face some emotional upheavals with their partners. A frank talk to remove all doubts and insecurities will only improve your understanding. Be kind towards family as it is the love and support of family which can ease all tensions and problems. Singles will be in a dilemma when it comes to choosing between two people. Natives in love might have second thoughts when it comes to relationships. Experts say this is a common feeling to have and it does not mean your romance is doomed. The advice is to think carefully.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

The post Weekly love horoscope for Cancer and other zodiac signs from April 22 – April 28, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Taurus zodiac sign: All about the personality traits, compatibility and love life Sun, 21 Apr 2024 02:00:59 +0000

Taurus is the second sign on the zodiac wheel and is represented by a celestial bull. It belongs to the earth element and stands for stability, dependability and strength. Those born between 20 April and 20 May are considered to be Taureans. If you are or know one, then you have won at life. Know why? Check out our complete analysis of Taurus personality traits for females and males.

Ruling planet: Venus
Energy polarity: Yin/Feminine
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Anatomy: Neck, throat and jaw
Metal: Copper
Gemstone: Emerald, rose quartz
Colour: Green, pink and white

Know all about the ruling planets of the zodiac signs

Taurus zodiac sign: What does it mean to be a bull?

taurus personality traits female
Image: Courtesy AnotherGypsy/ CC BY-SA 4.0/via Wikimedia Commons

It is no secret that the Taureans enjoy the finer pleasures of life. Although hard at work, they also like to indulge in exotic vacations, relaxing spa treatments, gourmet cuisines and luxury items.

Most Taureans are elegant and display an understated sense of style, which is classy and exquisite. But their sartorial appeal does not make them look haughty or unapproachable. Being earth signs, they have a warm persona and their high point is their kind eyes and a strong upper body.

They make no bones about the fact that they like a comfortable life. Besides that, they are also known to be smart investors. Though they are practical, they have an empathetic side to them.

A deep dive into the Taurus personality traits

Image: Courtesy of Engin Akyurt/Unsplash

The celestial bull is ruled by the planet, symbolising love, money and beauty, Venus. This is the reason behind their haunting sex appeal combined with an alluring groundedness. These qualities make them irresistible to other zodiacs.

While they could come across as a bit laidback because of their pleasure-seeking tendencies, they are one of the most hardworking zodiac signs on the wheel. They are good at seeking a healthy work-life balance. They also display great physical and mental endurance, and being a fixed sign makes them steadfast and rooted in their ideals. They could, however, be misunderstood as stubborn, which is also their most common flaw. But it is true that once convinced about something, it is difficult to change their viewpoint.

Overall, they are calm and patient; but if rubbed the wrong way, they can also display a bad temper. It is tough to get them angry, but when they do, it takes time for them to calm down.

Patient, perseverant and a true blue bull, they are sensuous and giving, too. Here is a lowdown on what it means to be in a relationship with a Taurus female or male.

Taurus and their special love language

If you are looking for a whirlwind and passionate romance, then dating a Taurus man or a woman won’t do much for you because they like to take their own sweet time in building a relationship. Taureans are seldom impulsive in love, but once they like someone, there is no going back. They are patient and sensual, believe in a slow, old-school romance, and prefer long-term relationships over flings or situationships.

Because they yearn for an unhurried relationship, dating them is like igniting a slow fire, for it is guaranteed that their ambers of passion remain flaming hot for a long, long time. They also like to pamper their lovers and expect the same from their partners. Want to woo your Taurean? Try soft neck kisses.

Taurus personality traits and compatibility

This fixed earth sign gets along famously well with the other two earth signs: Virgo and Capricorn. However, its best pairing is with the other Venusian zodiac sign, Libra, as their sensibilities match very well. Both have a penchant for living well and like material happiness along with emotional security and stability. Both Taurus and Libras are in for a long haul when it comes to relationships.

Taurus also complements Capricorn’s need for practicality and shares its love for labour. Both Taurus men and women appreciate Virgo’s sincerity and need for perfection.

They also could get along romantically well with the compassionate and emotional water sign of Pisces. This meditative sign’s zen-like, non-confrontational attitude attracts Taureans, and their slightly opposing mentalities blend well together.

Which professions suit the Taurus zodiac sign?

taurus personality traits female
Image: Courtesy of rupixen/Unsplash

Lauded as great workers, Taureans excel at almost all professions they set their minds to. Thanks to the influence of Venus, they are great at creative jobs and because they are earth signs, Taureans are also pretty great at practical jobs like banking and accounting.

Other industries of interest for the Taurus zodiac sign would be beauty, administration, agriculture, business, food, music and politics.

(Hero and Featured image: Courtesy of Sutthirat Sutthisumdang via iStock / Getty Images Plus)

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-What is a Taurus personality weakness?
Looking at Taurus personality traits for females and males, they embody great physical and mental strength but are also known for being stubborn and persistent in their beliefs, which could be considered their weakness.

-What is Taurus’s good attitude?
This sensual earth sign is relentless in their pursuits, sincere, hardworking, determined and dependable.

-What is unique about the Taurus sign?
Taurus personality traits for a female and male state that they love an indulgent, good life. That’s what makes them unique from the other zodiac signs.

The post Taurus zodiac sign: All about the personality traits, compatibility and love life appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 15 – April 21, 2024 Sun, 14 Apr 2024 20:16:00 +0000

The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting and worthwhile if you have harmony in relationships. Read on to know the April weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Leo and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the Leo April love horoscope 2024 readings as guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of the imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Time is the currency of life, I love spending it with you.’

Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac signs will enjoy the blessings of the Aphrodite this week.

Leo and other zodiac signs’ April Love Horoscope 2024: Weekly Relationship Predictions

Aries April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign couples will enjoy marital bliss this week. You have worked hard for this. Therefore, you will enjoy and cherish each moment with your partner. You will enjoy the good things in life like a romantic holiday and all sorts of luxuries at home.  You will enjoy a good familial bond. You will be overindulgent and generous towards your family members.

Singles: Singles will be happy socialising with friends and will meet a lot of new people. Do not consciously bother about falling in love. When cupid strikes, you will know for sure. Natives in love will be in a happy spot with their partners and will be all set to propose and tie the knot.

Taurus April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives will have to work hard to make their relationship worthwhile. Add spice and enthusiasm and work towards increasing intimacy with your partner. Be lavish while expressing love in small loving gestures and words to keep the relationship alive. Spend more time with the family. It will make them happy, and you will attract cosmic positivity.

Singles: Singles need to be more fun-loving and open with their date. Be yourself and do not restrain your natural talent of enjoying life to the fullest. Natives in love will be bothered by small issues and busy sorting things out. Life is never hassle-free. Some or the other issues are always going to prevail. Just propose and tie the knot.

Gemini April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will struggle to get normalcy in their relationship. You will be able to get over all the issues. Getting counselling might be a good idea to achieve harmony and peace. Good carnal pleasures can act as a catalyst. It will help you get closer and dissolve all strife. Familial bonds will be average, and efforts will be required if you want the average life to become better.

Singles: Singles might struggle to get over a breakup. Learn from your mistakes and the advice is to give yourself some healing time. Do not be in a rush to get into another relationship. Natives in love should take their time and be sure before making commitments. Do not be pressured to make hasty decisions.

Cancer April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will face misunderstandings and misinterpretations when it comes to their partners.  Be frank, and honest, and communicate well. Do not get manipulated in any way. Convey your thoughts and ideas openly. Reset the equations if required. With family members, you might have some strife. Address the issues frankly and not brush them under the carpet.

Singles: Singles will be happy mingling with someone special of their choice. The advice is not to give in too much. Do not bend yourself backwards to adjust. This is a sure indication of problems. Natives in love might face some problems adjusting. Address the issues frankly and find amicable solutions.

Leo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives might feel insecure in their relationship and might be over-possessive with their partners and that is a deterrent in a relationship. Address your insecurities, discuss them with your partner, and find amicable solutions, suggests Leo April’s weekly love horoscope. Try to improve your understanding and intimacy. You might feel insecure regarding some financial matters in the family. It is always advisable to be frank and express your feelings. Maybe your viewpoint is being overlooked.

Singles: According to Leo April’s weekly love horoscope, singles should have realistic expectations from their dates and possessiveness is the worst trait for the health of any relationship. Introspect and see where you have gone wrong in the past. Self-assessment and amelioration will get stability in your relationships.  Natives in love need to be frank with their partners. Do not brush the insecurities or doubts under the carpet. Address them frankly and look for a harmonious way to deal with them.

Virgo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo natives need to let go of the control and dominance in their relationship. This card does not show a bad relationship but just advises you to treat your significant other with respect and equality. Good carnal pleasures increase your levels of commitment and harmony. Family should be treated with respect and vice versa.

Singles: Singles might fall for someone older and might try to fight it. Age is just a number. How you gel with each other is more important. Do not be a stickler for the year gap. Natives in love might not be certain of the choice of their partner and might dilly- dally. The best thing you can do is to give some time to the relationship and see how it grows.

Libra April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives will have to struggle to make their relationship work. The cards are indicative of some sadness and loss in the relationship. You need to work on your equations and work on increasing intimacy in your relationship. Family might undergo some heartbreak or loss and might need more support and attention from your side.

Singles: Singles might go through a breakup. Being singles is better than being despondent together. Give time to heal and collect yourself. Natives in love will have a tough time with conflicts and arguments. At times, the energies are not conducive to love and romance. Let things take their course.

Scorpio April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives will experience some positive changes in their relationship. Your efforts towards your relationship will bear fruit and you will enjoy good bonhomie with your partner. A good time in between the sheets is also foretold. Family equations are all set to improve and harmony with all the members of the family will increase.

Singles: Singles will be the favoured lot and destiny will make you meet your soulmate. The advice is to go slow and enjoy the positive changes in your love life. Natives in love will move towards permanency. Proposals and nuptials are in the offing.

Sagittarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy a good relationship with their partner. A holiday together is likely to strengthen your ties and get you closer. Familial bonds will be satisfying. You are likely to bond well with the children of the family and the youngsters will be a source of pleasure.

Singles: Singles will have a good time socially forming deep attachments with someone special. Enjoy this cosmic favour and do not be in a rush to lose your singlehood. Natives in love will be content with their partner and will be waiting for the right moment to propose. Wedding bells will ring soon.

Capricorn April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives waiting for parenthood are in luck. You are likely to celebrate your love. You will be content and enjoy carnal pleasures. Family will be supportive, and children will give you immense joy. Youngsters in the family will make you proud of their achievements.

Singles: Singles might be attracted to and interested in a much younger person. Do not let the age gap deter you. Focus on your understanding and bonding. Natives in love will be all set to propose. Marriage is very much on the cards.

Aquarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will enjoy love, luxuries, and abundance – that’s the best combination for happiness. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures as well which will make your week perfect. It is a good time for the stork to pay a visit if desirous of a child. You will enjoy a comfortable and stable relationship with all the members of the family.

Singles: Singles will be very happy in their newfound love and their relationship is all set to blossom. Enjoy this time to the fullest and do not be in a hurry for any commitments. Natives in love will be looking for the right opportunity to propose and enjoy matrimony thereafter.

Pisces April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives are all set to nurture their relationships and strengthen their bonds of love. Put efforts towards intimacy as well. Remember sex is the barometer of happiness in a marriage. You will share good understanding with family members, especially with the elders.

Singles: Singles might be too involved with work to pay much attention to their romantic endeavours but they will have a satisfying social life. Things happen when they are supposed to. Wait for the cupid to strike and your priorities will change. Natives in love will be content with their partner but will be in no hurry to tie the knot. It is best to wait for a suitable moment.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Everton Vila/Unsplash

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 15 – April 21, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 15-21 April 2024 Sun, 14 Apr 2024 20:00:21 +0000

How’s your Songkran holiday horoscope looking? Read on for your weekly horoscope between 15-21 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Taurus will enjoy robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Taurus and other zodiac signs from Apr 15 – Apr 21, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Wands indicates a struggle at work. You will have to work very hard to prove your mettle and maintain your position. Businesspeople will need to sharpen their acumen and work hard to achieve their goals. You will be extra careful with your finances this week. The advice is to plan your finances well and not invest this week.

Health: Queen of Wands indicates good health. You will be full of energy and vitality. Keep up the good work and efforts. This card is a positive indicator of parenthood. This is the right time if you are wanting to conceive.

Relationships: Queen of Pentacles indicates a secure relationship which you have worked hard for. Therefore, you will enjoy and cherish it. You and your partner will enjoy the finer things and luxuries of life. You will enjoy a good familial bond.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Pentacles indicates prosperity. You are likely to grow as a team and your colleagues will look up to you. Your seniors will be generous when it comes to appreciation and rewards. Business natives will gain position, power, and finances. You will be generous enough to share the accolades with your team. Financially, a good week is indicated, according to Taurus’ weekly horoscope. You are likely to be generous with your money.

Health: Two of Pentacles is indicative of robust health. It is a balance card suggesting you maintain a good balance in life. You must take out time for yourself. Eating well and exercising are important, states Taurus’s weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Nine of Pentacles Reversed indicates a dull and monotonous relationship. The advice is to be enthusiastic and reignite your passion. No matter how busy you are, always make time for small gestures and loving words as these things keep a relationship alive. The family will miss your warmth, suggests Taurus weekly horoscope. Looking after your family is not only your duty but it also attracts positivity in life.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Swords indicates a new job or new role which will be more challenging than the previous one and you will need to put in your best to cope with the added responsibilities. Business natives will need a lot of vision and focus in their endeavours. This card warns you to not be emotional in your decisions. Do not let the heart rule over the head. Finances will be good but you might have to take certain harsh decisions.

Health: Knight of Wands Reversed is the health card indicating you are overdoing your health regime and being harsh on yourself. Following a regimented eating and exercising routine is good but do not overexert yourself.

Relationships: Ten of Swords Reversed indicates that you need to mend a bad relationship. Your relationship is improving, and you need to maintain it. There is no gain without pain. Efforts and persistence can turn failure into success. You need to work towards a better understanding and intimacy. Familial bonds will be average. You will have to put in effort to make it pleasurable.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups Reversed indicates some lost opportunities in your career. You need to be more vigilant towards your career growth. It is a good time to upscale your skills and be better equipped to handle further challenges. Businesspeople need to be more alert and should not let opportunities slip. Finances will be fine. You need to start investing wisely.

Health: Lovers Reversed indicates that your body might not cope well with the exertion you are going through. Do not overdo things and listen to your body. Relax and work towards improving your health.

Relationships: Magician Reversed indicates that you need to be more honest and communicative with your partner. Do not let your partner manipulate you in any way. Avoid arguments and conflicts. Do not let the elders dominate and bully you. Take a stand and reset equations with the family members.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man indicates stagnation in your career. It does not mean that there are problems with work. It suggests that you might feel uncertain regarding your choice of work. Business natives might be in two minds regarding their choice of work as well. The Tarot advice is to wait for some time and see how things shape up. Finances will be as expected.

Health: Ten of Wands Reversed indicates neglect towards your health. You need to prioritise yourself. Do not neglect health-related symptoms. Address them lest they snowball into bigger issues.

Relationships: Four of Pentacles indicate possessiveness and nitpicking in a relationship. You need to give space and not get involved in everything your partner does. Giving space when needed is the key to a good relationship. You need to work on closeness in the right direction. You need to work on improving your intimacy.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Swords Reversed shows some confusion at work. There are chances of some disagreement between colleagues. You need to be careful to not rub them on the wrong side. Good planning and strategising will take you places. People in business should move ahead with proper planning. Be very careful with finances. Check your balance sheets and other documents thoroughly.

Health: Four of Pentacles Reversed shows you will work towards well-being and be successful. You will enjoy good health. Try not to overindulge in any way. It is a good time to achieve your health goals – like losing weight or building your body this week.

Relationships: King of Swords indicates dominance and control. You need to work towards a harmonious relationship. Give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. You need to give space in relationships. Do not be controlling, and do not nitpick with family. Your intentions might be good but giving space is equally important.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Temperance indicates that it is a good time career-wise. Your hard work and dedication will be noticed, and you will be suitably rewarded. However, you need to exercise patience. Do not be overambitious. Business natives need to balance between quality and quantity. The former should not be compromised. Do not take any risks with your money and try to control your expenses.

Health: Eight of Swords indicate some anxiety disorders. You need to work towards relaxing your mind. This card can indicate some eye-related disorders, and you need to be vigilant. This is a positive card if you are planning on losing weight.

Relationships: Three of Swords Reversed indicates some loss or sadness in your relationship. In some cases, a breakup is also foretold. Healing comes with time but you need to let go. Family might undergo some heartbreak and you need to be their support and strength in this time.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Cups indicates you might contemplate a change in your career path. Some work-related travel is likely to pep you up. The Tarot advice is to give it a deliberate thought. Business natives are likely to discontinue the not-so-profitable part of their business and add new options. Finances will not be a problem.

Health: Three of Pentacles indicate that your health goals will be met. You will be regular with your healthy eating and exercise targets.

Relationships: Wheel of Fortune indicates a positive step in your relationship. You and your partner will put in your best to improve the relationship and if you have been having any issues lately, they will get sorted out. Family equations are likely to change for the better, and you will enjoy domestic harmony.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hierophant indicates success at work, but the advice is to share your knowledge and know-how with your teammates and move up together. You can also scale your skills for better growth. The warning this card brings is, to be honest and righteous in your profession. Business natives need to move with the times and have a broader outlook. Finances will be good. This card indicates you are too conventional in your investments you need to diversify.

Health: Page of Wands Reversed indicates lack of energy and lethargy. You might be burnt out with work commitments and a break is what is needed to revive your energy levels.

Relationships: Knight of Cups suggests a good relationship between partners. Familial bonds will be pleasurable and youngsters in the family will be a source of joy.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Swords Reversed indicates delays and cancellations of projects and tasks. It is a temporary setback. Give it time and things are likely to settle down. Business natives are likely to face some upsets. Finances will be average.

Health: Hermit is the health card indicating paranoia of some kind. You need to relax and address the issues immediately lest they turn ugly. If you are under treatment of any kind, this card suggests you should take an expert opinion.

Relationships: Page of Cups is the harbinger of good news. You will have a good bonhomie and enjoy good in-between-the-sheet pleasures. Youngsters will look up to you and share a great equation with you. Fertility and conception are indicated.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Swords indicates that you need to respect your seniors and colleagues. Your brash attitude might upset your co-workers spoiling the camaraderie at work. You need to work on yourself. The’ I am the best’ attitude needs to change. Businesspeople will face some obstacles at work. Money will be less than expected.

Health: The Page of Pentacles Reversed indicates an unhealthy lifestyle. If health is lost, everything is lost. The sooner you realise this, the better you will be. You need to focus more on your health and follow a good exercise regime.

Relationships: The Empress is an indicator of love and abundance. You will enjoy marital bliss. Couples will enjoy each other’s attention and will enjoy their sex life. This is the best time for fertility and conception. Family members will be comfortable and secure.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Cups card says that you are going to spell success in all your endeavours. Your dreams will be fulfilled and whatever you envisage for yourself is likely to get launched. This week will get you accolades, acclaim, and achievements. Businesses will do extremely well. You will be content and proud of your financial achievements.

Health: Two of PentaclesReversed indicates that you need to relax and take it easy. Handling too many things at one time can cause stress and related problems. You must take time for self-care. Do not overindulge your taste buds.

Relationships: King of Wands suggests strengthening relationships. You need to increase your intimacy with your partner and put in more effort all around. You will have a good time with your partner and familial bonds will be good.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 15-21 April 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

These Chinese zodiac signs will be lucky in April 2024 Tue, 09 Apr 2024 00:00:30 +0000

The year 2024 brings in a lot of good luck, fortune, prosperity and financial success for all the zodiac signs as it is the Year of the Wood Dragon. A dragon is hailed as the most powerful of all animals in Chinese astrology, and this month is particularly auspicious for the career, health and love life of some signs than others. Know all about the lucky Chinese zodiac signs for April 2024.

April 2024 spells good fortune for the following Chinese zodiac signs


 lucky chinese zodiac sign
Image credit: Andrew Yu/Unsplash

Birth years: 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

April is extremely lucky for those born in the Year of the Tiger, especially when it comes to finance. They will reap massive benefits through their financial investments and get recognition in the workplace. Though their family life will be stable, they are advised to spend more time with their parents.

This will be a hectic month for this zodiac sign because of work- and family-related responsibilities. Hence, they should also look at getting rest besides fulfilling their duties.

Here are our April 2024 horoscope predictions for your Chinese zodiac


chinese zodiac
Image: Courtesy of SJ/Unsplash

Birth years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

The Year of Rabbit people should take their professional partnerships seriously, as they are destined to be fruitful this month. They are also required to be careful and protect themselves from the evil eye as their good fortune might invite jealousy from peers.

A word of caution for those travelling abroad. They are advised to take good care of their health this month.

Here’s our guide to every Chinese zodiac sign’s best personality traits


chinese zodiac
Image credit: IQRemix from Canada/CC BY-SA 2.0/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

This Chinese zodiac animal might face some difficulty at work, but it will be compensated with a fulfilling time in their relationships. A romantic vacation is on the cards with their partner.

It is recommended that they focus only on the positive and try to strike a work-life balance rather than getting bogged down by things going against them professionally. They must also not pay attention to petty things that would affect their peace of mind like gossip.


lucky chinese zodiac
Image credit: Coastal Elite from Halifax, Canada/CC BY-SA 2.0/Wikimedia Commons

Birth years: 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

It is predicted that the roosters will find new sources of income in April 2014 and will be rewarded for all their hard work at their job. They will also have harmonious relationships with their family members and are predicted to be in the pink of their health this month.

Dos and Don’ts for all signs to ward off negative forces

According to the Chinese horoscope, the zodiac signs of tiger and rooster are slated to get super lucky in April 2024. However, here are some things that the other zodiacs could do to tap into their inner wisdom in the Chinese calendar year of the dragon, especially during this month.

Dos for the zodiac signs

– Focus on meditation and choose inner peace as a personal project.
– Take some time off for relaxation and self-care, This will aid all zodiacs in attaining personal growth and well-being.

– Fill out a dream journal with all key manifestations to send positive vibes into the universe.

– Aura cleansing is also recommended for Chinese zodiac signs such as snake and horse.

Don’ts for the zodiacs to live a better life

– Roosters should avoid picking up bad habits and mindfully cut them out if they have them; otherwise, they will have heavy consequences during this coming period.

– Avoid using ingredients like salt, orange peel, cinnamon sticks, or candles for cleansing rituals and cooking (as much as possible).

– Carrying a piece of iron is common in the Chinese culture to ward off evil. The zodiac signs should make sure that it is not a magnet.

– Chinese zodiacs should avoid carrying magnets with them as they may attract negativity as opposed to iron, which is considered to ward off the evil eye.

Here are our predictions for the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

(Hero and Featured image credit: Eva Bronzini/Pexels)

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-What traits are associated with the zodiac sign of the dragon?

The people born in the Year of the Dragon are confident, successful, rich and passionate. It is the luckiest sign in the Chinese zodiac.

-How are lucky Chinese zodiac signs determined?

Lucky Chinese zodiac signs are determined by their specific traits and legends associated with them.

-What traits are associated with the Rabbit zodiac sign?

Characteristics of the zodiac sign of the rabbit are kindness, consideration, tenderness and caution.

-How can people with lucky Chinese zodiac signs make the most of April?

The zodiac signs of tiger and rooster are the luckiest in April 2024.

The post These Chinese zodiac signs will be lucky in April 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 8 – April 14, 2024 Sun, 07 Apr 2024 22:00:39 +0000

The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting and worthwhile if you have harmony in relationships. Read on to know the April weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Gemini and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the Gemini April love horoscope 2024 readings as a guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘If I know what love is, it is because of you.’

Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius zodiacs will enjoy the blessings of the Aphrodite this week.

Gemini and other zodiac signs’ April love horoscope 2024: Weekly relationship predictions

Aries April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives need to work towards harmony in their relationships with their partner. Financial burdens are likely to be the cause of the friction and you need to do some financial planning and budgeting together. Be frank and look for amicable solutions. Try to increase the intimacy and focus on other things. Family will be supportive, but you need to be frank and open with them.

Singles: Singles will be having a god time with the opposite sex with no plans for permanency. It is always better to commit when sure but make sure no one is hurt. Natives in love might not be ready for commitment yet. You need to be mentally physically and financially ready before you say, ‘I Do’.

Taurus April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives need to look towards the future and forget the past. Holding grudges will not let your relationship grow and prosper. Have honest discussions and do not hesitate to go in for counselling. Work towards increasing the bonhomie and intimacy with your partner. Family ties require nurturing all the time. Let bygones be bygones and focus on positivity in relationships.

Singles: Singles might be dealing with a breakup and not in the right frame of mind for any new relationship. The advice is not to move ahead with past baggage. Give yourself time and, in the meantime, keep yourself positively occupied. Natives in love will not be sure and might having some doubts regarding their relationship and the tarot advice is to be sure lest you have to repent later.

Gemini April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy a good rapport with their partner and your love for each other will grow. You are likely to enjoy each other’s company a lot and have a good time in between the sheets. It is a good time for fertility and conception. You will enjoy a pleasant familial bond, suggests Gemini April weekly love horoscope.

Singles: According to Gemini April weekly love horoscope, singles are likely to find their soulmates and enjoy a fairytale romance with someone special. This is a good time for love to bloom, but the advice is to wait and watch as generally things are not what they look like. Natives in love will be totally and hopelessly in love and will be all set to tie the knot.

Cancer April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives might be over possessive this week. Remember that space in relationships is important lest you choke your partner. Do not be over controlling and clingy. It can completely put off your partner. Respect each other’s space and value your partner’s opinion. Work towards improve your carnal pleasures and improving your equations. Do not nitpick with the family members. Remember everyone values their space, especially the youngsters and children.

Singles: If your relationships are falling apart too often then you need to introspect. It could be possessiveness and domination which puts off the opposite sex. Try to be adaptable and mould yourself to be a fun-loving and broad-minded person. Natives in love might feel pressurised for commitment but the advice is to take a well thought decision.

Leo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will be secure and comfortable in their relationship with their partner. You will enjoy good understanding and your bonds of love are slated to grow. Work on increasing your libido to perfect your relationship. You will enjoy a good familial bond and enjoy domestic harmony and bliss. Your bonding with the elders will be great.

Singles: Singles might be attracted to an older person and might be fighting it. Focus more on understanding and bonding as age is just a number. Natives in love will like to wait for some more time before proposing.

Virgo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy a positive and vibrant relationship with their partner. You will bond well mentally and have a satisfying physical relationship. This is a good time for the stork to pay a visit. You will share a good bond with the family members and your closeness is all slated to increase. Friendships will give you immense pleasure.

Singles: Singles will meet someone special and fall hook, line, and sinker being struck by the golden arrow. The advice is to wait for some time and let the relationship grow. Natives in love will be ready to propose and this is a favourable time for wedding bells to ring.

Libra April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives need to be cautious to maintain a balance in their relationship with their partner and control their mood swings. Do not try to score over your partner but work towards amicability in your equation. Your relationship will yo-yo between good and not so good and the advice is to work towards a better bonhomie and intimacy. Be adaptable when it comes to your family members.

Singles: Singles will be in and out of relationships and will not be able to make up their minds. When the cupid strikes, the decisions will be made in a jiffy. Natives in love might be pressurised with a lot of things and might not be able to focus on relationships. Take your time and let time be your guide.

Scorpio April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives will have some difference of opinions with their partners leading to disagreements and strife. Some deception is indicated but not necessarily infidelity. Nurture your relationships and nip the problems in the bud lest they get out of hand.

Singles: Singles need to be careful of who they are dating. A background check is advisable. Give your relationship time and do not be in a rush to lose your singlehood. Natives in love might face some opposition from the family members regarding the choice of the partner. They mean well and have the best at heart for you. Pay heed to their reservations and do not rush into commitments.

Sagittarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy stability in their relationship. You will share an honest and open relationship and what might be lacking in this perfect equation will be intimacy. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be satisfactory. There will be camaraderie amongst all the members.

Singles: Singles will be having a good time with like-minded people looking for security and stability. Things happen when they are supposed to. Time and patience are needed. Natives in love will be very content in their relationship and will be looking for the right moment to propose.

Capricorn April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives need to be transparent and communicative. Share the problems with your partner. They will not only understand, but you might get some good advice too. Bottling up will affect your mental health as well as the relationships. Good carnal pleasures are the best solvent for all strife, and you should work towards them. Avoid arguments with your family members and share your worries with your family.

Singles: Singles should not be in a hurry to lose their single status. It is not a good time to form attachments. Enjoy your singlehood with no strings attached. Natives in love might be going through some discord. Give it time as the energies might not be favourable at the moment.

Aquarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius natives can heave a sigh of relief as their relationship with their partner is all set to improve. The tensions of the past are likely to ease out and you need to rise above the difficult period and start on a clean slate. Learn from your mistakes and embrace new beginnings. Never carry grudges. Sort out and bury the hatchet. Family is the best support you can ever get. Your closeness with the family is all set to grow.

Singles: Singles need to have patience. Do not jump from the frying pan into the fire. Give yourself healing time and clear yourself of all the past baggage. Retrospect and learn from your past mistakes and then move ahead. Natives in love need to make more efforts towards their relationship as a lot of effort and compromise are required for a successful liaison.

Pisces April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will be squabbling with their partner on petty issues. Do not let these issues which are normal in a relationship to escalate into bigger ones. Find a mid-path, maybe, reset your equations and give more space to each other. Focus on better understanding and better intimacy. Family life might be uneven. It is okay to have arguments and differences. Try not to be too rigid.

Singles: Singles might be lonely and will be unable to find the right partner. Let things take their course and wait for the energies to turn positive for love and romance. Meanwhile, do something constructive to keep yourself positively occupied. Natives in love might be unsure of their decision and in two minds. The best is to wait with patience and give it time.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Everton Vila/Unsplash

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 8 – April 14, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 8-14 April 2024 Sun, 07 Apr 2024 21:30:19 +0000

Geminis will find deep connections, while libras need to be careful at work. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 8-14 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Aries will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Aries and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Aries and other zodiac signs from Apr 8 – Apr 14, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Aries weekly horoscope, Empress Reversed is the career and finance card for Aries sun sign natives that shows insecurity and anxieties at work. Your hard work might not get appreciated and you might feel let down. The advice is to wait for some time. It might just be a passing phase. Business natives will experience some setbacks at work. Lie low and wait for some time. Finances will be average but you will be dissatisfied with the profits.

Health: Six of PentaclesReversed is your health card that indicates neglect towards your health. You have been ignoring certain symptoms and the advice is to address them immediately lest they escalate into bigger things, states Aries weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Ten of Pentacles Reversed card is a warning to pay heed and nurture your relationships. Financial burdens might cause stress in your relationship, suggests Aries weekly horoscope. You need to have a frank and amicable budget planning with your partner and family to ease out the stress.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Pentacles Reversed indicates that you are being undermined and that is affecting your work. Have confidence in your capabilities and utilise your potential to the fullest. ‘When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them’. Business natives might face some hiccups at work. Treat your team with respect.  This week, you will need financial planning as you might be strapped for cash.

Health: Chariot Reversed is your health card indicating that minor health problems should not be neglected. A routine health check is recommended this week.

Relationships: The Hermit card indicates that you need to connect better with your partner. You may be hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. Be frank and open and if required, take the help of a professional. You need to work on increasing intimacy with your partner. Let bygones be bygones when it comes to your family.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates that you are being assessed at work. You could be in for a promotion or a different role. You need to put in your best and mind your Ps and Qs. Business natives might be under trial for something big. Give your best. Financially, you will be comfortable, but you need to be mindful of the law.

Health: Queen of Cups is the health card indicating good health. You are well looked after and cared for, but you need to make a good exercising and healthy eating regime for yourself. It is a good card for fertility and childbirth.

Relationships: The Magician indicates deep connection with your partner. You are likely to enjoy a beautiful relationship. You will share a good bonhomie and great intimacy with your partner. Nurture it. Familial bonds will be good, and you will share a very good understanding with all the members.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles indicates that you will reap the dividends of your hard work. You will get lots of appreciation at work and your colleagues will look up to you. Do not let the praise go to your head keep doing the good work. Businesses will do well and you are likely to be satisfied with your work. Finances will be good.

Health: The Hanged Man indicates that you are not taking your health seriously. It is good to give your body the healing time, but it is not advisable to ignore the symptoms for long. A medical check-up is advised.

Relationships: Four of Pentacles Reversed indicates possessiveness in a relationship. Space is very important. Do not be over-controlling and try not to suffocate your partner. Mutual respect is an important ingredient for happiness and you need to value your partner’s opinion. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. Do not be controlling towards family members, especially children.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed card indicates promises that have not been kept by your seniors. You might feel let down and used, but the positive things that is you might get clarity in what and how you want to progress with work. Business natives might face a letdown upsetting the budget for the week. Be judicious with money and do not spend in anticipation.

Health: The Emperor Reversed indicates that you may be too rigid in following your health goals. Exercising is important but so is your mental and physical relaxation. This card also indicates some fertility issues.

Relationships: King of Pentacles indicates a secure and stable relationship. You need to work on your libido to perfect your relationship. You will enjoy a good familial bond and feel very content in the domestic environment. You will share a great bond with the elders.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Strength indicates tremendous potential for professional growth. You have the talent and skill, but you are over emotional and sensitive and at times overreact. This is not perceived well. You need to work towards a more professional demeanour. Financially, this week will be good, but your expenses will be very high. Businesspeople will make good profits.

Health: Page of Wands is indicative of good health, but also a warning to not be inactive. Be proactive towards your exercise regime but do not overdo it either.

