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We tried the Pizza Hut sushi pizza here in Thailand so you don’t have to 

Bangkok’s latest weird food combo is the Pizza Hut sushi pizza—and we gave it a try so you don’t have to put your mouth and stomach through all that misery.

It seemed like yesterday when I had to try Burger King’s cursed Real Cheeseburger which consisted of nothing more than two burger buns and twenty slices of unadulterated, dry, processed American cheese. It was an ordeal, and yet here I am once again putting myself through another traumatic experience. Pizza Hut here in Thailand just unveiled their brand new “creation”: the wonderfully named “Pizzisusha”, which is basically a sushi pizza. Yes, you read that right; someone in their creative department thought this was a good idea.

So of course, I had to try it.

We tried the “Pizzisusha”, the Pizza Hut sushi pizza, because we hate ourselves

The first thing I asked was the obvious: who came up with this? This thing is technically just a normal pizza. You can get it as pepperoni or ham and cheese—y’know, the usual pizza toppings—except that the crust is sushi. Sushi. There was a genius out there who thought that putting sushi in a pizza crust was a good idea. Well, that or a bunch of execs just went around the table and suggested random food to stuff into the crust.

The thing is, the sushi is sushi and the stuffed crust is crust. Here’s what I mean by that: there’s rice topped with fish, egg, or imitation crab that’s stuffed into this crust that also has cheese. Those list of ingredients again: rice and fish sushi stuffed in a crust with cheese, all of which serve as the crust for an actual pizza. Does it sound like a ridiculously carb-heavy monstrosity? That’s because it is.

There’s nothing wrong with the pizza itself. It’s just your usual Pizza Hut pie, but then you get to the crust. They call it sushi but sushi is meant to be fresh and raw. The crust, of course, is baked, so it doesn’t really look appetising nor does it really taste as good as… well, actual sushi. It does come with a side of wasabi mayo, which was really nice. They also provided actual shoyu and wasabi but were left untouched. 

Basically, it’s just baked sushi attached to a pizza. It has no reason to be attached to a pizza, but for the sake of novelty and free marketing, which Pizza Hut has succeeded in because I’m evidently writing about it (dang you, Hut), they just did it. It’s not necessarily bad. It’s definitely not as bad as the Real Cheeseburger. But it’s also not good either. As my colleague said when he finally gave it a try, we were pretty much “whelmed”.

Considering that it costs THB 419, it’s not really worth your money. They say no one out-pizzas the Hut but there are certainly several places that can out-sushi the Hut. Save your hard-earned cash for the next weird combo to come in Bangkok. Maybe Taco Bell is gonna make tom yum burritos or something, I don’t know. 

We tried the Pizza Hut sushi pizza here in Thailand so you don’t have to 

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer, Entertainment

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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