Home > Culture > Kasidej ‘Karn’ Hongladaromp, Artist
Kasidej ‘Karn’ Hongladaromp, Artist

Lifestyle Asia Thailand proudly announces Kasidej ‘Karn’ Hongladaromp as one of the 50 ICONS in the artist category.

50 ICONS Award, Artist category, Kasidej ‘Karn’ Hongladaromp

Image Credit: @karnkpn

Karn began his career in the entertainment industry as an actor in The School, a series centred around students aspiring to become stars. However, he gained further recognition for his role in the Y-series Views of Love: Grey Rainbow, where he plays Porsche, the main character. Eventually, he partnered with James-Alyn to form the duo HYBS. Today, Karn has transitioned into a full-time solo artist, performing under the name WIM. He has released several hits, including “Mr. Feelgood” and “Magic,” showcasing his talent and versatility.

Follow Karn’s work and progress at @karnkpn.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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Kasidej ‘Karn’ Hongladaromp, Artist

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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