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9 music videos you probably didn’t know were shot on iPhone

As the new iPhone 16 was recently unveiled and commended for its video features, we take a look back at all the music videos that have been shot on iPhone before.

‘The world’s most popular camera,’ is how Apple describes the iPhone as being. They’re not far from the truth when considering the remarkable sales success of its ubiquitous smartphone, which continues to set records even in its current iPhone 16 guise. With that said, its photography and videography prowess has typically been snubbed as being best suited for casual enthusiasts as opposed to a truly professional setting.

While that may be true during the iPhone’s infancy, the optics that go into each succeeding iteration of Apple’s much-loved smartphone have only grown exponentially in their capability. So much so in fact that they are now capable, in some instances, of replacing the use of professional film cameras outright. The iPhone 16 Pro Max that was recently unveiled is especially notable for its videography prowess, thanks to its new 48MP Fusion camera with a faster quad-pixel sensor that enables 4K120 fps video recording in Dolby Vision.

music videos shot on iphone the weeknd
Image credit: Apple

Its segue into the world of film production is a natural one, especially in the context of short-format professional video content, which the iPhone is best suited to. Music videos are a frequent subject lensed by the handheld wonder, with professional videographers demonstrating its use from as far back as the iPhone 11 Pro.

From Lady Gaga’s Chromatica-leading hit single Stupid Love to The Weeknd’s latest output Dancing in The Flames, here is every music video that was shot on iPhone.

Find out more and pre-order the new Apple iPhone 16 Pro series here.

9 best music videos that were shot on iPhone

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Stupid Love by Lady Gaga

Chromatica was a wild affair that ushered Lady Gaga’s return to pop music in true oddball fashion. Naturally, this meant that the visuals would have to be up to snuff too, as indicated by the music video for her lead single, Stupid Love. Directed by Daniel Askill, fans were taken onto the desert planes of the planet Chromatica where varying factions fueded for control, all of which was captured on the iPhone 11 Pro.

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First Hello by Grant Knoche

Grant Knoche’s ode to coming out of the closet was beautifully documented in the lyrics for his 2022 single, First Hello. Similarly, a music video that explored the themes of queer love and living authentically was shot by director Robert Marrero using the iPhone 14 Pro exclusively. The music video also features appearances from actors such as Ava Michelle, Devore Ledridge, Mollee Gray, Jeka Jane, and Ezra Sosa.

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AC!D Reign Chronicles by Grimes and HANA

While many of the music videos we have mentioned up to this point were to some extent, endorsed by Apple in an official capacity, the AC!D Reign Chronicles by Grimes and HANA arguably kick-started the ‘Shot on iPhone’ music video trend before it was even a fully-formed campaign idea. Their 2016 product, which consisted of seven music videos, was entirely shot on an iPhone during GRIMES’ European tour that year.

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Lose You To Love Me by Selena Gomez

A relatively pared-down song that pays tribute to self-love, Selena Gomez’s raw ballad, Love You To Love Me, proves that she is capable of holding her own as a singer without the need for fancy production. Likewise, the accompanying music video reflected this demurely simple approach, which saw Gomez singing straight into the camera from inside a confessional booth. The black-and-white clip was shot entirely on an iPhone 11 Pro.

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Look At Her Now by Selena Gomez

On the opposite end of the spectrum from the very same album, Selena Gomez’s Look At Her Now plays up a more celebratory message of personal expression and the euphoric joy of finding yourself after a breakup. Tremendously well-received by critics and fans alike, the music video took obvious cues from the more upbeat note of the song, with Gomez filmed with dancers in a multicoloured tent using an iPhone 11 Pro. Simple but with well-considered choreography, it easily echoes music videos from the turn of the new millennium.

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get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo

A song built on contradictions, get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo depicts the internal struggle of wanting a love lost, and learning to be better off without it. Between longing and vengeance, the song’s lyrics are perfectly encapsulated in her accompanying music video, which takes fans on a path of chaos as Rodrigo and her clones embark upon a rampage across town, captured entirely on an iPhone 15 Pro.

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ETA by NewJeans

Referencing the modern-day anxieties and uncertainties that many of us have experienced at some point in the modern dating world, South Korean girl group NewJeans’ 2023 single ETA was an instant hit upon its release. Written from the perspective of an outsider looking into the chaos of a potentially toxic romance, the music video depicts the group at a pool party with a friend, who would later discover that she was being cheated on. Filmed in Barcelona, the entire video was shot on an iPhone 14 Pro.

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Cannibal by Marcus Mumford

British folk-rock band Mumford and Sons definitely had their time under the sun during the mid-2010s, serving as the soundtrack for the gingham-wearing, fedora-totting Tumblr early-adult hipster crowd who were eager to search for deeper meaning. Its lead singer, the namesake Marcus Mumford, has since departed from the band to chart a path of his own, which resulted in the 2022 single Cannibal. The black-and-white music video was most notably shot by renowned Hollywood filmmaker Steven Spielberg, who did the entire thing in one shot by filming with an iPhone using his bare hands while seated on a rolling office chair without special equipment.

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Dancing In The Flames by The Weeknd

The Weeknd has been relatively under the radar since releasing Dawn FM in 2022, but he is officially back with a brand-new album, Hurry Up Tomorrow, that is soon to drop imminently. As part of the album’s promotion, he has revealed that the lead single, Dancing In The Flames, will be entirely shot on the brand-new iPhone 16 Pro, serving as a technical show of prowess for the newly crowned Apple crown jewel.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using an iPhone for music videos?

Using an iPhone to film a music video can create clearer, more stable footage with the device's superior stablisation, as well as its ability to capture in 4K resolution at up to 120 frames-per-second.

Can iPhones be used to achieve professional-quality music videos?

Yes, iPhone cameras can be used to achieve professional-grade results when filming music videos. However, keep in mind that most professional music videos shot on an iPhone also feature a large budget and professional crew members.

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9 music videos you probably didn’t know were shot on iPhone

Benjamin Wong

Senior Editor, Fashion and Dining

Armed with an Advertising major from Lancaster University, Benjamin is a senior editor who has spent his time oscillating between the social media and digital media landscape since 2018. With a keen interest in haute fashion and gastronomy, he has written for publications such as ERROR Digital, WORLD OF BUZZ, and KL Foodie. Beyond the keyboard, you can find him arms-deep in a thrift pile.

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