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Best ‘Law of Attraction’ and manifestation books that’ll change your life

We’ve all fancied the mystical and magical ‘Law of Attraction’ – a concept that helps us create our own reality and attract whatever we desire. Cool, isn’t it? But how does it really work? Whether it’s health, wealth, prosperity or love – we’ve all tried to manifest our dreams into reality by unlocking the power of positive thinking. But many a time, we get confused by the nitty-gritty of the ‘Law of Attraction’. So many of us end up making juvenile mistakes that always block the road to our dreams and desires. That’s why we have rounded up the best books on manifestation and the ‘Law of Attraction’.

These titles will help you get the hang of the technique and put it to good use in life.

Understanding the ‘Law of Attraction’

The ‘Law of Attraction’ is a philosophy which suggests that positive thoughts bring positive results into one’s life, while negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes. According to Forbes, a certified ‘Law of Attraction’ coach and author of The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman, stated that the basic premise behind it is that ‘energy precedes manifestation’.

“Whatever we direct our powerful focus upon within the invisible realm of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions eventually manifests into outer form,” Whitman claims. Therefore, the law states that everything in your external world is a direct reflection of your internal state.

Another key to working with the law is understanding that thoughts also require action to bring them into reality. You can’t simply desire something and wait for the universe to present it without any effort. Right? You have to live in alignment with your goal via your choices and behaviour.

‘Law of Attraction’ has massively made its way into pop culture. Thanks to the best-selling novel The Secret, and celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and Steve Harvey championing the concept. Here’s your ultimate booklist to understand the concept in detail.

Transformative books on manifestation and ‘Law of Attraction’

Written by prolific spiritual thought leader Eckhart Tolle, this book offers a completely new and profound way of looking at ourselves and the world. The essence of the book is that true peace, joy and contentment come from being conscious in the present moment. The prerequisite to manifesting your desires is to be happy, joyful and most importantly, live in the moment. Tolle takes you on a powerful journey of spiritual and personal growth, teaching you how to tap into your present energies to attract peace and prosperity. The simple language and easy question-and-answer format make it perfect for anyone starting out their manifestation journey.

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The book is meant to serve and support your ultimate well-being, guiding you on a journey to manifest your deepest desires. Widely considered the blueprint of modern-day manifestation, Ask and It Is Given is for individuals seeking to understand and looking for practical techniques to hone their manifestation skills. With bite-size chapters and easy-to-understand breakdowns of topics – the book will help you align your thoughts and emotions with your desires. The authors believe that it’s your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good. So why not tap into the power of positive thinking?

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Google the ‘best books on manifestation’ and the first name to pop up is this Rhonda Byrn classic. Published over 15 years ago, The Secret took the world by storm and rightly so. The way Rhonda spills the secrets to a good life – via stories, quotes, and perspectives from New Age and self-help gurus as well as legends like Einstein, Jung and Emerson, is magical. By using her teachings in everyday aspects of your life, you can flourish in everything from money and health to relationships.

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In this book by New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein, you will embark on a transformative journey from fear to faith. The author trickles her own experiences, offering practical tools and spiritual principles to help you embrace a more fulfilling and positive life. Many of us are constantly chasing life, feeling utterly powerless when tragedies strike our fate, and the vicious cycle goes on… This novel will help you reclaim your power, give you strength when you are down, provide you synchronicity and support when you feel lost and give you joy in the otherwise painful world. Consider it your guidebook to securing success, happiness and security.

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The human mind has incredible potential, but how does one harness the power of the subconscious mind? This book entails exactly that. Joseph Murphy details how our subconscious mind influences our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, further giving you practical techniques and real-life examples on how to focus and redirect your miraculous energy to create a fulfilling life. Within each of you lies great power, an ability that helps you heal yourself, banish your fears, sleep better, enjoy better relationships and just feel happier.

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Thoroughly explaining how your inner state attracts and fructifies outer results, author Joe Vitale offers practical tips and techniques to become a magnet for whatever you desire: good job, wealth, love or health. The author is confident that if the reader follows the five steps he has laid down, they can attract success in whatever they choose. Vitale combines the principle of spiritual self-discovery with proven marketing concepts to show how you can lead a successful life both in and outside of business. With intricately detailed steps about the ‘Law of Attraction’, the author leaves nothing to the imagination and you could easily start your transformation journey.

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The book explores seven principles that can easily be applied to create success in all areas of your life. Shattering the notion that success is a by-product of hard work, ambition and exciting plans, this book teaches readers how to align themselves with the natural laws of the universe to manifest abundance. Chopra stresses that we understand our true nature and attune ourselves to the laws that govern all of creation. Only by understanding the connection between spirituality and success can you fully harness the power of manifestation.

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Another best-selling spiritual guide by the Power of Now author Eckhart Tolle, this book helps you understand how your ego is blocking the road to growth and success. Tolle argues how crucial it is to transcend your ego-based state of consciousness to not only attain personal happiness but to end conflict and suffering from the world at large. Your ego perpetuates the feelings of anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, with the author labelling it as the creator of personal dysfunction. To have a truly fulfilling existence, you must awaken to a new state of consciousness described in the book. Rich in anecdotes and philosophy, The New Earth is a spiritual manifesto for a better way of life.

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Thinking about all that you desire is one thing, but acting on it is a whole other task. The Desire Map acts as your handy guide, helping you with all the planning tools to get the results you desire. Filled with Self-assessment quizzes, worksheets, and complete ‘Desire Mapping’ tools – this book provides you with all the tools to create the life you truly desire. By helping you tap into the feelings attached to your goals, this book will make the manifestation journey more graceful and easy.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What is the best book for manifestation?

‘The Power Of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle, ‘Ask and It Is Given’ by Esther & Jerry Hicks and ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrn​ are some of the best books on manifestation.

– What are the eight rules of manifestation?

The eight rules of manifestation are: visualise, believe, feel, want, receive, act, and enjoy.

Best ‘Law of Attraction’ and manifestation books that’ll change your life

Kriti Nayyar

Digital writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech

Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.

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