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9 Thai drag queens you should follow this Pride Month and beyond

“When you become the image of your own imagination, it’s the most powerful thing you could ever do.” – RuPaul. Let these Thai drag queens show you that exact image.

The LGBTQ+ scene in Thailand has always been a part of what makes the country unique, and it is flourishing more than ever. With Pangina Heals being casted to the international stage, Thai drag is now watched and celebrated by people all over the world.

Beyond the iconic Pangina, here is a list of Thai drag queens that serve looks, face, and performances like no other. Be sure to have a first-aid kit on standby, because you will be gagging.

[Hero image credit: M Stranger Fox/Facebook; featured image credit: thefoiegras.s/Instagram]

9 Thai drag queens you should follow this Pride Month and beyond

Natalia Pliacam

Natalia is the winner of the first season of Drag Race Thailand, and also the very first plus-size winner of the whole franchise. Both in and out of drag, she is an accomplished MC, speaker, and a fierce advocate for LGBTQ+ rights in the country. Feel free to follow Natalia to see her gorgeous looks, beautifully-coiffed hair, and happenings around Bangkok.

Angele Anang

Angele’s run on Drag Race Thailand is nothing short of groundbreaking. Having participated in season two, she is the first transgender woman to win in the whole franchise. She is also the only one to win 6 challenges in a season, and the only to win five times consecutively. Apart from being a fierce competitor, Angele is also a talented performer, model, and Beyoncé impersonator.

Bunny Be Fly

Speaking of talented costume designers, one cannot leave Bunny Be Fly out of the conversation. The looks she made are handcrafted and detailed. Her armoury-style costumes are already recognisable in international waters, with many well-known competitors of Drag Race having worn her looks, including Lemon and Jan.

M Stranger Fox

Not only is she a fierce competitor on the second season of Drag Race Thailand, M Stranger Fox is also the proud owner of The Stranger Bar, the first full-drag venue in Thailand. You can find her in full-beat face and in stunning looks, as she’s hosting shows and MC-ing at her bar.

Srirasha Hotsauce

Srirasha Hotsauce is one of the performers present in The Stranger Bar, and owner of one of the best drag names in herstory— please welcome to the stage, Srirasha Hotsauce. Ever since she established herself as a drag queen in Bangkok, she has been booked and blessed for her lipsync abilities.


Resident Cher impersonator of The Stranger Bar, Cherilyn is the Dark Lady of Thailand. From her look, down to her mannerisms, she has Cher down to a T. When she’s hitting the stage, you know she’s going to turn back time and make you believe in love after love.


Gawd really is a woman. Drag artist Gawdland is in her early 20s, and yet has already been featured in a Jean-Paul Gaultier perfume campaign and appeared in Troye Sivan’s music video for Got Me Started. You can find her at drag-related events around the city, and being an undeniable presence at pride parades.


Nothing hits harder than a death-dropping diva with the name “Foiegras.” She serves looks, she serves gag-worthy lipsyncs, she serves celebrity impersonations, and a whole lot more. If you haven’t seen an Avril Lavigne impersonation act, you’ll find her as a resident at Bipolar Silom.


Curves, swerves, flips, dips, mug, hair, face — she serves them all, and she makes it look so easy. A resident at Bipolar Silom, she normally serves glam with a dash of camp, along with a face card that never declines.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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9 Thai drag queens you should follow this Pride Month and beyond

Vichayuth Chantan

Digital Writer, Drinks and Dining

Writer by day, skinny legend by night, "Kook" Vichayuth works closely with Bangkok's F&B industry. His hobbies include bar-hopping, catching up with friends, and silently judging you from across the room.

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