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Arctic Monkeys are coming to Bangkok in March 2023

Do you wanna know if the feeling goes both ways? Ask the Arctic Monkeys yourself, for they’ll be coming to Bangkok for the first time this upcoming March.

British indie rock band Arctic Monkeys recently announced their Asia Tour in 2023, and their Thai debut is set for 9 March 2023, at BITEC Hall. It’s the perfect occasion for when the sun goes down, and when you want to get into a certain romance.

Be sure to grab your friends fast, because we hear it’s selling out quick.

[Hero and featured image credit: Arctic Monkeys/Facebook]

Arctic Monkeys coming to Bangkok in March 2023

Plus, it’ll be their first Asia tour after their seventh album The Car was released in October this year. Check it out if you haven’t heard it, as it continues the charm of what makes the band great, while exploring a range of genres—from lounge pop to sounds of jazz. That also means we’ll be one of the first to hear it live on stage.

Tickets are on sale now at Ticketmelon, with prices ranging from THB 4,000 – 7,000.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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Arctic Monkeys are coming to Bangkok in March 2023

Vichayuth Chantan

Digital Writer, Drinks and Dining

Writer by day, skinny legend by night, "Kook" Vichayuth works closely with Bangkok's F&B industry. His hobbies include bar-hopping, catching up with friends, and silently judging you from across the room.

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