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Q&A: Slin Vechmamontien of Social Diamond, on lab-grown diamonds and the future of jewellery

As lab-grown diamonds are on the rise in the jewellery scene, we catch up with Slin Vechmamontien, GIA expert and owner of Social Diamond, to learn more about this growing market.

Lab-grown diamonds have gained popularity in recent years, as many consumers are showing interest in this cultivated stone, particularly in regards to its more eco-friendly and ethical approach. However, there has also been a lot of controversy surrounding its authenticity and value, as people question whether lab-grown diamonds are “real or fake.”

Despite differing opinions, there is no denying that lab-grown diamonds have several attractive qualities, including affordability, design versatility, sustainability, and functionality. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, and approach International Women’s Day on 8 March, we sit down with an inspiring woman and business owner, who recognises many of these challenges, and has found ways to overcome them.

[All images courtesy of Slin Vechmamontien]

Q&A: Slin Vechmamontien, owner of Social Diamond, on lab-grown diamonds and the sparkling future of jewellery

Slin Vechmamontien is a remarkable entrepreneur who has encountered numerous difficulties on her journey to success. After being sent to Singapore for her schooling, Slin returned to Thailand and opened her own restaurant at the tender age of 19. “I managed 40 to 50 staff, washed dishes, handled finances, and so on. After a while, the restaurant didn’t work out. I realised I was too young.” 

Slin later joined her husband’s jewellery family business, as they had been in the industry for more than 40 years. Alongside this, she also founded a bathing suit company, spf.co, which has become a great success. Currently, Slin has a new venture, Social Diamond, which specialises in lab-grown diamonds.

8 March is International Women’s Day, and as a woman who has achieved so much, we’re curious what your proudest achievement is.

My team. I am very particular about whom I choose to work with. What I’m proud of is that I see a team of all women, and they are able to learn, grow, and develop as I develop the brand. Some of them are actually leaders of their own families. I’m very proud that I have such an amazing team where they help me, and I help them. Making something successful is more than a one-person job. It’s a team effort. So, with my previous businesses and Social Diamond, my team is very important to me. I wouldn’t be here today without them.

Which women inspire you the most?

I admire Selena Gomez as a celebrity due to her great personality. It’s hard to talk about mental health when you are at that level of success, and it’s courageous of her to be open about her struggles. Our society admires people who are strong and successful, but for someone like her to have so much and still be open about her hardships is really inspiring.

My mother is also a great source of strength for me. She has endured many hardships, but I’ve never seen her back down. Whenever I’m not okay, I call my mum, and she always makes me feel better.

Finally, my best friend Nicha is very confident. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and that’s very important to have that kind of support from a woman so close to you. Her confidence is infectious, and she inspires me to believe in myself even when I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. 

As a woman, what barriers have you faced throughout your career? How did you overcome them?

There were times when I met with suppliers, and once, during an investment meeting, I experienced discrimination because of my gender. The men in the meeting didn’t address me because I am a woman. My boss, a man, was running late, so they simply ignored me. However, I am grateful that my colleagues have always treated me respectfully and never made me feel inferior. 

In my opinion, women are not inferior to men. We possess more emotional intelligence and empathy, which makes us better leaders. Being a woman has given me more opportunities for career advancement. I have learned how to lead as a team player and leader, which has boosted my confidence. When you are confident, you can push through any obstacle and achieve your goals. 

Tell us about Social Diamond. 

I’ve worked on Social Diamond since October 2023. Last year, I visited Singapore and was inspired by their growing interest in lab-grown diamonds. I wanted to bring that same enthusiasm back to Thailand and make it more accessible to everyone. 

The natural diamond industry is very exclusive and can be quite arrogant. People often judge others based on the size of their diamonds, and a one-carat ring can already costs 250,000 Baht! I believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of diamonds without discrimination. That’s why I created a more affordable, sociable, fun, jewellery brand specialising in lab-grown diamonds.

There was some hesitation, as some consider them “fake” and iffy to wear. However, I believe that by educating people about lab-grown diamonds, we can change that perception and make them more widely accepted. Not to mention, the younger generation is more logical. They don’t want to spend a lot of money on jewellery, and we don’t necessarily see it as an investment. It’s something meant to be worn. For example, just one-carat earrings can cost up to 600,000 Baht. With lab-grown diamonds, you can get the same beautiful look at a more affordable price.

When did you notice the spike in demand for lab-grown diamonds?

I went to Singapore and shared with my family that lab-grown diamonds have gained a significant market share in the US. My husband’s family also works in the diamond business, so I said we either use our expertise to open this market or someone else will do it. 

As I said previously, the younger generation doesn’t care about a diamond’s origin, as long as they sparkle. Since launching, I’ve noticed more people are interested in lab-grown diamonds and know much about them, like their certificates and strength. 

Lab diamonds are more logical. For example, if a couple has a budget of 2 million Baht, spending 100,000 Baht on a two-carat lab diamond can save 1.9 million Baht. With that money, you could invest in something with a higher return on investment, like a house or condo. The newer generation looks at facts rather than sentimentality when making purchasing decisions. Spending two million dollars on natural diamonds means losing 20-30% of their value, whereas that money could buy three lab-grown rings. 

In your view, what are the benefits of lab diamonds?

The price, of course. However, the aspect of travel and accessorising with jewellery is important. Jewellery is meant to be worn and not be locked away in a safe. When you have a 3-carat natural diamond ring on your finger, it’s like a walking condo on your hand. Lab-grown diamonds are a better option to accessorise yourself with while travelling. Of course, you may still worry about losing them, but it’s not like losing a 600,000 Baht diamond earring. The feeling is different, and although there is still damage, it’s not as critical. 

I also notice many people wear duplicate wedding rings in lab-grown diamonds to feel more secure. Moreover, lab-grown diamonds offer more design options, like creating a Mickey Mouse shape. We can play more with shapes and sizes instead of focusing on the total budget.

What do you say to those who claim “lab diamonds are not real diamonds” since they’re not naturally cultivated. How do you feel about this statement? 

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the word “natural” has been removed from the definition of diamonds. This is because they have realised that lab-made and natural diamonds are essentially the same, with the only difference being in how they are made. This is similar to farmed and natural pearls. “Cultivated gemstone” is now used instead of “lab diamonds.” While the facts say it is a real diamond, ultimately, it depends on one’s mindset and beliefs. 

Lastly, what message do you want to send to young women thinking about their career, especially those who desire to start their own business like yourself? 

Just do it. Even if you don’t have the funds, work for it. Everything I did was self-funded, so instead of giving up, you have to keep searching. Everyone’s situation is different, but what’s important is to start somewhere. Sell whatever you can or work as much as possible to save up for your dream business. I understand some may get paralysed by this and worry if it will work out or the company will succeed. I feel the same way, too. But remember, everything you do is a learning experience, even if you fail.  

Nothing is perfect, so whatever happens, embrace it and learn from it.

Q&A: Slin Vechmamontien of Social Diamond, on lab-grown diamonds and the future of jewellery

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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