Relationships: The Sun is the relationship card indicating positivity in relationships. Any past misunderstanding will disappear and relationship issues if any will come to light and get sorted out amicably. You will enjoy intimacy and passion. Enjoy the harmony with family and friends also this week. It is a good indicator for fertility and childbirth.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Sun Reversed indicates lack of satisfaction at work. Business natives need to put their creativity to use and be more innovative. Financially, an average week is indicated. The income/profit might be less than anticipated. Keep your cortisol levels under control.

Health: King of Cups Reversed indicates that some problems in your life are taking its toll and your coping mechanism is failing you. You need to take the reins firmly in your hands and work towards your well-being.

Relationships: Temperance Reversed is the relationship card indicating an imbalance in relationships. You are trying to score over your partner rather than sort issues amiably. You need to work on your equations and find amicable solutions. You need to balance your relationship with your family by being adaptable.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates an unpleasant atmosphere at work. You are having issues with your colleagues and probably the work is suffering. Teamwork is important for the success of any endeavour. It is suggested that you openly sort out things at the workplace – be it service or business. You might face some ups and downs in money matters too.

Health: Ace of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional setbacks. You need to focus on your well-being. Getting a health check-up done is a good idea and working towards your mental and physical health is the Tarot advice for the week.

Relationships: Five of Swords is not a very positive indicator for relationships. Difference of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating are indicated. Have a good communication with your family if you want support and understanding from them.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Pentacles Reversed indicates delays and hurdles in your work. If you want to change your job, it is not likely to happen soon. Business natives will have to face delays and disappointments with projects. Financially, this is not a good week. Investments will not yield good returns and money inflow will be lesser than expected.

Health: Eight of Cups indicates some emotional issues. You need to focus on your mental well-being. Try practising meditation and yoga and keep yourself positively occupied. Do not dwell on the past. A holiday or a hobby class might be a good idea for your mental health.

Relationships: Emperor is the relationship card indicating stability and honesty in a relationship. You will have to put efforts towards increasing carnal pleasures. Let your guard down to enjoy life. Family will be satisfied with the attention and the anchorage you provide.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups indicates a profitable commercial collaboration which will benefit your company. This partnership will be a result of your efforts. Therefore, you will be suitably rewarded and awarded. Business partnerships will do very well. Expect good profits and smooth sailing at work. Finances will be satisfactory.

Health: Ace of Sword Reversed is your health card showing that some health-related issues might crop up. It can also indicate surgery. Do not neglect your health and address any health symptoms immediately.

Relationships: Five of Wands Reversed indicates a conflict with your partner. You need to be more open and communicative about your problems and feelings with your partner. Bottling up your emotions will affect your mental health and spoil the marital harmony. Sex is the best solvent for all strife, and you should work towards good carnal pleasures. Try to avoid arguments with family members.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Wands Reversed indicates a lack of focus and a wavering mind. You need to set your priorities right and then work towards a definite goal. Business natives need to be sure before putting their money in the business. Do not be reckless with your money and make sensible decisions.

Health: Three of Cups Reversed indicates overindulgence and disregard towards health. You need to streamline your health goals and follow them. Health is the biggest wealth, and you need to look after yourself. This card indicates miscarriage at times. So if you are pregnant, you need to be extra careful.

Relationships: Six of Swords indicates your relationship is improving after a shaky and difficult period. Treat this as a healing period and start afresh on a clean slate. Relationships require a lot of efforts and compromise. Never carry grudges. Sort out and bury the hatchet. Family is the best support you can ever get.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Pentacles means there is good news relating to you career is on the way. A promotion, an appreciation, a growth opportunity, an award expect it all! Businesspeople are likely to expand and make good profits. Financial gains are expected. Your past investment will also yield good returns and it is a good time to make new ones.

Health: Wheel of Fortune is the health card showing good health. If you are recovering for an illness or surgery, the recovery will be very fast. Keep taking care of your health. Self-care is the key to good health.

Relationships: Page of Swords is your relationship card indicating trivial squabbles between partners. Do not let small issues escalate into bigger ones. You should find a mid-path and let go of small things. Give space to each other and do not nitpick. Hit the reset button and start fresh with new equations.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 8-14 April 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Lucky numbers for April 2024: Monthly numerology predictions Mon, 01 Apr 2024 04:00:55 +0000

April is upon us soon. And if you’re wondering what your luckiest number for April is–I mean, we all need something to hold on to, amirite?–look no further. We’ve gathered some of the lucky numbers–and of course, unlucky ones–for April 2024. Read on to discover all of them.

Birthday number or root number: The root number tells you about the nature, behaviour, weakness and strength. The date you were born, is your birthday number or lucky number.

Life path number: Add the day, numerical month, and the year in which you were born and reduce it to a single digit number you get your life path number.

Name number or destiny number: Destiny number is calculated by numerically adding the alphabets in your full name (first, middle, and last) by reducing each name to a single digit, then adding up the total and reducing that to a single digit – 1: A, J, S. 2: B, K, and T. 3: C, L, and U. 4: D, M, and V. 5: E, N and W. 6: F, O and X. 7: G, P and Y. 8: H, Q, and Z 9: I and R.

Sun Number: The sum of your birth date and month is your sun number. This does not change.

Personal Year Number: To determine the numerology personal year number, add together the Sun number and the current year (2024=8 for this year). For personal month number add current month number (4 for April) to the personal year number. Each year you will have a different personal year number. You need to calculate your personal month number. 2 is the universal month number for April 2024.  (4+2024), 4 for April and 8 is the year number for 2024. (8+4= 11=3). For your personal month number for April 2024, add your Sun number to 3 (universal month number for April 2024) and see what the numbers have in store for you this month. Challenges and favours are a part of life and everyone should be ever ready to accept them with positivity and gratitude.

Lucky numbers for April 2024: Read the numerological predictions for this month

Number 1

Number 1 natives will be influenced by number 1, 3, and 8. April will be a new chapter in your life. A new beginning for you – a change of job, or a change of place, or a new relationship. Career will be rewarding. You will be working with renewed vigour and energy and will be determined to succeed. You will be richly rewarded with good inflow of money and enjoy financial stability. Health will be robust, and you will have to put in some efforts to make it good. Relationships will be good. If wanting to have a child, this is a favourable time. Singles are likely to find their soulmates and may tie the knot. Children will give you immense pleasure and you will enjoy good bonhomie with your partner.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 1, 10, 19, and 28.

Number 2

Number 2 natives will be influenced by numbers 2, 3, and 8. This is the month for you to work very hard to meet your goals. You are likely to get new opportunities, but you need to be alert to take them at the right moment. Do not wait for things to reach you. Reach them first. Financially, this month will be average but personally you are likely to bond well with all the members of the family and have a good equation with your partner. It is a good time for marriage. You are likely to make new friends and have an amazing personal life.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 2, 11, 20, and 29.

Number 3

Number 3 natives will be influenced by numbers 3 and 8. This is the month to focus on frank, clear, and honest communication. Work might be hit because of miscommunication and businesses might suffer a setback. Inspire your team to collaborate more productively. You will have to burn the midnight oil to achieve your goals this month. Make your directives clear not only in your work but also in your relationships. Financially, a good month is indicated. Relationships will be status quo. This is the time to focus on your health. Be alert to symptoms and do not neglect any health issues.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 3, 12, 21, and 30.

Number 4

Number 4 natives will be influenced by numbers 3, 4, and 8. Number 4 natives need to get disciplined and organized. You will do well when you focus on one thing at time and not take too much upon yourself. Businesses will do well but you need to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Financially a good month indicated you will get good gains and your investments will do well. Relationships might demand more from you focus on stability and try to be more understanding and giving. Single natives are likely to find someone special. You will enjoy robust health this month but that in no way means you can neglect it.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 4, 13, 22, and 31.

Number 5

Number 5 natives will be influenced by numbers 3, 5, and 8. This month will get you lot of opportunities to grow and pursue your dreams professionally. You might have to take some big decisions relating to your profession. Be guided not only by your heart but also involve your thinking power and logic. Financially, it is a good month. You will be getting good returns and profits. Business natives might add a new dimension in their field of work. Relationships will be good. You will enjoy security with your partner and bonhomie with other members of the family. You need to focus on a healthy regime. Make some lifestyle changes towards staying healthy.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 5, 14, and 23.

Number 6

Number 6 natives will be influenced by numbers 3, 6, and 8. Number 6 natives need to focus on health and relationships besides work. Let work be a part of your life and not the entire life. This month, you need to focus on your relationships. Singles will be dealing with heartbreaks. Besides time for each other, you need patience, understanding, and adaptability for a fruitful relationship. Find time for a exercising regularly, and focus on good eating habits.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 6, 15, and 24.

Number 7

Number 7 natives will be influenced by numbers 3, 7, and 8. This month will be auspicious in terms of your career. Promotions and increments will not only be remunerative but make you content and cheerful. Businesses will scale new heights and you will enjoy success and power. Relationships will be good, and singles will find their soulmates. Natives desirous of increasing their families will have the stork pay a visit soon. Romance will bloom and couples will enjoy bonhomie and intimacy with their partners. You will have to be cautious regarding your health. Do not lax in self-care and proper hygiene.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 7, 16, and 25.

Number 8

Number 8 natives will be influenced by numbers 3, and 8. You will have to burn candles, but this will be a rewarding month in terms of career growth. Your career graph will climb steeply, and you are likely to be rewarded for all the meticulous toil. Businesspeople will be increasing and growing their work this is the time to put all your ideas in to being. Financially a very good month indicated but you need to control your expenses. Relationships will be commonplace, and you will have to put in efforts to improve your bonding. You will experience some spiritual growth this month. Health might be bothersome. Some small ailments might cause discomfort. Try to work on improving your immunity.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 8, 17, and 26.

Number 9

Number 9 natives will be influenced by numbers 3, 8 and 9. You might face some challenges and obstacles in your career you need to be calm and patient. Ups and downs are part of life and dealing with them positively might change the course of things and create new opportunities for you. Business natives need to be alert on the financial choices they make some losses are expected. Finances will be lesser than expected and you might have to liquidate your savings to sail through. Yoga and meditation are advised for you as it will not only keep you calm but also keep your body in good shape. Relationship with your partner will be average but you might face some challenges with the youngsters of the family.

Lucky dates: 9, 18, and 27.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Lucky numbers for April 2024: Monthly numerology predictions appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

First Mercury Retrograde 2024: Significance and effect on your zodiac sign Sun, 31 Mar 2024 14:22:11 +0000

The first mercury retrograde of 2024 will begin on 1 April. Here is a survival guide for all the zodiac signs that will be impacted by it.

An important event in astrology, a mercury retrograde is related to travel, communication and technology snags, affecting the zodiacs for the entire three weeks of its occurrence. With the first Mercury retrograde of 2024 beginning on 1 April, here is a survival guide for all the zodiac signs that will be impacted by this phenomenon.

What happens when planet Mercury is in retrograde?

Before understanding the effects of this celestial event on zodiacs, let’s understand the meaning of Mercury retrograde in astronomical terminology and its significance in modern astrology. A retrograde of any celestial object is nothing but an optical illusion from the vantage point of the Earth.

Mercury is a speeding planet, which, for a window of three weeks, is closer to our planet. While both the planets are following their orbits, it appears as if Mercury moves slower and is in a backward or apparent retrograde motion from the Earth’s perspective.

Astrologically, planet Mercury rules communications and is related to travel, technology and growth as well. Mercury retrograde encourages positive and negative changes in relationships and careers of the zodiac signs. The retrograde affects general misunderstandings, brain fog and other related issues.

Mercury retrograde 2024 in Aries: Dos and Don’ts to find calm amidst the storm

mercury retrograde 2024
Image: Courtesy of ZCH/Pexels

The first Mercury retrograde, which begins on 1 April, is in the powerful fire sign of Aries. The pre-retrograde shadow began on 18 March and the post-retrograde shadow ends on 13 May.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac system and is ruled by the planet Mars. This means that its red-hot nature, drive, candour, spontaneity and penchant for making hasty decisions could add to the confusion caused by the Mercury retrograde. Here is a cheat sheet to avoid major mishaps relating to technology and misunderstandings in key relationships during this period.


Believe in yourself: Be self-assured and confident and find logic before acting on thoughts.

Self-care and meditation: It is important to allot some time to introspect and cut off from screens to meditate. This will provide the zodiacs with much-needed calm amidst the confusion caused by this astrological event.

Be open to listening: While it is important to stand strong for one’s values, it will not hurt for the zodiacs to keep an open mind towards others’ opinions. Consideration of different views will provide them with a wider perspective on important matters of life.


While it is essential to voice opinions, one should avoid imposing their views on others.

It is important to control impulses during this period as it would prompt one to make decisions that can be regretted later.

It is a bad idea to hold grudges during this time because it is likely that one would be misunderstood due to lack of communication or miscommunication.

Find out how the last mercury retrograde of 2023 affected the zodiac signs

How does Mercury retrograde affect the zodiacs?

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

mercury retrograde 2024
Image: Courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington/Public domain/ Wikimedia Commons

The zodiac sign of Aries will be majorly impacted during this period as the retrograde falls in the same sign. They will be gripped with intensity and passion to bring about major changes in the way they present themselves to the world. But an important achievement for this fire sign, symbolised by the ram, would be to be patient despite all impulses to act on their ambitious thoughts. They also need to self-introspect a lot and not get bogged down by the setbacks.

Read our guide on Aries personality traits and compatibility here

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

There is a chance that this earth sign, symbolised by the celestial bull, might get drawn towards mindless drama. They should stay away from it, stay connected with their self and trust their intuition. This is a good time to take up new hobbies or find out new methods of relaxation.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

This sun sign, too, is affected by the April 2024 Mercury retrograde because it is ruled by the same planet. Known for their great communication skills, this retrograde will prompt them to have conflicts as they negotiate their space in society. They will find it difficult to find a balance between being overly controlling or extremely meek. They should enjoy their own company and take up individual projects instead of enlisting a team to accomplish a particular task.

Read our guide on Gemini personality traits and compatibility here

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

This crustacean emotional sign will be all about their career during this retrograde. They will feel exhausted and demotivated during this period at the work front. While it is easy to get extremely overwhelmed during the retrograde, Cancerians can overcome this feeling by dividing their work among their subordinates or colleagues effectively.

Read our guide on Cancer personality traits and compatibility here

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

The ever-optimistic Leos will be anxious and in self-doubt which would crack their confidence during Mercury’s backward motion in April. Though they will surely get uncomfortable, Leos should remember that this uncertainty will pass, too. Post this, they will emerge stronger and more evolved.

Read our guide on Leo personality traits and compatibility here

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

mercury retrograde meaning
Image: Courtesy of NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington/Public domain/ Wikimedia Commons

This will prove to be a very emotional period for this practical earth sign. Virgos will be forced to face their inner traumas and turmoil. The best solution to deal with this difficult period is to seek therapy and indulge in activities that would soothe their soul. This is a third sign that will be most affected by this event because just like Gemini, it is ruled by the Mercury, too.

Read our guide on Virgo personality traits and compatibility here

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

This balance-seeking sign will have challenges to maintain their work and personal life during this period. They would face some communication issues with their business partners and are likely to fight with their spouses and partners more than usual.

Read our guide on Libra personality traits and compatibility here

Scorpio (23 October– 21 November)

This intense and passionate sign that likes to be on top of things, be it at work or home, will feel listless and bored during the Mercury retrograde. It is okay to take things slow for these three weeks and work at their own pace rather than forcing themselves to initiate and execute matters on personal and professional levels.

Read our guide on Scorpio personality traits and compatibility here

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

This fire sign will not hold itself back during this time. They would likely overindulge themselves materialistically or even in matters concerning their hearts. It is urged that they pause and think before making a big expense and consider the repercussions of their actions in general.

Read our guide on Sagittarius personality traits and compatibility here

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Capricorn sign, which is also known as the workhorse of the zodiac, will take some time out for their family during this time. They will be devoted to solving domestic conflicts and might feel emotionally burnt out with responsibility. They must be patient and not let their temper take over their decision-making skills in Mercury retrograde 2024.

Read our guide on Capricorn personality traits and compatibility here

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

This humanitarian and progressive sign will get more assertive and demanding. They should focus on the way they communicate with everyone and watch their sharp tongue which can hurt their family and close friends.

Read our guide on Aquarius personality traits and compatibility here

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

This is a period of transformation for this meditative and calm water sign. The impulsivity of the Aries-dominated retrograde might influence them to make quick decisions mostly related to money. They must keep a check on their finances.

Read our guide on Pisces personality traits and compatibility here

(Hero and featured image: Buradaki/ iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images)

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-What signs will Mercury retrograde affect 2024?

Mercury retrograde will mainly affect Aries, Gemini and Virgo.

-What is in retrograde right now?

The first Mercury retrograde of 2024 will begin on 1 April and end in three weeks. Post retrograde shadow will remain till 13 May.

The post First Mercury Retrograde 2024: Significance and effect on your zodiac sign appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 1-7 April 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 14:00:05 +0000

It’s a new month and a fresh week. How are the stars looking for you? Find out in your weekly horoscope for 1-7 April 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Aquarius will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Aquarius and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Aquarius and other zodiac signs from Apr 1 – Apr 7, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Wands Reversed indicates a slowdown in your career. Some important assignments will be postponed or cancelled. Travel will be fruitless and your promotion might not come through as expected. Business natives will experience setbacks as this card indicates struggle. Finances will be less than expected and you need to control your expenses.

Health: Four of Swords indicates that you need to take a break and make some time for self-care. This card strongly suggests that you need to rest and recuperate. Slow down and focus on healthy food and some physical exercises. Keep your mind calm and stay relaxed.

Relationships: Seven of Wands indicates some challenges in your relationship. You will require a lot of effort to maintain harmony. You need to work on improving your communication skills and increase your intimacy. Your ties with family will be average.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress indicates a great time workwise. Some new ideas and projects will come your way with very positive results. Get ready for new positive developments at work. Businesses are all set to increase and get good dividends. An increase in earnings and good returns from past investments are expected this week.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion for sure if under treatment. This card suggests lack of activity. Try to pay heed towards exercising and physical activity.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles suggests positivity in relationships. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and there will be an increase in your understanding with your partner. You will enjoy good familial bonds. Good relationships are indicated.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Wands Reversed is a harbinger of good news. This means, whatever you are waiting for in the professional sphere will precipitate this week – like a job offer or promotion.  Business natives might land a big project or some expansion they have been hoping for. Financially, this card indicates comfort. Be wise with respect to your investments.

Health: The World indicates good health if you are aiming for something like weight loss or body building you will be successful. This is an excellent card for recovery and this card is a good omen for overall health.

Relationships: Seven of Swords Reversed indicates you need to work hard towards your relationship. Learn from your past mistakes and work on strengthening the ties. Work towards improving your sex life. Familial bonds will be average.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Do not let your enthusiasm to fade in any way.  Business natives need to be more creative and plan new strategies. Average finances are indicated.

Health: King of Swords indicates that some health issues from the past might resurface. It is advisable to go for a thorough check-up. Do not neglect your health, address even the small issues.

Relationships: Six of Cups Reversed indicates a monotonous relationship. Add peppiness with some romantic overtures and some intimacy that will rekindle and rejuvenate the ties. Do something extra for the family, perhaps plan an outing together to add some fun in your relationships.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Swords Reversed indicates pressure of performance and worry regarding the result. Ups and downs are part of life, and you need to accept positively. Do your best. When the energies change, the results will come in accordance. Business natives might see some delays and cancellations in their field of work. Financially, it is not the best time for you. Be judicious with your money as some losses might upset your budget.

Health: Two of Pentacles indicates a need to balance your work life and personal life. Exercising is a must, and this card also suggests not to overdo it either.

Relationships: Ten of Wands indicates that you will be overburdened with other responsibilities and might not have the time or inclination towards relationships. Sharing often lightens the load. Familial bonds will be average due to the same reasons.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Cups indicates a quest for something different. Travel or even a change of place is likely. If wanting a job change, this week might get you some opportunities. Business people might think of trying something different this week. Finances will be good but unsatisfactory and you might like to diversify your investments.

Health: The High Priestess Reversed indicates some common health issues like aches and pains. You just need to be conscious about your daily medicine dose, eating, and exercising routine. Do not ignore your health.

Relationships: Three of Wands suggest a good camaraderie among partners. If wanting to increase your family, this is a good week for conception and fertility. You will be comfortable with all the family members and they will be supportive.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Swords Reversed foretells intimidation by a senior at work. The best way is to ignore. Your only focus should be work. Do not lose your cool and let your work speak for itself. Do not get involved in office politics. Businesspeople may encounter obstacles by someone in an authoritative post. Financially some losses and investments are going wrong because of this concern.

Health: Seven of Swords suggests you need to be truthful to yourself. Do not brush your addictions and bad habits under the carpet. Focus on self-improvement and a healthy lifestyle. If you think you need help, do not shy away from asking it.

Relationships: The Hermit Reversed indicates you need to connect better with your partner. You need to introspect. Maybe, you are hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. Be frank and open and if required, take help of a professional. You need to put an effort towards all your relationships discard negativity and work towards affability.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ten of Wands Reversed suggests overburden and extra responsibilities. The advice is not to carry the burden alone. Delegate your work and learn to say no.  Business natives will face overload of work. Bite only what they can comfortably chew. Financially, you will be pressurised with expenses.

Health: Three of Pentacles indicates good health. You will be full of energy and vigour. Any health goals you set for yourself will be realised. The advice is to keep up the good work and do not lax. Investing in your health is the best investment you can make.

Relationships: Ten of Cups Reversed is not a good omen in relationships. Some disagreements are indicated. If there are fertility issues, you need to address them, or maybe seek professional help. You need to put in efforts to increase understanding and honesty in relationships. Problems need to be addressed and not brushed under the carpet. You need to increase intimacy with your partner and have a better communication with family members.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Wands indicates two career options available at this point of time. Think carefully and decide. This is a positive card and hence the outcome is likely to be favourable. Business natives might be in two minds about expansion. Follow your intuition and it is likely to be the right thing for you. Finance will be good, and you might debate between investment options.

Health: Page of Swords indicates lack of focus towards your health goals. It can also indicate overdoing to achieve your health targets which might lead to lot of mental anxiety. The advice is to focus on your health goals and progress in a proper way.

Relationships: Emperor Reversed indicates dominance by one partner. You need to set your equations right. Respect and equality in a relationship are very important for a relationship to grow and blossom. Some member of the family might be over controlling you need to be frank and communicate your resentment.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes a progression in career. A gainful remunerative job offer or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Businesses will be good, and it is a good time to put expansion plans into being. An increase in income, good profits and a new money source is foretold. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Queen of Pentacles is the health card indicating good health. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to if you want to keep enjoying good health.

Relationships: Page of Pentacles suggests loyalty and security in relationships which indicates a strong foundation. Add more fun and excitement in your relationships and work on increasing intimacy with your partner.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates that you are due for a promotion or raise, and you need to put your best efforts as your performance will be evaluated and assessed. Business natives might gain based on their performance. Financially, you are likely to gain from your efforts, but you need to be wise and careful with your money, suggests Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed can indicate neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to regulate your eating and other unhealthy habits and spend time on self-care. Physical activities and regular exercising are a must for good health, suggests Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Relationships: According to Aquarius weekly horoscope, Nine of Wands is indicative of exhaustion. Recent events have sapped you of energy and you really need to work hard to move ahead positively. Reach out to your partner. They understand you the best and will be more supportive. You might have had some unpleasantness with the family members. Do not hold it against them. Remember in times of test, family is the best.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Magician Reversed is a warning not to neglect small issues regarding your career. Confidence is good but not overconfidence makes you unmindful of smaller details which are so important. This card also suggests you are not using your skills in the right manner. Business natives are advised to mind their Ps and Qs at work.  If you put enough effort, you are likely to gain much more financially.

Health: Ten of Swords indicates recovery and end of health-related problems. If you have been suffering from any major or minor health issues, it is time for recovery. Take care of yourself moving forward.

Relationships: World Reversed card is indicative of monotony in a relationship. You will have to make some changes in your routine and get the excitement back in your relationship. You can start by doing fun things together with your partner and with family and friends.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 1-7 April 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 1 – April 7, 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 13:56:36 +0000

The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting and worthwhile if you have harmony in relationships. Read on to know the April weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Taurus and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the Taurus April love horoscope 2024 readings as a guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love is a great master, it teaches us to be what we never were.’

Interestingly, all the earth signs are the cosmic favourites for love and romance this week – namely, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn sun sign.

Taurus and other zodiac signs’ April love horoscope 2024: Weekly relationship predictions

Aries April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will face some challenges in their relationship and efforts will be required to maintain peace at home. Keep your communication clear and address the issues frankly. Pushing them under the carpet only escalates issues. Work towards harmony and intimacy. Your family equations will just be average, and efforts are required to strengthen them.

Singles: Singles will be lonely and want someone special beside them to share and care. You need to spend your time positively and not harp on singularity. Spend your time constructively. Socialise more. Taking up a hobby class will be a good idea. Natives in love might face resistance from family on the choice of their partner. However, be assertive if, you are sure.

Taurus April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives are all set to enjoy a satisfying week with their partner. Your bonds of love are all set to strengthen. You are likely to have a wonderful time with your family, especially with the youngsters. They will look up to you and you will have some exciting time with friends, suggests Taurus April love horoscope.

Singles: According to Taurus April love horoscope, singles will have an enjoyable time with their friends and will fall hook, line, and sinker for someone special and this bond is likely to bloom. Fairytales are only exciting in books. You need to weigh all the pros and cons before you move towards permanency. Natives in love will be very much in love and will all set to propose and tie the knot.

Gemini April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives need to work towards improving their ties. Learn from the past and work on strengthening the ties. Work towards improving your sex life along with a better understanding. Do not take family members for granted. Extra attention and few loving gestures can turn an average relationship into a good one.

Singles: Singles need to be careful of their choice of the partner especially if they are affluent. A background check will be good. Try to give time to the relationship to be sure of the intentions of the person you are in love with. Natives in love will not be sure and might be confused. Remember, haste is waste. It is better to be happy alone than being unhappy together.

Cancer April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will be in a monotonous relationship. Add peppiness with some romantic overtures to increase the intimacy and rejuvenate your ties. It is a good time for a enjoying a holiday together. Family needs more than just the duty calls. Go an extra mile for them to make them happy and satisfied.

Singles: Singles need to try a different approach if things are fizzling out often. You might meet someone from the past like an old flame and your love story might be rekindled. Be sure not to make the same mistakes again. Natives in love need to add spice in their relationship and do exciting things together.

Leo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will have an average week in terms of relationships. Nothing is amiss. It is just lack of time because of some additional responsibilities and commitments. Sharing lightens the load and makes the partner more understanding but let this phase not continue for long as relationships wilt without nurturing. Family will feel neglected. Share your burden and you might get solutions besides extra support.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships. They might not be able to find the special someone. At times, the energies are not favourable for love and romance but if the spell stretches for long, you need to introspect and lower your expectations. Natives in love might face some tantrums from their partner. If this is something occasional, cajole and pamper your partner, but do not let it become a habit.

Virgo April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will share a good camaraderie with their partner and will enjoy stability in their relationship. It is a good time for conceiving and for the stork to pay a visit. Family will be supportive, and you are likely to share comfort and security with your family members.

Singles: Singles will be happy in their relationship with someone special and it will grow in leaps and bounds. Special attachments are likely to be formed and you might think of proposing as well. The advice is to not be in a hurry to lose your single status. Natives in love will be waiting for the right moment to propose and tie the knot.

Libra April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives will be bottled up and aloof with their partner. You need to connect better with your partner. You need to introspect. Maybe you are hurting from some past episode and are not able to feel normal. A good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity. Focus on affability in relationships. Try not to hold grudges against the family. Make your perceptive more positive and let go of small things.

Singles: Singles will want a special someone as they might feel lonely. The advice is to get into a new relationship only if you are free of the bondage of the past one. Natives in love should give more time to their relationship and propose only if, they are sure. Do not get pressurised into any commitment.

Scorpio April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives might have a lot of disagreements with their partner. There might be some fertility issues. Address them and seek professional help if necessary. Address the issues and problems frankly and do not brush the issues under the carpet. Remember all problems have a solution. You need to work towards more understanding and intimacy. Family relationships will be average this week, but they will be supportive and caring.

Singles: Singles might have a non-traditional relationship and be indecisive about how to move ahead. You need to give it time because when the time is right, cupid will strike, and things will automatically become clear. Natives in love will be yo-yoing between a yes and no. Involve your brain as when the heart and brain are in sync, the decisions are generally right.

Sagittarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius natives need to reset their equations. This card is indicative of dominance by one partner. Let this not become a habit. Work towards equality and mutual respect. Nurture your relationship and make it amiable. Some family members might be over controlling. You need to set the equations right and straight.

Singles: Singles will be happy flirting with many and enjoying their singlehood. The advice is to be honest, so no hearts are broken including yours. Natives in love should give their relationship time and not rush into marriage till they are not sure. Do not get pressurised by others. It should be your decision.

Capricorn April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives will enjoy loyalty and security with their partner. Their ties will be strong, and they will feel attached to their partner. Increase the intimacy and add some fun and frolic in your relationship. Familial bonds will be good.

Singles: Singles will be extremely fond of someone special but will not be sure of the love being reciprocated. The advice is to let them know about your feelings. Natives in love will be comfortable with their partner and will be ready to tie the knot.

Aquarius April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will be exhausted dealing with the nitty gritty of everyday life. Do not let the love wilt away. Be open and frank with your partner and share your concerns with them. Ask for support and you might get more options to deal with your pressures.

Singles: Singles might feel rejected as the response of their special someone might be lukewarm. Relationship is a two-way street and if things are not working out, it is time to move away and start afresh. Natives in love might have some doubts in their relationship. In order to move ahead, you need to clear the doubts.

Pisces April weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives need to break the monotony in their relationship. A regimented life can often lead to breakdown in relationships. Do fun things together and plan a holiday together to revive the bonds of love. Spend quality time with family and create memorable moments with them. Friends can bring a lot of excitement and joy. Nurture good friendships.

Singles: Singles need to socialise more and meet different people. This will give you more options to choose from. Natives in love need to introspect and relook at your relationship with your partner. If it does not excite you enough, you need to find ways to make your equation exhilarating and fulfilling before moving towards commitment.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Pavil Danilyuk/Pexels

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of April 1 – April 7, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

April love horoscope 2024: Monthly predictions for the 12 zodiac signs Fri, 29 Mar 2024 16:00:09 +0000

Relationships are important to all of us and we are constantly working towards improving and improving our connections. Karma is foremost in astrology. Whatever the stars might foretell, love requires a lot of effort, compromise, understanding, and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Read all about April 2024 love horoscope for all the zodiac signs.

Sun’s ingression in Aries, its exaltation sign, mid-month will make all your relationships meaningful. The solar eclipse on 8 April is a great day to manifest love and camaraderie. Some zodiacs are likely to enjoy marital bliss, some will find love, and some might not be so lucky. Be positive and ready to make the best of this month.

April love horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs

Aries love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will have a good start to April when it comes to their romantic endeavours. You are likely to enjoy good carnal pleasures despite the differences.

Family: There’ll be some disagreements in the family as the month dawns, but things are likely to settle down and you will achieve domestic harmony and a special bonding with the youngsters.

Singles: Singles will meet a lot of like-minded people and will be popular in their social circles. The chances of your friendship blooming into something special are bleak in this transit. Natives in love might have some differences with their significant other in the latter part of the month.

Taurus love horoscope April 2024

Couples: According to April 2024 love horoscope, Taurus sun sign natives will enjoy good bonhomie with their partners and will enjoy good carnal pleasures. The latter part of the month will spoil the domestic peace. Be mindful of your ego. Do not confuse it with self-esteem.

Family: The latter half of the month might see some disagreements with the seniors in the family. Differences are normal. Try to dissolve the issues with amicable solutions.

Singles: Singles will be in a fun and frolic state of mind, with no desire for permanency. Enjoy your singlehood. Things happen when they are supposed to, therefore, enjoy this phase in your life to the fullest. Natives in love will be status quo with no urgency to tie the knot, suggests April 2024 love horoscope.

Gemini love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy felicitous moments with their partner and enjoy good bonding and intimacy. Your work pressures will ease, and you will spend some joyous moments with your partner thus increasing the bonhomie and understanding.

Family: Familial bonds will be good towards the second half of the month but the beginning of the month might be acrimonious.

Singles: Singles are in luck as you are likely to find someone special and your relationship will grow. Natives in love will be under the spell of the astral influence and you will be ready to tie the knot.

Cancer love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will enjoy good camaraderie with their partner, but the advice is to work on adding excitement in your relationship. Work towards intimacy and good carnal pleasures to improve your relationship, suggests April 2024 love horoscope.

Family: You will be making a lot of new friends and be sociable. Familial bonds might be unsatisfactory as some difference of opinions with the family might upset the elders and miff the youngsters.

Singles: Singles will enjoy their single status and might meet someone special at the workplace and their relationship will prosper. Natives in love will be blissful with their significant other and will be set to say I do, suggests April 2024 love horoscope.

Leo love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will start the month with petty squabbles unsettling their domestic harmony. However, with some effort, you will be able to stabilise your relationship. The second half of the month will get you peace and harmony.

Family: The elders of the family might hold some grudges and might be distant but the second half of the month will be harmonious and you will get joy from children and youngsters.

Singles: Singles might feel lonely and might be in and out of relationships. You need to work towards harmony and learn from your mistakes to get stability in relationships. Natives in love will be yo-yoing between yes and no. Let time decide for you. Have patience and do your best.

Virgos love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives need to focus on staying calm and relaxed. Nurture your relationships. You might have some difference of opinions with your partner in the first half of the month. Those are likely to dissolve as the month progresses and your intimacy with your partner will increase, suggests April 2024 love horoscope.

Family: You might have some differences with your friends this month. The elders will be distant but a little effort and a favourable transit towards mid-month will improve your relationships. It is a good time to have a baby if you so desire.

