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We tried the viral Burger King ‘Real Cheeseburger’ so you don’t have to 

For the sake of journalism, we put our lives and digestive systems on the line and tried the “Real Cheeseburger” from Burger King. 

Trigger warning for the lactose intolerant

For a country so beloved for its food, culinary atrocities surface every now and then here in the Land of Smiles. Of course, it’s not surprising that those who commit them are not the humble street food vendors hawking delicacies like khao man gai or som tum, but the larger food chains looking to make a marketable buck or two. 

Now, make way for the latest food crime. Burger King, who not so long ago also served chocolate burgers for a hot minute, is now serving what they’re calling the “Real Cheeseburger.” That doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Maybe, but not until you realise that it’s merely 20 slices of cheese between burger buns. 

This is obviously just some sort of marketing ploy (we’ve obviously fallen for it because we’re writing about it)—or could it actually taste good by some sort of miracle? Well, we’ve done the research and tried the burger for ourselves, and we’re here to tell you the verdict.

We tried the Burger King Thailand’s ‘Real Cheeseburger’ so you can save your tastebuds

Image credit: Burger King

Yeah, it sucks. 

I mean, I already knew it was going to suck but for the sake of journalism and because my boss forced me to (raise, please?), I had to bite the, uh, cheese. To be fair, each of my colleagues in my team including my boss also took a bite of this abomination just so we can check we’re all on the same page. And yes, we’re all in agreement that it is horrid.

It isn’t really shocking that it’s bad. It’s literally burger bun, 20 slices of cheese, and burger bun. There’s no sauce, though Burger King graciously threw in some ketchup packets, perhaps suggesting that ketchup might help. But the team and I took a bite of this thing without any condiments, and it was as revolting as you thought it would be: dry, a shock to the digestive system, and literally a thousand calories worth of unnecessary processed cheese. That’s another thing: for something called the “Real Cheeseburger,” there’s nothing real about any of the cheese here.

Image credit: Lifestyle Asia

Whilst each of my colleagues took only one bite, I was able to muster the courage to go for two. I thought it would at least be good enough that I could finish it, but two bites were all I could endure before chucking it into the bin. Still don’t trust us? Let famous travel blogger Richard Barrow put your doubts to rest. 

The horrible excuse of a burger has also made it to CNN, so… yay, I guess?

It makes me wonder why Burger King thought of this aside from the viral aspect of it. Perhaps they just have a surplus of cheese lying around. Perhaps they just hate us. 

If you’d like to waste THB109 on this dairy monstrosity, you can buy it from any Burger King branch or order from Grab

We tried the viral Burger King ‘Real Cheeseburger’ so you don’t have to 

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer, Entertainment

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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