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An itinerary for Ed Sheeran in Bangkok, based on his songs

We continue the tradition of suggesting spots celebs can go to on their visit to the City of Angels. Here’s our Bangkok itinerary for Ed Sheeran.

Hi there, Ed. Great to have you back after almost five years. A lot has happened since then. You became a dad. We had an election. You became a dad again. We weren’t sure who exactly was going to be our Prime Minister. Oh, and we all went through a pandemic. 

But we’re looking forward to your show tomorrow, and since we know it’s going to be a great time, we want you to have as much fun visiting our beloved city. So here’s a cheeky little Bangkok itinerary for you that we hope you’ll enjoy.

[Hero image: Ed Sheeran/Facebook]

Ed Sheeran in Bangkok: An itinerary based on his songs

Try the “Perfect” crab omelette at Jay Fai

jay fai
Image credit: jayfaibangkok/Instagram

Jay Fai’s legendary crab omelette is dang near perfect. The long lines and her Michelin stars can attest to that. So why not pay her restaurant perhaps before one of your shows for a truly satisfying lunch? The popular chef has become one of Bangkok’s icons so it would be a shame to miss trying out her omelette while you’re here in the city.

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Head over to Open House at Central Embassy to do some “Thinking Out Loud”

ed sheeran bangkok
Image credit: Open House at Central Embassy

I hope your legs are still working like they used to before because Open House is located on the top floor of Central Embassy. This library/bookshop/co-working space is the perfect place to just chill with a cup of coffee or maybe even a meal. In the hustle and bustle of the city, it’s a quiet place to just be with your thoughts. Maybe you’ll even end up with an idea for a song here.

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Get kneaded into the “Shape of You” with a Thai massage at Divana

Image Credit: Divana

If you haven’t tried a Thai massage yet, just a little heads up: it can be pretty brutal. But at the end of it all, it’s a thoroughly satisfying experience. Then again, it’s not like you can’t ask the masseuse to go easy on you, and the staff at Divana will definitely accommodate whatever you feel comfortable with. There’s nothing like capping the two-night show or treating yourself in between shows with a Thai massage that will knead away all the kinks and knots and have you feeling like you can jump as high as you can while playing “Don’t”.

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Keep this love in a “Photograph” at Find the Photobooth 

Image credit: Find The Photobooth

If you’re looking for a good place to wind down after each of your shows with drinks and music, Find the Photobooth offers all of that along with great vibes and aesthetics. It’s the perfect place for a post-concert wind down thanks to their top-notch drinks and the rotating talents performing every night. Great drinks and great music—it’s a great way to cap off a night rocking at Rajamangala or UOB Live.

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Get a facial at Wild Clinic & Natural Treat for that “Afterglow”

Self-care is important, especially for a man like yourself who’s on the road. Aside from the basics of staying hydrated, it’s also nice to treat yourself and indulge in some pampering. Wild Clinic & Natural Treat have a number of treatments to choose from but perhaps you can go for the “Everglow” treatment, which they claim boosts dermal collagen with results that can last from six months to a year. It was that close to being named “Afterglow”, but hey, you’re buds with Coldplay anyway.

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Get the “Shivers” at Dream World Snow Town

As hot as it gets in Bangkok, there is a place that gives us a bit of respite—and no, I don’t mean the malls. Dreamworld’s aptly named “Snow Town” gives us a taste of how those in the upper half of the equator live, making our winter dreams come true at any time of the year. I’m aware that you can probably just jet off to Switzerland whenever you want to experience actual snow, but step into the shoes of a true Bangkokian and experience, the wonder, joy, and artificialness of “Snow Town”. What better way to cap off “Ed Sheeran in Bangkok” than by sledding down fake snow.

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An itinerary for Ed Sheeran in Bangkok, based on his songs

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer, Entertainment

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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