Singles: Singles will have a good time socialising and meeting new people. You might be spoilt for choices and will not be able to focus on one person. Take your time. Involve your brain in the romantic endeavours along with the heart. Natives in love will be all set to tie the knot, suggests April 2024 love horoscope.

Libra love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Libra sun sign natives need to work on keeping a balance in their relationship. Do not be overemotional and over reactive. You might have to set new equations with your partner especially in the latter half of the month, suggests April 2024 love horoscope.

Family: You will have to be diplomatic towards your family and filter your words lest they hurt and upset the elders. Your bonding with friends will be good and children will be a source of joy.

Singles: Singles will be in luck in the first fortnight and will gel well with the opposite sex. The second half might see some misunderstandings making you rethink about moving ahead. Natives in love will not be sure of marriage and will need more time to decide about marriage.

Scorpio love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives will face few challenges in their relationship as April dawns and the main reason for the discord will be escalated ego. Do not this factor cause permanent damage. Work towards concordance and improving your bonding and intimacy.

Family: Ego is a journey to nowhere and cannot coexist with love. Keep this in mind while dealing with your family. Strive towards harmony and affability in relationships.

Singles: Singles need to be down to earth and sensible. Avoid brashness and be honest and open in your communication. For relationships to last the root needs to be strong. Natives in love should be honest about their feelings and not commit to anything half-heartedly.

Sagittarius love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives might not start the month too well romantically. You might have some contretemps with your partner but as the month progresses the issues will settle down, but not without efforts. The second fortnight will get you peace and harmony. Work towards improving your sex life.

Family: You are likely to bond with all the members of the family, especially the youngsters and children. It is a good time for couples to have a baby.

Singles: Singles will enjoy a good bonhomie with the opposite sex and towards the latter part of the month, you might form a special attachment with someone. Natives in love will increase their bonhomie with their partners and will be all set to tie the knot.

Capricorn love horoscope April 2024

Couples: You will have harmony with your partner this month. You will require patience and efforts to maintain the bonhomie on the domestic front. The advice is to work towards a better understanding and intimacy.

Family: Familial bonds will be pleasant and you will enjoy a lot with your friends and social circles. Your bonding with the family members is slated to strengthen and the understanding will improve.

Singles: According to April 2024 love horoscope, singles will enjoy this month with lots of socialising and bonding with the opposite sex. You might not be able to make a permanent attachment this month, but you will be enjoying your life to the hilt. Natives in love will be happy with their partners and in no hurry to tie the knot.

Aquarius love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will enjoy a good bonhomie with their partner and their understanding and bonding is all set to increase. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and foster security and affection.

Family: Familial bonds will be secure and stable. Your bonds are all set to strengthen and grow. Pay special attention towards the youngsters in the family. They might need extra care and understanding.

Singles: Singles are likely to meet their significant other and their love will grow and bloom towards permanency. Natives in love will fall deeper in love and will be all ready to tie the knot.

Pisces love horoscope April 2024

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will have a routine kind of life with their partner. Nothing exciting and nothing wrong, but it will be up to you to put the extra efforts to improve your connection with love, care, and intimacy. Make it exciting and vibrant, suggests April love horoscope 2024.

Family: You will enjoy a satisfactory and stable relationship with the family. Communicating your feelings and expressing them will strengthen the camaraderie and make the domestic front peaceful and enjoyable. You are likely to bond very well with the elders of the family.

Singles: Singles will find the right person and their relationship will grow and bloom. The alliance might result in marriage soon. Natives in love will be in a happy spot. They will be all ready to propose and get married. The transit is favourable this April.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post April love horoscope 2024: Monthly predictions for the 12 zodiac signs appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

All zodiac signs and their ruling planets, explained Fri, 29 Mar 2024 15:00:04 +0000

New to astrology or just want to refresh your memories? Here is everything you need to know about the ruling planets of zodiac signs and their core characteristics.

Your sun sign is a broad identity of your being but want to dig deeper and find out why certain attributes are associated with your zodiac? Then knowing about the planets governing each sign will further explain your quirks and add to your knowledge of astrology. Here is everything you need to know about the ruling planets of all zodiac signs and their core characteristics.

Main planets in astrology and their significance

all zodiacs and their ruling planets
Image: Courtesy of Enric Cruz López/Pexels

The roots of Western astrology could be traced back to the Babylonians who first divided the sky into 12 sections to create the zodiac signs. They minutely studied the movement of planets and constellations to predict the day-to-day activities of life. The interest in this field grew with human civilisation, and the concept of the birth chart came into being where the exact shot of the sky at the time of a person’s birth was noted and studied.

Planetary influence in the 12 sections encompassing career, relationship, money, health and more has been studied by looking at the movement of planets and their distance from each other.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, along with the Moon and the Sun, are characterised as classical planets, while Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are known as the modern planets. One needs to look at their birth chart to know how every zodiac is ruled by a certain planet, influencing the signs’ inner and outer personas.

Read our guide on the difference between a sun sign and a moon sign.

All the zodiac signs and their ruling planets

Aries — Mars

all zodiacs and their ruling planets
Image: Courtesy of Planet Volumes/Unsplash

The first sign of the zodiac is ruled by the red-hot planet of Mars, which symbolises ambition, aggression, passion, drive and impulse. Just like its appearance, Mars is the lord of anger and assertiveness. People ruled by this planet are generally go-getters who would stop at nothing until they have achieved their goals. This also makes them spontaneous and impatient. Having this as your ruling planet guarantees you are motivated and energetic all the time.

Taurus — Venus

all zodiac signs and their planets
Image: Courtesy of NASA/Unsplash

Venus represents love and money. This earth sign denoted by a celestial bull is romantic at heart and smart when it comes to the creation and preservation of wealth. Other Venusian characteristics include being soft-spoken, non-confrontational and indulgent at heart. Taureans love the decadence of any kind and are quietly persistent in their approach.

Gemini — Mercury

all zodiac signs and their planets
Image: Courtesy of ZCH/Pexels

The lord of communication, Mercury, is one of the most important planets in one’s birth chart. This planet gives the zodiac the power to process information to make major decisions in their life. Mercury’s influence on the lives of this air sign denoted by the Twins is immense. Attributes like being social, likeable and curious are all associated with this planet. They are the most socially intelligent signs, thanks to the impact of Mercury on them.

Cancer — Moon

all zodiac signs and their planets
Image: Courtesy of Bruno Scramgnon/Pexels

Although a star in astronomical parlance, the Moon is considered one of the classical planets in astrology. It signifies the inner world, the sub-conscious and core self of the native. This water sign is considered the most sentimental zodiac because the moon is fully attuned to one’s emotions. Non-confrontational and calm, the moon ensures the Cancerians are a delight to deal with, but just like it has phases, the natives it influences also display mood swings from time to time.

Leo — Sun

all zodiac signs ruling planets
Image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels

The Sun, another classical planet, radiates positivity and breathes life into its natives. The fixed fire sign Leo, denoted by a lion, shines bright with charming looks, gregarious nature and royal demeanour, because of the Sun. The Leos ensure that the spotlight is on them and want to be the focus of everyone’s attention. They are the life of any party and hardcore loyalists.

Virgo — Mercury

Just like Gemini, this mutable earth sign of the zodiac, Virgo, is ruled by Mercury, too. But unlike the air sign, Virgo likes to internalise their communication and process it silently. Mercury’s manifestation in this sign is different, and it makes the natives reticent, introverted and perfectionist. They are detail-oriented workers who like to focus on their own lives and create strong boundaries for themselves.

Libra — Venus

Libras, too, are ruled by Venus. Just like the bulls, this sign is charmed by beauty and is die-hard-romantics. They are known to be conventionally beautiful and gravitate towards the fields of arts and fashion. Because of the Venusian influence, Libras seek partnerships in every sector of their life and believe in harmony.

Scorpio — Pluto

all zodiac signs and their planets
Image: Courtesy of ZCH/Pexels

Pluto is the planet of death, darkness and rebirth. Its influence on the water sign of Pluto is just as intense as it sounds, making it one of the most mysterious and dreaded signs. Natives influenced by Pluto have a certain huptonic charm about them. They are passionate and emotionally intelligent and have an eerie sense of intuition and a foreboding aura, which intimidates other zodiacs. Pluto’s influence makes being with Scorpios hauntingly addictive.

Sagittarius — Jupiter

Image: Courtesy of Planet Volumes/Unsplash

Sagittarius is the last fire sign of the zodiac that is influenced by the planet of growth, progress and adventure: Jupiter. Its influence makes the Sags seek to thrill and adventure in life. They hate the mundane and find routine boring. Their non-committal approach might fluster other zodiacs, but they are always in for exploring new facets of life.

Capricorn — Saturn

ruling planet and zodiac
Image: Courtesy of ZCH/Pexels

Saturn is known to be karmic in approach and ensures discipline among the natives it rules. Capricorn denoted by a sea goat is, hence, the most sincere of all the signs. Caps are known for their single-minded focus and passion for their jobs. Another quality of Saturn seen in this earth sign is the penchant to seek justice, and they respond to reward and punishment.

Aquarius — Uranus

zodiac ruling planet
Image: Courtesy of NASA/Unsplash

Uranus is the planet of revolution and this is expressed well in the last air sign of the chart, Aquarius. Intelligent and forward-thinking, this is classified as a modern planet, which uploads the values of community service, equality and progressiveness. They are deep-thinkers with highly developed cognitive skills. They also have a humane heart that beats for all.

Pisces — Neptune

The last of the modern planets, Neptune, represents fantasy and fairy tales. Pisces, denoted by the twin fishes swimming in opposite directions, is ruled by the planet of fantasy. Pisceans are meditative, calm and mostly in their world. Creative in nature and equally spiritual, they are often accused of being cut off from reality. They see the world with rose-tinted glasses and like to be positive at all times. They often slip into an imaginary world, thanks to Neptune’s influence, and refuse to snap back to reality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-What planet is each zodiac sign ruled by?

Aries is ruled by Mars; Taurus by Venus, and so is Libra. Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and Scorpio by Pluto. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, Saturn governs Capricorn, and Uranus and Neptune rule Aquarius and Pisces, respectively.

-How do I know my ruling planet?

One needs to check their sun sign and rising sign to know their ruling planet.

-Which god rules which planet?

In Vedic astrology, all planets have been given the status of gods with different traits influencing various sectors of a native’s life.

(Hero and Featured images: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels)

The post All zodiac signs and their ruling planets, explained appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Here’s your April 2024 horoscope Thu, 28 Mar 2024 04:28:17 +0000

Career, relationships, and money—here’s your Ap[ril 2-24 horoscope.

April 2024 is a special month as on April 9, the Hindu New Year will start. The Pratipada Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Chaitra is celebrated all over India as according to Brahma Puran creation took place on this day. Each state celebrates the New Year in the month of Chaitra. In South India, Ugadi or Puthandu is celebrated, while Maharashtra celebrates Gudi Padwa. In North India, Baishakhi or the Punjabi New Year is celebrated on 13 April. It is also the time when the Sun enters Aries. Meanwhile, the people of Orissa celebrate Maha Vishubha Sankranti on this day. Read to know April horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs.

Astrologically Saturn, the ruling planet of this year, will be coming out from its combustion on 26 March. Saturn is like the judge who deals with strictness and teaches everyone the right as well. For the hard working and diligent people, rewards are in store and this planet of Karma and Justice is likely to reprimand and teach life lessons to some. Focus on working hard, doing good deeds, and showing compassion to appease this planet. A complete solar eclipse is slated to occur on 8 April. Surprising events are in store for some zodiacs.

April 2024 Horoscope: Monthly predictions for all zodiac signs

Aries April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aries sun sign natives are likely to experience positive changes in their professional life. You will enjoy felicitous moments at your workplace and your superiors will vaunt you. You are likely to get some opportunities to acquire new skills or improve them. Business natives will get lots of opportunities for growth and expansion. You will be financially stable and you will get some extra money from unexpected sources.

Health: Focus on staying calm and not get excited and upset over small issues. Skin allergies and sleeplessness might bother you this month. Try meditation to calm yourself and some physical activities to keep fit.

Relationships: The month will start with good relationships but as the month progresses you might face some difference of opinion with your partner. However, you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. Family bonds will strengthen and friendships will blossom. Children or youngsters will be a source of joy and happiness.

Remedy: Inhale eucalyptus oil or camphor for peace of mind.

Taurus April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Taurus sun sign natives are slated to be successful at work. In beginning of the month, you will get appreciation and accolades. You will be creative and earn both name and fame. Business natives will put new ideas into being and achieve success in their endeavours. Finances and profits will be good, and you are likely to make some wise investments.

Health: You will be full of enthusiasm early in the month but as the month progresses, lethargy might set in. Focus on a good exercising regime and stay protected and safe against viral infections.

Relationships: The month will start on a good note as far as relationships are concerned. You will enjoy good bonding and intimacy. In the latter half of the month you need to be careful about being egoistic, this can spoil the best of relationships. Focus on increasing your carnal pleasures. You might face some disagreements with elders in the family as the month dawns but as it progresses, domestic harmony will be achieved.

Remedy: Use white or light colour bedsheets to sleep at night.

Gemini April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Gemini sun sign natives are slated to achieve bigger things after a slow start. Positive changes are indicted. Businesses are all set to grow and some changes relating to the work field are foretold. Finances will be on the rise and you will enjoy good financial health all through the month. Good time to buy a new house.

Health: Health will be average to start with but as the month progresses you will feel robust and energetic. Focus on good eating habits and exercise.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good relationship with your partner and good carnal pleasures are foretold. Some acrimony with the elders in the family might stress you, but you will be able to dissolve the differences and achieve harmony in the latter part of the month.

Remedy: Try to walk bare foot for some time in the house.

Cancer April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: According to April horoscope 2024, Cancer sun sign natives will have an average start to the month in terms of career, but tables will turn mid-month and you are likely to win accolades and be the shining star at your workplace. Business natives will eliminate all competition and will have projects falling in their lap. Any expansion plans should be executed and you will get positive results. Financially, a good second fortnight is foretold. This is a good time to invest in property.

Health: Health will be fine but a health check-up is advised as some long-term ailments like hypertension might crop up. You should incorporate physical activities in your daily routine and modify your lifestyle a bit to stay healthy.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner. Your understanding will be perfect, but you need to make some extra efforts towards intimacy. You will make new friends and have an enjoyable time with them. This transit will require extra efforts towards the family.

Remedy: Manifest harmony by lighting a white candle every Monday.

Leo April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Leo sun sign natives will have to work their fingers to the bones if they want to achieve their goals this month. Your hard work will yield good results in the second half of the month. Business natives need to be careful of partnerships. Be co-operative and amicable with your partners. Financial advantages will come your way and you will gain from your past investments. Some inheritance is also likely to come your way, suggests April 2024 horoscope.

Health: The beginning of the month might get you some infections and fever, but you will recover and feel energetic for the rest of the month. Work towards strengthening your immune system.

Relationships: The month might start with petty squabbles with your partner spoiling the domestic harmony but with efforts you will be able to reach stability in your relationship. The transit in the second half of the month will get you domestic harmony with your partner. The elders of the family might hold some grudges and might be distant but the second half of the month will be harmonious but not without efforts.

Remedy: Put red fresh flowers at home for harmony and amicability in relationships.

Virgo April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Virgo natives will have a mixed bag in terms of career. A lot of opportunities will come your way and you need to stay alert to grab them. Some lapse on your part might be detrimental and infuriate your seniors. Business natives might lose out to their opponents. Finances will be average and you are advised to be judicious with your money.

Health: Health will be fine by and large but small issues will bother you all throughout the month. You might complain of joint and muscle pain. Focus on exercising and following a diet regime.

Relationships: You need to focus on staying calm and relaxed and nurture your relationships. You might have some difference of opinion with your partner in the first half of the month. Those are likely to dissolve as the month progresses and your intimacy with your partner will increase. You might have some differences with your friends this month. The elders will be distant but a little effort and favourable transit towards mid-month will improve the relationships.

Remedy: Try to eat green leafy vegetables especially on Wednesdays for overall well-being.

Libra April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Libra sun sign natives will be totally resolute towards their goals and the universe is all set to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. Businesses will scale new heights and your competitors will be in awe of you. The latter part of the month might see some disappointments. You need to be alert and not be impulsive in your career moves. Travel will be fruitful and monetary gains are indicated.

Health: Health might not be on your priority list this month but your emotional health might require some attention. Try to keep your emotions in check and practice yoga and meditation.

Relationships: You might see some discord with your partner. Try to be diplomatic in your relationships and keep your emotional balance. Try not to be over-reactive when it comes to family members. You will enjoy good friendship and children and youngsters of the family might require special attention.

Remedy: Some donations towards women welfare will improve your relationships..

Scorpio April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Scorpio natives are advised to be focussed on their career. Work satisfaction might be lacking in the first fortnight of the month. The latter part of the month will get some satisfaction at work and business natives will gain. Finances will be good throughout but you need to be judicious with your money. Some investment from the past might result in losses., says your April career horoscope 2024.

Health: Health will be fine in the first half of the month. You will feel robust and full of energy. Keep your thoughts positive and stay motivated.


You might face some challenges in your relationship with your partner and the major reason will be your ego. Keep your ego under check and do not let this spoil the camaraderie. When you strive to become better, everything around you becomes better, suggests 2024 April horoscope.

Remedy: Feed the fish for a good relationship.

Sagittarius April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Sagittarius sun sign natives will start April with some hindrances and obstacles in their career. You need to maintain your calm, work hard, and keep your focus till things improve. After mid-month as success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. Business natives will face some challenges and will have to work very hard to reach your goals. Finances will be as expected, but you will gain from past investments.

Health: You might be bothered by some chest congestion and cough but as the month advances, the small ailments are likely to disappear.

Relationships: The month might not start too well for you romantically. You might have some contretemps with your partner but as the month progresses, the issues will settle down. A good bonding with the family, especially with the children and the youngsters of the family is foretold.

Remedy: Light a candle or a lamp at the entrance of your house every Thursday.

Capricorn April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Capricorn sun sign natives need to be mindful of their communication. Some misunderstandings at the workplace might cause some upsets. Be frank and clear and reconfirm important directives. Business natives need to be specific and to the point in their communication and leave no scope of error. As the month progresses, the work stress will ease out and you will head in the right direction.

Health: Try to be positive and do not let small issues dampen your spirits. Headaches might bother you this month. Meditation and yoga are recommended for you.

Relationships: You will have harmony with your partner. Friends will be a source of great pleasure and you will experience and enjoy good familial bonds. The outcomes are generally directly proportional to the efforts.

Remedy: Be kind to the elderly and seek their blessings.

Aquarius April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aquarius sun sign natives are all slated to move up the ladder of success, but it will come at the price of hard work. The difference between try and triumph is just ‘umph’. Your hard work of the past is also going to yield rich dividends. Monetary inflow will be good, and the advice is to control the outflow.

Health: The month will start with some ENT issues and some trips to the doctor. As the month progresses, you will feel strong and energetic. Try to build good immunity with proper self-care.

Relationships: You will have a good understanding and bonhomie with your partner. Your bonds of love will become stronger, and you are likely to enjoy good carnal pleasures. Family will be supportive and you will bond well with all the members.

Remedy: Donate to an old age home.

Pisces April 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Pisces will be the most favoured sign in the first fortnight of April. A promotion or a change of job is indicated with increase in emoluments. This is a fortnight of upliftment and elevation for people in business also. The second half of the month is the time to be alert and cautious. Your finances will show a sharp increase. This is a good time to invest but avoid lending money.

Health: You will be able-bodied and full of energy. You might experience sleeplessness more from excitement and fervour rather than ill health. Meditation and yoga are the best for you.

Relationships: This is the only aspect of your life which will require effort this month. The transit does not indicate a bad relationship but just a routine one. Put in efforts to make your connection with your family members more vibrant and exciting.

Remedy: Feed the birds every Thursday.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Here’s your April 2024 horoscope appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

It’s Aries season: Lucky colours for Aries and the colours they should avoid Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:07 +0000

Here are the lucky colours for the ambitious Aries who are hungry for success. Know all about the unlucky colours for Aries to avoid.

Aries symbolises power, ambition, passion and drive in astrology. The babies or firstborns of the zodiac chart, Aries are known for being fierce when it comes to fulfilling their life goals. These fireballs are go-getters who would stop at nothing. However, to bring a balance to their aggressive nature, here are some hues they can experiment with. They will help the zodiac to tap into their vibe lit by optimism and an insatiable hunger for success. Know about the unlucky and lucky colours for Aries.

Aries shade cards according to their core characteristics

unlucky colours for aries
Image: Courtesy of Joanna Kosinska-/Unsplash

Denoted by the ram, Aries is ruled by the red-hot planet Mars. This explains their fiery nature, commanding attitude and leadership skills. They are born to rule, and once you let their overbearing vibe slide, they are quite giving and nurturing towards the people they love.

Find out all about personality traits and compatibility of the Aries zodiac sign here

Since they are blessed with an enthusiastic, creative and positive persona, it is suggested that they wear bright hues. They are also romantics at heart. Hence, they should incorporate shades of red in their wardrobes and interiors. The planet Mars is also red, which is why the colour works perfectly for Aries. This hue is said to stabilise their mood, help them on the work front and enable them to make informed decisions without getting bogged down by the pressures of life.

They are said to avoid pastel shades and drab colours because it could make them feel listless, demotivated and depressed.

These are the lucky colours for Aries


unlucky colours for aries

This undoubtedly is a spirited colour for the Aries, according to colour therapy. Along with red, other shades from the same family, like crimson, maroon and pink, are said to be lucky for the ram. Astrologers recommend that Aries should mindfully choose their clothes, accessories and even hair colour, keeping this in mind filled with good luck and fortune. Red brings out the best in this zodiac sign.


 lucky colours for aries
Image: Courtesy of Steven Lee/Unsplash

Another lucky colour for Aries is orange. This bright hue fans the feathers of creativity and passion in this sun sign. This colour is said to enhance the softness in the personality of the Aries and should be used by the natives who work in art or related fields.


lucky colours for aries
Mage: Courtesy of Jason Leung/Unsplash

Yellow is considered a secondary colour for the ram because it speaks directly to its positive side. It also signifies happiness and brings cheer to the natives. Aries should opt for this hue if they are feeling the blues of a bad workday or facing issues in their personal life. Yellow has the power to naturally lift their spirits and make them feel pleasant again.

Check out the unlucky colours for Aries


Image: Courtesy of Mike Yukhtenko/Unsplash

This foreboding shade should be avoided at all costs by the natives because it brings out their dark side. It also dampens their spirits and makes them more aggressive, bitter and irritable. They may also feel bogged down by responsibilities and feel hopeless and heavy for no reason if they consistently wear or use black.


Image: Courtesy of Sincerely Media/Unsplash

The cool blue shade does nothing to the bold and slightly loud persona of this fire sign. Hence, it is counted among the unlucky colours for Aries. Although blue signifies calmness, it does not bode well for the core nature of the ram, and it makes them feel disoriented and bored. Hence, they should avoid all shades of colour at all costs.


unlucky colours for aries
Image: Courtesy of Lou Batier/Unsplash

Dull and drab, the colour grey stands for everything that goes against the core Arian thought process. The ram is known for its extremities and has a very clear sense of right and wrong. The shade of grey encourages duality, a quality which the Aries despise. This colour will leave them confused and underwhelmed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Which colour is good for Aries?
Red is the spirited colour of Aries. Besides this, the natives can explore with pink, orange and yellow shades.

-Can Aries wear green colour?
Green is not considered lucky for Aries, but it is not unlucky either. It is a neutral colour for Aries.

-Which colour is not good for Aries?
Black and grey are not good for Aries. Also, earthy hues like dark brown are a strict no-no for this sign.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Belinda Fewings/Unsplash)

The post It’s Aries season: Lucky colours for Aries and the colours they should avoid appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

March full moon 2024: Worm Moon’s meaning and effect on your zodiac Tue, 26 Mar 2024 05:34:07 +0000

The Worm Moon is set to appear on 25 March. Here are all the details about the March full moon 2024 and how it will affect zodiac signs.

The significance of the March full moon, also known as the Worm Moon, is immense, as it marks the end of winter and the start of summer. The Worm Moon falls during the spring equinox and is even more special this year because of the lunar eclipse in the night sky. Here are all the details about the March full moon 2024 and its transformative effects on all the zodiac signs.

March Worm Moon in Gemini: Date and time of illumination

The lunar surface of this month’s full moon will be completely illuminated in the night sky on 24 March but majorly on 25 March (Monday at 12,30 pm IST) in the air sign of Gemini. The full moon represents the last lunar phase and is generally significant in the Wiccan culture for manifestation. Many rituals are created around this concept, but astrologers believe that 2014 is not the right time to manifest while the Worm Moon rises because of the eclipse.

Penumbral lunar eclipse and Worm Moon 2024

eclipse march worm moon
Image: Courtesy of Sebastian Arie Voortman/Pexels

Looking at the moon’s orbit, a slight penumbral lunar eclipse is scheduled for mainly the Northern Hemisphere, including North and South America, Europe, East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, where it is night. The exact moment of the eclipse will be between 12.42 pm IST and 3.02 pm IST. Additionally, a total solar eclipse will be observed on 8 April across North America. Since not all lunar and solar eclipses are visible to the entire world, this one will not be seen in India.

The full moon phases of March 2024 and the spring equinox

The March full moon, also known as the Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Chaste Moon and Sugar Moon, ushers in the spring equinox. It marks the event of the Sun passing across the equator, making the days longer and nights shorter for those living in the Northern Hemisphere. On the day of the equinox (which was 19 March 2024), day and night last for equal hours.

March full moon 2024 and its impact on the zodiac signs

march full moon 2024
Image: Courtesy of Kym MacKinnon/Unsplash

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Self-love is the buzzword for this fiery sign, this full moon. They are advised to have strong boundaries and cut off ties with people who drain their energy. Only if they move away from people who no longer bring positivity into their lives will they be able to attract favourable connections.

Read our guide on Aries personality traits and compatibility here

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Taureans will focus on their wellness and career during this period. It is advised that this earth sign, symbolised by a celestial bull, should look at new opportunities at work and make a switch. They are also recommended to utilise their energy in constructive activities, leading to growth.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

This is a good time for this flighty air sign, as the full moon appears in their zodiac. They will focus on their relationships and will initiate dating people. Those in relationships will go for a long-term commitment.

Read our guide on Gemini personality traits and compatibility here

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

This March full moon of 2024 brings in a lot of hope and positivity, enabling an upgrade in the Cancer’s life. This emotional water sign will finally decide to lock in on a new house or even change their residential location for a better place.

Read our guide on Cancer personality traits and compatibility here

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

This fire sign will get all its wishes fulfilled this season. The present and near future shines bright for Leo symbolised by a lion. Things will fall into place for them. The only thing they need to do is to show their gratitude towards the universe.

Read our guide on Leo personality traits and compatibility here

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

This mutable earth sign symbolised by the Maiden or the Virgin will see cash flow during this time. They will focus on getting their finances in order. However, the lunar eclipse will also give Virgos closure when it comes to their existing relationships.

Read our guide on Virgo personality traits and compatibility here

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

This non-confrontational and balanced air sign will see a lot of changes in their personal life during and immediately after the full moon. Things that have been on hold or relationships that are not going anywhere will finally conclude in a way beneficial to this sign.

Read our guide on Libra personality traits and compatibility here

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

march full worm moon 2024
Image: Courtesy of Dids/Pexels

This water sign will be spiritually guided by this full moon. Their intense vibes will be channelled to connect with their soul and focus only on their peace, growth and overall well-being. This Worm Moon comes as a blessing to this cardinal sign.

Read our guide on Scorpio personality traits and compatibility here

Sagittarius (22 November– 21 December)

It is an exciting time for this fire sign denoted by an archer. They will grow close bonds with people who matter, especially friends and will be very socially active. They also will assume new responsibilities at the work front and take up new challenges.

Read our guide on Sagittarius personality traits and compatibility here

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

A full moon and lunar eclipse will bring a sense of balance to this otherwise workaholic earth sign. They will take some time out to be with their family and friends, go on a much-needed holiday and unwind before resuming work.

Read our guide on Capricorn personality traits and compatibility here

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

This air sign will do something out of their comfort zone during this period. They will be inspired to chase newer goals and do things in the spur of the moment. They are advised to avoid long-term plans or key decisions affecting their life in a major way during this period.

Read our guide on Aquarius personality traits and compatibility here

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

This water sign will have a little trouble managing their finances this time around. Pisces are known to be dreamy and far away from reality. The full moon will draw their attention towards their domestic finances and direct them to make tough decisions concerning their expenses.

Dos and don’ts for zodiacs this Worm Moon

Though this full moon promises a bright future, it is also eclipsed. Thus, sun signs must cautiously make long-term commitments. Experts claim that all zodiacs need to take ample rest and rejuvenate during this time. They should take out some me-time for self-care and not get into a people-pleasing mode. They must get regular health check-ups and not ignore their mental and spiritual health at any cost.

One thing everyone should follow during this Worm Moon and penumbral lunar eclipse is letting go of any trauma from the past and focusing on starting afresh. This is a perfect opportunity to cut any loose ends that no longer serve one’s growth and look for things that attract positivity.

Read our guide on Pisces personality traits and compatibility here

(Hero and Featured image: Courtesy of  Kym MacKinnon/Unsplash)

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-Why is the March full moon called Worm Moon?
Earthworms tend to emerge from the ground in the terrains of North America during this period. Hence, the full moon is named Worm Moon.

-What full moon happens in March?
The Worm Moon appears in March during the spring equinox.

-What does the March full moon symbolise?
The March full moon symbolises the end of winter and the beginning of summer.

The post March full moon 2024: Worm Moon’s meaning and effect on your zodiac appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 25 – March 31, 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:07:21 +0000

The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting and worthwhile if you have harmony in relationships. Read on to know the March weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Aries and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the Aries March love horoscope 2024 readings as a guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Shortest definition of love – Forever and always.’

Cosmic favourites for love and romance this week are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius sun signs.

Aries and other zodiac signs’ March love horoscope 2024: Weekly relationship predictions

Aries March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives are likely to face some ups and downs in their relationship with their partner. No one is perfect and no relationship is without bumps. Focus on the positives of your partner, increase your intimacy, and go on a holiday to revive your bonds, suggests Aries March weekly love horoscope.

Singles: According to Aries March weekly love horoscope, singles are advised not to look for perfection if they want a stable relationship. Lower your expectations and be realistic as there is no perfect match. You must work towards sublimity. Natives in love will be struggling to find the right balance and harmony. Give time to your relationship and do not be in a hurry or under pressure of any kind.

Taurus March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives will experience joy and fulfilment in their relationship. You will enjoy good intimacy, and if desirous of expanding the family, this card denotes fertility. Your love for each other will grow.

Singles: Singles will be in love and are likely to find someone they will fall for hook, line, and sinker. The advice is to give some time to the relationship and let it blossom. Natives in love will be very satisfied with their partners and totally in love. They will be ready to tie the knot.

Gemini March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will not have a smooth sailing wherein relationships are concerned. Some discord with the partner is indicated. Give space and let it not become an ego issue. Good carnal pleasures can restore harmony in a jiffy.

Singles: Singles will socialise a lot and meet a lot of like-minded and exciting people. A week full of fun and frolic with no intentions of permanency is indicated for you. Natives in love might not be sure of their choice of partner. Give it time and clarity will come on its own.

Cancer March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives are advised not to hold on to the past. Focus on the present that will define your future. Dwelling in the past will not let you move ahead positively. Any unpleasant memory of the past need to be buried and a fresh start is what is needed.

Singles: Singles might be unhappy dealing with a breakup. Learn from your mistakes and try to become more adaptable. Natives in love might be yo-yoing between a yes or a no. Give your relationship time and space. There’s no point in being in a toxic relationship. Make amends or move ahead.

Leo March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives might face some marital discord and mostly the disagreement would be over financial matters. As partners, you need to jointly decide and set your equations straight. Openness and frankness in a relationship is must, especially in monetary matters.

Singles: Singles might feel lonely for not being able to find a significant other. Focus on other things, may be some hobby classes and self-care. Things happen when they are supposed to happen. Natives in love will not be ready to tie the knot just yet. Be sure before losing your single status.

Virgo March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will be comfortable and secure in their love nest. They will enjoy good carnal pleasures and harmony amongst each other. This is a good time for fertility and conception for natives desirous of children.

Singles: Singles will be in luck and meet interesting and like-minded people. They might be struck by the golden arrow and fall in love. Do not be in a hurry to lose your single status. Natives in love will be all set to tie the knot and this is a favourable time for nuptials.

Libra March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives might face some aggression and abuse in their relationship. Your partner might be overly controlling and dominating. It might be a passing phase and you need to deal with this with patience and understanding.

Singles: Singles might not be able to make a stable relationship with their dates and that might be bothersome. Introspect and see how you can make the relationships work. It is a two-way street, and it is not only about you. Natives in love need to be more considerate towards their significant other if they want the equations to stabilise. Love is keeping the desires of the partner before yours.

Scorpio March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives are likely to enjoy a secure and stable relationship. Show your feelings openly. It is always nice to show your partner how much he or she means to you. You will feel snug in the warmth of love and have a good time in between the sheets. It is a good card for fertility and childbirth.

Singles: It is a very good time for love and romance. You will be spoilt for choices and have a blast socialising and meeting a lot of interesting people. You are likely to form an attachment with someone special and your relationship is all slated to blossom. Natives in love will be happy with their choice of a partner and will be tying the knot soon.

Sagittarius March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius natives will be very giving and adjusting with their partners, but do not let your partner take undue advantage of your goodness. A good relationship is based on the respect for each other. Keep your self-respect intact and reset the equations for a healthy relationship.

Singles: Singles will meet someone special with whom they will gel well and might want to move towards permanency. The advice is to give some time and be sure before making any commitments. Natives in love will be unsure and might be pressurised for commitments. The advice is to take your time and be sure before you say I do.

