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A list of ‘Harry Potter’ spells for muggles

Sadly, not everyone is privy to the secrets of the Wizarding World, so if you’re a muggle, here’s a list of spells that you should know from Harry Potter.

The world in which the boy wizard Harry Potter lives pulsates with the rhythm of whispered spells, the list of which is very long. Each incantation is like a thread woven into the tapestry of grand magic. They are always on the tongues of witches and wizards, unlocking doors, conjuring light and even calling forth ethereal guardians for defence. Of course, there is always that characteristic flick of the wand which acts like a trigger and makes the spell come alive.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was created by British author J.K. Rowling with the first book in the Harry Potter series — Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1997. It was followed by six more titles that together completed the story of its iconic titular character from his boyhood days at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to his final showdown with the dark wizard Lord Voldemort. The books were adapted into eight movies, starting with Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001). The main cinematic franchise ended with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011).

Why Harry Potter spells are still popular?

The massive popularity of the Harry Potter films also helped a lot of spells become everyday words for fans around the world. There are seven types of spells in Harry Potter’s universe: charms, curses, transfigurations, healing spells, jinxes, hexes and counter-spells. Charms are typically the least harmful and are used mostly on objects. Curses, jinxes and hexes, however, are harmful.

Take for example Lumos. It is a spell that illuminates the tip of the wand of the caster to help them see in the dark. Or Accio, a charm that is used to summon objects in the books and the movies. The two magical words are among other similar Harry Potter ‘spells’ that iPhone users can speak into their phones to execute fun-filled tasks such as switching on the torch or opening apps.

Wizarding world
Hermione Granger, played by Emma Watson, about to cast a spell in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I. (Image: Courtesy of Jaap Buitendijk – © 2010 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. HARRY POTTER PUBLISHING RIGHTS (C) J.K.R. HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS, NAMES AND RELATED/IMDb)

However, all spells in the world of Harry Potter, the charming wizard played by Daniel Radcliffe in the movies, are not just about mischief or charm. Some are extremely dangerous and are used by the practitioners of the dark arts, like Lord Voldemort or the equally powerful Gellert Grindelwald from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book and film series — set some decades before Harry Potter’s birth.

These powerful magical incantations include Imperio (for control), Crucio (for pain) and Avada Kedavra (for death) — the three ‘Unforgivable Curses’ in the world of Harry Potter that are used by the evil witches and wizards.

While most spells must be spoken, whether out loud or in a whisper, some are non-verbal. There is indeed a mix of whimsical and fearsome when all spells are put together, the diversity and usage of each prove that it is not the wand but the holder’s heart, which is ultimately good or evil.

As for the names of spells, the official website of the Wizarding World says, “The origins of many incantations [harken] back to Latin terms and phrases; some spells translate pretty directly, while others have been carefully crafted and assembled from fragments of other languages.”

List of Harry Potter spells and what they do


Aberto: Unlocks doors.

Accio: Summons an object.

Aguamenti: Summons water.

Alohomora: Unlocks closed objects like boxes and other items.

Anapneo: Clears blocked airways in people.

Aparecium: Reveals hidden messages or written secrets.

Apparate: A teleportation spell that is non-verbal, which means it doesn’t need to be uttered.

Ascendio: Propels someone into the air.

Avada Kedavra: The most dangerous spell in the Wizarding World. It can kill people and is, thus, also known as The Killing Curse.

Avis: Conjures up a flock of birds.


Bat-Bogey Hex: Turns the target’s boogers (nasal mucus) into bats.

Bombardo: As the name suggests, triggers a blast.

Brackium Emendo: Quickly heals broken bones.


Capacious Extremis: Expands the holding capacity of an object on the inside without affecting its dimensions on the outside. It is also known as the Extension Charm.

Confundo: Leaves the target confused for a while. Also known as the Confundus Charm.

Conjunctivitis Curse: Temporarily affects the vision of the target.

Crinus Muto: Changes colour of hair and style.

Crucio: Causes unbearable pain in the target.


Diffindo: Cuts an object in precise measurements.

Disillusionment Charm: Caster takes the appearance of their surroundings.

Disapparate: Does the opposite of Apparate. Also, non-verbal.


Engorgio: Target object grows rapidly.

Episkey: Heals minor injuries.

Expecto Patronum: Creates either corporeal Patronus or a wisp of light which helps drive away Dementors. Corporeal Patronus is the most powerful form and emerges from a happy memory of the caster.

Erecto: Quickly builds any structure.

Evanesco: Makes objects vanish.

Expelliarmus: Makes target drop whatever they are holding.


Ferula: Wraps and bandages can be conjured up to heal wounds.

Fidelius: Applies only to a chosen “secret keeper” in whose soul a secret is concealed. Works if the location where the secret lies is worthy of concealment. Once done, the location becomes invisible to all.

