Here’s how to use the viral BoldVoice Accent Oracle that can guess your accent.
Do you speak English with an accent? The new viral BoldVoice Accent Oracle has proven to be astoundingly accurate in sleuthing out the accents of its users, leading many on social media to challenge its prowess. If you want to find out if it can unearth the origins of your accent, keep scrolling to know more about the viral Accent AI Oracle.
The new BoldVoice Accent Oracle is currently taking the internet by storm, having gone viral on social media. At its core, the Accent Oracle is an AI that aims to help users discover and therefore improve their accents when speaking English. Created by accent training company BoldVoice, which operates an AI-powered language learning platform, the Oracle is currently enjoying its time in the social media spotlight for correctly guessing the accents of its many users — with great accuracy at that.
While there’s something to be said for the perceived need to refine one’s American accent, the viral Accent AI Oracle does provide you with a fun way to learn something new about yourself. And if you’re especially challenge-hungry, it makes sense to try and try again until you receive the AI’s thumbs up in the form of praise: “You speak like a native English speaker”.
How to trace the origins of your accent with the BoldVoice Accent Oracle
So how does it work? Essentially, you provide sample voice clips to the AI. These voice clips are then analysed to discern your speech patterns, from subtle nuances like inflection and tone to speed and pronunciation.
And because the AI is powered by a database of non-native English speakers, it can more accurately distinguish accents, going beyond stereotypical identifiers like common pronunciation errors made within specific regions. Assuming BoldVoice’s Accent Oracle works like other generative AI tools (think: chatGPT), it will continue to learn as it receives input from users, expanding on its database of voice samples with which to run analyses against.
Ready to see what your accent says about you? Visit the BoldVoice Accent Oracle here, and click ‘Try me’ to start.

You’ll then be provided with a short script and prompted to record a short voice note. Remember to provide the requisite permissions on your browser before hitting the ‘tap to speak’ button and be sure to clear your throat for optimum clarity.

If your accent can’t be placed immediately, the AI will provide a second script and prompt you to provide another sample. With the sole exception of subject matter, the BoldVoice Accent Oracle process reads like an afternoon spent with Akinator, the mind reading genie.

You can expect the Oracle to return with the results of its analysis in mere seconds — and as per thousands of users on social media, they’re often eerily accurate.

While the Oracle will identify your main accent, it also delves deeper by unraveling the finer notes of your speech patterns, further breaking them down into percentages per accent.

It must be noted that different oratory approaches to the script will yield different results. As a rule of thumb, however, it cannot be denied that BoldVoice’s Accent Oracle has done spectacularly in identifying this author’s accent — as it has so many others. But don’t take our word for it — give it a go yourself!
(Main and featured images: BoldVoice Accent Oracle)