Capricorn March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives will enjoy a good equation with their partners. They will also enjoy good understanding and intimacy. Natives desirous of having children will have the stork pay the visit soon. Your bonding with your mate will grow manifolds this week.

Singles: Singles will be ready to form deeper attachments with the significant other. Arranged marriage is a big possibility. Natives in love will be ready to propose and tie the knot.

Aquarius March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will be blissful in their relationship with their partner. You will be totally in love with your partner and will enjoy good carnal pleasures. There’s a possibility of conceiving if desirous of having a child.

Singles: Singles will form many attachments and will enjoy the favours of the cosmos. They will be spoilt for choice and will be unable to make up their minds. Give it time and let the cupid do his job. For natives in love, proposals and engagements are on the cards.

Pisces March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will lack understanding in their relationship.  Difference of opinions, disagreements and misunderstandings are denoted this week. You need to have a frank and honest communication to sort out the issues and pay attention to intimacy with your partner as sex is a stark barometer for marriage.

Singles: Singles will be happily attached to someone special but the advice is to be sure of the intentions. A background check is recommended. Do not rush into commitments. Let the relationship develop and then see how. Natives in love might not be satisfied with their partner. You need to give time and a second thought as some cheating and betrayal are indicated.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Pavil Danilyuk/Pexels

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 25 – March 31, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 25-31 March 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:00:47 +0000

Leos need to be more honest, Geminis need to learn how to say no, and Pisces may have trouble sleeping. As March comes to a close, here’s a look at your weekly horoscope for 25-31 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Pisces will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Pisces and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Pisces and other zodiac signs from Mar 25 – Mar 31, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Strength card indicates a good time for professional growth. You have the talent and skill, but you are sensitive and at times overreact and this is not perceived well. You need to work on inculcating a professional approach and think before you react. Businesspeople will make good profits. Financially, this week will be good, but your expenses will also be very high.

Health: Six of Pentacles Reversed card indicates neglect towards your health. This card can also indicate lack of time for self-care. Your busy schedule might not leave enough time to follow your health regimes. You need to find a balance and focus on your health.

Relationships: Two of Wands card indicates restlessness among partners. A lot of effort is required to make a relationship work. Learn to accept the shortcomings of your partner as no one is perfect. Focus on the positives of your partner. Going on a holiday to revive your bonds will be a good idea. Spend more time with your family members and put in efforts to strengthen the familial bonds.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Wands Reversed indicates regret in some past choices which did not work out too well. Your career is not going as expected and is causing much stress. You cannot reverse the clock but do what you can by moving ahead with resolution and positivity. Some losses are expected. You need to handle your finances well and need to be patient.

Health: Page of Wands shows good health, but you need to keep working towards maintaining it. Be proactive towards your exercise regime and focus on health care and good eating habits.

Relationships: The Sun indicates positivity in relationships. Any past misunderstanding will disappear. This is a good time to plan a baby if you so desire. You will enjoy intimacy and passion. You will share a good bond with elders and friends this week.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Devil card indicates that your eagerness to achieve your goals often lands you in a situation where you have to struggle with work overload. Know your limits and start saying no. Financially, you need to be alert on all the paperwork. Do not trust even your closest associates blindly. Business natives need to be careful against thefts and losses.

Health: Queen of Pentacles is a good omen indicating robust health. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to maintain this health status. This is a good card to get if recuperating thus indicating speedy recovery.

Relationships: Knight of Swords Reversed indicates some discord in relationships. Give space to near and dear ones and also value their opinions and suggestions. You might have some difference of opinion with the youngsters.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes a progression in career. A gainful remunerative job offer or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Increase of income, profits, or a new source of extra income is indicated. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Temperance is the health card that indicates balance is the key to good health. Work towards your physical fitness and mental wellness. Control your temper and be positive. Indulge your senses with yoga and meditation.

Relationships: Ten of Swords indicates problems in relationships. It is an indication to start afresh on a positive note and bury the unpleasantness of the past. Family might be distant. Efforts are required to make the relationships affable.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates you are due for a promotion or raise, and you need to put your best efforts as you are being observed and evaluated. Businesses will do well. Financially, you need to be wise. Think carefully before investing.

Health: Ten of Pentacles Reversed show some marital discord and disagreement. You need to set your equations straight. Openness and frankness in a relationship is a must, especially, in monetary matters.

Relationships: Justice is the health card indicating good health. This card is a warning to keep working towards maintaining it. Include some exercise and meditation in your daily routine. If you neglect your well-being, your health might deteriorate.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things at the same time. Your intuition is at the best, so follow it. Some let down is indicated. Do not get carried away with sweet talks. Paper work needs to be in order. Financially, there are no major changes, but you will have to control your expenditure.

Health: The Fool is your health card indicating a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Be warned against accidents. Be careful while driving and of other activities which might cause you injury. Self-care is recommended.

Relationships: Queen of Cups is your relationship card indicating emotional stability and harmony between couples. It also indicates solidarity among family members. Friendships will grow and be pleasurable. It is a good card for fertility and conception.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates an uncomfortable atmosphere at work. You might have some issues with your colleagues. Teamwork is very important for the success of any endeavour. It is suggested that you clarify and sort out the things causing stress at the workplace. Business natives need to maintain a healthy and happy environment at the workplace. You might face some ups and downs in monetary matters.

Health: Tower is the health card for you and it is not a good omen. It indicates the sudden onset of an illness. Get some health check-ups done. It can also indicate accidents. The advice is to be careful while driving and otherwise. It can also be indicative of a health crisis relating to your near and dear ones.

Relationships: King of Swords Reversed denotes abuse and aggression in a relationship. Partners need to respect each other and work towards peace and harmony. If you have to move ahead in the relationship, sort out all the issues first and start on a clean slate. Respect the elders and try not to be rude and hurtful.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates lack of inspiration and excitement at work. Things might go the right way, but you will find something lacking. You need to think positive. Finances are good, but you will be dissatisfied. Set achievable targets for yourself.

Health: Six of Wands card is a good omen to get in any reading. This card indicates good health. This is a victory card. If you were facing any health issues in the past, you will overcome them.

Relationships: Empress is the relationship card indicating security and satisfaction in relationships. Show your feelings openly. It is always nice to show your partner how much he or she means to you. This is a good card to get if wanting to have a baby.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Cups Reversed foretells you need inspiration at work. Discard lethargy and move ahead with gusto. There is a lot of potential and you need learn to utilise it properly. Business natives need to explore more options to grow. Finances are good. However, it is wise to save but this card indicates you are being too tight-fisted.

Health: Ten of Cups indicates good health. Your health is generally good, but do not take it for granted. The advice is to maintain it with little effort by healthy eating and exercising.

Relationships: Hanged Man is the relationship card foretelling that you should not let anyone take advantage of your sacrificing nature. You might be happy doing for others but keep your self- respect intact. Family might take you for granted.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles card foretells great success in teamwork and partnerships. If any collaboration is in the pipeline, it will yield great results. Businesses in partnership will do very well. Pentacles are good cards for finance, hence monetary comfort is indicated.

Health: Lovers Reversed is the health card and is a warning to focus on your health. Good health is a blessing. Do not neglect yourself. Listen to your body and take steps accordingly. However busy you might be, take out time to follow your health regime.

Relationships: The High Priestess is the relationship card indicating high passion between partners. You will enjoy a good relationship not only with your partner but also with family and friends. This is a card of fertility also.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Death card indicates changes in your career. A change of job is a big possibility involuntarily or voluntarily. The advice is to be very cautious. Do not rub people the wrong way especially your superiors. Businesspeople should defer all plans for any expansion. Finances might be a cause of concern. Losses are indicated.

Health: The Hermit is the health card indicating it is time for some rest and relaxation. Do not push yourself beyond your limit. Yoga and meditation will be good for you.

Relationships: Page of Cups is your relationship card indicating a stable and loving relationship with your partner. This card is regarded as harbinger of good news and it can indicate pregnancy, engagements, and marriages. A good bonding with youngster of the family is indicated.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Pisces weekly horoscope, Nine of Wands Reversed indicates overload and mental exhaustion. Work is a part of your life and not the whole life. ‘All work and no play makes jack a dull boy’. Take a break and do not let the professional fatigue set in. Businesspeople should decrease their pace. Do not jump the gun. Finances will not be proportional to the effort you put in and that might frustrate you.

Health: Two of Swords Reversed indicates mental anxieties causing insomnia and other medical issues. You need to stay calm and learn to deal with stress, and what better than to meditate and exercise, suggests Pisces weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Five of Swords does not indicate harmony in relationships. Difference of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating cannot be ruled out. Communicate well with family members, suggests Pisces weekly horoscope.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 25-31 March 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Zodiac signs that go back to their ex easily (you know who you are) Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:47 +0000

Love is complicated, so in the darkest of times, maybe our exes even seem like a viable choice. Here is a list of zodiac signs that are most likely to go back to their ex.

Romantic relationships can be challenging in this time and age. Despite efforts, when we feel that things are not improving between us and our partners, we often resort to checking daily zodiac predictions to instil some hope, isn’t it? Similarly, in case of a break-up, there is an urge to get back to our ex, not knowing if they would have us back. If you recently had a breakup and want to know if your partner wants to work things out, here is a list of zodiac signs that are most likely to go back to their ex.

Why do some zodiac signs display commitment issues more than the rest?

zodiac signs go back to ex
Image: Courtesy of Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

In astrology, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are ruled by their emotions and tend to mate for life.

Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) are slightly impetuous and make decisions instantly, only to later regret them. So, there could be a lot of on-and-off romantic situations with these signs. Meanwhile, air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are intelligent, charming and a tad flirtatious. However, it is difficult to get them to commit.

Lastly, earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are the most stable. They rarely display commitment issues and are known to have healthy relationships. They like to look at the practical aspects of sustaining a relationship and one can ensure solid support and lifeline togetherness if in a long-term equation with them.

Zodiac signs that are likely to get back with their ex

zodiac signs that go back to their ex
Image: Courtesy of Budgeron Bach/Pexels

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

This air sign denoted by the Twins represents duality in the zodiac. Intelligent, social and flirty, it displays curiosity to explore different facets of life. Because its modality is mutable, it loves change and could find a single relationship stifling. Ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury, it likes to meet different people and network.

Branded as a social butterfly of the zodiac, Gemini is known to change its mind often. Hence, this zodiac sign is most likely to get back with their past lovers.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

A fiery and adventurous sign, Sagittarius is denoted by an archer. Honest to the core and pro-growth, they love to travel and seek thrill in every aspect of their life. They, too, belong to the mutable modality and their biggest pet peeve is to be stuck in any personal or professional situation in life. Hence, they find themselves a bit unsure when it comes to relationships and commitment and are likely to get stuck in the break-up and patch-up cycle.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Aries is the first sign on the zodiac wheel. They are not only known for being impulsive, ambitious, driven and optimistic but also somewhat immature in their dealings. This fire sign is the baby of the zodiac and is likely to make spontaneous decisions which they could later regret.

They also are loving partners in a relationship and nurturing caregivers. They almost always prioritise their emotions and toss away logic in matters of their heart. This sign, denoted by the ram, can decide to get together with an ex in the spur of the moment, without thinking through its full repercussions.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

The last sign of the zodiac is a mutable water sign, Pisces, denoted by the two fishes swimming in opposite directions. They are ruled by the planet of fantasy, Neptune, and are lost in their world. They are pure souls who like to perceive the world with rose-tinted glasses and are far from reality.

They are sensitive, empathetic and calm and have a harmony-seeking nature, making it difficult for them to move on from a relationship. They could find themselves revisiting the past often, giving a million chances to people who might have hurt them.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Again a water sign, Cancer is arguably the most emotional of all the zodiac signs. Ruled by the moon, this sign has a sentimental nature and is also moody at times. They take their own time to trust a person but if they put their faith in someone, it is forever. They hate to move on from a breakup and make a fresh start. They have trouble letting go and yearn to go back to their past romantic partner to rekindle the love that they once shared.

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-Which zodiac signs miss their exes?
Cancer and Pisces are two zodiac signs most likely to miss their ex.

-Which sign is most likely to go back to their ex?
Gemini, Cancer and Pisces are the signs most likely to go back to their ex.

-Which zodiac sign can’t move on from their ex?
Cancers find it difficult to move on from their past relationships.

-Which zodiac sign gets over a breakup fast?
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius are likely to move on quickly.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Vija Rindo Pratama/Pexels)

The post Zodiac signs that go back to their ex easily (you know who you are) appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 18 – March 24, 2024 Mon, 18 Mar 2024 03:34:54 +0000

The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting and worthwhile if you have harmony in relationships. Read on to know the March weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Scorpio and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the March love horoscope 2024 readings as a guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘For small creatures as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.’

Scorpio and other zodiac signs’ March love horoscope 2024: Weekly relationship predictions

Aries March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will not have a good week when it comes to relationships. You might harbour negative feelings and grudges against your near and dear ones. Family might be upset and withdrawn, and domestic harmony might be lacking. You will have to get positivity and work hard towards affability in relationships. Meditation might be helpful.

Singles: Singles will be lonely and not able to find a partner of their choice. Relationships need a lot of compromise. Introspect and see if you have been adaptable towards your dates. Natives in love will not be sure of their feelings. Give it time but keep in mind relationships cannot be tailor made.

Taurus March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives will neglect and distance their partners and the reason for this strife is generally monetary issues. You need to sort out and work an amicable way to deal with this problem. Remember all problems have a solution and you need to find it. Family will be supportive.

Singles: Singles will be in no mood for permanency but will enjoy with like-minded people. However, when cupid strikes, things take a different course. Natives in love will be in no hurry for proposals and nuptials and rightly so. Remember haste is waste.

Gemini March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy a good bonding and intimacy with their partners and their relationship will bloom. This card is indicative of fertility and pregnancy, and you are likely to enjoy marital bliss. You will make new friends and get closer to your family members.

Singles: Singles are likely to meet their soulmates and your relationship is all set to bloom. Do not be in a rush to commit. Natives in love will fall more in love and will be ready to start a new life.

Cancer March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives might feel suffocated and claustrophobic with their partner. Give space to each other. Too much of nit-picking in each other’s matters breeds contempt. Family might be distant and detached and the advice is not to take any one for granted. Distance and respect in relationships are necessary.

Singles: Singles will be happy with their single status and in no hurry for commitments. Enjoy your freedom till it lasts. The advice is not to hurt people in the bargain. It’s better to be honest about your intentions. Natives in love will be struggling with certain issues. Do not let this unduly perturb you as this is normal amongst couples.

Leo March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo natives might be unduly aggressive this week. At times, certain energies have an undesired effect. Let it pass. The advice is not to let it become a habit. Control your aggression and work towards a good bonhomie. Be respectful towards the elders. Be kind and patient.

Singles: Singles might have too many breakups and they need to introspect. Relationships require a lot of hard work, compromise, and thrive on love and respect for each other. Natives in love will struggle with some adjustments which is normal in any relationship. Time and patience are your best weapons.

Virgo March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives need to reset their equations with their partner. Do not let them manipulate and take advantage of you all the time. You will enjoy good carnal pleasures and good familial bonds. Your bonding with the elders will be perfect and the youngsters will dote on you.

Singles: Singles will enjoy their happy-go-lucky demeanour and make a lot of like-minded friends. You might not be inclined for commitments now. Natives in love will want to take the next step but move ahead with a plan and choose the right moment.

Libra March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives are in luck regarding their relationship. They are likely to enjoy a good bonding with their partner with good carnal pleasures. Their understanding and attachment are all set to increase. You will enjoy a good bond with the family members and children will particularly be a source of joy.

Singles: Singles will be lucky in romance and are likely to fall hook, line, and sinker with their significant other. A whirlwind romance is on the cards for them. Enjoy the favours of the cosmos. Natives in love will be happy and satisfied with their partner and will be all ready to say I do.

Scorpio March weekly love horoscope

Couples: According to Scorpio’s March weekly love horoscope 2024, the sun sign natives will be very affectionate towards their partner growing their love and trust. You are likely to enjoy good carnal pleasures and strengthen your love. This card represents pure love and great camaraderie with family members.

Singles: Singles are likely to find someone special and their love will bloom, and soon culminate into marriage. Natives in love will be content and satisfied with their partner and slowly and steadily move towards proposals and matrimony, suggests Scorpio March weekly love horoscope 2024.

Sagittarius March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will lack the spark in their relationship. The card does not indicate an unhappy relationship but boredom. Work towards having fun together. Taking your partner for granted can be suicidal for the relationship. Good carnal pleasures can get the excitement back in the relationship. Familial bonds will be average.

Singles: Singles will want a stable relationship with their significant other but for that you need to get some positive changes in your outlook as success is directly proportional to the efforts. Natives in love need to kindle interest among each other and make their relationship exciting.

Capricorn March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives are likely to enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying relation with their partner. Expression is the mirror of the heart. It is always nice to show your partner how much he or she means to you. This is a good card to get if wanting to have a baby. Familial bonds will be satisfying.

Singles: Singles are likely to find someone special and enjoy their time with their date. It is a good time for love and romance. Natives in love will be totally engrossed with each other and will be ready to tie the knot.

Aquarius March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will have a harmonious relationship. Memories and nostalgia from the past will strengthen your bonds. You might go down the memory lane, remembering the pleasantries and appreciating each other to get closer. You will remember family times with fondness and get closer to the family.

Singles: Singles getting back with their old flame is a big possibility. Make sure you have learnt your lessons from the past and are able to over the reason of the breakup. Natives in love need to appreciate their partner more and strengthen their bonds of camaraderie.

Pisces March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives might not have a good week in terms of love and romance. Disagreements and difference of opinion will mar this week. You will lack intimacy. Remember good carnal pleasures can dissolve all strife. Some difference with family members cannot be ruled out.

Singles: Singles need to be careful regarding the choice of their date. A background check will be a good idea. Always involve the brain in matters of the heart. Natives in love might have second thoughts. Use your best weapons – time, and patience and do not cling to a mistake.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Mayur Gala/Unsplash

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 18 – March 24, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 18-24 March 2024 Mon, 18 Mar 2024 03:30:31 +0000

Geminis may struggle in the work place, and Capricorns need to talk about their feelings. More on this in your weekly horoscope for 18-24 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Scorpio will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Scorpio and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Scorpio and other zodiac signs from Mar 18 – Mar 24, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Wands indicates fast movement and growth. New projects are coming your way and quick success is anticipated. Business natives will get some unexpected assignments and the work will increase. You need to control and plan your expenses.

Health: Page of Wands indicates robust health, but also a warning to not be inactive. Be proactive towards your exercise regime to enjoy good health.

Relationships: The Devil card denotes negative feelings and emotions towards near and dear ones. At times, this card indicates physical abuse and domination. It might be a good idea to try some meditation and go in for some counselling. You might not be in the good books with your family and there might be some stress in relationships.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Pentacles denotes progression in career. A gainful remunerative job offer or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Businesses are slated to grow. You are likely to enjoy good income and profits. A new monetary source is indicated. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: The Fool card indicates a lot of energy and enthusiasm. You will be active and full of beans. Be warned against accidents while driving and otherwise also.

Relationships: Five of Pentacles card foretells some neglect and abandonment in relationships.  Financial issues are generally the cause. You need to spend enough time towards making the near and dear ones comfortable emotionally as well as financially. Family will be supportive and understanding.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ten of Wands suggests overburden. You might struggle to keep pace and cope with work. The advice is to share and delegate your workload. Business natives need to bite what they can comfortably chew without compromising on the quality. Expenses will be high, therefore, plan your finances well and try not to lend money this week.

Health: Ace of Pentacles Reversed indicates persisting health issues. You need to address them and not neglect your health. This card can also indicate the start of some new ailment. Spend time and energy in healing yourself.

Relationships: Ace of Wands card suggests a good relationship, a satisfying bond, and good intimacy. This card is indicative of fertility and pregnancy. You are likely to enjoy marital bliss. You might make new friends and you will enjoy harmony with all the members of the family.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed card indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things. Business natives should not lose focus. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Your intuition is at the best. Financially, an average month is expected. Plan your month well in advance.

Health: Ten of Swords Reversed indicates you have had some health issues, but this card indicates end of health-related problems. If you were suffering from any major or minor health issues it is time for recovery. Take care of yourself moving forward.

Relationships: Eight of Cups Reversed indicate that relationship with your partner is not going well.  You might feel claustrophobic and suffocated in it. You need to think carefully of what you desire and decide accordingly. Counselling is a good idea. Family might be distant and detached.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates an unpleasant atmosphere at work. You might have some issues with your colleagues and the work is likely to suffer. Teamwork is important for the success of any endeavour. Clarify all issues honestly and openly and get the camaraderie back at the workplace. Business natives need to keep the unity intact at work.  You might face some ups and downs in monetary matters too.

Health: Chariot is your health card indicating good health. Your immunity and resilience seem to be good. You are advised to work towards maintaining it. Good eating habits and physical fitness will keep you healthy.

Relationships: King of Swords Reversed denotes abuse and aggression in a relationship. Partners need to respect each other and work towards peace and harmony. If you must move ahead in a relationship, sort out all the issues first, or maybe set new equations. You might have some disagreements with the elders in the family but feel uneasy about it.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed card indicates lack of inspiration and excitement in your career. Things might move the right way, but work satisfaction will lack. You need to think positive. Business natives might feel unmotivated with the drabness at work. Finances are good, maybe you aimed a little higher. Set achievable targets for yourself.

Health: Page of Wands Reversed indicates lethargy and lack of energy. You will suffer from small health issues. The advice is to eat healthy, sleep well, and exercise. The most important thing is to stay positive.

Relationships: Hanged Man card foretells that you should not let anyone take advantage of your sacrificing nature. You are always happy helping others, so, generally your relationships are good. You will enjoy a healthy and happy familial bond this week.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles indicates lack of dedication and commitment. It can also indicate lack of cooperation from team members. Businesses in partnership might suffer due to some conflict between partners. Financial indicators are not quite positive. You might get less than expected.

Health: Eight of Swords indicates recovery of some health problems you were undergoing. It might indicate some kind of phobia and some stress-related issue. Meditation and yoga are the best treatment.

Relationships: Seven of Pentacles indicates peace and harmony in relationships. It denotes strengthening of bonds and bonhomie among family members.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Scorpio weekly horoscope, Judgement card indicates you are due for a promotion or raise. You need to put your best foot forward as you might be under observation for appraisal. Business natives need to be wise and conscientious towards their work as this might be a testing period for you. Financially, you need to be wise. Scale down your expenses and think carefully before investing.

Health: Five of Cups indicates anxiety and a depressive attitude. It can also indicate grief and sadness. It is not indicative of any physical ailment. You need to work hard on achieving positivity and a happy state of mind. A holistic approach will be helpful, suggests weekly horoscope for Scorpio.

Relationships: According to Scorpio weekly horoscope, Lovers is the relationship card that shows affection and trust between partners. Couples will enjoy good carnal pleasures. This card indicates and represents pure love and great camaraderie with family members.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Pentacles indicates a growth in career. Businesses will bloom. This card shows security in your profession – monetary gains and all things good. This card suggests you stay humble and enjoy your success.

Health: Sun is the health card indicating robust health. You will be full of energy and vitality. You will indulge in self-care and will be in excellent shape.

Relationships:World Reversed card indicates boredom and lack of spark in a relationship. Ignite your passion and work towards intimacy. Do fun things together with family and friends and get the excitement back.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Cups Reversed foretells lack of satisfaction at work. Your creativity is being compromised and you are not getting enough credit for your hard work. Business natives will lack creativity and this might slow down your pace. Financially, things are well, but be mindful of expenses.

Health: Nine of Cups indicate all-round satisfaction. You will enjoy good health. If you were experiencing health problems, everything will be cured. You will feel very positive and robust regarding your health.

Relationships: Empress card implies security and satisfaction in relationships. Show your feelings openly. It is always nice to show your partner how much he or she means to you. This is a good card to get if wanting to have a baby. This card shows comfort and harmony with family.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Cups Reversed card foretells that you need inspiration at work. Discard lethargy and move ahead with gusto. There is a lot of potential and you need to utilise it to the fullest. Finances are good. It is wise to save but you are too tight-fisted.

Health: Two of Swords Reversed indicates mental anxieties causing insomnia and other medical issues. You need to gear up to deal with stress and what better than to meditate and exercise.

Relationships: Six of Cups indicates memories and nostalgia from the past. You might go down the memory lane, remembering the pleasantries and appreciating each other to get closer. You will remember family time with fondness and get closer to the family.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Wheel of Fortune is the tarot card for the week for Pisces sun sign natives. This card indicates positive change. Be prepared to accept new challenges and opportunities. A job change cannot be ruled out. Business natives will get new avenues to expand and grow. Financially, this card is a good omen.

Health: Three of Cups indicates good health. Do not overindulge and do not skip your workouts. If you are recuperating this card shows quick and complete recovery.

Relationships: Two of Cups Reversed is not a very positive card in terms of relationships. Disagreements and difference of opinion will mar this week. Some differences with family members cannot be ruled out.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 18-24 March 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Unlucky gemstones to avoid, based on your zodiac sign Sun, 17 Mar 2024 00:00:58 +0000

Cancer, maybe you do know her. Let’s take you through the unlucky gemstones associated with your zodiac sign that must be avoided at all costs.

Crystals have long been revered, not only for their beauty but also for their healing powers that can soothe your mind, body and soul. However, some sparkly rocks have acquired a reputation for attracting bad luck in the wearer’s life, spelling doom when it comes to relationships, finances or health. In Astrology, each zodiac sign has a set of lucky and unlucky gemstones that one must be aware of. While the lucky amulets block off stressful situations and keep the cosmic interventions from spelling doom in your life, the unlucky trinkets draw negative energies that can topple your fortunes. Let’s take you through the unlucky gemstones associated with your zodiac sign, that must be avoided at all costs.

Certain stones are (in)famous around the world due to the history, folklore and superstition surrounding them. Meanwhile, other stones may bring you misfortune because they aren’t used correctly, cleansed properly or just don’t match your energy wavelength. Keep reading to know which gemstones are unlucky for your zodiac sign and why they get this reputation.

Beware of these unlucky gemstones based on your zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Unlucky gemstones: Opal and lapis lazuli

image credit: Anete Lusina/ pexels

Aries, you pursue everything with extreme passion – whether it’s your career, relationship, finances and more. However, this unbridled passion can turn awry in no time, making you very impulsive and angry when things don’t go as planned. You must avoid opal and lapis lazuli because they have very strong energies. Rather than soothing your worries and stress, these stones are likely to exacerbate your nervousness.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Unlucky gemstones: Aquamarine and topaz

blue topaz
Image credit: Gary Yost/ Unsplash

Lovers of opulence and all things sensual, you exude a deep desire for a luxurious life and strive to create a life of material comforts. While there’s no harm in wanting an extravagant lifestyle, you tend to get excessively involved in any habit and this overindulgence might cause your downfall.

This spendthrift nature and the need to put a facade to catch the world’s fancy brings you constant stress and you quickly feel overwhelmed by events. To take care of your mental health and keep your overindulgence at bay, avoid aquamarine and topaz. These stones can overstimulate your feelings of worry and anxiety, depriving you of a clear headspace to progress in life.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

Unlucky gemstones: Emerald and quartz

green emerald
Image credit: engin akyurt/ Unsplash

Thriving on creative endeavours and new adventures, your sign has a natural curiosity for every topic under the sun. You’re dynamic, playful and innovative, hating passivity and routine. To preserve your vigour and enthusiasm for life, you must avoid emerald and quartz. By exuding extremely mellow vibrations, these stones can kill your quick-thinking abilities and the spontaneous streak that makes your life exciting.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

Unlucky gemstones: Tiger’s eye, turquoise, and tourmaline

Image credit: Hasan Almasi/ Unsplash

Cancerians, you’re so emotional and sensitive and it doesn’t take you much to fall into melancholy. Ruled by the moon, you represent maternal energies, comfort and self-care. Since you feel everything deeply and give your everything to build relationships, you easily get bogged down and disappointed when people don’t live up to your expectations.

Your giving nature is often taken advantage of, causing you deep distress and an endless loop of sulking away. Crystals like tiger’s eye, turquoise, and tourmaline can further inhibit your zest for life, sending you further down the emotional pothole you can’t easily come out of.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Unlucky gemstones: Turquoise or lapis lazuli

lapis lazuli
Image credit: angelsover/ Pixabay

Leos, your fiery energy and outgoing personality always put you in the spotlight and rightly so (we could all use some infectious Leo energy to spruce up our lives as well!). With great self-confidence, generosity and loyalty, you advance in life easily to taste personal and professional success. Turquoise or lapis lazuli can greatly dim your vivid energy, stifle your confidence and make you doubt your achievements. Turquoise is often associated with corruption and decay, contrasting with the growth and joy you represent.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Unlucky gemstones: Emerald and aquamarine

Image credit: Wikimedia commons

Meticulous, perfectionist, systematic and practical – you represent order and harmony at its peak. You function best when you’ve outlined a plan of action, neatly sorted out the nitty gritty of your future affairs and have a schedule in place. Anything disrupting that balance in your life won’t appeal to you. Right? Stones like emerald and aquamarine risk bringing disorder into your life. The stones’ energy will conflict with your vibrations, eventually bringing chaos.

Libra (September 23 to October 23)

Unlucky gemstones: Ruby ​​and aquamarine

ruby November birthstone
Image credit: Akhilesh Sharma/ Unsplash

Libras, like the scales that represent your sign, you always strive to attain balance, harmony and peace in all endeavours. However, life isn’t that simple. Your indecisive nature makes it hard for you to make big decisions, and you’re always anxious and frustrated when that happens. Ruby and aquamarine could further exacerbate your frustration or even bring you to the brink.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 21)

Unlucky gemstones: Emerald and agate

green agate
image credit: etsy

Strong, enigmatic and independent, you’re an ambitious sign that succeeds in all their ventures. You crackle with an intensity and charisma that’s hard to ignore, and your mysterious aura adds to your overall appeal. With the finesse of mind and perseverance, you always distinguish yourself with your work. Crystals like emeralds and agate have the energy to destroy your potential. If these stones are in your vicinity, chances are that your best projects and endeavours won’t be as fruitful as you want them to be.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Unlucky gemstones: Agate, pearls and tiger’s eye

black pearl unlucky gemstones for zodiac
Image credit: AnnaD/ Pixabay

Sagittarius, you just want to break free from the shackles of every day and enjoy life to the fullest. With optimism and enthusiasm, you often manage to achieve your goals without being bogged down by the pressure of success. You like doing what you do, when you want to do it. Free spirits who love exploration and adventure, you definitely want to steer clear of anything which takes your liberty away. This is why you need to beware of agate, pearls and tiger’s eye as they can snatch your beautiful energy.

Capricorns (December 22 to January 19)

Unlucky gemstones: Pearls and aquamarine

aquamarine unlucky gemstones for zodiac
Image credit: Andy Holmes/ Unsplash

Patient, persevering, confident and serene – you have everything it takes to sail through life’s challenges gracefully. It’s very hard to shake your inner calm, and your unique spirits are powerful, to say the least. Gems like pearls and aquamarine exude such strong and opposing vibrations, which can compromise your stability and blur your clairvoyance.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Unlucky gemstones: Amber and topaz

unlucky gemstones amber
image credit: Natalia Soto/ Unsplash

Masters of your own life and slave to none, your creative and eccentric personalities are what make you so adorable. You love your freedom and independence and anyone quashing your desires is shown the exit door from your life. Unlucky gemstones like amber and topaz could rob you of this sense of freedom. They can put you at the risk of caving in to your emotions and it’ll get hard to keep your mind away from everyday concerns.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Unlucky gemstones: Jade

march birthstone jade
Image credit: PINKE/ Flickr

Just like your ruling planet Neptune, you’re mystical, pleasure-seeking, romantic and a little whimsical. You’re extremely versatile by nature, prepared to take on unforeseen impediments and oscillate between two states. You give everything you have and work tirelessly until the task is complete. On the other hand, you have a different side that doesn’t shy away from basking in the joys of life and taking ample time off for yourself and your loved ones, away from the hullabaloo of every day. You must avoid jade, as it can remove this sense of balance and order in your life, pushing you towards one extreme.

It’s time to rid yourself and your surroundings of these unlucky gemstones!

(Hero image credit: RDNE Stock project/ Pexels)

(Feature image credit: Cup of Couple/ Pexels)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Which stone brings bad luck?

Opal, black diamond as well as pearl are the three most infamous gemstones that have acquired a reputation for bringing bad luck to the wearer.

  • Can a diamond bring bad luck?

It is believed that diamond has connections to curses and misfortunes. These tales/ superstitions shape the belief that diamonds can bring bad luck.

  • Can gemstones change luck?

There are both lucky and unlucky gemstones associated with each zodiac sign that can change the fortune of its wearer.

The post Unlucky gemstones to avoid, based on your zodiac sign appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 11 – March 17, 2024 Sun, 10 Mar 2024 17:00:46 +0000

Affection, closeness, and trust are the keywords for you this week, Cancerians. Couples are likely to have a great camaraderie with their family members. Sagittarian natives will enjoy an amicable relationship and strengthen the bonds with their partner. Read on to know the March weekly relationship and love horoscope 2024 for Pisces and other zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the March love horoscope 2024 readings as a guidance to get a better understanding of all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.’

The cosmic favourites for love this week will be Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn sun sign natives.

Pisces and other zodiac signs’ March love horoscope 2024: Weekly relationship predictions

Aries March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives should be more understanding, loving, and respectful towards their partner. Do not take your relationships for granted. Try not to nit-pick with family members. Give space, especially to children and youngsters of the family.

Singles: Singles might not enjoy stability in their relationship. You need to be more adaptable and adjustable with your dates for the relationship to grow. Natives in love need to learn the art of creating space in their relationship and let the bonds strengthen before proposing.

