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An itinerary for Green Day in Bangkok, based on their best songs

It’s the favourite band of the worst guy you know — Green Day will be holding a concert in Bangkok on 12 February. If they haven’t fully completed their Thailand itinerary yet, we have them covered.

American rock band Green Day has been active since 1987, and actually a part of the late 1980s and early 1990s Bay Area punk scene. They have built such a large, undeniable legacy that still captures the hearts of single dads today. The band’s third album, Dookie, is considered their major label debut with over 20 million copies shipped in the US. Their seventh album, American Idiot, is the one that really renewed their success, winning two Grammy’s, multiple other awards, and even a Broadway adaptation.

Green Day will be in Bangkok for a concert, with this year marking the 30th anniversary of Dookie and the 20th anniversary of American Idiot. While in the city, we created an itinerary fitting for celebrating such feats.

[Hero and featured image credit: Green Day/Facebook]

An itinerary for Green Day in Bangkok, based on their best songs

Image credit: Mickey’s Diner/Facebook

Don’t be an American Idiot, be a clever one and dine at Mickey’s Diner

If the trio is missing home, the American food spot Mickey’s Diner will surely hit the spot. Chicken and waffles, steak and eggs, Bloody Marys — the diner serves up an all-American experience, and a whole lot more. Surely, walking down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams would be tiring without something to fill up your belly.

Image credit: tarns coffee/Instagram

Green Day should escape the busy work day and head to tarns coffee before they Burnout

Certainly one of the more underrated songs in the Dookie, Burnout is the album opener serving as the introduction to 13 more songs of punk perfection. Relatable to a broad audience, it’s nice to take a break and go for a walk before you burnout. People working in Sathorn area have the pleasure of having tarns coffee within a walk’s distance, and their coffee and pastry selection are perfect for some R&R.

Image credit: Vesper

Say Good Riddance to your worries with a Vesper, at Vesper

A good Martini goes a long way, but a well-made Vesper will swallow a day’s problems whole. Vesper bar‘s Vesper uses both gin and vodka, Cocchi Americano, and is served from the freezer like in London’s Dukes Bar. If you’re impartial to a Martini for its very spirit-forward nature, try a very cold Vesper and let it change your mind.

Image credit: Pizzeria Mazzie

If they’re in the Minority who orders pineapple on pizza, have literally anything else at Pizzeria Mazzie

Pizzeria Mazzie, being a respectable establishment for Italian cuisine, does not have pineapples on their pizza menu. Their pizza dough contains no industrial yeasts, but is made using natural levain, a mixture of organic flour, water, and sea salt. We believe such a treat to the senses is most fitting to be connected to the song Minority, an energy-exuding staple in the band’s live sets. We really hope it’s also in the set list when Green Day is in Bangkok.

Image credit: CRYO Thailand

Perhaps, we could stick Green Day in one of CRYO Thailand’s cold chambers and wake [them] up when September ends

This has been a year, and we’re ready to skip at least half of 2025. We know CRYO Thailand specialises in cold therapy, and they have chambers using very low temperatures to help with muscle healing, and even weightloss. Sounds amazing, love it, stick them in there for a good seven months and wake them up then. Perhaps by that time, the pollution will be better, but probably not.

Image credit: Playsquare Laser Tag/Facebook

Green Day could definitely win against other 21 Guns at Playsquare Laser Tag

Laser tag is not just for kids anymore, because Playsquare offers experiences that can bring out anyone’s competitive side. Bring out your friends, compete against other people, let them lay down their arms, throw up their arms into the sky. With 40 game modes, even a small party of three (like Green Day), will surely have a field day in a friendly competition against one another.

Image credit: Ragnar Vorel/Unsplash

Lastly, time warp through the Holiday with a bucket drink from Khaosan

Those who have been to Khaosan will find roadside drinking spots offering buckets of boozy drinks. They’re amazingly cheap, and we don’t know what’s in them. That voodoo swamp witch brew could skip your holiday entirely after one sitting, alongside other potential substances easily gotten in the area. To be fair, Khaosan is one of the destinations for many visitors, and Green Day may actually be up for a casual stroll down the road.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Written by

An itinerary for Green Day in Bangkok, based on their best songs

Vichayuth Chantan

Digital Writer, Drinks and Dining

Writer by day, skinny legend by night, "Kook" Vichayuth works closely with Bangkok's F&B industry. His hobbies include bar-hopping, catching up with friends, and silently judging you from across the room.

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