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The best memes on the Internet about the Tesla robot

A new Tesla robot is coming soon, which Musk says can do “anything you want”, so of course, the internet made memes. 

Tesla has unveiled brand new innovations recently if they can be called that. One of them is a self-driving cab, and then a Tesla van, and another is a robot. Though officially named the Tesla Optimus, the internet has referred to it simply as the Tesla robot. Though it seems like a big innovative step in technology, the internet and its collective derision of Tesla’s founder, Elon Musk, have taken to the Platform Formerly Known as Twitter, which Musk ironically owns, to populate it with Tesla robot memes. 

[Hero image: Fox]

The best memes about the Tesla robot that can do “anything you want”


At the reveal event, Musk said that they were improving year after year in the development of the robot and claimed that people can have their “own personal R2-D2, C-3PO” soon as per a report by Complex.

“It’ll do basically anything you want. It can walk your dog, mow your lawn, get groceries…be your friend. Anything you can think of, it will do,” he said. That, of course, sent the internet scrambling to make memes. 

The robot has not only generated memes but also criticism for its design, specifically from filmmaker Alex Proyas. Proyas directed the 2004 movie I, Robot, starring Will Smith, which told the story of an intelligent robot that seemed to have violated its protocol of not harming humans. The design of the robots in the film is eerily similar to that of the Tesla robot and so are the newly unveiled cab and van, prompting Proyas to tweet, “Hey Elon, can I have my designs back please?”

Netizens wasted no time in making memes about the Tesla robot, and we’ve compiled some of the best we’ve found here. 


The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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The best memes on the Internet about the Tesla robot

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer | Entertainment & Tech

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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