Taurus March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives will enjoy domestic peace and harmony. Your equations are all set to improve but you need to pay more attention towards increasing your libido and carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be satisfactory, and you are likely to strengthen your bonds of love more.

Singles: Singles will be having a good time and will be spoilt for choices. Enjoy this lucky transit and the shorts of dopamine and adrenaline after being struck by the golden arrow. Natives in love will be love-struck and ready to propose and tie the knot.

Gemini March weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy stability and harmony with their partners. They will see stability in their relationships and if wanting parenthood, this card spells success. Family will be supportive, and you are likely to bond well with all the members especially, the elders of the family.

Singles: Singles will meet someone special and their friendship will grow and be pleasurable. Try not to rush into commitments. Give adequate time for the love and trust to develop. Natives in love will be ready to say I do but some commitments might delay the nuptials.

Cancer weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will grow their affection with their partners. Their closeness is likely to grow. They will enjoy the trust amongst each other and good intimacy. This card shows pure love and great camaraderie with all the members of the family.

Singles: Singles search for their partner is likely to end as they will fall hook, line, and sinker for someone special. You will start believing in love at first sight and enjoy the bliss of being in love. The advice is not to rush into something in haste. Natives in love will enjoy being in love and will be all set for proposals.

Leo weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives need to be careful about not being overbearing and dominating with their partners. At times, the transit makes you behave in a particular way but let this not become a habit. Respecting your partner is a very important aspect of a relationship besides love and care. Relations need cultivation. Elders require extra love and care, and children need friendly guidance.

Singles: Singles need to realise that the opposite sex appreciates humility and modesty. One needs to cultivate these traits if they want their relationships to last and grow. Natives in love will have to get off their high horse and be more down to earth if they want their relationship to move towards permanency.

Virgo weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will be content in their relationship and couples might like to increase their family. This is a good omen for pregnancy. You might make new friendships and enjoy a good bonhomie.

Singles: Singles will be in luck and might make a special bond with their date and the relationship is likely to grow and bloom. Natives in love will be enjoying a beatific relation with their significant other and will be all set to propose and tie the knot.

Libra weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives should not manipulate their partners as it might just backfire and spoil domestic harmony. Honesty and frankness work the best and any issues, concerns, and insecurities in the relationship should be addressed openly. With family, beating around the bush is not the answer but frankness is.

Singles: Singles should be what they are and should not put on and lead their dates on false pretext. Relationships made on a shaky foundation do not last. Natives in love need to be frank and open in their relationships. Any folly might be synonymous with cheating and might create furore later.

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives will have regular and routine dealings with their partner which connotes boredom. You need to add some spark to your relationships. You need to work on increasing intimacy and add fun things in your life. Family members will be content but if you are able to add excitement in your time spent with them, it will get a new lease to the relationships.

Singles: Singles will want to find a partner without success, a relationship progresses well if there is spark and excitement in it. Natives in love will have to put in more efforts and make the time spent with each other stimulating and thrilling enough to think about matrimony.

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy good bonding and positivity in their relationship. Good mental vibes and physical intimacy is required for an ideal relationship, and you will enjoy both. Familial bonds will be satisfying, and your will spend some quality time with your near and dear ones.

Singles: Singles will be lucky and will be spoilt for choices. You are likely to meet a lot of like-minded people. Enjoy the cosmic favours without rushing into any commitments. Natives in love are likely to have a fulfilling and satisfying time and will think of permanency.

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives are likely to enjoy security and care in their relationship. Your love for each other will grow and the bonding will increase. Partners will share a great emotional and physical bond. Families will get closer and bond well. You will share a good relationship with the elders of the family.

Singles: Singles will be attracted to a much older person and might hesitate to go against the social norms. It’s your life, and your decisions, but you need to think carefully. Natives in love will enjoy the stability in their relationship and will be content with their partners.

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives might not be in a pleasant place as far as relationships are concerned. They might face some betrayal from their partner. It might not necessarily be infidelity. Value your family and nurture the familial bonds. Be wary in friendships, and do not get carried away with sweet talks.

Singles: Singles need to be careful. Do not wear your heart on the sleeve and be careful with the choice of partner. A background check will be a good idea. Be safe rather than sorry. Natives in love might not be sure of their relationship and might hesitate to say I do. Do not get pressurised and be sure your heart and brain are in sync.

Pisces weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will get closer to their partners reliving the pleasant memories from the past. Your appreciation of each other will increase and you will share good bonding and intimacy. You will remember family time with fondness, suggests Pisces March love horocope.

Singles: According to Pisces March love horoscope, singles might reunify with an old flame from the past. You need to be sure of what you want and keep the reasons of your past break-up in mind. Natives in love might not be sure of their relationship and might be yo-yoing in their decision. Take your time and be sure before you commit.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Mayur Gala/Unsplash

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 11 – March 17, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly horoscope: 11-17 March 2024 Sun, 10 Mar 2024 15:30:48 +0000

It’s a successful week at work for Leos, while Capricorns need to watch their health a little. Read on for your weekly horoscope for between 11-17 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Libra will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Libra and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs from 11-17 March 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Wands indicates fast movement and growth. Luck will favour you and new projects will come your way. For business natives, quick success is anticipated. Your hands will be full of work. You need to control your expenses.

Health: Queen of Pentacles indicates good health. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to maintain this health status. If desirous of a child, this is a lucky week for fertility.

Relationships: Knight of Swords Reversed is a warning card that reminds you to nurture your relationships. Taking your partner for granted can be disastrous. Love, respect, and understanding are key factors for a relationship to progress. Give the right space in relationships, especially to children and youngsters.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes a progression in career. A gainful remunerative job offer or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Businesses will grow and an increase of income and profits are indicated. A new avenue will open up for a parallel source of revenue. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Chariot is your health card indicating good health. Your immunity and resilience seem to be good. You are advised to work towards maintaining it. Inculcating good eating habits and indulging in physical fitness will keep you healthy.

Relationships: Seven of Pentacles indicates peace and harmony in relationships. You will enjoy stability in all your relationships. Strengthening of bonds and bonhomie among family members are also indicated.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ten of Wands suggests overwork and overburden. You might struggle to keep pace. For business natives, the advice is to share your workload rather than compromise on the quality. Expenses will be high, and you need to be careful with the expenses.

Health: Knight of CupsReversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is very important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Queen of Cups indicates emotional stability and harmony between couples. This card shows emotional fulfilment and healthy relationships. It also indicates solidarity among family members.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed suggests you should not take impulsive decisions regarding your career. Be open to change. Try not to do work-related chores alone. Involve your colleagues and give them their due credit. Business natives need to delegate their work well. Some losses are indicated. Be careful with your money as theft is a possibility.

Health: Five of Cups indicates anxiety and a depressive attitude. Sometimes it can indicate grief and sadness. You need to work hard on achieving positivity and a happy state of mind. A holistic approach will be helpful.

Relationships: The Lovers card shows affection and trust between partners. This card shows good carnal pleasures and bonding between couples. This card represents pure love and great camaraderie with family members.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Cups card indicates success. If launching a new product or project, you will celebrate the outcome. Businesses will grow and good gains are indicated. Natives in job are in for promotions and increments. You will enjoy stability in monetary matters.

Health: Tower is the health card for you. It indicates the sudden onset of an illness. Address any symptoms you experience immediately and get some health check-ups done. It can also indicate accidents and the tarot advice is to be careful while driving and otherwise.

Relationships: King of Wands Reversed suggests an overbearing and controlling relationship. Respect is a very important aspect of a relationship besides love and care. A family elder might be domineering and possessive. They mean well, but you should learn to tackle without upsetting them.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Judgement card indicates you are being assessed for a promotion or raise, and you need to put your best efforts. Business natives should give their best if they want to grow. Financially you need to be wise. Think carefully and use your best judgement before investing.

Health: Ace of Cups is the health card for you. This is a good card to get as it indicates good health and vitality. You are likely to start a good exercising regime and any health issues of the past will get sorted. You will enjoy good health this week.

Relationships: Ace of Wands suggests a good relationship for married couples. It might indicate pregnancy. You will enjoy marital bliss. You might make new friends and you will be in a content state with family.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Swords Reversed is the career and finance card for Libra sun sign natives. If your boss is a female, you are in trouble. Be prepared for being belittled with some harsh words. If you are in a commanding situation, be compassionate towards your juniors. Finances will be average. Do not expect much and plan your expenses accordingly, suggests Libra’s weekly horoscope.

Health: Two of Pentacles is indicative of robust health. It is a balance card suggesting you maintain a good balance in life. You must take out time for self-care, according to Libra weekly horoscope. Focus on good eating habits and try not to indulge too much.

Relationships: Magician Reversed suggests some manipulation in a relationship. According to Libra weekly horoscope, you must voice your concerns frankly but also address your partners’ anxieties with honesty. Relationship is a two-way street and if one person gives in always, the harmony is compromised.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hierophant card indicates success in teamwork. It is a good card to get if wanting to pursue higher studies. This card indicates your mentor will be supportive and help you achieve your goals. Finances will be good but the advice is not to do anything unconventional with your money.

Health: Ten of Swords Reversed indicates end of some health-related problems. If you were suffering from any major or minor health issues, it is time for recovery. Take care of yourself moving forward.

Relationships: World Reversed is indicative of boredom and lack of spark in a relationship. You really need to work on increasing your libido and intimacy. Do fun things together with family and friends and get the excitement back. Children and youngsters will need special attention.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The High Priestess card indicates that lots of opportunities are likely to come your way. Trust your instinct while considering the options. You are likely to achieve a lot this week. Businesses will grow and you should take the guidance of more experienced well wishers for expansion and growth plans. Keep your finances guarded and be judicious in your expenses.

Health: Sun is the health card indicating robust health. You will be full of energy and vitality. It is a good card to get for fertility and childbirth. If recuperating from surgery or illness, your recovery is going to be expeditious.

Relationships: The Star is the relationship card for the week indicating good relationships with your partner. This card indicates a good mental bonding and a good physical intimacy – the recipe of an ideal relationship. You will enjoy a happy and satisfying bond with all the members of your family.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Fool Reversed card indicates good opportunities coming your way. You have the potential and capability to utilise them well, but some lethargy and ineptitude is indicated. You need to concentrate on your performance. Business natives need to be alert to grasp opportunities lest they slip away. Finances will be good, but you need to use your money judiciously.

Health: Chariot is your health card indicating good health. Your immunity and resilience seem to be good. You are advised to work towards maintaining it. Good eating habits and physical fitness will keep you healthy.

Relationships: King of Pentacles is the relationship card showing security and care and a loving relationship. Partners will have a great time emotionally and physically. This card can also indicate a sturdy period emotionally. You will share good bonhomie with family members.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice Reversed indicates that you are not getting your dues at work. Despite putting in better than the best of your time and effort, your rewards and remunerations are less than expected. You need to have patience and be careful with your money and investments. Do not get disheartened. Remember hard work always pays.

Health: Emperor is the health card indicating you need to give priority to your health. This card indicates good health, but you need to find time for self-care to stay healthy. You need to focus on a healthy eating and an exercising regime.

Relationships: Seven of Swords generally denotes betrayal. It does not necessarily mean infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Be wary in friendships, and do not get carried away with sweet talks. Value your family.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles card foretells great success in teamwork and partnerships. If any collaboration is in the pipeline, it will yield great results. Pentacles are good cards for finance, hence monetary comfort is indicated.

Health: The Hermit is the health card indicating it is time for some rest and relaxation. Do not push yourself beyond your limit. It does not indicate ill health, but it is a reminder for self-care, exercise, and meditation.

Relationships: Six of Cups is a good card for relationships. It indicates memories and nostalgia from the past. You might have ‘going down memory lane’ sessions and appreciate each other and come closer. You will remember your family time with fondness.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly horoscope: 11-17 March 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: Monthly Numerology Predictions Tue, 05 Mar 2024 01:00:21 +0000 Lucky numbers for March 2024 by date of birth

Each person is defined by some numbers depicting the nature of a person, his behavioural patterns, and the positive and negative aspects of him, his attitude, aptitude, luck, money, and success. The flow of energies will influence people differently as the year number changes to 8 (2024). Know what the lucky numbers for March 2024.

Birthday number or root number: The root number tells you about the nature, behaviour, weakness and strength. The date you were born, is your birthday number or lucky number.

Life path number: Add the day, numerical month, and the year in which you were born and reduce it to a single digit number you get your life path number.

Name number or destiny number: Destiny number is calculated by numerically adding the alphabets in your full name (first, middle, and last) by reducing each name to a single digit, then adding up the total and reducing that to a single digit – 1: A, J, S. 2: B, K, and T. 3: C, L, and U. 4: D, M, and V. 5: E, N and W. 6: F, O and X. 7: G, P and Y. 8: H, Q, and Z 9: I and R.

Sun Number: The sum of your birth date and month is your sun number. This does not change.

Personal Year Number: To determine the numerology personal year number, add together the Sun number and the current year (2024=8 for this year). For personal month number add current month number (3 for March) to the personal year number. Each year you will have a different personal year number. You need to calculate your personal month number. 2 is the universal month number for March 2024.  (3+2024), 3 for March and 8 is the year number for 2024. (8+3= 11=2). For your personal month number for March 2024 add your Sun number to 2 (universal month number for March 2024) and see what the numbers have in store for you this month. Challenges and favours are a part of life and everyone should be ever ready to accept them with positivity and gratitude.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: Read the numerological predictions for this month

Number 1

Number 1 natives will be influenced by numbers 1, 2, and 8. You will be full of beans and energetic. Your creativity will be at its best and you will be able to contribute a lot towards your work this month, thus winning accolades for yourself and your organisation. A change in job or a shift is foretold, indicating a new direction. Financially, you will do well as you increase your assets and worth. You will enjoy good health and good relationships.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 1, 10, 19, and 28.

Number 2

Number 2 natives will be influenced by number 2, and 8. Your rewards will be proportionate to the hard work you put in. This month you will have to work very hard to achieve your targets. Your hard work will yield good results and you will enjoy the benefits. You will earn good profits and rewards and your past investments will yield rich dividends. You are likely to enjoy good health, but you will need to refrain from being overemotional and oversensitive. You will enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner and family. Singles are likely to begin new relationships. Marriage is on the cards for some.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 2, 11, 20, and 29.

Number 3

Number 3 natives will be influenced by numbers 2, 3, and 8 this March 2024. Career-wise, you will do well but there will be lack of satisfaction at work. You need to break the monotony at work. Maybe, a short sabbatical will help get your enthusiasm back. You will be comfortable in terms of finances, but this month the expenses are likely to escalate a lot. You might have some disagreements and arguments with your love interest, but you will have a good family bonding. Your health might need attention. A viral infection might slow you down.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 3, 12, 21, and 30.

Number 4

Number 4 natives will be influenced by number 2, 4, and 8 this month. You will be working hard to achieve your targets and will be dedicated and methodical in your work, but the results will be a little slow. Financially, you might suffer some setbacks. Therefore, prepare your budget in advance. You might face some stress-related issues on the health front. You need to keep yourself well not just mentally but also physically. Your partner will be supportive, and you are likely to enjoy good familial bonds.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 4, 13, 22, and 31.

Number 5

Number 5 natives will be influenced by numbers 2, 5, and 8. This month, you will face some ups and downs in your career. Focus on positive and frank communication lest it upsets your seniors. Your colleagues might not be cooperative, and you will have to work hard to maintain camaraderie at the workplace. Finances might be less than expected and some losses might upset your monthly budgets. This is not a good month to invest. Relationships will be average, and you will have to focus on your well-being.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 5, 14, and 23.

Number 6

Number 6 natives will be influenced by number 2, 6, and 8. It is the time to reap the benefits of your hard work done previously. You will enjoy appreciation from your superiors and admiration from your colleagues. You will get good financial rewards and this is a good time to invest wisely. This month, you will devote your time and energy towards improving relationships and increasing bonhomie amongst all the members of the family. You will enjoy wellness and robustness this month.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 6, 15, and 24.

Number 7

Number 7 natives will be influenced by numbers 2,7, and 8. Your focus is likely to be your relationships this month and wisely so as work is a part of life and not the entire life. Your work will take a backseat and your relationships will grow. Finances will be average but you will be relaxed and happy. Your family members will be ecstatic with the extra attention and this month will be emotionally satisfying for you. Your health will be satisfactory.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 7, 16, and 25.

Number 8

Number 8 natives will be influenced by numbers 2, and 8. The energies of this month will get you prosperity in your respective careers. You will achieve your targets and win accolades and awards. You will enjoy financial gains and stability and all your career moves will be in the right direction. You will share a good relationship with your partner and family members. Your good health will contribute towards your happy demeanour.

Lucky numbers for March 2024: 8, 17, and 26.

Number 9

Number 9 natives will be influenced by numbers 2, 8, and 9. You might be in the process of changing and streamlining your career. Change is the only constant and progress is not possible without change, but the advice is to look carefully before you leap. Your finances will be good. Love and romance might not be very exciting this month, but you will enjoy a good bonding with the other family members. Marriage is foretold for the unmarried this month.  You might face some health hiccups.

Lucky dates: 9, 18, and 27.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Lucky numbers for March 2024: Monthly Numerology Predictions appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

March Horoscope 2024: Love predictions for the 12 zodiac signs Mon, 04 Mar 2024 14:00:34 +0000

The new moon and the full moon are good days to manifest love, so we’re told. Read our March 2024 love horoscope for all the zodiac signs.

25 March is a special day for love as Holi, the festival of colours falls on this day. It is a celebration of love between Lord Krishna and his consort Radha. The new moon on 11 March and full moon on 25 March are good days for manifesting harmony in relationships. Read all about March 2024 love horoscope for all the zodiac signs.

Take guidance from the transit of planets. Taurus sun sign natives will be the cosmic favourites for love and romance and are likely to enjoy marital bliss. Some sun signs will find love, and some might not be so lucky. Gemini zodiac sign natives need to be extra cautious in their romantic rendezvous. Be positive and ready to make the best of this month.

March love horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs

Aries love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Aries natives will start the month with arguments and bickering. You might be involved in too many things and your partner might feel neglected, but you are likely to enjoy carnal pleasures. Despite the squabbles, your bonds of love will grow and strengthen. Couples desirous of having children will succeed in conceiving.

Family: Familial bonds will be pleasurable. You will bond well with the children. They will be a source of happiness.

Singles: Singles might be lonely and might be on a look out for some stability in their relationships. You will have to be patient and wait for the planets to favour your love life. Natives in love will start the month with arguments and disagreements. Let your ego not spoil things further especially in the second fortnight of March.

Taurus love horoscope March 2024

Couples: According to March 2024 love horoscope, Taurus natives will be the cosmic favourites in terms of love and romance. The warmth and affection will grow between couples and a satisfying and fulfilling time is indicated with your partner. A nice romantic holiday is foretold for early March.

Family: Family will be supportive. You might be involved in some religious functions which will bring you closer to the family. You will enjoy your social circle and friends.

Singles: Singles are likely to gel well with someone special and enjoy the bliss of being in love. Natives in love will fall deeper in love and will be all set for marriage, suggests March 2024 love horoscope.

Gemini love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives might not start the month very well in terms of relationships. You might have a lot of differences, but you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. The second fortnight will get you peace and harmony.

Family: Some difference of opinion with the family might disturb the domestic harmony, but the good part is that it will sort out amicably. You might not be able to socialise much this month.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships. If desirous of permanency, you need to be adaptive and understanding towards your partners’ needs. Natives in love will start the month with some disagreements and you need to be cautious not to let them blow out of proportion. Love requires a lot of adjustments to grow and last.

Cancer love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will enjoy good intimacy with their partners, but the month will be tough for lovers and people in love as you will have some tiffs and disagreements. Time and patience are likely to improve things later in the month, suggests March 2024 love horoscope.

Family: You will enjoy good familial bonds all throughout the month. Elders will be basking in the warmth and love of your company. Friends will be a source of joy and support.

Singles: Singles might fall in love with someone at the workplace and the relationship is likely to grow at a slow pace. Try not to rush as things will happen as per the transit, says March 2024 love horoscope. Natives in love need to be patient and give their relationship some more time.

Leo love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will need patience to maintain affability in their relationship with their partner. Be mindful of your ego this month as it is known to relationships. There will be some undercurrents with your partner. You need to control your irritability and temper and let this phase pass.

Family: Family will be supportive. You will be the favourite of children and youngsters but might have some differences with the elders which are likely to get sorted later. Control your tongue and speech with friends lest it hurts them and creates disharmony.

Singles: Singles are likely to be lucky in love towards the latter part of the month. You might meet someone with whom you gel well, and the relationship can develop into a special one. Natives in love will have some disagreements early in March but with the right effort, you will be able to sort it out.

Virgos love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Virgo natives will face some ups and downs in their relationship. You will require a lot of effort to get stability and harmony. Your partner might be unsupportive and you might feel neglected. The best way is to communicate openly and honestly and sort out issues, suggests March 2024 love horoscope.

Family: Some disagreement with the elders might cause stress and discomfort. Do not worry as the creases will be smoothened towards the end of the month.

Singles: Singles will have to be more realistic in their choice of date. Be mindful of how you treat others and do not be in a rush to lose your single status. Natives in love will not be sure and will be dilly dallying about the nuptials, suggests March 2024 love horoscope.

Libra love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Libra sun sign natives might not be committed in their relationship this month and might be unable to reciprocate the love and support of their partner. You might be away from home due to your personal or professional commitments. Your partner will be very understanding and supportive, suggests March 2024 love horoscope.

Family: Family might complain because of neglect. Do not let this phase continue for long. Things will improve slightly in the latter part of the month. Children might be unable to cope and may require extra attention.

Singles: Singles will not be able to give enough time to socialising and might be miss the company of the opposite sex. In the second fortnight, things will improve for you, and you are advised to get balance in your life. Natives in love might not be able to devote enough time to each other.

Scorpio love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives need to pay more attention to their partners. Give more love and respect to your partner. Making a relationship special will depend on your efforts towards increasing bonhomie and intimacy.

Family: Familial bonds will be satisfactory. However, you should be cautious dealing with the children and youngsters in the family. Avoid unpleasantness and be supportive in their decisions.

Singles: Singles will enjoy their singlehood to the hilt socialising and in no hurry for commitments. Towards the latter part of the month, you might form an attachment with someone special. Natives in love will be satisfied with their partners and the relationship will be kind of status quo for some time.

Sagittarius love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Sagittarius natives will have an average relationship with their partners. However, as the month progresses, your intimacy and bonhomie is likely to increase.

Family: An elder in the family might require attention and you need to be alert to the needs of the elderly. However, the children and youngsters of the family will be a source of joy and happiness.

Singles: Singles are likely to fall in love with their date, especially towards the latter part of the month. Natives in love are likely to propose in the last week of the month and move towards permanency in their relationship.

Capricorn love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Capricorn natives will enjoy an average relationship this month but their partners will be extremely supportive. The latter part of the month will increase your carnal pleasures and bonding with your partner.

Family: Some disagreements in the family are indicated but the second half of the month will improve the ties. You are likely to have a good time with your friends.

Singles: According to March 2024 love horoscope, singles will socialise a lot and the second half of the month might make them fall in love with the significant other. However, you might not get reciprocation as yet, love cannot be one sided and you need to have patience and practice perseverance. Natives in love will have to postpone their wedding plans due to some unavoidable circumstances.

Aquarius love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will see some arguments and squabbles with their partners. Do not get perturbed, exercise restraint, and abstain from bad mouthing. This is normal between couples, and this will pass. The good news is that the latter part of the month will see a better understanding and bonhomie with your partner.

Family: You might face some disagreements within the family which might add to your woes. The advice is to stay calm and not overreact. The second half of the month will see the feuds settling down.

Singles: Singles will be unable to find someone special and suitable. Be patient and enjoy your single status as long as it lasts. When the transit turns favourable, you will effortlessly fall in love. Natives in love will be uncertain and confused with their feelings, however, in the second fortnight you might be able to make some decisions.

Pisces love horoscope March 2024

Couples: Pisces natives need to keep their egos at bay especially, in the second fortnight of the month, suggests March 2024 love horoscope. The month will start with some arguments and disagreements as you will have too much on your plate which might make your partner feel neglected and unloved. Sorting out things amicably is always the best option and sex is the best solvent to dissolve all strife.

Family: You are likely to enjoy a good time and the bonds of love are likely to grow with all the members of the family. Familial bonds will be pleasurable, and you will spend some quality time. You will socialise a lot with friends.

Singles: Singles should focus on self-care and introspect hard if they are having unstable relationships. Your singlehood is likely to last for some more time and you need to be positively occupied in the meantime. Natives in love will be confused about their feelings and the advice is to wait for some time. Clarity in your equations will dawn automatically.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post March Horoscope 2024: Love predictions for the 12 zodiac signs appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 4 – March 10, 2024 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09:00:54 +0000

Be ready to enjoy good bonhomie and carnal pleasures this week, Geminis. Couples are likely to spend an amicable time. Virgos will enjoy a stable relationship and strengthen the bonds with their partners. Read on to know the March weekly relationship and love horoscope for all zodiac signs. Focus on your efforts and adaptability to make your relationships compatible and use the readings as a guidance to get a better understanding and bestir all your relationships.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but looking together in the same direction.’

March 2024: Weekly relationship and love horoscope

Aries weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives should live in the present and not dwell too much in the past. The mistakes and unpleasantness need to be buried and left behind if you want to move ahead positively. Start on a clean state if you have to move ahead with your partner. You need to be more understanding towards the family members. Clear out all the doubts rather than clinging on to them.

Singles: Singles might hold on to the past and not able to move ahead. Relationship involves two people and if one is not interested, it is best you move on. Natives in love might not be secure and certain of their relationship.

Taurus weekly love horoscope

Couples: According to relationship and love horoscope, Taurus sun sign natives will enjoy positivity in their relationship. You are likely to be satisfied and content with your partner and enjoy good intimacy. You will enjoy domestic harmony and bliss with your family. Children will be a source of joy.

Singles: Singles will be happy socialising and getting to know more like-minded people. Take your time and let the cupid do his job. Natives in love will be content in their relationship and will be quite ready to propose and tie the knot.

Gemini weekly love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives are likely to enjoy a good bonhomie and closeness with their partners. You will bond well and enjoy good carnal pleasures. Get some more excitement in your relationship. Your bonds will strengthen with the elders of the family and you will enjoy all around domesticity.

Singles: Singles might fall for a much older person. Do not let that be the deterrent as age is just a number. Other things are more important for a healthy and happy relationship. The only thing which is important is to be sure. Natives in love will enjoy stability and security in their relationship and will be ready to move towards permanency. It is a good time to propose and commit to your partner.

Cancer weekly love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign people will be extremely satisfied and have a smooth sailing relationship. This is a good card for parenthood and couples desirous of conception will be jubilant as this card fulfils all desires. Familial bonds will be exceptional, suggests March relationship and love horoscope.

Singles: Singles are likely to be struck by the golden arrow and fall hopelessly in love. You will have a good time with your significant other. Natives in love will be committed to each other and will be all ready for nuptials.

Leo weekly love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives should be respectful and loving towards their partners as the cosmic rewards this month will be directly proportional to your input. What you give, is what you will get back. Hence, your equation with your partner will depend on your efforts towards bonhomie. Your passion will be rewarded with good in between the sheet pleasures. You will enjoy good familial bonds, suggests relationship and love horoscope.

Singles: Singles will bond well with like-minded people and have a pleasurable time. This is not a good time for permanency. Just enjoy the cosmic favours. Natives in love will be satisfied and content with each other but will be in no hurry to tie the knot.

Virgo weekly love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy good support and love from their partners thus strengthening the bonds of camaraderie between couples. You will experience fulfilment in all your relationships and enjoy domestic harmony to the hilt.

Singles: Singles will be struck by the golden arrow and will be reeling under the euphoria of being in love. Enjoy this bliss and do not be in a hurry for permanency. Natives in love will be deeply attached with their partners and will be in a hurry to tie the knot. This is a good time to propose.

Libra weekly love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives will enjoy and celebrate some occasions together. The relationship with your partner will grow and develop manifolds. You will enjoy carnal pleasures and get closer to your partner. Familial bonds will be delightful.

Singles: Singles will be under the influence of cupid – in love and bliss. Let the understanding and bonhomie develop before you think of proposals and matrimony. Natives in love will want to move towards marriage and permanency, suggests relationship and love horoscope.

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives should spend more time with their partner and work towards improving their relationship. Nurture it with love, respect, and intimacy. Add some spice and rekindle your romance with your partner. Family will be supportive but will want more time from you. Pay special attention to the children and youngsters of the family.

Singles: Singles might be lonely and not able to form good bonds with the opposite sex. Time and patience are your best bets and haste is waste in matters of the heart. Natives in Love will be not certain and will yo-yo between affirmative and negative. Put your best warriors on the job – time and patience.

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will feel disconnected with their mates, at times financial issues make you disengage and neglect your partner. You need to be discussing your problems openly and work towards affability. Problems shared are halved. Family might feel neglected and some financial issues might have disturbed the harmony best is to be open and frank and find amicable solutions.

Singles: If you are not able to have a steady relationship and face too many ups and downs, you need to introspect and be more adaptable. Natives in love might face some disharmony with their partners. Having a frank and open discussion and resetting the equations might be a good idea.

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

Couples: According to March relationship and love horoscope, Capricorn sun sign natives will be having some discord in their relationship with their partner. Give space and freedom and do not be fixated. Be open to change and adaptability. Family might require some space. Too much of nitpicking even with the best intentions, strains the relationship.

Singles: Singles might not be in the correct frame of mind to form new relationships and it is strongly advised not to get in to a relationship with baggage of some past liaisons. Natives in love will want more time to decide and rightly so. Do not get pressurised into something you are not sure of.

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives are over caring and generally they are taken advantage off. You are always happy doing things for others so, generally you enjoy good relationships. The advice is not to be taken for a ride always. Place your interests and desires in the priority list sometimes. You are too attached to the family and the card foretells devotion towards the members of the family, suggests relationship and love horoscope.

Singles: Singles need to take their time to decide how they want their love lives to progress. Do not get pressurised into anything you do not desire. Natives in love might not be sure about their feeling and might be indecisive towards making commitments and you are advised to be sure.

Pisces weekly love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will enjoy emotional stability and bonhomie with their partners. You need to work on your libido to increase intimacy with your mate. You will bond very well with the elders and enjoy good friendships. Good solidarity among all the family members is indicated.

Singles: According to relationship and love horoscope, singles will form new friendships which are likely to grow and give you immense pleasure. The relationship is likely to grow and strengthen. Natives in love will be satisfied with the bonds between them and their partners and will be all set to tie the knot.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of March 4 – March 10, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly horoscope: 4-10 March 2024 Sun, 03 Mar 2024 23:00:07 +0000

Cancer signs will see love and romance this week, while Scorpios may see some chaos at the bank. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 4-10 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Virgo will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Virgo and other zodiac signs from Mar 4 – Mar 10, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates good work but this card indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Some obstructions and delays are indicated. Be more enthusiastic and creative and plan new strategies. Business natives need to be more alert and agile towards their commitments. Finances will be good, but this is not a good time for any major investments.

Health: King of Pentacles indicates stable health. You need to nurture your good health with a healthy lifestyle. Indulging in physical activities will help you maintain your fitness.

Relationships: Ten of Swords is the relationship card. It is not a positive card for relationship. It denotes break-ups. You need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate if you have to move ahead with your partner. Some patchwork will be needed to improve the family ties.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles denotes moving up in your career. Good opportunities will come your way and you will be getting good remunerations. Business natives will increase their work and expect growth and profits. It is a good time for investments.

Health: Eight of Wands suggests that you are struggling with small health issues, but with your high energy levels and fighting spirit you will get over it fast.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles suggests positivity in relationships. You will be satisfied and content with your partner and enjoy a good family bonding. Children will be a source of pleasure and the general home atmosphere at home will be harmonious.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress indicates an ideal time at work. You will be satisfied and content and win appreciation from your superiors and admiration from your co-workers this week. Business naitves will implement some new ideas and lucrative projects will come your way with very positive results. Good finances are indicated. Your past investments are likely to do well.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in your health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion if under some treatment.

Relationships: King of Wands suggests a good bonding with your partner and family. You will enjoy stability in relationships.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles is indicative of success. You need to involve your colleagues and use their expertise also to achieve your goals and targets. If planning collaboration, it is likely to happen. Finances will be good. Businesspeople will grow and enjoy good profits. You can think of making some investments.

Health: Death Reversed is indicative of neglect towards your health. You need to pay attention to self-care. Cultivate good eating habits and work towards your physical well-being. At times, this card indicates addiction like alcoholism or smoking and you need to be mindful of it.

Relationships: Six of Wands is a good omen for love and romance. This card indicates you will be happy and enjoy a good bonhomie with your partner. It is a good card to get for parenthood. Familial bonds will be exceptionally satisfying, and your family solidarity is all set to grow and bloom. You might celebrate some occasion together with your folks.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups indicates a collaboration or liaison which will be very amicable and commercially viable. It is a good card for partnerships. The inflow of money is likely to increase manifolds. There will be a good boost in your job/business.

Health: Temperance Reversed indicates you need balance in your life with respect to eating and exercising regimes. You need to focus on good and healthy habits.

Relationships: Justice Reversed indicates justice. It encourages you to be respectful and loving towards your partner and family members. You will reap what you sow, therefore, the advice is to be patient and loving in all your relationships.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Tower Reversed indicates challenging circumstances at work. It is time to introspect and see what you want. This card often denotes big changes in the work field.  Instead of pushing the boulder uphill and overstraining, let it drop. Change of job or change in the line of business may be a good idea. Finances might be of concern but you will not be short of it, suggests weekly Virgo horoscope.

