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Where to order Christmas turkey for your holiday dinner in Bangkok

When it comes to a big get-together during Christmas in Bangkok, a turkey as the centrepiece is arguably an essential part. Here’s where to buy your Christmas turkey for the holiday dinner.

Christmas is coming, which means it’s almost time to break out the usual suspects of ham, log cake, stollen and — of course — turkey. Although we know that bird is the word, some may not be a fan of it. We’re not here to judge, but if it is, nothing unites a family like carving a turkey together while oversharing details of our children’s lives. Here are the places to bring home a Christmas turkey while in Bangkok and get that exact magical experience.

[Hero and featured image credit: kaboompics/Pexels]

Where to order Christmas turkey in Bangkok for your holiday dinner

Image credit: Devilish Smokin’ BarBQ Shed

Devilish Smokin’ BarBQ Shed

Price: THB 6,600 per set

This American smokehouse in Sukhumvit 101 ships their products to all over Thailand, including seasoning, rubs, spices, and more. So, when you want something to rub your meat with, they’re got you covered. For the festive season, you may be enticed to go for their cherry-smoked BBQ butterball turkey, complete with prune and cranberry stuffing, and chicken gravy. They promise the meat to be tender, smoky, and loved by the whole table.

You can find more information at Devilish Smokin’ BarBQ Shed.

Image credit: Sunrise Tacos

Sunrise Tacos

Price: THB 9,495 for the whole feast

Yes, Sunrise Tacos. In fact, they’ve been one of the proud providers of Christmas turkeys in Bangkok for years. Sunrise Tacos actually import butterball turkeys from the US. One full set is perfect for 12 persons, and comes with a bunch of sides (basically a whole dinner table spread), from dinner rolls to cream corn. It also comes with a whole 9.5 inch pie of choice, so dessert is also sorted.

You can find more information at Sunrise Tacos.

Image credit: Khlong Phai Farm

Khlong Phai Farm

Price: THB 3,210–3,600 per turkey

Khlong Phai Farm is certainly one of the most trusted places to head to while planning to purchase a Christmas turkey in Bangkok. Their free-range chickens forage outdoors and are raised by professionals with minimal environmental impact in mind. No hormones, no antibiotics, and only natural fed, which means more nutrient-packed meat for the whole family. Sides are available at additional cost.

You can find more information at Khlong Phai Farm.

Image credit: The Mandarin Oriental Shop

The Mandarin Oriental Shop

Price: Starting at THB 14,400 per set

For a more bougie Christmas turkey, The Mandarin Oriental’s online shop is offering a whole roasted Christmas turkey set, complete with stuffing, gilbet, cranberries, braised red cabbages, roasted bruxelles, chestnut, and roasted potatoes. Those interested can choose between 6, 8, and 10 kg of turkey.

You can find more information at The Mandarin Oriental Shop.

Image credit: Villa Market

Villa Market

Price: THB 4,200 per set

Villa Market has been selling their turkey recipe for almost 50 years, along with many quintessential festive dishes, so it’s perfectly doable to pop by and get the whole dinner ready in one go. Their turkey weighs around 4.5 kg, and comes with 1 kg of stuffing and a litre of gravy.

You can find more information at Villa Market.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I order a Christmas turkey in Bangkok?

Ordering Christmas turkey in Bangkok is very easily done online, including suppliers such as Khlong Phai Farm.

How much does a Christmas turkey cost in Bangkok?

A Christmas turkey can cost from around THB 3,000 upwards, with many providers offering a full set mean rather than just a turkey.

When should I order my Christmas turkey in Bangkok?

Order as soon as possible, as turkeys can easily run out. Last minute orders can still be done 3-5 days in advance.

What is included in a Christmas turkey dinner package in Bangkok?

When buying a Christmas turkey, many providers offer a set of stuffing, sides, and gravy. Check with the supplier prior to ordering to ensure you get everything you need.

Written by

Where to order Christmas turkey for your holiday dinner in Bangkok

Vichayuth Chantan

Digital Writer, Drinks and Dining

Writer by day, skinny legend by night, "Kook" Vichayuth works closely with Bangkok's F&B industry. His hobbies include bar-hopping, catching up with friends, and silently judging you from across the room.

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