It is scientifically proven that your Pride in Bangkok experience cannot be complete without drag shows. Here’s how to not get werked up, by following these specific drag show etiquette rules.
With a number of Emmy awards and spots in primetime television all over the world, drag has now reached mainstream status. This is a great time for drag artists everywhere, as people are more likely to visit queer spaces, be more inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community and the display of their identity, and, of course, tip the dolls that come to perform. Bangkok’s drag shows — dare we say — are on par with any of the top cities in the world.
If you’re heading to a drag show for the first time, it can feel a bit intimidating. It’s not like a concert where you’ll be watching from afar — rather, you’ll be able to get up close and personal with the queens. Plus, each space has their own unsaid set of rules. How do you enjoy yourself while still remaining respectful? We’re here to help with an ultimate guide to drag shows in Bangkok.
[Hero image credit: Din/Pexels; featured image credit: Greta Hoffman/Pexels]
The ultimate guide to drag shows in Bangkok

1. Performance Space
Acknowledge the space—the runways, the stage, and the floor. It’s usually well-defined, and if you’re standing in the way, someone will let you know. Sometimes, when drag shows take place at a private event or at a restaurant, the performance space can take up the whole floor, so be wary.
The most important thing is to not intrude on the space at all costs. Unless they specifically invite you on stage for the act, do not get onto the stage, or, God forbid, walk in front of anyone while they’re performing. It’s the easiest way to get kicked out of a show. For drag shows in Bangkok, there are usually stages, but drag brunches are a bit trickier. Stay by your table if you can.
2. Expect to be included
Some hosts like to engage with the audience, and they most likely pick the audience members closest to them. This isn’t exclusive to drag shows in Bangkok, but anywhere in the world. They will ask you questions, read you down, or let you participate in the act. It’s not guaranteed that this scenario will happen, but if it does, be prepared and stay cool.
If you don’t want to be included, steer clear of the front row.
3. Remember that it’s not about you
No shade intended at all, but the audience is there to watch the dolls displayed on the infographic. You may go to a show for your birthday, bachelorette party, divorce party, will-reading-as-the-young-wife-after-rich-husband-dies party, but don’t forget the venue is booked for the artists.
Do not interrupt the performance, don’t heckle the host, and don’t make a spectacle of yourself. Sometimes the performer might even sing you a ‘Happy Birthday,’ but after you bask in the moment, sit down and enjoy the show with respect, together with the other members of the audience.

4. Be an active audience member
If the queens feel the positivity in the room, the performance is enhanced. It’s just science. When the performer steps onto the stage, cheer. If you love their costume, holler. If they’re serving you camp, laugh like your ex just got fired from their new job.
Drag performer Amadiva once said, “If you like the performance, tip the queen so they can keep entertaining you. If you don’t like it, tip the queen so they can afford better clothes.”
Every artist has spent hours rehearsing their performance, so be enthusiastic and show your appreciation for the art form.
5. Buy a drink
Some performances require you to buy a ticket, and that’s all good. But if you go to a live performance at a watering hole in Silom or equivalent, show the venue some love by purchasing a drink. It will go a long way in helping these establishments provide a residency for the queens. A bar doesn’t operate for free, after all. So, if you love these queens, vote with your wallet to show you want to see them back again.
6. Be respectful
Drag shows are queer spaces, period. Even if the venue is not inherently a queer space, drag shows queer-ify any place they are performed in. They have turned into a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, allies are fully welcome, but it is very important to respect the diversity and identity of both performers and members of the audience.
You will be encountering different people with different definitions of gender and sexuality. Drag, in essence, plays with the concept of gender and tears the usual concept of labels to shreds. Don’t assume anything, be inclusive, and ask for their pronouns — in fact, many are comfortable with answering anything as long as it comes from a respectful place. Leave the judgment at the door, and engage others with love and compassion.