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Feast your eyes on Fugglers, the new viral sensation on TikTok

“Who the fu** are collecting these?” Well, apparently they’re all the rage. Meet Fugglers, the cute/creepy toys taking TikTok by storm. 

We really can’t give a reason as to why strange-looking toys have shot up in popularity in the past year. Many people might think they’re cute but everyone can agree that the likes of Labubu and Sonny Angel aren’t conventional toys. But a new contender for the most weird-looking toy has jumped into the fray.

Enter Fugglers: furry, odd, and somewhat abhorrent in their looks—and people have been loving them.

[Hero image: Fugglers/Facebook]

Fugglers are going viral on TikTok—and many are wondering why


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Okay, why were these things made in the first place? That was the question TikTok user @applesaucandadhd posed when she saw the toys at Walmart. It’s a valid question for such questionable-looking dolls. Unfortunately, the website doesn’t really give much of an answer. 

“Fugglers are funny-ugly monsters that will warm your heart and take over your life with their mischievous antics and straight-up bonkers appearance,” the website says. Note that “Fuggler” is “funny-ugly” and not derived from “fugly” meaning “fu**ing ugly” (or is it?). The website continues, “You can recognise these creepy creatures with their human-like teeth, vacant eyes, disturbing demeanour and signature BUTT-on hole.”

Yep, you read that right. Butt-on hole. 

We’re not sure how they came up with the idea of making these adorably horrible creatures, why they thought of selling them, or how they figured that there would be people interested in them. But they were right on the money. 

“I love them so much,” wrote one user under @applesauceandadhd’s video. “Me, it’s for me,” wrote another user. Another user proved just how much of a fan they were of these plushies: “I have 57 of these sat in my living room with me.”

There’s a smattering of people who are confused or in downright disbelief as to why Fugglers are even a thing. “I would pay $7.94 to have never seen THAT,” wrote one user. To be fair, the website does warn that Fugglers are “not for the faint of heart—or stomach.”

But arguably the biggest question many have that @applesauceandadhd asked in a follow-up video is this: “Why does it have an a**hole?”

Again, no definite answer, but it’s certainly one of the charms of a Fuggler. 

Find out more about Fugglers on their website

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a Fuggler different from other plush toys?

Fugglers aren't conventionally cute or normal. They're weird, some might even say ugly.

How many different types of Fugglers are there?

There are many types of Fugglers, from small plushies for dogs to Fugglers made in collaboration with other brands like DC comics.

Why are Fugglers so popular?

Their weird look and style.


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Feast your eyes on Fugglers, the new viral sensation on TikTok

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer | Entertainment & Tech

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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