Health: Hanged Man Reversed indicates that you must take out time from your busy schedule to devote on yourself. This card suggests neglect and that is what you cannot afford. Start and follow a healthy exercise regime, states Virgo weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Nine of Cups is the relationship card for this week indicating good relationships all around. You will be content and experience fulfilment with your partner and enjoy good familial bonds. For people wanting to get married, this is the right time, suggests weekly Virgo horoscope.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Queen of Cups is a positive card. Your gentle, careful handling, and management of workers and issues at the workplace will be appreciated a lot. You seniors and colleagues will admire you for your nature and behaviour at work beside your dedication. Business natives will be favourites with their staff and will get good results at work. Your finances are all set to grow and increase.

Health: Eight of Swords indicates phobia and some stress-related issues. You need to work on your mental health. Try to relax and not take things too much to the heart. This card indicates recovery of some health problems you were undergoing. Meditation and yoga are the best options for upheavals of the mind.

Relationships: Ten of Cups indicates a celebration time with family and friends. You will bask in the warmth of love and affection of family and friends.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Wands Reversed indicates regret in some past choices which did not work out too well. Your career is not going as expected and is causing stress. Businessmen might be regretful of certain choices. Some chaos in monetary matters is likely, as some mismanagements of the finances are indicated.

Health: Queen of Pentacles is the health card indicating good health this week. You are health conscious yourself and like to eat well and exercise. You must continue to do so to maintain this health status.

Relationships: Knight of Swords Reversed is a warning to you to nurture your relationships. Love, respect, and understanding are key factors for any relationship to progress. Be understanding towards youngsters of the family and try to avoid unnecessary friction.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ace of Pentacles denotes progression in career. Remunerative job offers or amelioration in the old one is on the cards. Business natives will add a new line to their existing business set up. Increase of income, profits, or a new money source are indicated. Investments of the past will also yield rich dividends.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is very important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Five of Pentacles foretells some neglect and disengagement. Financial issues are generally the cause. You need to spend enough time towards making your near and dear ones comfortable emotionally as well as financially.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed suggests you not to take impulsive decisions regarding your career. Be open to change. Try not to perform work and business-related chores alone. Involve your colleagues and give them their due credit. Be careful and wise with your money. Theft is also a possibility.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. Nurture your health and do not lose sleep over petty things. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Knight of Swords indicates some discord in relationships. Do not be fixated in ideas. Give space to near and dear ones. Two people from different background seldom think alike. Learn to respect your partner’s views and opinions.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things at a time. Your intuition is at the best so, follow it. Your superiors might not stand by their words and you might feel let down. Business natives need to stand by their commitments towards their clients and workers. Finances will be less than expected.

Health: Six of Wands is a very positive card to get in any reading. This card indicates good health and is a victory card. If you were facing any health issues in the past, they will just vanish.

Relationships: Hanged Man is the relationship card foretelling that people take advantage of your caring and sacrificing nature. You are always happy doing things for others and hence you generally enjoy good relationships. The advice is not to be taken for a ride always.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed indicates that inspiration and excitement is lacking in your career. Things are going the right way but you are dissatisfied with the career growth and progress. You need to think positive and take a short break to rekindle your enthusiasm. Finances will be good.

Health: Chariot is your health card indicating good health. Your immunity and resilience seem to be good. You are advised to work towards maintaining it.

Relationships: Queen of Cups indicates emotional stability and harmony between couples. It also indicates solidarity among family members. Friendships will grow and be pleasurable.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly horoscope: 4-10 March 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

1234 angel number: Meaning, love life, career and health Sun, 03 Mar 2024 21:00:10 +0000

Angel numbers seemingly are a sequence of three or four numbers that one sees repeatedly. Know the meaning of the 1234 angel number and its scope.

Angel numbers are a sequence of typically three and sometimes four numbers that one sees repeatedly while living their day-to-day life. They are known for ushering in good fortune and seeing them regularly is considered a great omen. Additionally, it implies that the higher powers of the universe protect you, and your guardian angel is sending you a message or a sign of encouragement to fulfil your goals. Know all about the meaning of the 1234 angel number and what it signifies for your love, career, health and other aspects of life.

Why are you seeing angel numbers?

 1234 angel number meaning
Image: Courtesy of E Pro/Pexels

Are you at a crossroads in life and on the brink of making some life-changing decisions? If you see a number or its sequence in a repeating fashion, then it means that you are being directed towards a certain path in life. You need to take this sign seriously and work towards it.

You can also take this as an affirmation and use it as an outlet to manifest your inner desires relating to your personal, career or health matters and that of your family.

If one sees an angel number while going through a particularly dark time in life, then it is the universe’s way of showing support and instilling faith that good times are just around the corner.

More importantly, angel numbers should be taken as a sign to develop one’s spiritual awakening and focus on personal growth. It represents new beginnings and the shedding of old and toxic individual patterns.

Each angel number from one to nine is powerful and represents a specific factor, which is useful for leading a fulfilling life.

What do 1, 2, 3 and 4 symbolise individually?

 1234 angel number meaning
Image: Courtesy of Magda Ehlers /Pexels


One is the most powerful number in esoteric sciences, denoting leadership, power and money. It instils an enterprising attitude and implements feelings of achievement and confidence. The number also symbolises building something from scratch.


Two is all about the power of partnership and companionship in businesses and love life. It balances the individual forces and encourages a person to work with others. Additionally, it represents love and harmony in life.


This digit represents self-love and motivates one to pay complete attention to one’s body and mind. It is also a spiritually powerful digit that helps a person achieve peace of mind by eliminating negativity from their thoughts and ushering in positive energy. The number depicts good health and overall well-being of a person.


This number takes you back to your roots to resolve some important issues troubling you in the present. It represents one’s foundation and instils the importance of healing your past to flourish in the future.

The impact of 1234 on love, health and money

angel numbers
Image: Courtesy of Magda Ehlers/Pexels

Angel number 1234 effect on love life

Seeing the sign is a good indication for cementing the future with your existing partner and bettering your present with patience and mutual understanding. If the relationship is new, then this is a sign that your partner is for the keeps. The angel number 1234 shows sustainability, stability and strength in a relationship.

For singles, it means that you will meet your soulmate and after the initial excitement fades, you will realise that you want to work hard to make this association work for a long time. Chances of getting into a twin flame relationship are also high at this time.

1234’s meaning for health

The appearance of angel number 1234 with regard to health implies setting boundaries for your mental health. It urges one to keep a healthy distance from individuals who particularly drain your energy and create a safe space for yourself.

It is also a sign to prioritise one’s health and get a regular check-up to find existing physical ailments.

How is seeing angel number 1234 beneficial for money and career?

Angel number 1234 signals new beginnings and opportunities in your career. It also signals a promotion. For those seeking to start their venture, it is a great time to do so if you are regularly seeing this particular angel number.


The best takeaway for those seeing this sequential number is that good things are coming and one just needs to be patient, take care of their mental and physical health and start a spiritual journey to get the best results of this affirmation. Also, it is important to dream big, seek spiritual guidance and let the universe do the rest.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Austris Augusts/Unsplash)

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-What does 1234 mean for singles?
This angel number indicates that singles will find themselves in a twin flame relationship or will meet their soulmate.

-What does 1234 mean in terms of manifestation?
This angel number is an affirmation which could be used to manifest your deepest desires.

-What is 1234 trying to tell me?
Seeing angel number 1234 is a sign that you are on the right path and that you will meet your goals soon.

-Angel number 1234 meaning for money?
This angel number signals new opportunities or job changes which are lucrative in scope.

The post 1234 angel number: Meaning, love life, career and health appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

12 lucky flowers that bring luck, according to your zodiac sign Sun, 03 Mar 2024 06:00:06 +0000

Apart from the gemstones, there are a bunch of auspicious things associated with your zodiac sign. Whether colours, numbers, directions, or plants, there are certain elements that can bring luck and prosperity to each individual. Lucky flowers are also associated with zodiac signs, for they correspond with your stars and complement your unique traits as well as quirks.

Whether you want to give your astrology-obsessed friend a personalised gift or deck your backyard garden with these beautiful offerings of nature, zodiac flowers are a great way to promote your overall well-being. From classic roses and exquisite carnations to fun lilacs and cheerful sunflowers – your star sign flower is just as special as you are! Let’s check out the lucky floras that’ll blossom your life with abundance.

Lucky flowers for you, based on your zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Lucky flower: Honeysuckle

image credit: henry perks/ Unsplash

Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac cycle, you stand for new beginnings, and your youthful spirit screams passion, confidence and cheer. You charm the world with your power, wit and grace and you can’t help but attract the spotlight. Similarly, honeysuckle blooms in early spring and often signifies rebirth and new experiences. Match made in heaven, right? Just like its name, honeysuckle gives you the feeling of sweet love and pleasant memories.

Other lucky flowers for Aries are thistle, bryony, peppermint, tiger lilies, geraniums as well as hops.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Lucky flower: Lily

image credit: Pietro Jeng/ Pexels

Loving, compassionate and a connoisseur of finer things in life, you love a balance of comfort and luxury. Lilies symbolise stoicism and the loyal love you stand for. Moreover, its enchanting fragrance perfectly aligns with your sensual side. Just like the nature of your birth flower, you’ve got an amiable personality and there’s never a dull moment around you. The brilliant white floras symbolise the purity as well as sweetness your sign stands for.

Other lucky flowers for Taurus are poppies, red roses, daisies as well as tulips.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

Lucky flower: Lavender

image credit: Pixabay

Geminis, you’re social, inquisitive, quick-witted, good communicators whose versatile personality is loved by many. Your birth flower lavender is also known for its diverse uses and will make you more productive and creative in your endeavours. Your energy bodes well with the distinctive shape and signature scent of this flower, drawing in everyone towards your wonderfully unique identity.

Other lucky flowers for Gemini are lilies, maiden-hair ferns, orchids, chrysanthemums as well as lilacs.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

Lucky flower: White rose

white rose
image credit: Venyamin Koretskiy/ Unsplash

Cancers, you’re the moon-child of the zodiacs as you’re the only one ruled by the emotional and sensitive moon. Your innocence as well as purity are perfectly reflected in the white rose. Moreover, you’re tender, very in tune with your emotions and find comfort in sticking to what you know. White rose, with its subtle hue as well as sweet and scented petals closely relates to your nurturing and spiritual side. But keep in mind that a sensitive Cancer needs to be handled with utmost care. Just like their flower, this sign also has a thorny side!

Other lucky flowers for Cancer are bear’s breeches, morning glories, geraniums, lilies as well as water lilies.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Lucky flower: Sunflower

imsge credit: Designecologist/ Pexels

Your social, outgoing personalities always shine in the spotlight, and your birth flower, sunflower, is just as bright and cheerful as you. The big, bright as well as attention-grabbing flower brings joy to everyone who comes across them. Leos, your birth flower symbolises living life to the fullest, basking in the warmth and joy of every day. Keep the sunflower’s vivid energy around you and let it bring out your inherent glow.

Other lucky flowers for Leo are marigold, celandine, passion flowers, rosemary as well as asters.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Lucky flower: Buttercup

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit: Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto/ Pexels

Virgos, you have a reputation for being a perfectionist, paying keen attention to detail and neatly outlining your plan of action. You’re very humble and caring, and need something as delicate and gentle as a buttercup to complement your personality. Their sophisticated structure and design represent the meticulousness you so desire. Buttercups also stand for the goodwill and humility you best represent.

Other lucky flowers for Virgo include narcissus, chrysanthemums, asters as well as cherry blossoms.

Libra (September 23 to October 23)

Lucky flower: Rose

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit; Jovana Nesic/ Pexels

No brownie points for guessing that this Venus-ruled sign is represented by the epitome of peace and love, the rose. The classic and timeless flora stands for your sign’s devotion to love and its Aphrodisiac scent is reminiscent of romance and beauty. Rose will help you live a more peaceful and balanced existence. This flower is perfect for you because alongside flawless beauty, it also has thorns which mean love and pain in equal measures.

Other lucky flowers for Libra include asters, hydrangeas, mint as well as daisies.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 21)

Lucky flower: Geranium

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit: Pixabay

Scorpios, your mysterious aura and intensity make you weirdly attractive to people. Like the many petals of geranium, you have many facets to you and you don’t let anyone know what’s actually brewing in your mind. The flower is also considered protective and strong, just like your persona. Geranium comes in many colours, just like Scorpio, so expect the unexpected from them.

Other lucky flowers for Scorpio include holly, black-eyed Susan, scarlet monkey flowers, anemones, heather as well as gardenias.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Lucky flower: Carnations

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit: monicore/ pexels

The jolly Jupiter rules your happy-go-lucky, vibrant and cheerful personalities, Sagittarians. Carnations, or the ‘flower of the Gods’ are a dynamic and colourful delight, symbolising the love and adventure your zodiac is best known for. It fits in with your free-spirited and untamed nature, and will always help you carry an open mind in your endeavours.

Other lucky flowers for Sagittarians include dandelions, peonies, blackberries and thistles.

Capricorns (December 22 to January 19)

Lucky flower: Pansy

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit: Pixabay

Longevity, perseverance as well as the ability to survive even in catastrophic situations are the hallmarks of your personality, Capricorns. Your birth flower, Pansy, is a survivor like you and can survive in freezing conditions, unlike other plants that require much more maintenance. Just like you, the flower has an overall hardiness that helps them navigate everything from light freezes to snow covers. Popularly called the ‘thinking flowers’, pansies also align with your deep-thinking sensibilities.

Other lucky flowers for Capricorns include ivy, heartsease, love-lies-bleeding, knapweed, trillium as well as baby’s breath.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Lucky flower: Orchid

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit: Man Dy/ Pexels

Just like your creative as well as eccentric personalities, you like unique and one-of-a-kind stuff that boost your individuality. This is why orchids are perfect for you. With their exotic shape, these distinctive blooms can accentuate any ordinary or mundane thing, just like how you don’t shy away from unleashing your individuality despite what others think. Aquarians, you also have a dreamy persona that becomes manifold with orchids at your disposal.

Other lucky flowers for Aquarius include Solomon’s seal, golden rain, goldenrod as well as jack-in-the-pulpits.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Lucky flower: Water lily

lucky flowers for zodiac
image credit: Ilo Frey/ Pexels

As a water sign under the rule of Neptune, you’re known to be whimsical, overly sensitive, intuitive and ethereal. Represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, you’re always juggling between reality and fantasy. Water lilies symbolise beauty, enlightenment as well as purity, with their roots running very deep within to tap your spiritual side. Pisces, you’re all about going with the flow similar to how water lilies go along with slow-moving streams.

Other lucky flowers for Pisces include moss, poppies, rhubarb as well as yarrow.

It’s time you reap the benefits of these lucky flowers for your zodiac sign!

(Hero image credit: Javon Swaby/ Pexels)

(Feature image credit: Artem Saranin/ Pexels)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Is there a lucky flower for zodiac signs?

Yes, each zodiac sign has a lucky flower that helps bring in good luck, fame, fortune as well as prosperity.

  • What is the lucky flower for Virgo?

Buttercup is the lucky flower of the Virgo zodiac sign.

The post 12 lucky flowers that bring luck, according to your zodiac sign appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Zodiac signs that are hard to love, according to astrology Fri, 01 Mar 2024 02:00:28 +0000

Tthere are no good or bad sun signs — well, except for Leo — but love comes easily to some. Know all about zodiac signs that are hard or difficult to love.

Relationships can be difficult, and it requires a lot of time and effort to sustain one. Even if you have found the most compatible companion who will contribute to making a partnership enriching, they will have their own set of quirks. Relationship astrology becomes helpful here as it steers the zodiacs in the right direction to not only meet their soulmates but also provide solutions to improve existing romantic connections. While there are no good or bad sun signs, it is believed love comes easily to some than the rest. So, here is all about zodiac signs that are hard or difficult to love.

Which zodiac signs are difficult to love?


couple fight
Image: Courtesy of RDNE Stock project /Pexels

The first sign on the zodiac wheel is also the baby among the 12 signs. Aries, denoted by the ram, is otherwise a magical sign but is also known for its impulsive nature and bad temper. Although they are giving and spontaneously romantic while in a relationship, they also have anger issues, because of the influence of the red-hot planet Mars.

Though not impossible to love, they might be overbearing, dominating and aggressive from time to time which might overwhelm the other zodiacs.

Aries relationship tip: The best way to deal with them is to be patient and let them feel their emotions. It is most likely that they cool down pretty quickly on their own.


zodiac signs that are hard to love
Image: Courtesy of Inna Mykytas/Pexels

This is the first air sign on the zodiac wheel and represents the duality of nature. They are symbolised by the Twins and ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. Flirty, intelligent, social and highly likeable, they like to flit like butterflies from one event to another.

It sure is a lot of fun to date a Gemini. They are curious beings with a penchant for newness, and one must know that they get bored easily. They also are forever fighting internal battles and could come across as confused which might frustrate their partner.

Gemini relationship tip: It is best to let them be their wonderful selves without putting too much pressure on them to be or act in a certain way while in a relationship. Spending time doing fun activities and having similar hobbies as them is also super helpful.


The most intense sign on the chart, Scorpio is ruled by the element of water and influenced by the planet of darkness and destruction, Pluto. Represented by a scorpion, they come with a developed sense of intuition to read minds. They are passionate and highly intelligent lovers, but the main challenge with them could be that scorpions are a bit distrusting.

They are also slightly vengeful and do not open up their hearts easily to people. But once they do, they expect full commitment and raise their expectations high which could be a bit daunting for other zodiacs to meet. Scorpio, hence, could be an incredibly draining partner.

Scorpio relationship tip: Be your most authentic self with them because they spot fake people from a mile away. If they love and accept your real self, that’s it. They will love you for life.


Image: Courtesy of Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

This crustacean water sign is the most emotional of the lot. The reason is, it is ruled by the moon which dominates the inner world of all the zodiacs. They are empathetic, nurturing, highly carnage partners who are completely devoted to the individuals they are involved with. Cancer perfectly exemplifies what love is supposed to feel like. They are turned off by casual or flippant behaviour in relationships.

They are too sensitive and have the potential to overthink everything. They may create dramatic scenarios in their heads and have doubts about their relationship. This could make them moody and lead them to withdraw without an explanation.

Cancer relationship tip: Communication is the key to winning relationships with a Cancer. It is very important for them to talk about their feelings and be emotionally available.


zodiac signs love

Bold and adventurous, Sagittarius is the most dynamic fire star sign ruled by the planet of travel and progress, Jupiter. Sags generally have vibrant personalities and are exciting partners. They hate stagnation of any kind and are incredibly independent and self-sufficient. This could be a bit destabilising for those who want a long-term commitment.

They are denoted by an archer and are known for their sharp tongue. They do not shy away from brutal honesty, especially with their loved ones. Hence, a Sagittarius could hurt the sentiments of some zodiacs. This makes them tricky to deal with at times.

Sagittarius relationship tip: The best way to keep a Sag happy in a relationship is to give them plenty of space to do their own thing like solo travel or any hobby they are passionate about. They do not like clingy partners and value their freedom over everything else.

Frequently Added Questions (FAQs)

-What sign loves the hardest?
Cancerians and Pisces love unconditionally.

-Which zodiac sign is not easy to fall in love with?
Scorpio, with its intimidating nature, makes it difficult for other zodiacs to fall in love with them.

-Which zodiac sign has a hard time finding love?
Cancerians and Scorpios have a hard time finding true love, which makes them the zodiac signs that are most difficult to love.

-Which zodiac sign falls in love deeply?
Cancerians, Pisces, Scorpios and Aquarians fall in love deeply.

(Hero and feature image: Courtesy of Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)

The post Zodiac signs that are hard to love, according to astrology appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

March Career Horoscope 2024: Monthly predictions for all 12 zodiac signs Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:00:02 +0000

Our March Career Horoscope 2024 will help you prepare and plan for the month ahead. Know the astrology predictions for your career this month

Different planets and houses are responsible for gains, and losses. When the transit activates the aforesaid house or planets, your wealth increases or dwindles depending on the placement at birth, the positions and aspects of other planets, the elements, and the transits. Read on to know the March career horoscope 2024 and astrology predictions.

Our career horoscope will help you prepare and plan for the month ahead. Read on to know which signs will do well in terms of their career and businesses, and which ones need to be cautious this month.

The cosmic financial favourites this month are – Aries, Gemini, and Libra.

March Career Horoscope 2024 for all the zodiac signs

March 2024 career horoscope for Aries

Aries sun sign natives will have a good start career wise this month, but it will not come easily. You will have to work your fingers to the bones to reap the fruits. Businesses will flourish and this is a good time to expand your business. Put all your creativity to use. You will need to be cautious towards the end of the month. Finances will be excellent at the beginning of the month but be alert towards losses in the latter half. It is a good time to invest, but safe investments are the best, suggests March 2024 career horoscope and astrology predictions.

March 2024 career horoscope for Taurus

According to March 2024 career horoscope and astrology predictions, Taurus natives will require hard work, perseverance, sacrifice, and cosmic favours to succeed this month. Stars are favourable but you will have to keep your nose to the grindstone this month. Things are likely to settle down after a few hiccups, and in the second half of the month, you will achieve your targets and goals. Business natives can look forward to some respite later in the month and enjoy their success. Monetary situation will improve as the month progresses. Try not to lend money this month and avoid any risky investments.

March 2024 career horoscope for Gemini

Gemini sun sign natives are the cosmic favourites this month and will do well in their careers, suggests March 2024 career horoscope. You are likely to enjoy the fruits of your past labour. The latter part of the month will win you accolades, and you will be having a Midas touch. Some awards are likely to come your way and you should capitalise on this favourable transit. Businesses are all set to expand and yield rich profits. Put all your ideas in to being as success is indicated. Finances will be splendid, and it is a good time to invest and grow your money.

March 2024 career horoscope for Cancer

Cancer sun sign natives will have a dull start career-wise. You are likely to feel exhausted and worn out. Believe in yourself and your ability and keep going. You need to be careful and alert against theft and fraud. Be vigilant and do not trust people blindly. You must be attentive towards all the paperwork that should be in order. You might be strapped for cash in the beginning of the month, but the situation will ease out as the month progresses. Be thrifty with your finances, suggests March 2024 career horoscope and astrology predictions.

March 2024 career horoscope for Leo

Leo sun sign natives are likely to enjoy good fortune in their careers. You will be very creative and your ideas will be implemented and get you accolades. You are likely to be the favourite with your seniors this month and your colleagues will be in awe of your creativity and performance. You need to be careful not to rub people the wrong way in the latter half of the month especially your seniors. Businesses will flourish. Do not upset people in authority and be generous towards your co-workers. Finances will be good to start with but you will have to be careful in the second fortnight. Try to save for the latter half of the month.

March 2024 career horoscope for Virgo

Virgo sun sign natives will be very creative this month but will face some obstacles as well. Put your ideas across to your seniors but be careful about how you do it. Your concepts will be appreciated. You might get interested in a new field of work and a career shift is likely to happen. After mid-March, you are likely to overcome all the bumps and win new projects. You might get a few new opportunities and the advice is to not just look at the financial benefits while contemplating the change. Business natives will face some obstacles but as the month progresses, you will annihilate all competition and win some prestigious projects. Financially, you will be stable.

March 2024 career horoscope for Libra

Career-wise, this month will be excellent for Libra natives, suggests March 2024 career  horoscope. Hard work is the only way to overcome obstacles, doubts, and mistakes. You need to keep your anxieties under check and not be reactive and emotional. Mind your words with your superiors and co-workers as what you say seldom causes problems. Business natives will have a lucrative month as their hard work will yield rich rewards. The second half of the month will get you good financial gains and increments. This will be a good month to explore investment options and invest wisely.

March 2024 career horoscope for Scorpio

According to March 2024 career horoscope and astrology predictions, Scorpio sun sign natives will have a good month career-wise. In the first two weeks, you will win accolades and your seniors will appreciate you a lot. Everything will fall in place and you will be able to reach your targets with ease. However, the second fortnight might be a little disappointing with some delays and hindrances. Business natives might not be able to meet the deadlines and might be overly stressed in the latter part of March. Finances will be good for the entire month. Some unforeseen expenses might pop up. Be wise in choosing your investment options.

March 2024 career horoscope for Sagittarius

Some obstacles will keep you extremely occupied, but you will get the desired results Sagittarians. As the month progresses, you need to be careful not to upset your seniors. Putting your point across is important but choosing the right moment and the right approach is also equally important. Businesses will have a good start but later in the month you might have some issues with people in authority. Your tax planning and paperwork should be up to date. Finances will be good, but some losses are indicated in the latter half of the month.

March 2024 career horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn sun sign natives might not have a good beginning career-wise this month. Some unforeseen obstacles might catch you off guard and cause some upsets resulting in losses and the blame is likely to fall on you. The second half will get you some respite, but you need to be careful and prepared for lack of cooperation from your colleagues. Your efforts will not get you the appreciation from the seniors. Businesses will have a tough time with projects fizzling out causing mental and financial upsets. Prepare for the extra expenses and create a financial buffer for exigencies. You might have to liquidate your savings to sail through this month.

March 2024 career horoscope for Aquarius

According to March 2024 career horoscope and astrology predictions, Aquarius sun sign natives will have an average month in terms of career and finances you might be scaling up your skills and focusing on improving your position. Change of line cannot be ruled out but the advice is to take the plunge in consultation with experienced well-wishers. Business natives need to be more creative and come up with new ideas. You might have to diversify to grow and flourish. Finances will be average so do not expect any out of ordinary event to happen this month.

March 2024 career horoscope for Pisces

Pisces natives will be brimming with confidence and will share a good camaraderie at work. Your colleagues will be very supportive and the bosses will vaunt you. Work satisfaction might lack though. This could be due to monotony and work overload. Businesses will flourish and you are likely to implement new ideas to grow your business. Finances will be good but less than expected and this might be disappointing for you. Investments of the past will yield good results.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post March Career Horoscope 2024: Monthly predictions for all 12 zodiac signs appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

March Horoscope 2024: Monthly predictions for all 12 zodiac signs Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:24 +0000

March is here, and maybe just this time the stars will hate you a bit less. Read on for the full horoscope.

March is the beginning of spring, and Holi, the festival of colours will be celebrated this month on the full moon day falling on 25 March 2024. Saturn, the plant of karma and justice will be combusting this month till 26 March, and it may result in delays and challenges in achieving goals. Jupiter will be comfortable in Aries and will make natives use their energies judiciously. Mars and Venus, the celestial lovers will move together to Aquarius on 16 March. The erotic waltz of the two planets with mismatched temperaments is a positive conjugation where expression and passion combine increasing harmony in relationships. Read all about March horoscope 2024, monthly predictions for all the zodiac signs.

The Sun ingresses to the zodiac of Pisces, a dual watery sign owned by Jupiter, making natives more affable, compassionate, and peaceful. Mercury will transit to Pisces and arise on 11 March and then to Aries later in the month. Make reasonable and sensible choices, use the guidance from the stars to control certain factors in life and overcome the obstacles to the best of your ability this March.

March 2024 Horoscope: Monthly predictions for all zodiac signs

Aries March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aries sun sign natives will have a good start career wise this month, according to March horoscope 2024. You will have to burn the midnight oil workwise, but you will reap the fruits in terms of appreciation at work and increments in salary. Businesses will flourish. Some losses are indicated towards the end of the month. Finances will, however, be excellent at the beginning of the month.

Health: You will enjoy a good health in the beginning of the month, but as the month progresses, some stress-related issues might crop up. Try to meditate and focus on exercising.

Relationships: You will enjoy a good relationship with your partner, but arguments and disagreements will prevail as well. Your bond will grow amidst the squabbles and tiffs especially towards the end of the month. Try to be more patient with each other. Couples desirous of having children will succeed in conceiving. You will bond well with family and children will be a source of joy.

Remedy: Light a yellow candle to manifest good luck and relationships.

Taurus March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Taurus natives will have to keep their nose to the grindstone this month. Things are likely to settle later and in the second half of the month you will be content with your achievements. Business natives can look forward to some respite later in the month and enjoy their success. Monetary situation will improve as the month progresses and is likely to be stable later in the month.

Health: Some joint pains might bother you at the beginning of the month but the latter part will get you robust health. Focus on a good exercising regime, suggests the March health horoscope 2024.

Relationships: You will bask in the warmth of your relationship this month. A satisfying and fulfilling time is indicated with your partner. A good romantic holiday is foretold for you. Family will be supportive, and you might be involved with some religious functions this month. You will be popular in your friends’ circle and enjoy your social life.

Remedy: Put some fresh white flowers in the house every Friday.

Gemini March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Gemini sun sign natives will do well in their career this entire month, according to March horoscope 2024. You are likely to enjoy the fruits of your labour. The latter part of the month will win you accolades, and you will have a Midas touch. You should capitalise on this favourable transit. Businesses are all set to expand and yield rich profits. Finances will be splendid. It is a good time to invest and grow your money.

Health: You need to be careful of mishaps and accidents in the first half of the month. Later in the month you will be full of energy and be adventurous. The advice is to go slow and exert caution.

Relationships: The month might not start very well for you in terms of relationships. You might have a lot of differences with your partner, but you will enjoy good carnal pleasures. The second fortnight will see peace and harmony among couples. Some difference of opinion with the elders in the family might be upsetting but it will settle down amicably.

Remedy: Put some indoor plants in your house for good health.

Cancer March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: According to March horoscope 2024, Cancer sun sign natives will have a dull start career wise. You are likely to feel exhausted and worn out. You need to be careful and alert against theft and fraud. Cancerians need to be vigilant with all the paper work and stay guarded. Be thrifty with your finances.

Health: You might feel exhausted and under the weather and suffer from bouts of cold and cough. Do not overexert. Try to relax mentally and physically.

Relationships: The first half of the month will be tough on lovers and people in love. Couples will have tiffs and squabbles but will enjoy good intimacy. Things will improve in the latter part of the month. You will have a good camaraderie with your family and the harmony will increase as the month progresses.

Remedy: Manifest prosperity by lighting a yellow candle.

Leo March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Leo sun sign natives are likely to enjoy good luck in their career. You will be very creative, and your ideas will be implemented and will get you accolades. You are likely to be the favourite with your seniors this month. You need to be careful not to rub people the wrong way in the latter half of the month. Businesses will flourish and expand and your creativity will be appreciated and rewarded. Do not upset people in authority and be generous towards your co-workers. Finances will be good in the beginning, but you will have to be careful in the second fortnight, suggests 2024 March horoscope.

Health: You will be full of beans and be extremely enthusiastic, but you need to be cautions with your diet. Some stomach-related issues might raise their ugly heads in the latter part of the month.

Relationships: You need to be careful of your ego this month. Control your irritability and practice the art of patience. There might be some undercurrents in your relationship with your partner. Control your tongue and temper and let this phase pass. Family will be supportive, and you will share a good bonhomie with children and youngsters.

Remedy: Gift red flowers to your partner on Sundays to improve domestic harmony.

Virgo March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Virgo sun sign natives will be creative this month but will face some obstacles. Put your ideas across to your seniors and your concepts will be appreciated. You might get interested in a new field of work and a career shift is likely. After mid-March, you are likely to overcome all the bumps and win new projects. Business natives will face some obstacles but as the month progresses you will annihilate all competition and win some prestigious projects. Financially, you will be stable although the income might be less than anticipated.

Health: Stress-related health problems might bother you in the initial days of the month. You are likely to suffer from acidity, gas, and sleeplessness. You will be energetic and bright in the latter part of the month.

Relationships: You will face ups and downs and you will have to put in a lot of effort to get stability and harmony. Your partner might be unsupportive and you might feel neglected. Unmarried natives might face a lot of ego issues and are advised to be careful. You might have some disagreement with the elders of the family but the creases will be smoothened out in the second fortnight. You will have a fun filled time with the children and youngsters of the family.

Remedy: Light a white candle and manifest peace and harmony.

Libra March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Career wise, this month will be excellent, but the price will be hard work and diligence, according to March career horoscope 2024. You need to keep your anxieties under check and not be reactive and emotional. Business natives will have a lucrative month as their hard work will yield rich rewards. The second half of the month will get good financial gains and increments.

Health: You will have to keep calm and relax your mind. Make time for yoga and meditation as you will need to keep yourself calm this month.

Relationships: Your partner will be supportive, but you might not be able to do justice to your relationship this month. Your commitments might keep you busy and away from home. Family might feel neglected and upset but they will understand. Children might be distressed in the first half of the month and might want more of your time.

Remedy: Using a perfume will strengthen your relationships.

Scorpio March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Scorpio sun sign natives will have a good month career wise, especially the first two weeks will see you win accolades, and your seniors will appreciate you a lot. However, the second fortnight might be a little disappointing with some delays and hindrances. Business natives might not be able to meet the deadlines and might be overly stressed. Finances will be good throughout the month, says your March career horoscope 2024.

Health: Your physical health will be okay, but you might need some emotional support as you just might feel low for no specific reason. You are advised to share your insecurities with your near and dear ones.

Relationships: Your relationship with your partner will be average and taken for granted. Work towards improving your communication and intimacy. Some unpleasantness with children or youngsters of the family might cause undue stress. Family will be supportive, suggests 2024 March horoscope.

Remedy: Drink water from a silver vessel for improving your mental health.

Sagittarius March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Sagittarius natives will have their their nose to the grindstone as March dawns. Some obstacles will keep you on your toes and extremely occupied, but you will get the desired results. As the month progresses, you need to be careful to not to upset your seniors. Businesses will have a good start but later in the month you might have some issues with people in authority. Your tax planning and paperwork should be up to date. Finances will be good, but some losses are indicated in the latter half of the month.

Health: Health will be fine. You might experience some insomnia and gastric problems. Your near and dear ones might suffer from some health issues, suggests 2024 March horoscope.

Relationships: You will have a reasonable relationship with your partner but as the month progresses you will strengthen your bonds. You will have a good time with the youngsters of the family. They will be a source of joy. Some elder in the family might need extra attention.

Remedy: Try to eat yellow vegetables and fruits to smoothen your career path.

