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James Alyn Wee, Artist

Lifestyle Asia Thailand proudly announces James Alyn Wee as one of the 50 ICONS in the artist category.

50 ICONS Award, Artist category, James Alyn Wee

Image Credit: James Alyn Wee

Thai-Singaporean singer-songwriter and actor under LOVEiS Entertainment, Jame Alyn Wee, was originally a member of the duo HYBS. However, he eventually made his solo debut in 2016, playing indie music. With most of his songs in English, it was easier for James to go international, making many of his songs favourites worldwide.

Follow Jame’s work and progress at @alynwee.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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James Alyn Wee, Artist

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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