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LSA Opinion: Is Choc Mint a good drink?

Choc Mint has been getting a lot of publicity in Thailand in the last few weeks, especially given its new brand ambassadors. This week, the Lifestyle Asia Thailand team sits at the dessert table to discuss: Is Choc Mint a good drink?

Whilst we are more used to seeing celebrities endorse products in Thailand, recently, the PR for Choc Mint has been through the roof. It’s mostly thanks to Think Lab, a cafe and creative space frequented by famous yet unconventional influencers.

Made up of iced cocoa and peppermint syrup, a lot of the Choc Mint buzz began on 15 May 2023, and has been growing ever since. Netizens from across the country have gathered to taste-test and comment on the flavour of this viral beverage. Much like the viral Burger King cheeseburger from earlier this month, the verdict is skewered.

[Hero and Featured Image Credit: The Oero/Unsplash]

choc mint drink thailand
Image Credit: American Heritage Chocolate/Unsplash

Of course, chocolate and mint is no new combination. It has long been a popular — though also heavily disputed — ice cream flavour. Across Asia, it is also featured prominently on various food menus. In Thailand, recent events and happenings have brought Choc Mint into the forefront of the local conscience, as especially the younger generation has come out to voice their opinions. Does it taste like toothpaste? Does it taste two-faced? 

As with most things, we know it’s all about finding the right balance. Where dark chocolate meets a sweet peppermint syrup, in an ideal world, Choc Mint would be an honest and agreeable collaboration. One flavour should not overpower the other, as true freedom of flavour is key to any kitchen’s constitution. 

Below, the Lifestyle Asia Thailand team gets together to share their opinion, because in our team, every voice matters. Full transparency: none of us have actually tried this drink. You know what this is really about. 

LSA Opinion: Is Choc Mint a good drink?

choc mint thailand drink
Image Credit: American Heritage Chocolate/Unsplash

Well, some people seem to think it was a good drink. As of late, it seems to have left a bad taste in people’s mouths. Perhaps it’s because it’s using a different brand of milk or maybe because it seems to be compromising on who it is, or at least who the public thought it was: a somewhat reliable second-choice drink. You know what’s a good drink that everyone has made abundantly clear they like? Chocolate orange. But hey, who cares what everyones likes anyway, right?
ES, Senior Writer

I haven’t tried it yet, but I love chocolate and mint. However, the combination sounds a little weird, and I heard someone say that for Choc Mint, you’ll either love it or hate it. There is no in between. Many friends of mine love it. Would I try it? No.
IN, Intern

choc mint thailand
Image Credit: Raphael Lovaski/Unsplash

Bro. I’m a Gen Z-er and I like things that are straightforward, so an elusive drink like Choc Mint certainly doesn’t get me into its clan. It can’t even decide if it’s a Choc or a Mint. If it wants more people to like it, it should just be honest and stop playing games for once, especially for the sake of the people who have always been by its side. Anyway, I heard the Signature Chocolate at Walden Home Cafe is really, really good.
PC, Content Writer

I’ve never tried it but it’s probably good. I’m a huge chocolate mint fan.
TC, Content Writer

choc mint thailand
Image Credit: The Oero/Unsplash

I love chocolate. Chocolate banana, chocolate orange, chocolate strawberry…I can go on and on. So yes to chocolate mint drinks. But also yes to objects shaped like chocolate, gifts of chocolates, those surprise chocolate boxes where you pick out a flavour, chocolate-flavoured jelly beans, chocolate pudding in huge vats, chocolate rabbits, and chocolate statues…Sorry, off topic. Yes.
PL, Intern

Nope. I drink tea, sis.
LG, Creative Content Director

choc mint thailand dessert
Image Credit: Meritt Thomas/Unsplash

Why should Choc Mint get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under its big feet? What’s so great about Choc Mint? Hm? Choc Orange is just as cute as Choc Mint. Choc Orange is just as smart as Choc Mint. People totally like Choc Orange just as much as they like Choc Mint. And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that’s not what Thailand is about. We should totally just stab Choc Mint.
KV, Content Writer

LSA Opinion: Is Choc Mint a good drink?

Lisa Gries

Creative Content Director, Bangkok

Lisa is the Creative Content Director at Lifestyle Asia and Prestige Thailand. When she’s not knees-deep in SEO analysis or editorial calendars, you’ll likely find her in downward-facing dog at the yoga studio, or immersed in conversation at a secret bar in China town. Lisa writes mostly on dining, travel, and pop-culture, and is a huge fan of soup dumplings, Riesling, and power napping — in exactly that order.

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