Capricorn March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Capricorn sun sign natives might not have a good beginning career wise this month. Some unforeseen obstacles might catch you off guard and upset you. The second half will get you some respite, but you need to be careful and prepared for lack of cooperation from your colleagues. Your efforts will not get you the appreciation from the seniors. Businesses will have a tough time with projects fizzling out causing mental and financial upsets. Prepare for the extra expenses and create a financial buffer for exigencies.

Health: At times, things do not work out well. This is part of life; things will improve as the transit changes. Do your best but do not take stress and spoil your health. Some stress-related health issues are indicated.

Relationships: You will have an average relationship with your partner and in the difficult time your significant other will be supportive. Some disagreements in the family are indicated but the second half of the month will improve the ties. You are likely to have a great time with your friends.

Remedy: Make some donations will strengthen the family bonds.

Aquarius March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Aquarius sun sign natives will have an average month in terms of career and finances. You might scale your skills and focus on improving your position. Business natives need to be more creative and come up with new ideas if you want to grow. Finances will be average do not expect any out of ordinary event to happen this month.

Health: You will feel drained out and restless this month. Joint and muscle pains might bother you this month. You might be inclined towards spirituality and meditation.

Relationships: March will see arguments and squabbles among couples, but the good news is things might plateau after mid-month. There will be some disharmony and stress and you will require all the will power and patience to sail through. Some family feuds might add to your woes. The advice is to stay calm and not overreact.

Remedy: Feeding the fishes will get peace and domestic harmony.

Pisces March 2024 Horoscope

Career and Finance: Pisces natives will be brimming with confidence and will share a good camaraderie at work. Your colleagues will be supportive, and the bosses will vaunt you. You might lack satisfaction at work. Businesses will flourish and you are likely to implement new ideas to grow your business. Finances will be good but less than expected and this might be disappointing for you.

Health: You will be active, but you will face some sleeplessness and headaches. Keep you self calm and well hydrated.

Relationships: You might be involved in too many things and your partner might feel neglected. Some arguments and disagreements are indicated, and the advice is to not let ego spoil things further especially in the second fortnight of March. Familial bonds will be pleasurable, and you will spend some quality time with the family. Friends will be a source of joy.

Remedy: Light a pink or red candle to manifest domestic harmony.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post March Horoscope 2024: Monthly predictions for all 12 zodiac signs appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly Horoscope: 26 February – 3 March 2024 Sun, 25 Feb 2024 23:00:55 +0000

Geminis need to eat better this week, Capricorns will see fluctuating finances, and Scorpios need to turn down the aggression. Here’s your weekly horoscope for 12 February to 3 March 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Sagittarians will enjoy a robust health, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs will be this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Sagittarius and other zodiac signs from 26 February – 3 March 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles Reversed indicates that you might lose your focus and drive. It does not indicate a lack of skill but rather boredom and monotony. Take a break or enhance your skills and move ahead with renewed energy. Businesspeople should be careful. They might lose out to their competitors. Do not make any investments this week and try not to overspend.

Health: Four of Pentacles Reversed is a good card to get in a health reading. It shows you will work towards your well-being and be successful. You might have to make some lifestyle changes to continue to enjoy robustness.

Relationships: Six of Cups is the relationship tarot card. This is a nostalgia card. You will go down the memory lane and relive the pleasant memories with your partner, strengthening the bonds of love. It can also indicate a former lover returning in your life. A good time with family and friends is indicated.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Justice card indicates you will be rightly rewarded for your hard work and punished if you have not been true to your profession. All court cases will have a positive outcome. Financially, this card warns you to be honest and dedicated towards money and investments. Any fraudulent use of money is likely to cost you dear.

Health: Lovers Reversed card is a warning to focus on your health. Listen to your body and take steps accordingly. However busy you might be, take out time to follow your health regime.

Relationships: Queen of Wands Reversed indicates an overbearing and dominating attitude. Your partner might feel neglected and find you selfish and self-obsessed. This week calls for effective communication and a willingness to reconcile. Be patient and kind to your family members.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Cups card indicates a lucrative commercial collaboration which will benefit your company. This partnership could be a result of your efforts. Therefore, you will be suitably rewarded and awarded. Business partnerships will do well. Expect good profits and smooth sailing at work. Finances will be satisfactory. Invest wisely.

Health: Ten of Cups indicates good health, but the advice is to maintain it with by eating and exercising properly. You might face some digestive issues.

Relationships: King of Swords is the relationship card indicating dominance and self-control. You need to work towards a harmonious relationship. Give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. There might be some tension between family members because of your domineering attitude.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Cups Reversed foretells lack of satisfaction at work. Your creativity is being compromised and you are not getting enough credit for your hard work. Business natives need to be more creative and dedicated towards work. Financially things are well, but be mindful of expenses.

Health: The Fool Reversed card shows neglect towards health. The advice is to get a thorough check-up done. Start with a healthy diet plan and some exercise. You might be accident prone this week and thus need to be cautious.

Relationships: Five of Swords, the relationship card is not a positive indicator for relationship issues. Difference of opinions, disagreements, and misunderstandings are denoted by this card. Deception and cheating cannot be ruled out. For singles, this is a warning card. Be watchful and do not rush into commitment. Communicate well with family members.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles card indicates an excellent time professionally. A period of growth and satisfaction is indicated for you Leos. You will get rich dividends from your efforts, and this is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Businesses will flourish and expect good gains and profits.

Health: Ten of Wands Reversed indicates ill health. Generally, it is a result of over work and stress. The advice is to look after your health.

Relationships: The World is the relationship card. It is a positive card, and it indicates change in equations leading to a better understanding and harmony. Your relationships will grow and strengthen. This is a good time, if you are wanting to conceive. If you are wanting to get married, be prepared to lose your single status.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Cups Reversed is the Tarot card for this week foretelling lack of satisfaction at work. This will be a confusing phase for you. your creativity is being compromised and you are not getting enough credit for your hard work. Financially things are well, but be mindful of expenses.

Health: Nine of Cups indicates an overall satisfaction. You will enjoy good health. If you were experiencing health problems, it will be cured. You will feel positive regarding your health.

Relationships: Lovers is the relationship card and it shows affection and trust between partners. This card represents pure love and great camaraderie with friends and family members.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates a stressful work environment. Colleagues will not be cooperative and there will be backbiting and bickering among them. Work is going to suffer as the entire focus will be to dissolve the tensions and this can result in some losses. Concentrate on work and try to do the best from your side. For businesspeople, income will be less, and losses are indicated.

Health: Knight of Pentacles is a good card to get in a health reading. Physical fitness means a lot to you and you work hard towards it. It is a good card for recovery from any injury or medical conditions.

Relationships: Two of Pentacles, the relationship card, indicates you need to take some big financial decisions with your partner. You need balance in your relationships. Some neglect towards your loved ones is indicated. Family might expect more from you.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Wands Reversed is the tarot card for this week for Scorpio sun sign natives indicating regret in some past choices. Your career is not going as expected and this is causing stress. You cannot reverse the clock. You need to move ahead positively. At times, it is your attitude and not aptitude which can determine your altitude. Take stock of your finances.

Health: Eight of Pentacles Reversed indicates neglect towards health. You need to focus and work toward maintaining and achieving your health goals.

Relationships: King of Swords Reversed denotes abuse and aggression in a relationship. Partners need to respect each other and work towards peace and harmony. If you must move ahead in the relationship, sort out all the issues first.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: According to Sagittarius weekly horoscope, Queen of Pentacles card indicates growth in career, security in your profession, monetary gains, and all things good. Business natives will get a lot of good opportunities and will progress well. Stay humble and enjoys your success.

Health: Ace of Cups is the health card for you. This is a good card to get as it indicates good health and vitality. According to Sagittarius weekly horoscope, any health issues of the past will get sorted and you will enjoy good health this week.

Relationships: Seven of Swords generally denote betrayal. It does not necessarily mean infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Be wary in friendships, and do not get carried away with sweet talks. Value your family as they will always stand by you, suggests the weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Moon Reversed indicates some fears and anxiety at work. You need to focus on one thing at a time rather than handle too many things at the same time. Your intuition is at its best, follow it. Business natives might be a little confused. The best way is to depend on your gut. You are likely to have fluctuating finances this week.

Health: Temperance is the health card indicating balance. You need to work towards your physical and mental wellness. Control your temper and learn not to overreact. Indulge in yoga and meditation.

Relationships: Knight of Swords indicate some discord in relationships. Do not be fixated with your ideas. Give space to your near and dear ones. What might be 6 for you will appear 9 to others. Try to be more patient with family and respect the difference of opinions.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Magician Reversed card warns you not to neglect small issues regarding your career. Address them before they escalate to irreparable heights. This card also suggests you are not using your skills in the right manner. Business natives will struggle to have a smooth sailing in their work.

Health: Page of Wands card shows good health, but it is also a warning to not be inactive. Be regular towards in your exercise regime.

Relationships: Five of Cups indicate anxiety and depressive attitude. It can also indicate grief and sadness. You need to work hard on achieving positivity and a happy state of mind. A holistic approach will be helpful. Some unpleasant and unforeseen events might upset the smooth domestic sailing.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Ten of Wands suggests overburden. You might struggle to keep pace. The advice is to share your workload rather than compromise on the quality. Business natives need to be heedful towards this quality. Expenses will be higher than expected so try not to lend money this week.

Health: Knight of Cups Reversed indicates neglect and abuse in health-related matters. You need to spend time on self-care. Good and healthy food is very important for health and physical activities are a must.

Relationships: Ace of Wands suggests a good relationship for married couples. It might indicate pregnancy as well. You will enjoy marital bliss. You might make new friends and will enjoy great bonhomie with family members.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly Horoscope: 26 February – 3 March 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of February 26 – March 3, 2024 Sun, 25 Feb 2024 21:00:53 +0000

Aries, be ready to embark on a nostalgic trip. Couples and singles will reminisce the good time spent with their partners. Virgos will enjoy a stable relationship and strengthen the bonds with their partners. Read on to know this week’s relationship and love horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘Love is being stupid together.’

February 2024: Relationship and love horoscope for this week

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will relive good memories with their partner. This will be a nostalgic week diving in the past cherishing the happy moments and learning life lessons from the not so happy moments of the past. You are likely to have a good time with family and friends.

Singles: Single might be on crossroads as a former lover might resurface and rekindle some desires. You need to be alert. Let your brain guide and reopen the doors of your heart. Natives in love will fall deeper in love and reminisce about the pleasant memories.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus natives are likely to be overbearing and dominating this week. Your partner will be unhappy with this selfish and self-obsessed attitude. At times, the transit makes you behave in a particular way. Nevertheless, be more caring and loving. Communicate well with your partner. Your family might be more understanding and patient towards your highhandedness.

Singles: If you are not able to find a suitable partner for yourself, you need to introspect. Maybe your arrogance is putting off the opposite sex. Be open and acceptable to human flaws. Do not look for perfection. Natives in love might have a difficult time with their partners. Be more open and adaptable if you want peace and harmony, says relationship and love horoscope.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives might be a bit controlling and this might not go down well with their partner. Give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. Equality and mutual respect are the foundation of lasting love in a healthy relationship. Family might not be happy with your nitpicking. Give space to your family members.

Singles: Singles will be happy being single with no desire to lose their single status. If you desire permanency in a relationship, a lot of compromise will have to be made. Natives in love will be facing some issues. Respect and understanding of each other is the answer to your problem.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will encounter some difference of opinions and misunderstandings. Sex is the best solvent for all strife. You need to work towards intimacy and bonhomie with your partner. Some misunderstanding will blemish the family solidarity. Be open and frank and work towards sorting out. Remember ‘a happy family is but an earlier heaven’.

Singles: According to relationship and love horoscope, singles need to be watchful towards the intentions of their dates some background check might be a good idea. Natives in love need to be alert some deception and cheating cannot b ruled out, take your time and do not be in a hurry to tie the knot.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo natives will experience some positive changes in their equations with their partners leading to more peace and harmony. Couples will enjoy good carnal pleasures, and this is a good time to increase the family if they so desire. You will get closer to your family and enjoy good familial bonds.

Singles: Singles are likely to be struck by the golden arrow. You will be lucky in love this week. Natives in love will enjoy a good camaraderie with their significant other and proposals and nuptials are the likely outcome.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives are likely to strengthen their bonds of love and will be content with each other. They are likely to enjoy good intimacy and bonding. This is a good time for the stork to pay a visit. Family will bask in your love and attention, says relationship and love horoscope for this week.

Singles: Singles will be lucky in love and you might meet your soulmate. In fact, the relationship might blossom to a next level. Do not be in a hurry to lose your single status. Go slow and steady if you want to win this race of love. Couples will be content with each other and this is a good time to propose and tie the knot.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra natives might struggle with some financial issues and might be stressed out.  You need the right balance in your relationship. Be frank and open. Take decisions together as a team. The advice is to maintain a healthy balance in all your relationships.

Singles: Singles will be happy in their social life but indecisive regarding their choice of partner they want to move ahead with. Give it time. Things will be clear when it is the right time. Couples might be yo-yoing in their decisions and in the process of sorting out certain issues.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio natives might face some abuse or aggression from their partners. Bonhomie and intimacy are important in a relationship. Work towards achieving them. If you must move ahead in a relationship, sort out all the issues first. Some disharmonies with elders are indicated according to relationship and love horoscope.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships and might not be happy with this kind of a relationship. It is time you introspect. You need to work on yourself as it takes a lot of effort to make a relationship work. Natives in love need to be more adjusting and compromising and stabilise their equations before they say I do.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives should be ready for some betrayal. It does not necessarily mean infidelity, but some deception is indicated. Do not get swayed by sweet talks. Guard yourself against being cheated and hurt.

Singles: Singles might be jilted and betrayed, says relationship and love horoscope for this week. You need to guard yourself. Be wise with your choice of partner and do not try to be someone you are not. Natives in love should be honest with their partners. Remember, any dishonest claims and promises are exposed sooner or later.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives will be lacking domestic harmony this week. Do not be fixated in your ideas. Be open to change. When two people from different backgrounds stay together, there is a clash of values and opinions. You need to give respect and space in relationships if you want peace and harmony. Despite discordance, you will share good intimacy with your partner. Value the advice of your elders as they always mean well for you.

Singles: If you want permanency, you need to nurture your relationship and not flit from one date to another, suggests your relationship and love horoscope for this week. Natives in love will struggle to set amicable equations. Remember love needs a lot of adjustments and compromise.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives might go through an anxious and depressive phase in life. It can be indicative of some grief and sadness. You need to work hard on achieving positivity and a happy state of mind. Ups and downs are part of life. Some unpleasant and unforeseen events might upset you, but you need to come to terms with your situation and move ahead positively.

Singles: According to relationship and love horoscope, singles might be lonely and upset due to a failed relationship. The advice is to learn from your mistakes. We are human and flawed but are capable of growth and improvement. Natives in love will struggle to find their peace and harmony. Give it time and patience and see how.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: According to relationship and love horoscope, Pisces sun sign natives will enjoy stability and understanding. Your bonhomie will increase and strengthen your relationship. It is a good time for pregnancy and conception. Families will come closer and bond well.

Singles: Singles will be in luck and bond well with like-minded people. You might get close to someone in particular. Nurture the relationship and let it grow. Try not to rush into any commitments. Natives in love will get closer and will be ready to say I do. Let love be your guiding light. Go ahead with your proposal as it will be accepted.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Weekly relationship and love horoscope: A tarot reading of February 26 – March 3, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Best lucky charms to attract more luck 2024, according to your Chinese zodiac sign Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:00:59 +0000

Looking for your new lucky charms for 2024? In case your Lady Luck has been ignoring you for the past two months, here are some of the best lucky charms you can wear to win her favour back based on your Chinese zodiac signs.

Lucky charms that align with your Chinese zodiac sign go beyond just adorning your house or amping up your outfits – they complement your zodiac personality and help you not only ward off bad luck, but also succeed in various situations throughout the Year of the Wood Dragon.

From faring better in exams, clinching that long-due promotion, and having a healthy mind and body to manifesting the partner of your dreams or hitting the fortune jackpot – we could all use some extra luck to fructify our dreams and goals. Every culture has its own set of lucky charms, serving as meaningful souvenirs and symbols of hope in hard times. When things go haywire, people find respite in anything that signals better days ahead.

For example, rabbit feet were popular during the Depression while World War II fighter pilots often flew with fuzzy dice. These airmen associated dice with gambling and gambling with luck. There are several such instances throughout history where various lucky charms have been the guiding light in troubling times. Here’s all you should know about your lucky charm, based on your Chinese zodiac sign.

Most suitable lucky charm to complement your Chinese zodiac sign in 2024

Check Astrology has listed the best lucky charms that correspond with your Chinese zodiac sign in 2024. Keep reading.

Dragon: Holy scriptures

zodiac years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024..

dragon lucky charm
image credit: Indigo Skies Photography/ Flickr

Always brimming with unbridled passion and zeal, Dragons need a talisman to balance their emotions. Sacred Buddhist scriptures help create a peaceful environment at home, calm your mind and heal your heart. Dragons, while you’re naturally lucky and gifted, your rigidity, arrogance and egotistical fire-breathing personality can sometimes put people off. Keeping these scriptures will send peaceful and soothing energies your way, making them great lucky charms to own for your Chinese zodiac sign in 2024.

Snake: Activated charcoal carving

zodiac years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025..

activated charcoal carving
image credit: amazon

While it’s a well-known fact that activated charcoal purifies the air, did you know that charcoal carvings absorb bad negative magnetic fields? Snakes, you have the most negative magnetic fields around you, especially because of your extremely reserved, suspicious and mysterious aura. You often appear to be vengeful to others, and many believe you won’t leave any chance to exact revenge. Therefore, to dodge the evil eye of people, an activated charcoal carving will aid you massively.

Horse: peachwood adornments

zodiac years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026..

horse lucky charm
image credit: amazon

Did you know that people in South China wear miniature swords of peachwood as amulets and even hang them over their entrances to ward off epidemic-causing demons? This “fairy wood” has been said to have the potential to spread an auspicious and positive aura, helping all you Horse-born people strengthen your will as well as protect your peace. Add peachwood ornaments or accents to your house and see your quick-tempered and impatient streak take a backseat.

Goat: Bronze vessel

zodiac years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027..

best lucky charm chinese zodiac sign 2024 year of the dragon amulet talisman for goat
Image credit: Petr Sidorov/Unsplash

A bronze incense burner or a tripod is your lucky trinket, Goats. Bronze utensils are well-known for curing diseases and offering strength to the body. You might’ve seen many people use it as a pot to keep water and deck their homes with bronze statues or uniquely shaped cauldrons. Bronze aligns with your zodiac’s peace-loving, kind, and gentle demeanour, ensuring peace as well as love in all your endeavours.

Monkey: Qilin

zodiac years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028..

qilin kirin chinese lucky charm talisman
Image credit: Shawn Flynn Wang/Unsplash

Also called ‘Kirin’ in Chinese, the Qilin is a chimerical creature whose origin is similar to a unicorn. Those who fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey, will find that placing this lucky charm in your home will play a vital role in promoting your wealth. It will amplify your curious, brilliant and imaginative streak, showering you with good luck as well as making your family relationships more harmonious.

Rooster: Gold/ bright decorations

zodiac years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029..

chinese zodiac lucky charms year of the rooster 2024
Image credit: Erika Fletcher/Unsplash

Roosters, you are known to be confident and proud, so why not immerse yourself in the colour of divinity and power  – gold. Decking your place with gold or any bright-coloured accents will not only improve your family’s luck and career but can also boost your health by preventing you from falling sick. From paintings and vases to pots, cauldrons and more – there’s a lot to choose from.

Dog: Pixiu and compass

zodiac years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030..

pixiu best chinese zodiac sign lucky charm 2024 year of the dog
Image credit: SkateboardWall/Etsy

Pixiu is a mythical Chinese hybrid creature, known to protect and amplify your wealth. It doesn’t conflict with your zodiac’s personality, helping you seek a healthy life and better your erstwhile not-so-great communication skills. Additionally, a compass is the main tool for sending away evil spirits according to Feng Shui. You can put a compass in your home, as it aids in constructing or converting your home to attract positive energies. A compass is seen as a device that brings luck to someone who’s lost by guiding them on the right path.

Pig: Silver ornaments

zodiac years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031..

year of the pig chinese lucky charms 2024
Image credit: Marek Studzinski/Unsplash

Pigs, your naive souls aren’t fit for a world that only has selfish motives. People often exploit your trusting (read gullible) nature, treating you like a doormat until their work is done. Keeping silver ornaments in your home or using silver accessories will make you more rational and aware of people’s intentions towards you. Wearing silver bracelets will help you get the support to build wealth and become successful.

Since many of you have low self-esteem, wearing agate can also help you. It will make you appear more confident, giving rise to better growth opportunities.

Rat: Jade embellishments

zodiac years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032..

chinese zodiac lucky charms 2024 jade ring
Image credit: Tahlia Doyle/Unsplash

For those of you who don’t know, jade is widely associated with the Chinese Imperial dynasties and divine harmony. Closely associated with the heart chakra, jade promotes feelings of love and compassion which balances your shrewd nature. Jade ornaments, especially white jade cabbage, can help ward off the negative aura around you.

Ox: Carvings of auspicious animals

zodiac years: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033..

animal carvings
image credit: COPPERTIST WU/ Pexels

Oxes, your headstrong and adamant nature creates tensions in your personal and professional relationships. You need to install carvings of auspicious mythical animals in your house, which are believed to exorcise evil spirits in your surroundings and instil a peaceful atmosphere. When you’re in a zen state of mind, you’ll better understand the trials and tribulations of those around you and be willing to accept and work on your flaws.

Tiger: Green plants

zodiac years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034..

green plants at home
Image credit: Erika Osberg/Unsplash

What does a reckless and impulsive soul like you would want? A soothing and refreshing touch of nature to tranquilise your overwhelming drive and zeal. Tigers, you are born leaders for whom ambition takes precedence over everything else. You get too caught up in work and are always on the edge of burnout, so a pot of green plants like a houseleek or Pepino fruit shrub can instil calmness in your home or office space.

Rabbit: Buddha figurine

zodiac years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035..

buddha figurine lucky chinese charm zodiac sign
Image credit: Mattia Faloretti/Unsplash

Buddha cravings, portraits or prayer wheels are ideal for all you Rabbits. You often exude a laidback and irresponsible attitude which costs you good career opportunities and close relationships. Keeping these auspicious figurines in your space will act as a lucky charm in 2024, and will give the Chinese zodiac animal within you a sense of purpose.

Reap the benefits of lucky charms based on your Chinese zodiac signs this 2024.

(Hero and featured image credit: ORIENTO/Unsplash)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Which Chinese zodiac signs are lucky?

Monkeys, Roosters as well as Pigs will witness massive luck in 2024.

  • Which Chinese zodiac is lucky in money?

Pigs will get massive wealth and abundance in 2024.

  • What symbols are lucky charms in Chinese culture?

Dragon statues, Buddha statues, Golden Cat statues, as well as Pinyin (Chinese symbol for good luck) are some of the good luck symbols in Chinese culture.

The post Best lucky charms to attract more luck 2024, according to your Chinese zodiac sign appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

The most unlucky and lucky colours for Pisces, from sunshine yellow to calming blue Tue, 20 Feb 2024 04:00:41 +0000

It’s Pisces season. Here is everything to know about the lucky colours for Pisces in 2024 and their positive effects on their everyday life.

One’s colour preference says a lot about one’s personality or current mood. They might find themselves going for dull colours in a drab mood or naturally picking out bright shades when happy. In astrology, each zodiac is associated with a power colour, which brings luck and fortune to them. However, there are unlucky colours that spell bad luck as well. Here is everything you need to know about the lucky colours for Pisces 2024 and their positive effects on their everyday life.

Pisces zodiac sign: Core nature and characteristics

Pisces is the last zodiac sign on the wheel. Its season begins on 19 February and ends on 20 March. A water sign of mutable modality, it is symbolised by the twin fishes swimming in opposite directions. Pisces are the most peaceful, calm, meditative and non-confrontational signs and love to live in their fairytale. This is because they are ruled by the planet of dreams and fantasy: Neptune. Hence, the Pisces energy enables them to look at the world through rose-tinted glasses.

Baby pink is strongly associated with positive traits of their temperament. Pisces are not only naturally drawn towards cool tones like green and blue, but they are equally stimulated by bright warm tones like orange and yellow. This is because they are also ruled by the planet of progress Jupiter, which is denoted by these colours.

Since they have a compassionate nature and their personality traits are cheerful and laidback, dark and intense shades are a strict no-no for them.

Lucky colours for Pisces 2024

Seafoam green

lucky colours for pisces
Image: Courtesy of Valter Zhara/Pexels

Sea green represents the nurturing sea bed, which is exactly how a Piscean mind is — deep and caring. They also have a simple, earthy quality about them that grounds them, but they do drift away in their dream world, too. It is one of the most soothing shades which helps to stabilise their minds if in turmoil. The blue-green combination works very well for Pisces, as they emphasise their natural strengths.

Aqua blue

lucky colours for pisces
Image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels

Aquamarine and blue shades depict the ocean that the twin fishes swim in. Lighter hues of blue and lavender are also considered lucky for Pisces, as they make them feel empowered and give positive vibes.

It is interesting to note that their lucky birthstone is also Aquamarine, which is great for prosperity and peace of mind.

Sunflower yellow

Lucky colours for Pisces 2024
Image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels

Bright yellow symbolises money, progress and good fortune for the Pisces. It indicates personal, spiritual and financial growth for them. Yellow is used for manifesting happiness and creativity in one’s endeavours. This shade also signifies new beginnings and, hence, is among the lucky colours for Pisces.

Bright orange

Lucky colours for Pisces 2024
Image: Courtesy of Kh-ali-l/Pexels

This colour is believed to reduce insecurities and increase confidence in the natives. It also indicates emotional stability and strength among the fishes. Natives are advised to choose this colour when they are having a particularly bad day at work or issues in their interpersonal relationships.

Baby pink

Lucky colours for Pisces 2024
Image: Courtesy of Jill Wellington/Pexels

This soft hue depicts the tender heart of the Pisces native. A great colour for enriching romantic relationships, it could be used when they are facing downtime in their love lives. It helps them feel self-assured and boosts their self-esteem.

The unlucky colours for Pisces 2024


Lucky colours for Pisces 2024
Image: Courtesy of Daniel Absi/Pexels

Black gives a foreboding feeling to the natives. Its dark vibe is the complete opposite of the sunny, calm romantic and sensitive Pisces. Using this colour might fill their mind with depression, despair and pessimism.


Lucky colours for Pisces 2024
Image: Courtesy of Pixabay/Pexels

This bold shade throws the natives off balance and makes them aggressive, which is not their core attribute at all. It also instils feelings of anger and makes them depressed and irritated. Hence, they are advised to avoid dark red, maroon and similar shades.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-What colours are good for Pisces?
Pink, yellow, sea green and orange bring luck to Pisces.

-What is Pisces’ luckiest day?
Thursday is considered lucky for Pisces.

-What is the lucky charm for Pisces?
Dreamcatchers are considered lucky for Pisces.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of  Tom Fisk/Pexels)

The post The most unlucky and lucky colours for Pisces, from sunshine yellow to calming blue appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

LSA Weekly: 19-25 February 2024 Sun, 18 Feb 2024 22:00:34 +0000

Taurus needs to try meditation and yoga this week, and Libras should add spice and passion to their relationships. Here’s a closer look at your weekly horoscope for 19-25 February 2024.

Tarot readings offer us a guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it by positive actions and guidance from the cards. Geminis will have to put in a lot of hard work but they will find success ultimately, suggests our weekly horoscope. Read on to see what the weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.

Weekly horoscope for Gemini and other zodiac signs from Feb 19 – Feb 25, 2024

Aries weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The World card indicates success in all your endeavours. You will win favours and accolades. Businesses will flourish and gains and increments are indicated. It is a good week for investing and going into partnerships. You are likely to enjoy good gains from past investments also.

Health: King of Swords is the health card indicating some health issues. Nothing consequential but the advice is not to ignore your health as swords do not indicate a good one. A check-up will be a good idea. Do not neglect your health, and address even the smallest of issues.

Relationships: Six of Wands the victory card is a good omen for love and romance. This card indicates a good bonhomie with your partner. It is a good card to get for parenthood. Familial bonds will be exceptionally satisfying. You might be celebrating some occasion together with your folks. Merriment and happiness are indicated.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Pentacles indicates your hands are full managing too many tasks. Do not to take more responsibilities. Focus on the present responsibilities. Treat work as a part of your life, but let it not become your entire life. You might be contemplating a change of job and are confused. The advice is to take the plunge only if, you are sure. Businesspeople will be handling too many things together and the advice is to start delegating. Do not over burden and underperform. Financially, you will be comfortable and wanting to invest. The advice is to explore well and read the fine print carefully.

Health: Hermit Reversed indicates some mental health issues relating to anxiety. Work towards keeping yourself calm. Do not let the insecurities turn in to paranoia. Try meditation and yoga.

Relationships: Justice Reversed is a card indicating justice and truly translates into ‘do unto others as you will have them do unto you’. If you love your partner, you will be loved back. Respect your family if you want the same kind of reciprocation.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands Reversed shows lots of hard work and energies have been put in to achieve your goals. Some delays and bumps might leave you demotivated. However, you need to keep going as success is round the corner. According to Gemini weekly horoscope, finances will be average.

Health: Death Reversed is indicative of some neglect towards your health. You need to pay attention to self-care. Cultivate good eating habits and work towards your physical and mental well-being, suggests Gemini’s weekly horoscope.

Relationships: Ten of Swords is not a positive card for relationship. According to Gemini weekly relationship horoscope, you need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate if you want to move ahead with your partner. This will take a lot of effort. Family might be harbouring some grudges. Sorting out, forgetting, and forgiving are the mantras for good familial bonds.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Temperance card suggests that you need to balance between planning and action. Set realistic goals and try to achieve them. Good finances are indicated but business natives need to be careful so as not to go overboard with investments.

Health: Six of Cups Reversed indicates some neglect towards your own health. You need to be careful. Focus on self-care.

Relationships: Eight of Cups Reversed suggests dissatisfaction in relationships. You need to work towards rekindling and rejuvenating your relationships. Work on improving intimacy with your partner.

Leo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Three of Pentacles is the tarot card for Leo sun sign natives indicating success. You need to involve your colleagues and use their expertise also to achieve your goals and targets. If planning a collaboration, know that it is likely to happen. Finances will be good. Businesspeople will enjoy good profits.

Health: Ace of Cups Reversed indicates some emotional setbacks. You need to focus on your well-being. Getting a health check-up done is a good idea.

Relationships: Queen of Hearts Reversed shows some strife or disagreement with your partner. You need to be frank and try not to brush the problems under the carpet. Address them and look for amicable solutions. You might not have the best of relationship with the elders of the family.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Star Reversed card indicates good work, but this card indicates boredom or monotony in your current field of work. Business natives need to be prepared for some obstructions and delays. Be more enthusiastic and creative and plan new strategies. You will need to be careful with your finances. Make commitments only when you have the cash in hand.

Health: Five of Wands suggests a fight against ill health. The results are generally positive. It might not be a big health issue, but you will be dealing with some ups and downs.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles suggests positivity in relationships. It is a good time to strengthen your bonds. You will share good vibes with your partner along with carnal pleasures. Familial bonds will be satisfactory.

Libra weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles denotes moving up in your career. Good opportunities will come your way and you will get good remunerations, but you are going to be working your fingers to the bones. Business natives will have to toil to achieve their goals and their hard work will get good dividends. You need to mind the expenses this week though the inflow of money will be good.

Health: Eight of Wands suggests that you are struggling with small health issues, but with your high energy levels and fighting spirit, you will get over it quickly. Try not to neglect your health.

Relationships: Six of Cups indicate the rekindling of a relationship. Some extra efforts might be required towards making your relationship with your partner more positive and exciting. Add spice and passion. Do not take the family members for granted.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Swords indicates boredom at work. You need to break the monotony – take a break. A holiday will be a good idea. Business natives might encounter some hiccups and might be stressed. Scorpios like to give their best but do not let this build unnecessary pressure. Financially, you will be in a comfortable position. Do not be adventurous with your money. Play it safe.

Health: Chariot Reversed indicates some ups and downs in one’s health. Try not to delay any medical attention or procedure. Take a second opinion if health issues are not settling down.

Relationships: Temperance card suggests that you should keep a balance in relationships. Everyone should be given their share of love, respect, and time.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Empress card indicates a great time workwise. Some new ideas and projects will come your way with positive results. You seniors will show you off and your colleagues will look up to you. Business natives should get ready for some positive and new developments at work. It is a good time to invest and grow your money.

Health: Ten of Cups Reversed indicates a sudden onset of a health problem. This card is indicative of fertility issues and miscarriages. You need to be careful. Self-care is the theme for the week.

Relationships: Knight of Cups indicates emotional stability and a harmonious relationship with your partner. This card indicates emotional satisfaction, understanding, and intimacy. You will bond well with family members and enjoy domestic harmony in the true sense.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man Reversed card indicates stagnation and discontent at work. Do not take any rash decisions. This is the time to introspect. Do not be a passenger in your own life. Business natives need to take some firm decisions even if they are unpleasant ones. Financially, you will be stressed out even though average finances are indicated.

Health: The High Priestess Reversed indicates a hormonal imbalance and the advice is not to neglect any symptoms. Take it seriously and address them. This card can indicate fertility issues. It can also indicate gynaecological issues and miscarriages at times.

Relationships: Six of Swords Reversed is indicative of a stormy relationship. This card can also indicate the problems are caused by a third person. You need to sort out some issues with your partner and focus on amity and congruity. Try to ease out things with your family.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Swords foretells a busy but unsatisfactory week. You will be struggling to cope with work pressures. Businesspeople will face obstacles and delays and might suffer some losses. Financially, it is not a very good week. You need to handle money judiciously.