Fiendfyre: Extremely powerful enchanted flames that destroy anything in its path.

Finite Incantatem: Counter-spell to reverse most charms.

Furnunculus Curse: Causes the target body to have pimples and boils.


Geminio: Creates duplicate objects.

Glisseo: Transforms a staircase into a slide.


Homenum Revelio: Detects the hidden presence of entities.

Homonculus Charm: This Harry Potter spell was used to create the Marauder’s Map. It detects the true identity of anyone and their location on the map.

Marauder's Map
Image: Courtesy of IMDb


Immobulus: Living targets are immobilised.

Impedimenta: Moving targets are slowed down temporarily.

Incarcerous: Conjures ropes.

Imperio: The target is under the complete control of the caster.

Impervius: Makes an object waterproof.

Incendio: Conjures flames.


Langlock: The tongue of the target sticks to the roof of their mouth.

Legilimens: Caster can penetrate and learn thoughts in the target mind.

Levicorpus: Levitates the target by their ankle.

Locomotor Mortis: The legs of the target get locked.

Lumos: One of the simplest Harry Potter spells, it creates a ball of light on the caster’s wand like a torch.

Image: Courtesy of IMDb


Morsmordre: Conjures and projects Lord Voldemort’s Dark Mark.

Mucus Ad Nauseam: Causes an extreme case of runny nose or cold.

Muffliato: Target is unable to hear anything due to a constant buzzing sound in their ears.


Nox: The opposite of Lumos which extinguishes the wand’s light.


Obliviate: Erases memory.

Obscuro: Conjures a blindfold.

Oculus Reparo: Repairs damaged eyeglasses.

Oppugno: Causes an object or person to attack another target.


Petrificus Totalus: Temporarily stuns the body of a target.

Periculum: Conjures either red sparks or flares.

Piertotum Locomotor: Inanimate objects or artefacts are brought to life.

Protean Charm: Links objects together for better communication.

Protego: Creates an invisible shield on the caster and protects from any other spell except The Killing Curse.


Reducto: Destroys target to pieces.

Reducio: Brings back a magically enlarged object to its original size.

Renneverate: Helps the target gain consciousness or awaken.

Reparifors: Heals ailments caused by other spells.

Reparo: Repairs broken objects.

Rictusempra: Disarms an opponent by tickling them.

Riddikulus: Believed to work only on a scary creature called Boggart, which turns it into a funny creature.


Scourgify: Cleans objects.

Sectumsempra: Causes severe lacerations and haemorrhaging.

Serpensortia: Conjures up a live snake.

Silencio: Silences the target by making them shut their mouths.

Sonorus: Increases the decibel of the caster’s voice.

Spongify: Turns a hard object into a soft one, almost like rubber.

Stupefy: Similar to Petrificus Totalus; stuns objects and living targets unconscious.


Tarantallegra: Makes target dance uncontrollably.


Unbreakable Vow: A magically binding contract between two or more witches or wizards that makes them bound to it for life. It usually has objects bound to the bodies of the contractors which kills them if they attempt to break the vow.


Wingardium Leviosa: Causes any object to levitate.

All Harry Potter movies are available to rent on Amazon Prime Video.

(Hero image: Courtesy of Jaap Buitendijk – © 2011 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. HARRY POTTER PUBLISHING RIGHTS (C) J.K.R. HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS, NAMES AND RELATED IN/IMDb; Featured image: Courtesy of © 2005 Warner Bros. Ent. Harry Potter Publishing Rights J.K.R./IMDb)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What is Harry Potter’s famous spell?

One of Harry Potter’s most famous spells is Accio, which is used to summon objects.

– What are the seven types of spells in Harry Potter?

The seven types of spells in the Harry Potter universe are charms, curses, transfigurations, healing spells, jinxes, hexes and counter-spells.

– What is the happy spell in Harry Potter?

Expecto Patronum is considered a happy spell because it uses a happy memory to create a mythical animal to help the caster chase Dementors away.

– What are the two most powerful spells in Harry Potter?

Several spells are very powerful, but Imperium, which is used to control others for a long time, and The Killing Curse are two of the most powerful ones.

– What is Harry Potter’s strongest spell?

Being a special wizard, Harry Potter can overcome even Imperium. He is capable of using any spell to its maximum potential, sometimes even without having mastered it, as he did with Expecto Patronum.

A list of ‘Harry Potter’ spells for muggles

Manas Sen Gupta writes at the intersection of tech, entertainment and history. His works have appeared in publications such as The Statesman, Myanmar Matters, Hindustan Times and News18/ETV. In his spare time, Manas loves studying interactive charts and topographic maps. When not doing either, he prefers reading detective fiction. Spring is his favourite season and he can happily eat a bowl of noodles any time of the day.

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