Health: Queen of Swords Reversed does not signify good health and it often indicates neglect and laziness in self-care. You need to be regular with your health regime. A good exercising and eating schedule need to be observed. Extreme caution is advised if you are pregnant.

Relationships: Seven of Wands Reversed indicate some problems in your relationship. You need to nurture your relationship and try to sort out the issues. Retrospect and try to eliminate the factors causing rift and stress. A good holiday together will work well to strengthen your relationship. You will need to work towards dissolving discord with the family.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles Reversed indicates you need to exert caution at work. Small lapses and errors might spoil things for you. You will have to work hard and be diligent to reach your goals. Businesspeople need to be vigilant against thefts and cheating. You might lose some money this month. Avoid reckless spending and investing.

Health: Page of Swords card indicative of mental health issues rather than physical ones. You will be able to achieve clarity with your efforts and abilities. However, do not neglect your physical health.

Relationships: Ten of Wands, the relationship card indicates that a lot of effort to maintain amicability in relationship. You might be carrying the full weight of the relationship. You need to have a frank and open dialogue with your partner as relationships on equal footing are stronger and lasting. Familial bonds will be shaky this week. Sorting out issues is a better idea than being silent.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Miha Creative/Shutterstock

The post LSA Weekly: 19-25 February 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 19 – February 25, 2024 Sun, 18 Feb 2024 21:00:31 +0000

Lady luck is on your side, Aries. Couples and singles will share a good bonhomie with their partners. Sagittarians natives will enjoy a stable relationship with their partners. Read on to know this week’s love horoscope and astrology predictions for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘The heart is not like a box that gets filled up; it expands in size the more you love.’

February 2024 weekly love astrology predictions

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives are likely to be lucky in love, according to this week’s horoscope. You will share a good bonhomie and intimacy with your partner. Couples desirous of parenthood are likely to have the stork pay the visit. Familial bonds will be satisfactory, and the bonds of solidarity are likely to grow manifolds. Celebrations in the family will be pleasurable.

Singles: Singles will be having a whale of a time socialising and meeting new people. They will be in luck and will enjoy extra attention from the opposite sex but will be in no hurry for any commitments. Natives in love will be content with their partner and will be ready to lose their single status. It is a good time to propose.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus natives need to know – what you sow, so shall you reap. You need to love and respect your partner. Your romantic gestures will be reciprocated and you will have a good time in between the sheets. Love and respect your family and you will enjoy domestic harmony.

Singles: Singles will have to lower their expectations if they want a permanency in their relationship. Effort is required for any relationship to bloom. Natives in love will be happy with their significant other halves and mutual love and trust will grow your relationship and thus take it to the next level.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini couples might lack the stability and ecstasy in their relationship, according to this week’s love horoscope. Let the past not spoil the present. Live for what today has to offer, and not what yesterday has taken away. You need to forget all the grudges of the past and start on a clean slate. If you must move ahead with your partner, it will take a lot of effort. Forgetting and forgiving is the mantra for good familial bonds.

Singles: Singles need to be free of all past bondages before they move ahead. Learn from your past mistakes. Dwelling too much in the past can ruin your present. Natives in love will be uncertain about their relationships. You need to be certain if you must move ahead but be free of the past and do not let it spoil things for you, suggests our this week’s love horoscope.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: According to this week’s love horoscope, Cancer sun sign natives will be dissatisfied in their relationship. You need to work towards rekindling and rejuvenating your bonds of love. Do not let life be repetitive and predictable. Add spice to your life and live to the fullest. Family commitments restricted to duty can be dull. Try to add a fun factor in your relationship with the family.

Singles: Singles might be lonely and edgy as they are not finding a significant other of their choice. You need to introspect and see what you want, and if you keep looking for perfection in your partner, you will never find it. Natives in love need to be more adjusting and adaptive. Instead of dwelling on the weakness of your mate focus on the positives.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will be at loggerheads with their partners. Address the issues frankly and do not brush the problems under the carpet. Instead, look for amicable solutions. The most certain way to succeed is to keep trying. Work towards harmony and intimacy. You might have some disagreements with the elders of the family but remember the only thing which lasts forever is family support.

Singles: According to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction, singles will be content and enjoy their singlehood and will be in no rush to lose their single status. At the end of the day, each one of us are looking for happiness, but try not to make others unhappy in the bargain. Natives in love might have a tough time emotionally and not sure of their partner choice, best is to have patience and give your relationship time.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will have a loving and positive relationship with their partner. Good vibes and good carnal pleasures amongst partners are indicated. Your familial bonds will be satisfying. You are likely to bond well with the children and youngsters of the family.

Singles: Singles will have a great time socially. Be ready to get swept off your feet. You are in for a wonderful experience of being in love. Natives in love will be ready to tie the knot. Your proposal will be eagerly accepted.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra natives are likely to rekindle their romance by making extra efforts towards their relationship, according to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction. Your bonhomie will be positive and exciting. Do not take family members for granted. Constant efforts towards harmony will yield good bonding.

Singles: Singles are likely to meet someone from the past and feelings might get rekindled. The advice is to keep the reason of the past breakup in mind and move ahead only if you can overcome that. Natives in love might suddenly be attracted to someone from the past. Honesty in relationships is important.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio natives should keep a balance in their relationships, be it with your partner, work or with family. Everyone needs their due and valuing all relationships is quite important. Give the share of love, respect and time to all.

Singles: Singles might be overburdened with work and not be able to give enough time to socialising and meeting people. All work and no play make jack a dull boy. However, work and career are quite important. The advice it to let it be an occasional affair. Natives in love will have to put their marriage plans on hold because of work load and commitments.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: According to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction, Sagittarius sun sign natives will enjoy stability and harmony with their partner. This week indicates a good understanding amongst couples and a good intimacy. You will bond well with family members. Children will be a source of joy. You are slated to enjoy domestic harmony in the true sense.

Singles: Singles are in luck and will have a whirlwind romance with someone of their choice. You will be ecstatic and blissful, struck by the golden arrow. You will enjoy your good fortune to the hilt, but the advice is not to hurry things up. Natives in love will be ready to tie the knot, suggests this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives will be in a stormy relationship. Some discord will escalate the problems and create challenges. A third person could be the cause of a strife. Have a positive outlook. Nothing is permanent and there is nothing you cannot achieve if you try hard enough. You need to sort out the issues with your partner and focus on amity and congruity. Work towards improving your carnal pleasures. It is the best solvent to dissolve discord. With the family members, try to ease out the friction, and focus on amiability and solidarity.

Singles: Singles should take things easy and heal completely before forming any new attachment. Natives in love will be very much in love but might not get a nod to go ahead from the family. Sometimes this card indicates eloping with your partner. At times, difficult decisions have to be taken but the advice is not to rush into anything you might regret later.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius natives will be facing some relationship problems. You need to nurture your relationship and try to sort out the issues. Retrospect and try to eliminate the factors causing rift and stress. A good holiday together will work well to strengthen your relationship. You will need work towards dissolving discord with the family, misunderstands not sorted out in time escalate to bigger issues.

Singles: Singles will be in and out of relationships, but if you are looking for permanency, you need to lower your expectations. Cater for human imperfections and be adjusting and adaptive. Natives in love will be yo-yoing between a yes and a no and you need to introspect and make up your mind.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: Pisces make the best lovers and give in a lot to make their relationship work. You are putting in a lot of effort to maintain amiability in relationship. You might be carrying the full weight of the relationship.  You need to have a frank and open dialogue with your partner as relationships on equal footing are stronger and lasting. Familial will be shaky this week sorting out issues is a better idea than being silent, it is not always golden.

Singles: According to this week’s love horoscope and astrology prediction, singles will be unhappy and lonely being single things happen when they are supposed to just have patience and keep your options open by socialising and meeting like minded people. Natives in love need to be more mature in their attitude towards their partner, no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 19 – February 25, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Best crystals for manifesting love, money, desires and more Sun, 18 Feb 2024 10:00:53 +0000

If you’re new to the concept of crystal healing, let’s take you through the most powerful crystals for manifestation.

Your thoughts, vibrations and emotions can shape your reality in ways unimaginable. It’s rightly said that you attract what you are. You send out a frequency, and it attracts someone or a situation of the same frequency. For the universe to hear your desires, it’s supremely important to step out with true intentions. If you learn the powerful art of manifestation, finding love, happiness, new romance, abundance as well as peace – anything is possible.

How to use crystals to manifest the life you love

Let’s start by understanding what manifestation is. Simply put, manifestation is the process of bringing your desires into reality with the law of attraction. It’s based on the premise that thoughts become things, and so, whatever you give your attention to reflects more in your real life. Manifestation is a collaboration between you and the universe to co-create a state of mind that has the same vibrational frequency as the life we want to live.

Coming to crystals, these beautiful hunks of rocks are ripe with healing properties. They help you match the vibrational frequency with your dreams. For the times we hold ourselves back, get stuck in a self-berating cycle, ignore our wisdom, or question our authentic selves – these crystals shake us out of this rut into a space of attracting true manifestations.

Emma Halley, a crystal therapist and spiritual wellness coach, also spoke about keeping an open mind when it comes to crystal healing. According to Healthline, she said, “Lots of people believe that crystal therapy is a placebo. I’d like to think after 20 years in the business that I can say with some certainty that it’s far more than that.” Halley adds that if it improves the quality of life for a person, we shouldn’t dismiss it because we can’t yet fully explain/ understand it. Honestly, there’s no harm in giving crystal manifestation a try!

The right crystal amplifies your intention and heals your chakras to manifest better. Therefore, choosing the right amulet goes a long way in your wellness journey. Our guide will take you through the best crystals for manifestation and how to use them. Keep reading.

Best crystals for manifestation and how to use them

Crystals for money, prosperity and success

crystals for manifestation
image credit: Kanchanara/ Unsplash


Loaded with luck, this piece of glimmering gold is great for attracting abundance as well as boosting feelings of motivation in career and business. It is used especially in business, as it unleashes your entrepreneurial, imaginative and growth-oriented side. It also represents inner wealth –  implying a life loaded with rich experiences and nurturing relationships.

How to use: Place pyrite in your home’s money corner or near your front door. You can also keep it in the office space where money is made.


A popular crystal for attracting wealth as well as boosting creativity, citrine will fill you with ideas to make money. The sunny and buoyant energy of citrine uplifts your confidence, clearing any self-doubt or personal sabotage holding you back. The merchant stone glows with the promise of a new sunrise, pouring positivity into all kinds of negative energy.

How to use: The best way to benefit from the healing powers of citrine is to wear it on your body. You can also carry it in your wallet/ purse or meditate with it.

Green aventurine

Green aventurine’s name originates from the Italian word ‘Ventura’, meaning ‘fortune’. Known as the stone of opportunity, it emits positive energies that imbue your life with prosperity, wealth as well as good fortune. It’s connected to the heart chakra, and its soothing properties are known to provide mental and emotional clarity that leads you to decisive action. By removing daily stress and anxiety, green aventurine allows you to create your own luck and opportunities.

How to use: Place green aventurine in places where you might expect cash to grow. This can be a cash box, wallet, as well as a drawer where you keep your bills.

Crystals for love

image credit: pasja1000/ Pixabay

Rose quartz

Soaked in unconditional love, rose quartz is the most popular crystal to spruce up your love life, find a great partner, better your relationship with an existing partner as well as learn the art of self-love. It’s rich in feminine energy that gives pure loving vibrations, helping you tap into your inner kindness, softness, and strength of self-respect. You’ll also be able to heal old wounds, break down emotional walls and cultivate a sense of trust and understanding.

How to use: Wear it near your heart for self-love. The stone can be worn as a necklace, or just be placed in your shirt pocket. A piece of rose quartz under your bed will attract new love or renew existing love relationships.

Pink kunzite

The stone of unconditional love, pink kunzite paves the way for affectionate communication and self-love. With its soothing and calming energy, the stone is perfect for those constantly under stress or anxiety. Anyone struggling to adjust to the changes in their life or suffering the blow of a new separation must harness the power of kunzite stone.

How to use: Wear it as jewellery or place it in your home for Feng Shui practices.


Looking to get over the gloom and misery of a heartbreak? Rhodonite is your lucky talisman. It is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer which heals wounds of the past and fosters love. By healing your emotional shock and pain, rhodonite helps you achieve your highest potential. It also stimulates creativity and inspires artistic expression. If you’re an artist, writer, or anyone in the creative field: this crystal is highly beneficial.

How to use: Wear it as a necklace or a bracelet on a regular basis. If you are feeling sad or depressed, try using rhodonite in your meditation.

Crystals for health

stones for health
image credit: alusruvi/ Pixabay


Obsidian is a protective stone, known for blocking, absorbing as well as transforming negative energy. By releasing your emotional and spiritual blockages, the stone sets you free from stress. It enhances the circulation of energy and flow and thereby fosters personal growth.

How to use: Wear it as jewellery, use it during meditation or keep it in high-traffic areas like doorways and halls of your house.


Nothing can beat the magic of the master healer, quartz, when it comes to the amplification of your intentions.  It is said to amplify healing energy, which is particularly effective when it comes to depression or other mental ailments.

How to use: One simple way to incorporate quartz into your routine is simply to meditate with it. According to Feng Shui, you can also place it in the centre of your home to energize the Tai Qi, which is connected to overall well-being.


Flaunting a beautiful blend of purple hues, amethyst is great for the soul. It’s perfect for sweeping away anxious thoughts and doubts, helping you think clearly and visualise what you want. It acts as a natural tranquiliser to lift your spirits and cleanse you of all negativity.

How to use: Place amethyst on your nightstand for better sleep. If you’re stressed about work, keeping it in your office space can help with feelings of tension.

Crystals for dreams and desires

stones for dreams and desires
image credit: Nothing Ahead/ Pexels


Celestite comes from the Latin word, caelestis, which translates to ‘celestial’ or ‘heavenly’. The shimmering crystal is all about inner peace, quiet space, and soothing the spirit. It serves as a guiding light for those who are ever ready to embrace the new age and embark on enticing new experiences.

How to use: Pop the Celestine crystal under your pillow or near your bed to manifest your deepest desires during slumber. To attract a state of calm as well as patience in your everyday affairs, wear celestite jewellery.

Iron pyrite

Called the ‘Fool’s Gold’, pyrite helps attract good luck and abundance with its metallic gold-like appearance. It removes the feelings of inadequacy that hamper you from accomplishing your dreams. It fortifies your aura, helping you get rid of any weak spots left by stress or energy vampires.

How to use: Use it during meditation, wear it as jewellery or place it in your pocket to stay grounded.

[Hero Image Credit: Franco Antonio Giovanella/Unsplash; Feature image credit: Darius Bashar/Unsplash]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the most powerful crystal for manifestation?

Quartz, pyrite, as well as citrine, are some of the best crystals for manifesting.

  • Which stone increases attraction?

Carnelian agate as well as rose quartz in particular help increase passion and desire.

  • What crystals manifest love?

Rose quartz, pink kunzite as well as rhodonite help attract love.

The post Best crystals for manifesting love, money, desires and more appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Chinese zodiac signs that will be unlucky in the Year of the Dragon 2024 Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:40 +0000

Will you be lucky or unlucky this Year of the Dragon 2024?

Breaking your favourite mug, twisting your ankle while you walk, stain your dress in a restaurant? If you’re having a bad day and wondering if the universe is playing tricks on you, here are some the unluckiest Chinese zodiac signs that are guaranteed to have a bad year this 2024.

Just like every year, the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 also comes with its share of good and challenging times. In Chinese astrology, predictions are made for the 12 zodiac animals based on cosmic alignment. Since 2024 celebrates the mythical Dragon, a powerful and vital creature embodying promising opportunities, this year is characterised by overall good luck. However, some animals will also clash with the Dragon’s hot temper and sharp tongue, spelling doom on their fate. Let’s take you through the unluckiest Chinese zodiac signs in 2024, expected to encounter more challenges than others.

Did you know that every Lunar New Year, there are a couple of zodiacs that offend tai sui (the guardian deities) and traditional belief holds that these folks receive bad luck because of that? Their lucky streak is interrupted by the presence of cursed stars, making them more susceptible to accidents, gossip, career downfalls and more. Here are five unlucky Chinese zodiac signs that could have a tumultuous year.

Unluckiest Chinese zodiac signs in Year of the Dragon 2024

Dragon zodiac years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024..

dragon unluckiest chinese zodiac sign
image credit:
Nathan Cowley/ Pexels

As ironic as this sounds, Dragons might not be lucky in their own zodiac year. 2024 marks the Year of the Dragon, also called ‘Ben Ming Nian’. In Chinese culture, Ben Ming Nian can at times bring poor fortune. The reason behind this is none other than tai sui, the deity who oversees the fortune and fate of all living beings. Tai sui changes each year and is at odds with people who share his zodiac sign. So, Dragons, since you’re offending Tau Sui in 2024, be ready to face bad luck, misfortune, conflicts with family/ friends/ colleagues and more.

How can Dragons boost their luck?

According to the South China Morning Post, Feng shui master Tong Pik-ha suggests, Dragons can magnify their luck with auspicious events like getting married, starting a family, buying property or venturing into a new business. To appease tai sui, you can also adorn red clothes, jewellery, jade accessories or an amulet of your zodiac sign.

Goat zodiac years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

goat unluckiest chinese zodiac sign
image credit: MART PRODUCTION/ Pexels

This year is a mixed bag of prosperity and challenges, Goats. While you will reap the rewards of your efforts and inch closer to your goals as well as increase your wealth, it’s also a year of encountering individuals who will provoke irritation and aggression and ultimately impede your progress. Rather than losing calm and breaking close relationships, you should have patience and understanding for others. Money disputes also cloud your luck, so be vigilant about lending to friends and family.

It might feel like the universe is working against you, but remember you’re not the only one facing challenges. Cultivate a sense of rationality, and realise that the world doesn’t revolve around your experiences.

How can Goats boost their luck?

Pay close attention to your entourage, because they’re the only ones that’ll help you navigate the obstacles you face this year.

Dog zodiac years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018..

dog unluckiest chinese zodiac sign
image credit: punttim/ Pixabay

Dogs, your incompatibility and conflicts with Dragon are why 2024 won’t be as smooth when it comes to career, health, and finances. As opposed to the dominant and adventurous personality of the Dragon, you are humble, sensitive and careful. While Dragons like to take charge and lead, you like to cooperate and people-please. These personality clashes are what cloud your lucky stars.

Additionally, a big, cursed star will affect your finances this year, so steer clear of making any aggressive investments. Health and home aren’t your strongest suit this year either.

How can Dogs boost their luck?

Since you don’t have any lucky stars to rely on, determination and resilience will guide you towards better days. To further wash bad luck away, Tong Pik-ha recommends buying property, starting a family or any such propitious event that marks the beginning of something. Engaging in social gatherings like attending weddings or parties will also boost your luck.

Ox zodiac years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021..

ox xodiac
image credit: Valeria Ushakova/ Pexels

Misunderstandings and bad gossip will get the better of you this year, all because of your clash with tai sui. 2024 signifies a period of great transformation, so it’s time to break away from your old patterns to become more adaptive and embrace change.

While you’re just like Dragon when it comes to determination and work ethic, the fire-breathing creature won’t favour your practical and rational approach to life as it conflicts with their creative and imaginary spirit. Oxes, it’s time to blend tradition with innovation and find new ways of solving old problems.

How can Oxes boost their luck?

Thankfully, a lot of lucky stars are by your side when facing obstacles. Whenever you face failures and setbacks, there will be benefactors to help you out. Since bad stars are looming over your health and home, it will be beneficial to incorporate Feng Shui principles to clear the negative energies. It’s time to renovate and refresh the vibes of your home.

Rabbit zodiac years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023..

rabbit zodiac
image credit: Karolina Grabowska/ pexels

Rabbits, pay extra attention to your surroundings and actions in the latter half of 2024, as this is the time when misfortune knocks at your door. Your clash with Tia Sui aka the Grand Duke of Jupiter will lead to conflicts at work, health challenges, and familial discord. 2024 is also a bad year for networking and building interpersonal relationships.

How can Rabbits boost their luck?

Your intuition is your biggest strength, which will shield you in difficult situations and help you stay grounded. Be careful and exercise caution when it comes to financial matters. It’s advisable to delay any big, life-altering plans in 2024 as they might not fructify in the best way. Since you’re more prone to getting into accidents and sustaining injuries in 2024, Tong Pik-ha suggests donating blood or getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist in the second or eighth month of the lunar calendar. This will balance the bad energy.

Hero image: Courtesy Pixabay; Feature image: Courtesy arash payam/Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Which Chinese zodiac sign will be unluckiest in 2024?

Dragon, Dog, Goat, Rabbit and Ox will be unlucky in the Year of the Dragon 2024.

– Which Chinese zodiac sign will enjoy luck in 2024?

Pig and Monkey will attract massive luck in 2024.

The post Chinese zodiac signs that will be unlucky in the Year of the Dragon 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

The luckiest wedding dates in 2024 for every zodiac sign Tue, 13 Feb 2024 00:00:40 +0000

Are you ready to seal the deal? Get that happily-ever-after moment you saw in Shrek? We have the most auspicious and lucky wedding dates to get married in 2024.

Identify the auspicious wedding dates in 2024 for a blessed and favourable start to matrimonial unions. However, just getting married on an auspicious date or time does not guarantee success as karma plays a major role in astrology along with a lot of other factors. Both the bride and groom along with their families need to be mindful of the division of labour, fulfilment of personal and physical needs, economic balance, progeny, and lineage.

Astrology should be taken as guidance; and not followed blindly. One has to be cautious, aware and practical oneself. Marriage is governed by certain legal and social norms. Companionship, compatibility, understanding, and love are the main ingredients of a successful marriage. Astrologers do not advise marrying during Venus, Mars, or Mercury retrogrades, as these adversely impact happiness in marriage.

It is advised to not get married when Jupiter transits Leo zodiac sign, but there are certain exceptions to this. Only solar months are considered when deciding marriage dates, except for Chaturmas – which is a period of four lunar months when Lord Vishnu is supposed to be sleeping. This period is reserved for penance and other religious activities. This will fall from 17 July to 12 November.

The Hindu calendar is ingeniously based on both the Sun and the Moon. It uses a solar year but divides it in to 12 lunar months, and that is why there is a difference of approximately 11 days between the solar and lunar month. Therefore, to compensate and get the two calendars in sync an extra month is added after every two to three years. This extra month is known as Adhik Maas which is not considered auspicious for weddings. There is no Adhik Maas this year. Pitrapaksha, a 16 lunar day period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors are considered inauspicious for marriage will be falling from 17 September to 2 October this year.

Auspicious dates for getting married in 2024

January – 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 30 and 31.

February – 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 24, 25, 26 and29

March – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11and 12 and 15.

April – 18, 19 and 20.

May – No auspicious dates as Venus is combust in May.

June – No auspicious dates as Venus is combust in June.

July – 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

August – No auspicious dates available as this is prohibited solar month.

September – No auspicious dates available as this is prohibited solar month.

October – No auspicious dates available as this is prohibited solar month.

November – 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 25 and 26.

December – 4, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 14.

These are general auspicious dates for marriage, calculated keeping the Hindu calendar (Panchang) and a lot of other factors in mind. For specific dates suitable to your horoscope, one should consult a professional.

Auspicious dates for wedding according to Western astrology

Aries – 21 and 22 March, and 10 April are auspicious dates for Aries natives to tie the knot. The best colours for Aries natives to wear are red and maroon. An adventure resort with trekking and sporty activities will make for an ideal honeymoon.

Taurus – 6, 15, and 19 May are the most favourable dates for Taurus natives to say I do.  The suitable colours are cream and more such ethereal colours. A luxury hotel is best suited for Taureans to enjoy their honeymoon.

Gemini – 2, 9, and 20 June are suitable dates for Gemini natives to get married. Choose green and shades of green for your wedding attire. A spectacular place with natural scenery would be ideal for your honeymoon.

Cancer – 7, 12, and 21 July are the most suitable dates for marriage. White will work the best for you and a serene place next to a lake will be an ideal get away for your honeymoon, Cancerians.

Leo – 26 July, 6, and 19 August are good dates for marriage for Leo sun sign natives. Crimson and red are colours most suitable for wedding. Choose a place with a lot of activities as your honeymoon destination.

Virgo – 28 August, 9, and 17 September are good dates for marriage and the colours most suited are earthen and hues of the same. The best suited honeymoon destination would be a natural habitat with mountains, stream, and waterfalls.

Libra – 22 September, 5, and 13 October are good dates for Librans to tie the knot. A fairytale wedding with outfit in pastel colour is best suited for this cardinal sun sign. A palace with all the possible luxuries will be the ideal destination for your honeymoon.

Scorpio – 8, and 17 October and 7 November are good dates for marriage for Scorpio sun sign natives. This sensual watery sign ruled by Mars should choose hues of saffron for their wedding dress. A quiet romantic spot would be the ideal honeymoon destination for this sun sign.

Sagittarius – 21, and 28 November and 13 December are good dates for Sagittarius natives to tie the knot. Hues of yellow would be perfect for your wedding attire. A well-planned getaway would be perfect for honeymoon for this sun sign.

Capricorn – 22, and 29 December would be the most auspicious wedding dates for this earthy sign. Shades of blue are the colour for the wedding outfit. A quiet and private place is the preferred honeymoon destination.

Aquarius – 11, and 18 February are the most auspicious dates for marriage for Aquarians. The colours to wear are black and silver. An adventure packed honeymoon will be suitable for this air sign.

Pisces – 9, 12, 15, and 20 March are the auspicious wedding dates for Pisces. The most auspicious colours to wear are shades of yellow and golden. The best honeymoon destination would somewhere near seaside.

Zodiac signs that are likely to find love in 2024 are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

According to Chinese lunar calendar, the Year of Wood Dragon 2024 is a lucky year to tie the knot and being a leap year, it is considered auspicious. 10 February and 8 August are the lucky days of this year. In fact, 8th of any month will be good to tie the knot as the number 8 represents infinity and love between partners. Other lucky dates are 2, 8, 14, 17, 20, 25, and 29. Number 4 should be avoided as it is supposed to be associated with death and brings bad luck.

Zodiac signs that will be lucky in love in the Year of Wood Dragon are Rat, Pig, Monkey, Snake, and Rooster.

Hero Image: Courtesy stockcreations/Shutterstock; Featured Image: Courtesy Ali Ashraf/Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What is the best date to get married in 2024?

According to calculations, 15 March 2024 (Friday) is the most auspicious day to get married. Other factors specific to the bride and groom’s horoscope are to be considered. On this day, post 4 pm, Rohini Nakshatra will arise – which is associated with love, growth, and fertility. Rohini Nakshatra is supposed to be the most favourable of the constellations. Saturday and Sunday are not considered auspicious for Hindu marriages.

– Which Nakshatra (constellation) is good for marriage 2024?

Rohini, also known as the Queen of Nakshatra, is considered the most auspicious constellation for a wedding to take place.

– Is 2024 a lucky year to get married?

2024 is a lucky year to get married.

– Why is 2024 lucky for marriages?

Leap years are generally considered lucky for marriage as per Chinese astrology and the year 2024 adds up to 8. The symbol of infinity symbolising infinite love amongst couples, and above all Venus, the planet of love, will not retrograde for the entire year in 2024, thus creating more joy and less challenges for couples.

The post The luckiest wedding dates in 2024 for every zodiac sign appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.

Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 12 – February 18, 2024 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 05:27:40 +0000

This is a magical week for love. Express love in different ways to your family, friends, and to your romantic interests. From a budding romance to a fairytale engagement, Aries singles will have a perfect week with their romantic interests. Virgo natives will also enjoy a week full of mirth and merriment. Read on to know the weekly love astrology predictions for all zodiac signs.

Love requires effort, compromise, understanding and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. Love quote for the week – ‘In the middle of our hearts, love stays. Happy Valentine’s Day!.’

February 2024 weekly love astrology predictions

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries natives will enjoy a near perfect relationship with their partners. There will be fun, stability, and good carnal pleasures. If desirous of having a child, this the right time. This card is the harbinger of good news. Family will be content and you will bond well with all the youngsters of the family.

Singles: Singles are likely to bond well with like-minded people. This card indicates a budding romance which can culminate into a fairy tale engagement. Couples will be basking in love. A romantic proposal is in the offing.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus natives might have some disagreements. Taking the likes and opinions of your partner into consideration will smoothen out the creases. Some endearments, loving gestures, and good sex will dissolve all strife. Communicate well with family. Expressing love verbally and with gestures will strengthen your familial bonds.

Singles: Singles need to lower their expectations when looking for their significant other. No one is perfect. To make a relationship perfect, a lot of effort is required. Honesty is a compulsory virtue in the progression of a relationship. Natives in love need to be sure of what they want in their partner. Do not get pressurised into commitment.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: According to weekly love astrology, Gemini natives should be what they are and not take any pressure in their relationship. Be your true self and do not try to be someone you are not. Focus on a carefree relationship and do not go beyond your limits. You need to learn the art of saying no to things you cannot cope with. It is good to go out of the way for family but set your limits.

Singles: Singles will be feeling lonely on not finding someone of their choice. Be honest in relationships. Do not try to be someone you are not. It is better to be single and be happy rather than being unhappy in a relationship. Natives in love will be yo-yoing between a yes or a no. Be sure to not let the pressure of Valentine’s Day rush you into something you are not ready for.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives should act more from the heart. This card shows discipline and maturity in a relationship which is good to an extent. Try being carefree and let your guard down to spice up your relationship. Family will be happier if you communicate more with them.

Singles: Singles are advised not to have fixed notions when it comes to choosing a partner. Be more open in your approach. Enjoy socialising and let cupid do his job. Natives in love need to be more expressive and spice up the relationship. Taking your partner for granted wears down the excitement. Use Valentine’s Day to add some excitement to your relationship.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives will enjoy good bonding with their partner. Do not take the relationship for granted. You need to spend time and make an effort towards a healthy relationship. Pamper your partner. You might not be meeting your family often, but the bonds will remain strong. A little more effort from your side will make the relationship perfect.

Singles: According to weekly astrology prediction, singles will be socialising a lot and will be in no mood to lose their single status. It is good to enjoy life on your terms but make sure no hearts are broken in the bargain. Natives in love might be under pressure to move towards permanency. The advice is to take your time and not rush.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo natives will enjoy a lively relationship full of understanding and trust. You will enjoy a good time in between the sheets and natives desirous of having children are likely to conceive. You will have a special bonding with the elders of the family and a fun filled week with the youngsters.

Singles: Singles are likely to find someone they bond well with and their relationship is all set to bloom this week, suggests weekly love prediction. Valentine week is a magical week for love, therefore, be forewarned. Do not get mesmerised into commitment. Being sure is very important. Couples will be deeply in love and will take the relationship to the next level. It is a good time to propose and make commitments.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives might be over-emotional this week, according to weekly love predictions. This may put off your partner. Even if you have been through some mental trauma, try not to overburden your partner emotionally. Do not bring up forgotten topics. Be positive and focus on improving your bonding and carnal pleasures. Family might feel distant and deprived. They will expect more from you and it might lead to arguments as such.

Singles: Singles need to be positive and free-spirited. Too much of possessiveness may put off your partner. Space and respect are important for love to bloom and the relationship to grow. Natives in love might be overwhelmed with emotions or emotional outbursts.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio natives might have some difference of opinion with their partners and might struggle to maintain the domestic harmony. Do not take things to heart as men often know what they want but are not sure how they feel, whereas women are sure of their feelings but are unsure of what they want. This basic difference creates a rift at times. Some arguments in the family might spoil the familial and cause some stress amongst the members.

Singles: Singles might not be able to find the right person and might feel pressurised and lonely. Remember being single is better than being unhappy in a relationship. Let things take their natural course. Use your energies elsewhere like pursuing a course or hobby. Natives in love might have some differences. Use the magical aura of the week to sort out all issues.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: According to weekly love astrology prediction, Sagittarius sun sign natives will face some new challenges in their equation. Change is the only constant in life, and one should keep changing with the changing circumstances. Adjust and adapt. Keep a good communication and be prepared to meet your partner halfway. Work towards a better understanding and harmony. A short getaway to revive your bonds will be a good idea. Family might feel neglected and demand more time.

Singles: Singles might not want any commitments at the moment which is fine but make your intentions clear. Natives in love might be having second thoughts about their relationship. Being together just because you have invested in the relationship is a bad idea. Give it some time and a fair thought before deciding.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives might be insecure in their relationships. Things might seem peaceful, but you might not be satisfied. The best way is to address all the issues frankly. Some family matters might cause you stress. Be frank and sort out things. Harbouring grudges reflects on your behaviour and spoils the harmony.

Singles: Singles need to be alert and mindful of their dates. A background check will be a good idea. Do not trust blindly. Natives in love need to be watchful of their partner’s intentions. Some cheating and fraud are indicated.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius natives might not be able to spend enough time with their partners due to certain commitments at work and otherwise. Share your worries with your partner. They will understand and support you better. Keep your family in the loop regarding your problems. They are likely to be more understanding and you are likely to get some good advice.

Singles: Singles will have a good week socially, according to weekly love astrology. They will be in no haste to lose their singlehood. Take your time and enjoy your single status.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives might find their relationship change for the worst. These phases come and go, and you require all the effort and patience to get it on track. Some unpleasantness of the past is bothering you. The advice is to not dwell in the past and focus on the present. A positive attitude and efforts can turn around things for you.

Singles: According to weekly love astrology, singles might struggle to get over a breakup. A positive attitude will help you get over the unpleasantness and the advice is not to get into a new relationship. Natives in love might face some tough times with their partners. It is a normal phenomenon amongst couples. Be calm and patient and give some time and space to each other.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

The post Weekly love and relationship horoscope: A tarot reading of February 12 – February 18, 2024 appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok.
